As I correctly stated months ago - The Illegals will be allowed in


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
Regardless of appearances, Trump has no real power to stop the influx of immigrants....finally your proof....

The illegals are now being allowed in by the thousands. More caravans are forming in Central America on the Great news. where I live, Hispanics are the vast majority. Few speak English here in South Florida already.

ICE releases hundreds of migrants in Texas, New Mexico, reports say

(It's actually thousands, but the media and govt don't want you to know that)

America has been lost folks. Rome has fallen. From here forward it's gonna get really ugly
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Regardless of appearances, Trump has no real power to stop the influx of immigrants....finally your proof....

The illegals are now being allowed in by the thousands. More caravans are forming in Central America on the Great news. where I live, Hispanics are the vast majority. Few speak English here in South Florida already.

ICE releases hundreds of migrants in Texas, New Mexico, reports say

(It's actually thousands, but the media and govt don't want you to know that)
Did you count them?
Regardless of appearances, Trump has no real power to stop the influx of immigrants....finally your proof....

The illegals are now being allowed in by the thousands. More caravans are forming in Central America on the Great news. where I live, Hispanics are the vast majority. Few speak English here in South Florida already.

ICE releases hundreds of migrants in Texas, New Mexico, reports say

(It's actually thousands, but the media and govt don't want you to know that)

America has been lost folks. Rome has fallen. From here forward it's gonna get really ugly
Your link is broken.

Here's one that works: ICE releases hundreds of migrants in Texas, New Mexico, reports say

So you are telling us Fox News doesn't want us to know "It's actually thousands", eh?
I just don't see how anyone could be happy about this. Other than the fact that they are stupid and short sighted "Yippee tens of thousands of people are sneaking into our country , breaking laws, lowering wages for Americans, sucking up tax dollars , YAY fuck you Trump!!

What a bunch of morons.

It's clear evidence of how stupid these people are.
granted, many of them are not Americans at all. They just come here pretending to be something they aren't (RightWinger) for example.
I just don't see how anyone could be happy about this. Other than the fact that they are stupid and short sighted "Yippee tens of thousands of people are sneaking into our country , breaking laws, lowering wages for Americans, sucking up tax dollars , YAY fuck you Trump!!

What a bunch of morons.

It's clear evidence of how stupid these people are.
granted, many of them are not Americans at all. They just come here pretending to be something they aren't (RightWinger) for example.
Did you count them?

You believe Fox News is keeping it a secret that it was "thousands".

Link? Proof? Anything?

Or just the usual pulling shit out of your ass and telling us it's a Hostess Cupcake.
Did you count them?

Did you read the article? Do you know ANYTHING about how many illegals cross the border every month?

Your idiot question is about as relevant as an air conditioner in the Arctic circle.

Your stupidity is your greatest "quality"

Let's see how "smart" you are dumb-ass.

(maybe he'll go look it up before he says something else stupid?)
He's exceptionally stupid for a black man, wouldn't you agree?
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Regardless of appearances, Trump has no real power to stop the influx of immigrants....finally your proof....

The illegals are now being allowed in by the thousands. More caravans are forming in Central America on the Great news. where I live, Hispanics are the vast majority. Few speak English here in South Florida already.

ICE releases hundreds of migrants in Texas, New Mexico, reports say

(It's actually thousands, but the media and govt don't want you to know that)

America has been lost folks. Rome has fallen. From here forward it's gonna get really ugly

You are correct. Trump is the last best hope but the issue is still not settled. Thus the handle I use. It may be the only solution in the end but we have to let it play out.
The elites will never give up power peacefully or democratically. But it is very important to let it take its course.
Swamping you with wave after wave of foreign invaders until your country is theirs is the plan. Trump stands in the way.
Did you count them?

Did you read the article? Do you know ANYTHING about how many illegals cross the border every month?

Your idiot question is about as relevant as an air conditioner in the Arctic circle.

Your stupidity is your greatest "quality"

Let's see how "smart" you are dumb-ass.

(maybe he'll go look it up before he says something else stupid?)
Rupert Murdoch a republican.
The Democrats have chosen to side with Illegals over American citizens to shutdown the government in order to ensure our sovereignty is not assure, so our borders will remain open, so American citizens are not protected from drug cartels / human traffickers / MS-13 gangs / violent illegals, so Federal Law-violating criminal illegal-protecting Sanctuary Cities remain, so they could keep energizing their easily-duped base with chants of Disbanding ICE - the 2nd largest law enforcement in the United States, so they could continue to ensure our existing Immigration laws and Naturalization process is NOT enforced / followed, and so they can continue to have a never-ending supply of illegal votes in hopes of putting them back and keeping them in complete power.

Barak Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer voted in 2007 to secure our borders but their actions now prove they were lying just as much then as when Barak Obama told Americans his disastrous Obamacare would not cost a dime, would pay for itself, and if Americans liked their existing plans and doctors they could keep them.

President Trump has not shutdown the US government but has chosen to stand with the American people to ensure our sovereignty, to secure our borders, to protect American citizens....AND TO FORCE DEMOCRATS - ESPECIALLY PELOSI AND SCHUMER - TO HONOR THE PROMISE THEY MADE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IN 2007 TO SECURE OUR BORDERS!
Regardless of appearances, Trump has no real power to stop the influx of immigrants....finally your proof....

The illegals are now being allowed in by the thousands. More caravans are forming in Central America on the Great news. where I live, Hispanics are the vast majority. Few speak English here in South Florida already.

ICE releases hundreds of migrants in Texas, New Mexico, reports say

(It's actually thousands, but the media and govt don't want you to know that)

America has been lost folks. Rome has fallen. From here forward it's gonna get really ugly

ICE had no choice but to release them. They are swamped by these invaders coming to aid Democrats. A wall is the only answer. Keep them on the other side of the border and starve the democrats of new members.
The Democrats have chosen to side with Illegals over American citizens to shutdown the government in order to ensure our sovereignty is not assure, so our borders will remain open, so American citizens are not protected from drug cartels / human traffickers / MS-13 gangs / violent illegals, so Federal Law-violating criminal illegal-protecting Sanctuary Cities remain, so they could keep energizing their easily-duped base with chants of Disbanding ICE - the 2nd largest law enforcement in the United States, so they could continue to ensure our existing Immigration laws and Naturalization process is NOT enforced / followed, and so they can continue to have a never-ending supply of illegal votes in hopes of putting them back and keeping them in complete power.

Barak Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer voted in 2007 to secure our borders but their actions now prove they were lying just as much then as when Barak Obama told Americans his disastrous Obamacare would not cost a dime, would pay for itself, and if Americans liked their existing plans and doctors they could keep them.

President Trump has not shutdown the US government but has chosen to stand with the American people to ensure our sovereignty, to secure our borders, to protect American citizens....AND TO FORCE DEMOCRATS - ESPECIALLY PELOSI AND SCHUMER - TO HONOR THE PROMISE THEY MADE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IN 2007 TO SECURE OUR BORDERS!

You think Republicans want to stop illegal immigration? The last 2 years prove they do not.
The Democrats have chosen to side with Illegals over American citizens to shutdown the government in order to ensure our sovereignty is not assure, so our borders will remain open, so American citizens are not protected from drug cartels / human traffickers / MS-13 gangs / violent illegals, so Federal Law-violating criminal illegal-protecting Sanctuary Cities remain, so they could keep energizing their easily-duped base with chants of Disbanding ICE - the 2nd largest law enforcement in the United States, so they could continue to ensure our existing Immigration laws and Naturalization process is NOT enforced / followed, and so they can continue to have a never-ending supply of illegal votes in hopes of putting them back and keeping them in complete power.

Barak Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer voted in 2007 to secure our borders but their actions now prove they were lying just as much then as when Barak Obama told Americans his disastrous Obamacare would not cost a dime, would pay for itself, and if Americans liked their existing plans and doctors they could keep them.

President Trump has not shutdown the US government but has chosen to stand with the American people to ensure our sovereignty, to secure our borders, to protect American citizens....AND TO FORCE DEMOCRATS - ESPECIALLY PELOSI AND SCHUMER - TO HONOR THE PROMISE THEY MADE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IN 2007 TO SECURE OUR BORDERS!

Yes! Their last attempt at a shutdown was over DREAM Act. Look...everyone has constituents. The Democrats consider foreigners their constituents and they have to please them. Look at it with realism.
Anyone who thinks ANYONE in Washington or politics is going to do the right thing for America is still sleeping.

How quickly RightWingers forget and forgive when Donald Trump himself said....
"Take their guns first, worry about due process later"

He is one hell of an actor. EXACTLY what the Elites needed. Like Clinton, he;ll never do time for ANY crime. It's ALL a good cop / bad cop scam over the easily confused and distracted American people. Hillary is another. Those Elites are laughing all the way to the bank at our expense.

ALL of US government is corrupt from top to bottom.
The corruption is allowing more and more bad people to dig their heels in and get power.

There is no longer a US government that respects We The People. There is no longer a US government that respects the Constitution.
But it's been this way for a long time. People have incrementally accepted each over step and now it's to a point where the only steps left are a complete breech of the Constitution and outright corruption and law breaking.

Oh wait...we're already there.

Despite #MeToo, rape cases still confound police. Unsolved rapes rising dramatically (Thanks Democrats, and ignorant folks worshipping the Dim Elites)
Despite #MeToo, rape cases still confound police

NEW YORK – The #MeToo movement is empowering victims of sexual assault to speak up like never before, but what should be a watershed moment for holding assailants accountable has coincided with a troubling trend: Police departments in the U.S. are becoming less and less likely to successfully close rape investigations.

The so-called "clearance rate" for rape cases fell last year to its lowest point since at least the 1960s, according to FBI data provided to The Associated Press. That nadir may be driven, at least in part, by a greater willingness by police to correctly classify rape cases and leave them open even when there is little hope of solving them.

But experts say it also reflects the fact that not enough resources are being devoted to investigating sexual assault at a time when more victims are entrusting police with their harrowing experiences.

"This is the second-most serious crime in the FBI's crime index," said Carol Tracy, executive director of the Women's Law Project in Philadelphia, "and it simply doesn't get the necessary resources from police."

Police successfully closed just 32 percent of rape investigations nationwide in 2017, according to the data, ranking it second only to robbery as the least-solved violent crime. That statistic is down from about 62 percent in 1964, despite advances such as DNA testing.
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The Democrats have chosen to side with Illegals over American citizens to shutdown the government in order to ensure our sovereignty is not assure, so our borders will remain open, so American citizens are not protected from drug cartels / human traffickers / MS-13 gangs / violent illegals, so Federal Law-violating criminal illegal-protecting Sanctuary Cities remain, so they could keep energizing their easily-duped base with chants of Disbanding ICE - the 2nd largest law enforcement in the United States, so they could continue to ensure our existing Immigration laws and Naturalization process is NOT enforced / followed, and so they can continue to have a never-ending supply of illegal votes in hopes of putting them back and keeping them in complete power.

Barak Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer voted in 2007 to secure our borders but their actions now prove they were lying just as much then as when Barak Obama told Americans his disastrous Obamacare would not cost a dime, would pay for itself, and if Americans liked their existing plans and doctors they could keep them.

President Trump has not shutdown the US government but has chosen to stand with the American people to ensure our sovereignty, to secure our borders, to protect American citizens....AND TO FORCE DEMOCRATS - ESPECIALLY PELOSI AND SCHUMER - TO HONOR THE PROMISE THEY MADE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IN 2007 TO SECURE OUR BORDERS!

This is Trump’s ICE, anything they do is on him.

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You think Republicans want to stop illegal immigration? The last 2 years prove they do not.

This is kind of the sick quandary we find ourselves in. The Democrats block the people at every junction and then say "hey Republicans cant help you either bucko you are conquered". Its demonic.
The Democrats have chosen to side with Illegals over American citizens to shutdown the government in order to ensure our sovereignty is not assure, so our borders will remain open, so American citizens are not protected from drug cartels / human traffickers / MS-13 gangs / violent illegals, so Federal Law-violating criminal illegal-protecting Sanctuary Cities remain, so they could keep energizing their easily-duped base with chants of Disbanding ICE - the 2nd largest law enforcement in the United States, so they could continue to ensure our existing Immigration laws and Naturalization process is NOT enforced / followed, and so they can continue to have a never-ending supply of illegal votes in hopes of putting them back and keeping them in complete power.

Barak Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer voted in 2007 to secure our borders but their actions now prove they were lying just as much then as when Barak Obama told Americans his disastrous Obamacare would not cost a dime, would pay for itself, and if Americans liked their existing plans and doctors they could keep them.

President Trump has not shutdown the US government but has chosen to stand with the American people to ensure our sovereignty, to secure our borders, to protect American citizens....AND TO FORCE DEMOCRATS - ESPECIALLY PELOSI AND SCHUMER - TO HONOR THE PROMISE THEY MADE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IN 2007 TO SECURE OUR BORDERS!

This is Trump’s ICE, anything they do is on him.

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Thats true Trump should order a wall built and all invaders kept out. Hey wait a sec....
Regardless of appearances, Trump has no real power to stop the influx of immigrants....finally your proof....

The illegals are now being allowed in by the thousands. More caravans are forming in Central America on the Great news. where I live, Hispanics are the vast majority. Few speak English here in South Florida already.

ICE releases hundreds of migrants in Texas, New Mexico, reports say

(It's actually thousands, but the media and govt don't want you to know that)

America has been lost folks. Rome has fallen. From here forward it's gonna get really ugly

I read the story why, my question is why don't they dump all back across the border. They are illegals and don't belong here at all.

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