As Floridians Are Displaced, Rubio Demands More Foreign Workers

So you are for open borders?
Not open. Just more open. There has to be a way to allow people to come to work with a minimum of fuss and expense. T he current system simply doesnt work.

Have you recently examined the job participation rate?

Why does there "has to be" a better way to allow people to come in and take jobs that the 5.4 percent that are unemployed should be, or could be doing?
The only explination for his position is hypocrisy. I bet you anything if we were to did up old threads we would find him with a different position. Specifically with regards to Obamas attempts to bring more foreign workers here via special visas a couple years back. But apparently he likes Rubio so he now has a different position.

With the state of the economy why do you suppose they are so intent on bring in these people? I can understand a company wanting to cut costs. But our government allowing it, what is up with that?
My position is simple. You have a company here? Americans get first dibs on the jobs. Period.
Expecting Americans to compete with people who cram 4 families into one house so that their expenses are less & they can work for less is BULLSHIT. And quite frankly I am stunned at the Rabbis position

I too am surprised at Rabbi's position. Could be that he is a Rubio fan and is defending Rubio.
I'm a conservative. That means I favor the free movement of capital and labor. Anyone who doesnt favor those things is not a conservative.

Free movement of capital & labor =/= illegal aliens & foreigners taking Americans jobs anymore than it means insider trading is legal or charity scams are legal.
I'm also guessing you will never bitch about unions again right?
Huh? Unions represent the opposite of conservative values. They are for artificially setting prices on labor.
There is no such thing as "American jobs." Americans do not have a right to a certain job. No one does. That's what capitalism is all about.
No such things as "American Jobs" ????

Fuck you. I ONLY hire Americans because my jobs are for Americans, by Americans.
It's your choice.
But there are no "American jobs." When you get undercut by your competitors hiring foreign workers it isnt my problem.
You're no patriot. Traitor to the people
Spoken like a good little fascist. Now goose step on.
I never would have guessed that you're one of those who'd sell out your brothers to save a buck...
I'd never guess you were one to overcharge people and deny opportunity to those who would like to work hard to get ahead.
OK, maybe I could have guessed that.
Competition sucks. Yes it does. I like Rubio more and more.

Fuck them businesses & Rubio. I can't believe you would be okay with this.
I'm a conservative. That means I favor the free movement of capital and labor. Anyone who doesnt favor those things is not a conservative.

So you are for open borders?
Not open. Just more open. There has to be a way to allow people to come to work with a minimum of fuss and expense. T he current system simply doesnt work.

Have you recently examined the job participation rate?

Why does there "has to be" a better way to allow people to come in and take jobs that the 5.4 percent that are unemployed should be, or could be doing?
The people here are not taking those jobs. Ergo they are not being taken from anyone. This is a stupid mantra repeated by so-called conservatives who ought to know better.
So you are for open borders?
Not open. Just more open. There has to be a way to allow people to come to work with a minimum of fuss and expense. T he current system simply doesnt work.

Have you recently examined the job participation rate?

Why does there "has to be" a better way to allow people to come in and take jobs that the 5.4 percent that are unemployed should be, or could be doing?
The only explination for his position is hypocrisy. I bet you anything if we were to did up old threads we would find him with a different position. Specifically with regards to Obamas attempts to bring more foreign workers here via special visas a couple years back. But apparently he likes Rubio so he now has a different position.

With the state of the economy why do you suppose they are so intent on bring in these people? I can understand a company wanting to cut costs. But our government allowing it, what is up with that?
My position is simple. You have a company here? Americans get first dibs on the jobs. Period.
Expecting Americans to compete with people who cram 4 families into one house so that their expenses are less & they can work for less is BULLSHIT. And quite frankly I am stunned at the Rabbis position
So people who are motivated to succeed should be shut out by fiat? Frankly I am stunned at your lack of respect for poor struggling people.
Not open. Just more open. There has to be a way to allow people to come to work with a minimum of fuss and expense. T he current system simply doesnt work.

Have you recently examined the job participation rate?

Why does there "has to be" a better way to allow people to come in and take jobs that the 5.4 percent that are unemployed should be, or could be doing?
The only explination for his position is hypocrisy. I bet you anything if we were to did up old threads we would find him with a different position. Specifically with regards to Obamas attempts to bring more foreign workers here via special visas a couple years back. But apparently he likes Rubio so he now has a different position.

With the state of the economy why do you suppose they are so intent on bring in these people? I can understand a company wanting to cut costs. But our government allowing it, what is up with that?
My position is simple. You have a company here? Americans get first dibs on the jobs. Period.
Expecting Americans to compete with people who cram 4 families into one house so that their expenses are less & they can work for less is BULLSHIT. And quite frankly I am stunned at the Rabbis position
So people who are motivated to succeed should be shut out by fiat? Frankly I am stunned at your lack of respect for poor struggling people.
Fuck poor illegals & fuck you. Clear enough? Now take your bleeding heart liberal bullshit & git down the road. There is another liberal cause waiting on you elsewhere

GrampaMurkedU is stunned that Rabbi is such an easy sell out. Typical hack can't help but flip flop cause like the rest he has ZERO ability to exercise any political restraint. Wind blows he tumbles right along
What's it like selling your soul so cheap Rabbi?
All them poor illegals that are stealing the services, taxs & jobs of Americans thank you. I'm sure Rubio would thank you for being such a diligent pawn.

All that shit you mocked the left for all this time I've been here and now you join them....
No backbone

Fuck them businesses & Rubio. I can't believe you would be okay with this.
I'm a conservative. That means I favor the free movement of capital and labor. Anyone who doesnt favor those things is not a conservative.

So you are for open borders?
Not open. Just more open. There has to be a way to allow people to come to work with a minimum of fuss and expense. T he current system simply doesnt work.

Have you recently examined the job participation rate?

Why does there "has to be" a better way to allow people to come in and take jobs that the 5.4 percent that are unemployed should be, or could be doing?
The people here are not taking those jobs. Ergo they are not being taken from anyone. This is a stupid mantra repeated by so-called conservatives who ought to know better.
The only thing stupid is your BLATANT hypocrisy
Have you recently examined the job participation rate?

Why does there "has to be" a better way to allow people to come in and take jobs that the 5.4 percent that are unemployed should be, or could be doing?
The only explination for his position is hypocrisy. I bet you anything if we were to did up old threads we would find him with a different position. Specifically with regards to Obamas attempts to bring more foreign workers here via special visas a couple years back. But apparently he likes Rubio so he now has a different position.

With the state of the economy why do you suppose they are so intent on bring in these people? I can understand a company wanting to cut costs. But our government allowing it, what is up with that?
My position is simple. You have a company here? Americans get first dibs on the jobs. Period.
Expecting Americans to compete with people who cram 4 families into one house so that their expenses are less & they can work for less is BULLSHIT. And quite frankly I am stunned at the Rabbis position
So people who are motivated to succeed should be shut out by fiat? Frankly I am stunned at your lack of respect for poor struggling people.
Fuck poor illegals & fuck you. Clear enough? Now take your bleeding heart liberal bullshit & git down the road. There is another liberal cause waiting on you elsewhere
Nothing bleeding heart about it. I want people to be able to earn what they can and have opportunity. You dont. You dont give a shit about people struggling to make it.

GrampaMurkedU is stunned that Rabbi is such an easy sell out. Typical hack can't help but flip flop cause like the rest he has ZERO ability to exercise any political restraint. Wind blows he tumbles right along
You're a dupe to the idiot wing of the GOP. You think people are liabilities and restriting their entry will somehow make everyone else's life better. You are no better than 1 Percenter or the other economic dolts who want to restrict imports.
The only explination for his position is hypocrisy. I bet you anything if we were to did up old threads we would find him with a different position. Specifically with regards to Obamas attempts to bring more foreign workers here via special visas a couple years back. But apparently he likes Rubio so he now has a different position.

With the state of the economy why do you suppose they are so intent on bring in these people? I can understand a company wanting to cut costs. But our government allowing it, what is up with that?
My position is simple. You have a company here? Americans get first dibs on the jobs. Period.
Expecting Americans to compete with people who cram 4 families into one house so that their expenses are less & they can work for less is BULLSHIT. And quite frankly I am stunned at the Rabbis position
So people who are motivated to succeed should be shut out by fiat? Frankly I am stunned at your lack of respect for poor struggling people.
Fuck poor illegals & fuck you. Clear enough? Now take your bleeding heart liberal bullshit & git down the road. There is another liberal cause waiting on you elsewhere
Nothing bleeding heart about it. I want people to be able to earn what they can and have opportunity. You dont. You dont give a shit about people struggling to make it.
You are one confused hack. I don't give a shit about illegals, you are correct on that. Unlike you, I'm guessing, I give regularly to the food pantries that serve the poor.

You can shove your open border agenda up your ass

GrampaMurkedU is stunned that Rabbi is such an easy sell out. Typical hack can't help but flip flop cause like the rest he has ZERO ability to exercise any political restraint. Wind blows he tumbles right along
You're a dupe to the idiot wing of the GOP. You think people are liabilities and restriting their entry will somehow make everyone else's life better. You are no better than 1 Percenter or the other economic dolts who want to restrict imports.
Who said anything about imports you stupid hack? Oh that's right, no one but you.
You can TRY projecting all you want, it is clear you are pro open border now since Rubio is your guy.
You are no different than the rest of the left. You are part of the problem.

GrampaMurkedU is stunned that Rabbi is such an easy sell out. Typical hack can't help but flip flop cause like the rest he has ZERO ability to exercise any political restraint. Wind blows he tumbles right along
You're a dupe to the idiot wing of the GOP. You think people are liabilities and restriting their entry will somehow make everyone else's life better. You are no better than 1 Percenter or the other economic dolts who want to restrict imports.
Who said anything about imports you stupid hack? Oh that's right, no one but you.
You can TRY projecting all you want, it is clear you are pro open border now since Rubio is your guy.
You are no different than the rest of the left. You are part of the problem.
Immigrants are imports. It doesnt matter whether you try to restrict imports of goods or imports of people. IT is the same thing.
You also dont care about your fellow Americans struggling to make budgets in the Obama era who might benefit from lower costs. You must be an Obama voter. Or would be anyway.
And I probably write bigger checks to charity in a year than you do.

Free movement of capital & labor =/= illegal aliens & foreigners taking Americans jobs anymore than it means insider trading is legal or charity scams are legal.
I'm also guessing you will never bitch about unions again right?
Huh? Unions represent the opposite of conservative values. They are for artificially setting prices on labor.
There is no such thing as "American jobs." Americans do not have a right to a certain job. No one does. That's what capitalism is all about.
No such things as "American Jobs" ????

Fuck you. I ONLY hire Americans because my jobs are for Americans, by Americans.
It's your choice.
But there are no "American jobs." When you get undercut by your competitors hiring foreign workers it isnt my problem.
You're no patriot. Traitor to the people
Spoken like a good little fascist. Now goose step on.

Defending the interests of Americans over foreigners who want to pillage our country's greatness and our resources makes someone a fascist?


Rabbi's been drinking thermometer juice.
Huh? Unions represent the opposite of conservative values. They are for artificially setting prices on labor.
There is no such thing as "American jobs." Americans do not have a right to a certain job. No one does. That's what capitalism is all about.
No such things as "American Jobs" ????

Fuck you. I ONLY hire Americans because my jobs are for Americans, by Americans.
It's your choice.
But there are no "American jobs." When you get undercut by your competitors hiring foreign workers it isnt my problem.
You're no patriot. Traitor to the people
Spoken like a good little fascist. Now goose step on.

Defending the interests of Americans over foreigners who want to pillage our country's greatness and our resources makes someone a fascist?


Rabbi's been drinking thermometer juice.
I didnt realize working a job and earning a living constituted pillaging our country's resources. No wonder you dont work for a living.

GrampaMurkedU is stunned that Rabbi is such an easy sell out. Typical hack can't help but flip flop cause like the rest he has ZERO ability to exercise any political restraint. Wind blows he tumbles right along
You're a dupe to the idiot wing of the GOP. You think people are liabilities and restriting their entry will somehow make everyone else's life better. You are no better than 1 Percenter or the other economic dolts who want to restrict imports.
Who said anything about imports you stupid hack? Oh that's right, no one but you.
You can TRY projecting all you want, it is clear you are pro open border now since Rubio is your guy.
You are no different than the rest of the left. You are part of the problem.
Immigrants are imports. It doesnt matter whether you try to restrict imports of goods or imports of people. IT is the same thing.
You also dont care about your fellow Americans struggling to make budgets in the Obama era who might benefit from lower costs. You must be an Obama voter. Or would be anyway.
And I probably write bigger checks to charity in a year than you do.
Now I'm an Obama voter?

Just how pathetically immature are you going to get in this discussion? Did I mistake you for a grown adult?
And this isn't about lower costs dumbfuck it's about AMERICANS vs ILLEGALS vs YOUR PATHETIC POSITION
I didnt realize working a job and earning a living constituted pillaging our country's resources. No wonder you dont work for a living.

Working a that belonged to an American, at pennies on the dollar, and sending the money out of the economy back home to your own country, does constitute pillaging.

GrampaMurkedU is stunned that Rabbi is such an easy sell out. Typical hack can't help but flip flop cause like the rest he has ZERO ability to exercise any political restraint. Wind blows he tumbles right along
You're a dupe to the idiot wing of the GOP. You think people are liabilities and restriting their entry will somehow make everyone else's life better. You are no better than 1 Percenter or the other economic dolts who want to restrict imports.
Who said anything about imports you stupid hack? Oh that's right, no one but you.
You can TRY projecting all you want, it is clear you are pro open border now since Rubio is your guy.
You are no different than the rest of the left. You are part of the problem.
Immigrants are imports. It doesnt matter whether you try to restrict imports of goods or imports of people. IT is the same thing.
You also dont care about your fellow Americans struggling to make budgets in the Obama era who might benefit from lower costs. You must be an Obama voter. Or would be anyway.
And I probably write bigger checks to charity in a year than you do.
Now I'm an Obama voter?

Just how pathetically immature are you going to get in this discussion? Did I mistake you for a grown adult?
And this isn't about lower costs dumbfuck it's about AMERICANS vs ILLEGALS vs YOUR PATHETIC POSITION
You're not an Obama voter because you're not a voter at all.
But you share with the progressives the idea that people's lives are made better by restricting movement of labor and capital.
Change the law, allow for "illegals" to work legally here and you've gone most of the way of solving the illegal immigration probkem.

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