As I keep saying, the pro abortionists are violent and brutal.

Baby killers like to pretend that abortion is all about helping women.
But in reality, the only people who are *helped* by abortion are those who abuse women. The men who rape them, the parents who pimp them out, the boyfriends who beat them until they agree to go to the clinic, the abortion clinics who profit from them, the traffickers and owners who can't use pregnant chattel.

Only a monster would oppose an abortion for the cases you mention. Why are you such a monster?

The kid didn't want an abortion. Try reading, then a knee jerk reaction.
"Marionā€™s mother continuously brought strange, dangerous men into the home ā€” men who were told that Marion was promiscuous and up for anything. She was raped again and again."

"When Marion got pregnant a second time, at the age of 17 ā€” again, hoping to escape her dysfunctional family ā€” her mother actually drove her to the abortion clinic to make sure she would end the pregnancy. ā€œI told the nurse, ā€˜I donā€™t want to do this. My mother is forcing me to do this. Can you help me?ā€™ā€ recalls Marion. ā€œAnd she said, ā€˜There are other people waiting. Do you want to have this procedure done or not?ā€™ I couldnā€™t think of what else to do. Where could I go? Who would help me pay for everything the baby would need? So I had an abortion. Again.ā€

"People always say that women need to have abortions because they are desperate. But I was desperate, and I didnā€™t want to have an abortion, and was forced to anyway. Everyone I talked to told me it was the only way, even though it wasnā€™t what I wanted.ā€

"According to Marion, far from solving her problems, her abortions ā€œjust made everything worse ā€” layering trauma over trauma.ā€ Because she was a victim herself, she couldnā€™t help but identify with her unborn children as victims.

ā€œThere are a lot of women like me who arenā€™t given the help they truly need,ā€ states Marion. ā€œIā€™ve talked to many women who said, ā€˜This is my decision to have an abortion. My boyfriend left me, and my parents said they wonā€™t help or support me through college unless I get an abortion ā€” but itā€™s totally my decision.ā€™ What? How is that your decision? Youā€™re pregnant, your school wonā€™t let pregnant women stay in the dorms, but itā€™s your decision to have an abortion?ā€

Coerced Abortion: One Womanā€™s Story | Feminists for Life
Interesting. Look at this comment that she made: ā€œWhere could I go? Who would help me pay for everything the baby would need? So I had an abortion.ā€

Social conservatives work incredibly hard to limit the answers to her 2 questions as much as possible, proving they are uninterested in lessening the number of abortions that occur.

Abortion was considered a sin back in the day because many children died young and the population would often drop drastically because of disease like the plague.

We don't have this problem any more. We have the problem of overpopulating the planet.

Not a real problem. That's just a fake problem created by people who try to justify killing vulnerable people.

"The idea that humans must live within the natural environmental limits of our planet denies the realities of our entire history, and most likely the future. Humans are niche creators. We transform ecosystems to sustain ourselves. This is what we do and have always done. Our planetā€™s human-carrying capacity emerges from the capabilities of our social systems and our technologies more than from any environmental limits."

Opinion | Overpopulation Is Not the Problem
We don't have this problem any more. We have the problem of overpopulating the planet
We know the Left supports killing the very young, the "defective" and the useless elderly.

But thanks for reminding us how much you value human life.

Value human life?

The conundrum is, how would you prefer to die, through hunger or war? Because that's what overpopulation can mean.

Mass immigration because of the Syrian Civil War is the sort of thing that will become more and more common. The right is so interested in closing borders, starting wars, and then trying to increase the population of the world so that these people have nowhere to go when the shit hits the fan.

In the modern era we don't think growing up and living in abject poverty like a slave or a serf is valuing human life any more. If kids are going to be brought into this world, then give them a chance.

Also, I'm a vegetarian, I value more life that you ever will.

What is funny is that pro abortionists will, in this thread, say that the pro lifer has it coming because she dares to confront baby killers with the reality of what they're doing.

I'm pretty sure the chick who slugs her is an abortion abbatoir employee...they almost always are. They're the most brutal, most depraved, and most anti-human rights group you will ever see anywhere...including on battle fields. Baby killers are the most vile of the vile. Any person who will hold down a woman and scrape a live child out of her belly and proclaim they do it because they love women not only a depraved sociopath and butcher....but a liar as well.

Have some compassion, can you imagine how down you would be if your life's work was ending the life of the unborn children? I would be pretty damn depressed and I assume like them I wouldn't like people pointing out the depravity of doing so.

Every abortion results in stopping a human heart.
As I keep saying, the pro abortionists are violent and brutal.

You're talking about a sociopathic movement which defends the cold-blooded killing of the most innocent and defenseless of human beings, and is directly and remorselessly responsible for thousands for such killings every day.

You can't really get much more brutal and violent than that.
As I keep saying, the pro abortionists are violent and brutal.

You're talking about a sociopathic movement which defends the cold-blooded killing of the most innocent and defenseless of human beings, and is directly and remorselessly responsible for thousands for such killings every day.

You can't really get much more brutal and violent than that.
Exactly. Abortion is a rejection of human rights, that's what it is, that's all it has ever been.

What is funny is that pro abortionists will, in this thread, say that the pro lifer has it coming because she dares to confront baby killers with the reality of what they're doing.

I'm pretty sure the chick who slugs her is an abortion abbatoir employee...they almost always are. They're the most brutal, most depraved, and most anti-human rights group you will ever see anywhere...including on battle fields. Baby killers are the most vile of the vile. Any person who will hold down a woman and scrape a live child out of her belly and proclaim they do it because they love women not only a depraved sociopath and butcher....but a liar as well.

Have some compassion, can you imagine how down you would be if your life's work was ending the life of the unborn children? I would be pretty damn depressed and I assume like them I wouldn't like people pointing out the depravity of doing so.

Every abortion results in stopping a human heart.

Is that a metaphorical statement?
Only a monster would oppose an abortion for the cases you mention. Why are you such a monster?

Only a monster defends the cold-blooded killing of thousands of innocent children every day. I don't need to ask why you are such a monster, as the answer is rather obvious.

What is funny is that pro abortionists will, in this thread, say that the pro lifer has it coming because she dares to confront baby killers with the reality of what they're doing.

I'm pretty sure the chick who slugs her is an abortion abbatoir employee...they almost always are. They're the most brutal, most depraved, and most anti-human rights group you will ever see anywhere...including on battle fields. Baby killers are the most vile of the vile. Any person who will hold down a woman and scrape a live child out of her belly and proclaim they do it because they love women not only a depraved sociopath and butcher....but a liar as well.

Have some compassion, can you imagine how down you would be if your life's work was ending the life of the unborn children? I would be pretty damn depressed and I assume like them I wouldn't like people pointing out the depravity of doing so.

Every abortion results in stopping a human heart.

But then war stops lots of hearts, executions stop lots of hearts, guns help people to kill a lot more, not having decent social policies leads to more crime and murders, and the right couldn't give a shit.

What is funny is that pro abortionists will, in this thread, say that the pro lifer has it coming because she dares to confront baby killers with the reality of what they're doing.

I'm pretty sure the chick who slugs her is an abortion abbatoir employee...they almost always are. They're the most brutal, most depraved, and most anti-human rights group you will ever see anywhere...including on battle fields. Baby killers are the most vile of the vile. Any person who will hold down a woman and scrape a live child out of her belly and proclaim they do it because they love women not only a depraved sociopath and butcher....but a liar as well.

Have some compassion, can you imagine how down you would be if your life's work was ending the life of the unborn children? I would be pretty damn depressed and I assume like them I wouldn't like people pointing out the depravity of doing so.

Every abortion results in stopping a human heart.

Abortionists and their minions are drug addicts, sociopaths, freaks. That's the primary reason they can't find hospitals to grant them admitting privileges. They are recognized as butchers and nutcases.

What is funny is that pro abortionists will, in this thread, say that the pro lifer has it coming because she dares to confront baby killers with the reality of what they're doing.

I'm pretty sure the chick who slugs her is an abortion abbatoir employee...they almost always are. They're the most brutal, most depraved, and most anti-human rights group you will ever see anywhere...including on battle fields. Baby killers are the most vile of the vile. Any person who will hold down a woman and scrape a live child out of her belly and proclaim they do it because they love women not only a depraved sociopath and butcher....but a liar as well.

Have some compassion, can you imagine how down you would be if your life's work was ending the life of the unborn children? I would be pretty damn depressed and I assume like them I wouldn't like people pointing out the depravity of doing so.

Every abortion results in stopping a human heart.

But then war stops lots of hearts, executions stop lots of hearts, guns help people to kill a lot more, not having decent social policies leads to more crime and murders, and the right couldn't give a shit.

None of that is true cupcake.

"Social policies" of the sort that you support create more crime, more murders..and the people who kill the babies are the ones who don't give a shit. Your only motivation is to find the best way to increase your resources and make things easy for you. If that means entitlements and baby killing factories..then you are all about that shit. If little girls get abused, you don't care, because you might need someone to get an abortion. It's all worth it because you think you will benefit.
Social conservatives work incredibly hard to limit the answers to her 2 questions as much as possible, proving they are uninterested in lessening the number of abortions that occur.
You guys on the baby killing left always use that argent. It's a LIE. A DAMN LIE. But if you really believe that, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!! Besides encouraging young, desperate women to KILL a child they'd rather raise.
If you believe your own lies, become the person you demand others become.

Here's the dirty little secret, the pro lifets have been leading in this for DECADES, but you know that. You just want a weapon to push your baby killing agenda!
Every male who supports abortion does it because he has either in the past used abortion as a safety net (if I get her pregnant I'll just get her to get an abortion) or thinks he will need to use it in his future. It's the tell of an abuser.

Care to explain how you determined that?

I'm brilliant, intuitive and very, very wise.

And because I have worked a lifetime in human services, I've seen those foul creatures up close and personal. BTW, Francken is totally pro-baby killing. So was Hitler. Just not for his aryans.

You're a RWNJ
"Grassley said at the time that the committee has discovered enough evidence that shows how abortion providers had transferred fetal tissue and body parts from aborted fetuses for research by charging amounts higher than they actually cost.

ā€œThe report documents the failure of the Department of Justice, across multiple administrations, to enforce the law that bans the buying and selling of human fetal tissue,ā€ Grassley wrote last December urging the Justice Department and FBI to investigate. ā€œIt also documents substantial evidence suggesting that the specific entities involved in the recent controversy, and/or individuals employed by those entities, may have violated that law.ā€

Planned Parenthood EVP: No one will bully, bribe us
The now-federal investigation comes after a 2015 undercover investigation by activists David Daleiden, leader of the pro-life Center for Medical Progress, and Sandra Merritt, an employee of the group, who both posed as fetal researchers and made undercover videos of themselves trying to buy fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood."

It's about time.

Planned Parenthood under investigation by Justice Department over sale of fetal tissue

What is funny is that pro abortionists will, in this thread, say that the pro lifer has it coming because she dares to confront baby killers with the reality of what they're doing.

I'm pretty sure the chick who slugs her is an abortion abbatoir employee...they almost always are. They're the most brutal, most depraved, and most anti-human rights group you will ever see anywhere...including on battle fields. Baby killers are the most vile of the vile. Any person who will hold down a woman and scrape a live child out of her belly and proclaim they do it because they love women not only a depraved sociopath and butcher....but a liar as well.

Have some compassion, can you imagine how down you would be if your life's work was ending the life of the unborn children? I would be pretty damn depressed and I assume like them I wouldn't like people pointing out the depravity of doing so.

Every abortion results in stopping a human heart.

Is that a metaphorical statement?

I don't think so, every abortion ends a human life.

What is funny is that pro abortionists will, in this thread, say that the pro lifer has it coming because she dares to confront baby killers with the reality of what they're doing.

I'm pretty sure the chick who slugs her is an abortion abbatoir employee...they almost always are. They're the most brutal, most depraved, and most anti-human rights group you will ever see anywhere...including on battle fields. Baby killers are the most vile of the vile. Any person who will hold down a woman and scrape a live child out of her belly and proclaim they do it because they love women not only a depraved sociopath and butcher....but a liar as well.

there's already a thread on this. you know this because you posted on it.


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