As Hillary Is Speaking, What Are We Yelling Back At Our Flatscreens/TV's. "What About Benghazi"!! ??

over 90 million people out of work? how embarrassing,,,,why didnt Hillary bring it up,,,,yup,,,thats at least 20 % !
I don't have to work unless I want to...
i would guess that one in three that were watching still think that Hillary is a man
She turns me off like she's one...
someday we will find out what gender Hillary is after Huma leaves her for another ???? woman?
Probably not, since Hillary does not have small hands...
Screw her speech. I'm watching baseball. Royals have been stinkin up the joint lately.

Kinda like Trump & Hillary come to think of it.
:ahole-1: :ack-1: God! what a robot! right? So, Hillary has been speaking for about 20 or so minutes? Yet, she hasn't brought up any of the issues we are all very worried about!,,,like the Obama debt, 20% or more Unemployment!, what about ISIS? what about the Democrats allowing terrorists to cross the borders, with their weapons/bombs?
Looks like its a scripted speech, Poor Hillary can't even speak from the heart at any point,,,so,,,will she take any questions after the speech?

Nice meltdown.
Screw her speech. I'm watching baseball. Royals have been stinkin up the joint lately.

Kinda like Trump & Hillary come to think of it.
you didnt miss anything,,,the only funny part was when Huma came to her podium with a pee bucket
BREAKING: Trey Gowdy Set To Unleash Hell On Democrats Regarding New Benghazi Information

D C Whispers ^ | 6-7-16
There is no need to read between the lines within a just-released and scathing memo from Congressman Trey Gowdy to fellow Congressman Elijah Cummings. In this memo, Congressman Gowdy accuses Cummings and his fellow Democrats of a continued effort to keep the truth of the Benghazi Massacre from the American people. Then Gowdy concludes by informing Cummings that effort is about to end – in a big way. It isn’t often so much seething rage is so openly conveyed under the guise of polite language. Whatever Gowdy has uncovered appears to be very significant, and has Cummings and others now...
BREAKING: Trey Gowdy Set To Unleash Hell On Democrats Regarding New Benghazi Information

D C Whispers ^ | 6-7-16
There is no need to read between the lines within a just-released and scathing memo from Congressman Trey Gowdy to fellow Congressman Elijah Cummings. In this memo, Congressman Gowdy accuses Cummings and his fellow Democrats of a continued effort to keep the truth of the Benghazi Massacre from the American people. Then Gowdy concludes by informing Cummings that effort is about to end – in a big way. It isn’t often so much seething rage is so openly conveyed under the guise of polite language. Whatever Gowdy has uncovered appears to be very significant, and has Cummings and others now...

Of course he is.
over 90 million people out of work? how embarrassing,,,,why didnt Hillary bring it up,,,,yup,,,thats at least 20 % !
It is embarrassing to read idiots like you that constantly repeat that lie. Sixteen year old high school students, college students, people on disability, retired people, or mothers that stay at home. The employment figures are done the same way now as they were during Bush's terms.
Ah, no there not. The way they count was changed under Clinton.
My goodness, they were changed under Clinton. Are you trying to tell us that Bush's two terms preceded Clinton's? Talk about historical revision.
over 90 million people out of work? how embarrassing,,,,why didnt Hillary bring it up,,,,yup,,,thats at least 20 % !
It is embarrassing to read idiots like you that constantly repeat that lie. Sixteen year old high school students, college students, people on disability, retired people, or mothers that stay at home. The employment figures are done the same way now as they were during Bush's terms.
Ah, no there not. The way they count was changed under Clinton.
no one believes any figures given to us by Obama,,,,didnt obama recently claim that the economy is booming? how is 38,000 new jobs a booming economy? were they fast food jobs?
over 90 million people out of work? how embarrassing,,,,why didnt Hillary bring it up,,,,yup,,,thats at least 20 % !
It is embarrassing to read idiots like you that constantly repeat that lie. Sixteen year old high school students, college students, people on disability, retired people, or mothers that stay at home. The employment figures are done the same way now as they were during Bush's terms.
Ah, no there not. The way they count was changed under Clinton.
no one believes any figures given to us by Obama,,,,didnt obama recently claim that the economy is booming? how is 38,000 new jobs a booming economy? were they fast food jobs?
Maybe for you. I still make 100k a year.

This is about halfway through President Obama's last year in his second term. And things are looking good. Are you trying to say that the Dow numbers are false? The unemployment is figured the same way as it was during Bush's two terms. And it is currently at 4.7%.
There has been 0.0 job growth, and we all know it,,,,,,job growth is 500,000 a month,,,not 100! and not 38,000

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