As France goes under goes America under Obama!


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Obama's Marxist drive toward socialism will take the US down the same road and to the scenario as is described in this article. We are well on our way to "running out of other people's money" as predicted by those who know. You'd think (if you're sane) that our leaders would PAY ATTENTION to history and conclude that socialism does not work well in the long run. It appeases the lazy masses and keeps the socialist leaders elected for a period, but runs out of money!

François Hollande concedes taxes 'too heavy' in admission that annoys all sides in France - Telegraph

A New Year's message from François Hollande backfired as his vague promise that taxes would be lowered some time in the future jarred with French voters facing tax increases that took effect as he was speaking.

Instead of winning plaudits for his unexpected admission that taxes had become "too heavy, much too heavy", the unpopular socialist president - weakened by tax increases, rising unemployment and a shrinking economy - provoked incredulity and scepticism among critics on both Left and Right.


He offered companies a "responsibility pact", which he defined as the possibility of "lower labour charges and fewer restrictions on their activity in return for hiring more workers and more dialogue with trade unions".

But he gave no details about which restrictions might be lifted or how he would reduce the high social security charges and payroll taxes that leave French companies with some of the lowest profit margins in Europe.

His proposal came days after France's highest court approved his controversial 75 per cent "supertax" to be paid by companies on annual salaries exceeding €1 million.


Mr Hollande's proposal immediately came under attack from the left wing of his Socialist Party. Marie-Noëlle Lienemann, a Socialist senator, said: "This is not the time to offer companies incentives when ordinary people are struggling. It has to be balanced with measures to help them."


Bernard Accoyer, a centre-right MP, said his message was "a litany of his failures in 19 months as president" and added: "He admitted that he underestimated the crisis, raised taxes and charges on companies too high and failed to make the necessary cuts in public spending."


Just change a few names and you'll have a description of what's in store for us here if we continue to follow the "leadership" of the Leftist Obama...
Will Oblama be able to nationalize our industrial base before he is out of office?
Obama would have a better chance becoming a Republican than he does becoming a Hollande type socialist in America.
Will Oblama be able to nationalize our industrial base before he is out of office?

Stupid bitch.

Read a little bit once in a while, okay?

There are dozens of different brands of socialism. Dozens.

The simple-minded teachers who told you about the one they prefer, marxism, are the reason why this Country is falling down.

Listen up, Stupid. Socialism is NOT necessarily Marxism.

All Marxism is socialism but not all socialism is Marxism.

All you know about is marxism.

Because you're stupid.

Really, really, really stupid.

Here, I've posted this for you before. It's kind of a primer for stupid fucks like you.

Types of socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read it. Don't be so fucking stupid all your life.
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I see a major difference here. Americans elected Obama freely, but are waking up to what Obama really is. Hollande was elected freely, and the French will soon find out what we found out last year. Democrats are primed to have their butts handed to them in the midterms, and on top of that, they had issues which arose in 2013 that will haunt them in 2016.
I see a major difference here. Americans elected Obama freely, but are waking up to what Obama really is. Hollande was elected freely, and the French will soon find out what we found out last year. Democrats are primed to have their butts handed to them in the midterms, and on top of that, they had issues which arose in 2013 that will haunt them in 2016.

The big difference is.......

Hollande is honest about what he is -- A Socialist. He doesn't hide from the label.

dimocrap scum do. Goes back to Upton Sinclair's unsuccessful bid for election in California on the socialist ticket.

Which reminds me of the thread that was moved because it suggested that dimocrap scum and socialists have a long historical track record of working together -- They do.

But we couldn't have that getting out, could we? Or maybe certain people in here are just not as bright as they think they are? :dunno:

the democrat party of today is a socialist party. What kind? I have no real clue because they're too dishonest to talk about it.

Maybe social democrat or democratic socialist. Not Stalinist or Maoist. Somewhere in the area of social democrats and democratic socialists.

Anyway, I can have a discussion with a socialist. Or even a communist.

But not a liar.

I will never talk to a liar. Never. I'll just call them what they are -- Lying scumbags. dimocraps

If dimocrap scum would change their name to (for instance) "The Social Democrat Party" I might respect them.

But I will never respect lying scum. And that's what dimocraps are.

There is a danger in voting for people whose politics you don't understand and that they lie about.

the democrat party is socialist. Period.

Our resident cultists don't get it..... Because, frankly -- They're just stupid.

I've given them plenty to read, to study, but they choose to remain stupid.

Fuck 'em.

They'll always be what they are -- The flotsam and jetsam of society. Right where dimocraps want them..... Stupid, dependent, ignorant and a nice, reliable voting block
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I see a major difference here. Americans elected Obama freely, but are waking up to what Obama really is. Hollande was elected freely, and the French will soon find out what we found out last year. Democrats are primed to have their butts handed to them in the midterms, and on top of that, they had issues which arose in 2013 that will haunt them in 2016.

Hollande's 75% tax hike is extreme. Sarkozy has played it smart by moving to the U.K and avoid this new tax.

France's Constitutional Council has ruled that the imposition of a 75% tax rate on high incomes is constitutional.

French court upholds 75% tax rate, will likely mean a very busy Ligue 1 transfer window - We Ain't Got No History

Nicolas Sarkozy was the best thing that happened to France, unfortunately the people of France didn't see it that way and decided to elect Hollande. As the saying goes, they made their beds ...
Even if Obumble IS planning on taking us down a Socialist path in the next few years (and I'm not convinced that he is)...

The Republican-controlled House should be adequate to prevent things from getting too far out of hand in the short term.

The 2014 mid-term elections are probably going to (1) keep the House under GOP control and (2) give the GOP a slight majority in the Senate, in the wake of the ObamaCare fiasco that we see unfolding (people are getting pissed-off enough to flip-flop again).

After that, it's a matter of keeping the POTUS in Lame-Duck mode and overturning any test-run rule-by-decree measures between then and January 20, 2017.

It's going to be a long three years, staying alert and ready to engage at the first sign of rule-by-decree, but it's do-able.

I don't think we need to start brushing-up on
'The Internationale'
just yet...
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I see a major difference here. Americans elected Obama freely, but are waking up to what Obama really is. Hollande was elected freely, and the French will soon find out what we found out last year. Democrats are primed to have their butts handed to them in the midterms, and on top of that, they had issues which arose in 2013 that will haunt them in 2016.

Is anything you just said, with the exception of "Americans elected Obama freely" and "Hollande was elected freely" able to be supported with evidence?

It is just pablum.
The most popular party in France now is the nationalist party, the Front National. Expect a push to the far right in the next elections, a backlash against leftism. The French needed a good kick in the arse to wake up.

The Front National is the most popular party in France. Are you happy now, Eurocrats? ? Telegraph Blogs

Slapping the 'far right' label on any party who points out the obvious, that mass immigration gives rise to economic problems, is a mistake. Similarly one can detest the EU from the left.

The domestic and economic policies of the Front National place it somewhere near the centre in left/right terms.
The most popular party in France now is the nationalist party, the Front National. Expect a push to the far right in the next elections, a backlash against leftism. The French needed a good kick in the arse to wake up.

The Front National is the most popular party in France. Are you happy now, Eurocrats? ? Telegraph Blogs

Slapping the 'far right' label on any party who points out the obvious, that mass immigration gives rise to economic problems, is a mistake. Similarly one can detest the EU from the left.

The domestic and economic policies of the Front National place it somewhere near the centre in left/right terms.

I agree, the left-right paradigm is inadequate in describing all political ideologies, especially when it comes to describing nationalist parties which practice third way economics.

I am just using mainstream categorizations I suppose. The terms don't matter really, the point is, the establishment has lost credibility throughout the Eurozone. France is a more glaring example(Greece and Italy are others).
I see a major difference here. Americans elected Obama freely, but are waking up to what Obama really is. Hollande was elected freely, and the French will soon find out what we found out last year. Democrats are primed to have their butts handed to them in the midterms, and on top of that, they had issues which arose in 2013 that will haunt them in 2016.

The big difference is.......

Hollande is honest about what he is -- A Socialist. He doesn't hide from the label.

dimocrap scum do. Goes back to Upton Sinclair's unsuccessful bid for election in California on the socialist ticket.

Which reminds me of the thread that was moved because it suggested that dimocrap scum and socialists have a long historical track record of working together -- They do.

But we couldn't have that getting out, could we? Or maybe certain people in here are just not as bright as they think they are? :dunno:

the democrat party of today is a socialist party. What kind? I have no real clue because they're too dishonest to talk about it.

Maybe social democrat or democratic socialist. Not Stalinist or Maoist. Somewhere in the area of social democrats and democratic socialists.

Anyway, I can have a discussion with a socialist. Or even a communist.

But not a liar.

I will never talk to a liar. Never. I'll just call them what they are -- Lying scumbags. dimocraps

If dimocrap scum would change their name to (for instance) "The Social Democrat Party" I might respect them.

But I will never respect lying scum. And that's what dimocraps are.

There is a danger in voting for people whose politics you don't understand and that they lie about.

the democrat party is socialist. Period.

Our resident cultists don't get it..... Because, frankly -- They're just stupid.

I've given them plenty to read, to study, but they choose to remain stupid.

Fuck 'em.

They'll always be what they are -- The flotsam and jetsam of society. Right where dimocraps want them..... Stupid, dependent, ignorant and a nice, reliable voting block

That's right! Because we all know republicans NEVER lie! :lol:
His rich supporters eventually figured out he was asking them for political donations while using them as props to rile up the crowd against the "rich," then he really is going after all their money in the end.
Sarkozy was a disaster too- and a criminal.

The alternative to Hollande would have been a woman even worse than Bachmann.

Not that I support him. He is a disaster too, the people hate him. But then again, people usually hate the man they elected.

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