As I Predicted on Day One, Special Counsel Must Find SOMETHING to Justify Their Existence

Seriously? You believe that the Hildebeast would have been a better choice to be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC? Especially given the revelations of Wikileaks? You are an absolute hoot!!!!

I think she'd remember the name of a US Soldier KIA and wouldn't say, "Well, he knew what he was signing on for"

The very fact you have to go back years to find something Hillary did that was as "offensive' as what Trump did last week says a lot.
and yet she ignored four americans in benghazi, so that logic flew out immediately.
it's a nothing burger and won't go to court. wait for it.
When only nothing burgers are there

Looks more like a Shit Sandwich
JC once again demonstrating why everyone has him on ignore.
dude, I don't care if someone has me on ignore. It merely demonstrates they have no ability to debate. I will continue commenting on your bullshit. you can chose to ignore it. just remember, internet searches pulls mine up along with yours. so I will counter any stupid you post each and every time it is necessary. thanks for the attention. I like the limelight.
Imo Hillary is a corrupt pol who should be shunned. However, she did not meet with an existential enemy of our country to flip an election, and Trump's team did ... there's no doubt of that now. And, does anyone seriously doubt that had Mueller not flipped the election to Trump, the gop house would have impeached her by now? Seriously.
What was released this week is just the tip of the iceberg

Mueller is playing his cards one by one and watching the reaction from the Trump people
Imo Hillary is a corrupt pol who should be shunned. However, she did not meet with an existential enemy of our country to flip an election, and Trump's team did ... there's no doubt of that now. And, does anyone seriously doubt that had Mueller not flipped the election to Trump, the gop house would have impeached her by now? Seriously.

That's a FLAT OUT LIE.

BILL CLINTON MET with PUTIN and Nuclear Officials to discuss THE URANIUM ONE DEAL.


Just between the two of them, they spent $13 Million Dollars to do that. Clinton herself spent $1.5 Billion to buy her way to The White House with money from Foreign Nations, and 1% Elitist Socialists.

And regarding The Uranium One Deal....A GROSS ATTACK ON OUR NATIONAL SECURITY, Clinton was given $145 Million, and OBAMA $64 Million to sell out THE UNITED STATES TO VLADIMIR PUTIN.

There is ZERO MENTION in Mueller's phony indictment of Russian Collusion, or anything at all about THE ELECTION, and NOTHING names the PRESIDENT in any of this. Mueller was supposed to Investigate Russia Hacking and Influencing our Election.
Problem is, he cannot find evidence of that, because all those claims are based in a FAKE RUSSIAN DOSSIER paid for by Clinton, THE DNC, & Obama.


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Seriously? You believe that the Hildebeast would have been a better choice to be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC? Especially given the revelations of Wikileaks? You are an absolute hoot!!!!

I think she'd remember the name of a US Soldier KIA and wouldn't say, "Well, he knew what he was signing on for"

The very fact you have to go back years to find something Hillary did that was as "offensive' as what Trump did last week says a lot.

She sold diplomacy for donations to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation. She was complicit in the Benghazi fiasco where surface to air missiles where placed in the hands of the proxy army ISIS in order to attempt to topple Assad in Syria after illegally having Qaddafi overthrown in Libya.......remember her "What difference does it make?" comment? Trump was taken out of context and the entire conversation shows that Trump was by no means being insensitive.
I find it hilarious that after the revelations of Wikileaks that you would have the unmitigated gall to proclaim that she should be really have no shame whatsoever.
Seriously? You believe that the Hildebeast would have been a better choice to be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC? Especially given the revelations of Wikileaks? You are an absolute hoot!!!!

I think she'd remember the name of a US Soldier KIA and wouldn't say, "Well, he knew what he was signing on for"

The very fact you have to go back years to find something Hillary did that was as "offensive' as what Trump did last week says a lot.

She sold diplomacy for donations to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation. She was complicit in the Benghazi fiasco where surface to air missiles where placed in the hands of the proxy army ISIS in order to attempt to topple Assad in Syria after illegally having Qaddafi overthrown in Libya.......remember her "What difference does it make?" comment? Trump was taken out of context and the entire conversation shows that Trump was by no means being insensitive.
I find it hilarious that after the revelations of Wikileaks that you would have the unmitigated gall to proclaim that she should be really have no shame whatsoever.

You also left out the fact that she was also ILLEGALLY using Benghazi as a weapons dump to funnel weapons and cash to Terrorists, to Assassinate Qaddafi, and stage a coup. That is a VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW!

This is why her and Obama's first response to the attacks there were to cover them up, and create a false narrative.

Same as The DNC & Clinton created The FAKE Russian Dossier, and the FALSE Russia hacked THE DNC NARRATIVE.

Seriously? You believe that the Hildebeast would have been a better choice to be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC? Especially given the revelations of Wikileaks? You are an absolute hoot!!!!

I think she'd remember the name of a US Soldier KIA and wouldn't say, "Well, he knew what he was signing on for"

The very fact you have to go back years to find something Hillary did that was as "offensive' as what Trump did last week says a lot.

She sold diplomacy for donations to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation. She was complicit in the Benghazi fiasco where surface to air missiles where placed in the hands of the proxy army ISIS in order to attempt to topple Assad in Syria after illegally having Qaddafi overthrown in Libya.......remember her "What difference does it make?" comment? Trump was taken out of context and the entire conversation shows that Trump was by no means being insensitive.
I find it hilarious that after the revelations of Wikileaks that you would have the unmitigated gall to proclaim that she should be really have no shame whatsoever.

You also left out the fact that she was also ILLEGALLY using Benghazi as a weapons dump to funnel weapons and cash to Terrorists, to Assassinate Qaddafi, and stage a coup. That is a VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW!

This is why her and Obama's first response to the attacks there were to cover them up, and create a false narrative.

Same as The DNC & Clinton created The FAKE Russian Dossier, and the FALSE Russia hacked THE DNC NARRATIVE.


Scott Bennett, a military whistleblower exposed Holder, Barrypuppet and Hitlery as being complicit in ignoring the funding of ISIS, a CIA, Mossad, MI5/MI6 proxy army using Qatar, Bahrain and Turkey as conduits to funnel weapons to them. People are so fucking stupid and naive. Hell, the Wikileaks data dump proves Bennett's claims.......but move along, folks....nothing to see here....:LOOK!! Trump conspired with the ROOSKIES to expose the cheating of the DNC!!!!! And that is cheating!!!!

Seriously, the jokes practically write themselves.......
JC once again demonstrating why everyone has him on ignore.
dude, I don't care if someone has me on ignore. It merely demonstrates they have no ability to debate. I will continue commenting on your bullshit. you can chose to ignore it. just remember, internet searches pulls mine up along with yours. so I will counter any stupid you post each and every time it is necessary. thanks for the attention. I like the limelight.

JC, no one made Joe the forum spokesperson. You are not being ignored any more than the leftard clown posse ignores Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin or Alex Jones.......they HAVE to know what you are posting.....they must be able to attempt to refute. I swear eternal friendship to anyone that despises these lying sacks of shit even 1/10th as much as I do.
Seriously? You believe that the Hildebeast would have been a better choice to be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC? Especially given the revelations of Wikileaks? You are an absolute hoot!!!!

I think she'd remember the name of a US Soldier KIA and wouldn't say, "Well, he knew what he was signing on for"

The very fact you have to go back years to find something Hillary did that was as "offensive' as what Trump did last week says a lot.

She sold diplomacy for donations to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation. She was complicit in the Benghazi fiasco where surface to air missiles where placed in the hands of the proxy army ISIS in order to attempt to topple Assad in Syria after illegally having Qaddafi overthrown in Libya.......remember her "What difference does it make?" comment? Trump was taken out of context and the entire conversation shows that Trump was by no means being insensitive.
I find it hilarious that after the revelations of Wikileaks that you would have the unmitigated gall to proclaim that she should be really have no shame whatsoever.

You also left out the fact that she was also ILLEGALLY using Benghazi as a weapons dump to funnel weapons and cash to Terrorists, to Assassinate Qaddafi, and stage a coup. That is a VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW!

This is why her and Obama's first response to the attacks there were to cover them up, and create a false narrative.

Same as The DNC & Clinton created The FAKE Russian Dossier, and the FALSE Russia hacked THE DNC NARRATIVE.


Scott Bennett, a military whistleblower exposed Holder, Barrypuppet and Hitlery as being complicit in ignoring the funding of ISIS, a CIA, Mossad, MI5/MI6 proxy army using Qatar, Bahrain and Turkey as conduits to funnel weapons to them. People are so fucking stupid and naive. Hell, the Wikileaks data dump proves Bennett's claims.......but move along, folks....nothing to see here....:LOOK!! Trump conspired with the ROOSKIES to expose the cheating of the DNC!!!!! And that is cheating!!!!

Seriously, the jokes practically write themselves.......

Its amazing how Brainwashed Liberals are. They claim Russia Helped Expose The DNC and Clinton Rigging The Elections, to help Rig The Election for President Trump!


In what SANE world does that make any sense?

And when you ask LEFTY to show us Proof, what you get IS THE DNC REFUSING TO LET ANYONE SEE THEIR SERVER, and FIND OUT INSTEAD, that CLINTON AND OBAMA COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA and paid $13 Million between the two of them along with THE DNC to produce the FAKE RUSSIAN DOSSIER to RIG THE ELECTION.

That DNC SERVER, according to THE LEFT was hacked by RUSSIA and therefore this is a NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE, yet, No One is Allowed to SEE IT, and NOT ONE GOVERMENT AGENCY Charged with the responsibility of protecting our National Security has Subpoenaed it and ordered it to be turned over and looked at.

And we haven't even mentioned how THE DNC and CLINTON rigged THE DNC PRIMARY.

Seriously WTF LEFTY?

Don't you care about your country anymore?

Why aren't you fighting to take your PARTY BACK FROM THE CRIMINALS that are RUNNING IT NOW?
Imo Hillary is a corrupt pol who should be shunned. However, she did not meet with an existential enemy of our country to flip an election, and Trump's team did ... there's no doubt of that now. And, does anyone seriously doubt that had Mueller not flipped the election to Trump, the gop house would have impeached her by now? Seriously.
huh, so you just ignore the dossier that was paid for. hmmm I thought you were actually coming around and then like a rubberband snap back. wow.

name one thing the trump campaign did that changed one vote.
Seriously? You believe that the Hildebeast would have been a better choice to be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC? Especially given the revelations of Wikileaks? You are an absolute hoot!!!!

I think she'd remember the name of a US Soldier KIA and wouldn't say, "Well, he knew what he was signing on for"

The very fact you have to go back years to find something Hillary did that was as "offensive' as what Trump did last week says a lot.

She sold diplomacy for donations to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation. She was complicit in the Benghazi fiasco where surface to air missiles where placed in the hands of the proxy army ISIS in order to attempt to topple Assad in Syria after illegally having Qaddafi overthrown in Libya.......remember her "What difference does it make?" comment? Trump was taken out of context and the entire conversation shows that Trump was by no means being insensitive.
I find it hilarious that after the revelations of Wikileaks that you would have the unmitigated gall to proclaim that she should be really have no shame whatsoever.

You also left out the fact that she was also ILLEGALLY using Benghazi as a weapons dump to funnel weapons and cash to Terrorists, to Assassinate Qaddafi, and stage a coup. That is a VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW!

This is why her and Obama's first response to the attacks there were to cover them up, and create a false narrative.

Same as The DNC & Clinton created The FAKE Russian Dossier, and the FALSE Russia hacked THE DNC NARRATIVE.


Scott Bennett, a military whistleblower exposed Holder, Barrypuppet and Hitlery as being complicit in ignoring the funding of ISIS, a CIA, Mossad, MI5/MI6 proxy army using Qatar, Bahrain and Turkey as conduits to funnel weapons to them. People are so fucking stupid and naive. Hell, the Wikileaks data dump proves Bennett's claims.......but move along, folks....nothing to see here....:LOOK!! Trump conspired with the ROOSKIES to expose the cheating of the DNC!!!!! And that is cheating!!!!

Seriously, the jokes practically write themselves.......

Its amazing how Brainwashed Liberals are. They claim Russia Helped Expose The DNC and Clinton Rigging The Elections, to help Rig The Election for President Trump!

WTF? In what SANE world does that make any sense. And when you ask LEFTY to show us Proof, what you get IS THE DNC REFUSING TO LET ANYONE SHOW YOU THEIR SERVER, and FIND OUT INSTEAD, that CLINTON AND OBAMA COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA and paid $13 Million between the two of them along with THE DNC to produce the FAKE RUSSIAN DOSSIER to RIG THE ELECTION.

And we haven't even mentioned how THE DNC and CLINTON rigged THE DNC PRIMARY.

Seriously WTF LEFTY?

Don't you care about your country anymore?

Why aren't you fighting to take your PARTY BACK FROM THE CRIMINALS that are RUNNING IT NOW?

Like I stated before...this is like "gas lighting" where the victim is made to feel a cheating husband that becomes indignant because his wife was suspicious and came across his texts exposing how he was "pitching woo" to another woman and then declares that there was a "breach of trust" because she looked at his phone..........leftards here have NEVER tried to explain the revelations of the Wikileaks data dump....they have simply blamed the messenger.....or tried to find one to blame.
She sold diplomacy for donations to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation.

Really? because frankly, I look at her foreign policy and I don't seem much of a departure from what Bush did or her husband or Daddy Bush. It seems to me that giving her money to keep doing more of the same thing we always do wasn't a very smart investment by rich people you seem to think are brilliant enough to pull off massive deceptions.

She was complicit in the Benghazi fiasco where surface to air missiles where placed in the hands of the proxy army ISIS in order to attempt to topple Assad in Syria after illegally having Qaddafi overthrown in Libya.......remember her "What difference does it make?" comment?

Okay, you see, it's kind of hard to talk to you when you put your Lizard People conspiracy theories and mix them in with legit stories.

We didn't "illegally overthrow" Qaddafi. His own people did that.

Trump was taken out of context and the entire conversation shows that Trump was by no means being insensitive.

Sorry, I don't see a context where telling a war widow "he knew what he signed up for" is ever sensitive. But you keep making excuses for Trump until he does things you don't like, and he'll be one of the Lizard People, too.

I find it hilarious that after the revelations of Wikileaks that you would have the unmitigated gall to proclaim that she should be really have no shame whatsoever.

Well, even if everything from Wikileaks is true, SO FUCKING WHAT?

That people say unkind things in private emails. HELLLLOOOOOOO welcome to the real , lizard-people-free world the rest of us live in. All you need to do is take those pills the nice doctor tells you to take.
Like I stated before...this is like "gas lighting" where the victim is made to feel a cheating husband that becomes indignant because his wife was suspicious and came across his texts exposing how he was "pitching woo" to another woman and then declares that there was a "breach of trust" because she looked at his phone..........leftards here have NEVER tried to explain the revelations of the Wikileaks data dump....they have simply blamed the messenger.....or tried to find one to blame.

Well, actually, if the wife illegally hacked into his phone after he put security measures on them, she would be guilty of a crime.

Even if the so what leaks were true, or really meant anything, the fact that Trump dealt with Russia to get them and distribute them is treason. Period.
What exactly would you have done as POTUS that would have been better? It's easy to play Monday morning quarterback after the fact, not so easy in the middle of it.

Well, first, I'd have mobilized a lot more resources before the storm hit.

Second, I wouldn't have given a sweetheart 300 million dollar deal to a company that has no idea what it is doing and has ties to a major supporter.

Third, I wouldn't have waited 10 days before doing anything.

Fourth, I wouldn't have gotten into a pissing contest with officials who wer complaining i wasn't doing anything.

Those are the things i wouldn't have done. But I don't have a whole staff around me that is supposed to know how to handle these sorts of things.

Right, and having resources tied up from two very large storms that hit just a few weeks before would have had no impact whatsoever? You just wish them into existence?
And why would Trump be in prison.

Because Manafort’s going to sing like a bird. Trump’s other thugs will too. This will be a test of their loyalty towards the pussy grabber.

Sing like a bird about what? What’s the collusion, is it getting dirt on Hillary from Russia?? If that’s the case then guess where the trump dossier came from, Russia, through fusion GPS, funded by Clinton campaign (by the way GPS is connected to the same Russian lawyer trump jr met with, but nobody seems to put 2 and 2 together). Where’s the difference? Clinton used a 3rd party? So they were just sneakier about it, yea I guess that’s somehow better (sarcasm). What actually makes that worse is that Hillary shopped that dossier around that none of the mainstream media would use until finally buzzfeed did (what a strong media outlet).

Seriously, does anyone know what collusion means in this case? I know a case of collusion with uranium one, with bribes left and right, exchanging vast quantities of one of the most dangerous, rarest, and regulated substance on the planet. That’s has vastly more evidence, and the investigation got a gag order slapped on it...what’s up with that? This is why I can’t take the left seriously, they will turn a blind eye to everything and anything. They don’t actually care about whatever foul they’re crying, they’re more about just crying foul because they hate all that’s not in line with them.

Trump supporters are not much better either. The real issue is Russia is fucking with American politics on both sides, to get us at each others throats... and no one seems to care. They’re funding BLM, Antifa, alt right, whoever that’ll piss people off. They slip info to the left and right, as long as it will cause a uproar. Their agenda is to split us up, and it’s working. Stop playing on a team, stop listening to shit that just makes you feel good, challenge yourself and your beliefs, and be consistent
Right, and having resources tied up from two very large storms that hit just a few weeks before would have had no impact whatsoever? You just wish them into existence?

I remember when we had more than three storms, and still had resources available.

Here's the thing, as time goes on, we should be getting better at this, not worse.
Right, and having resources tied up from two very large storms that hit just a few weeks before would have had no impact whatsoever? You just wish them into existence?

I remember when we had more than three storms, and still had resources available.

Here's the thing, as time goes on, we should be getting better at this, not worse.

When did we have the resources to completely rebuild a electrical grid the size of PR's in a few weeks after being hit by three storms the size of these? I think your memory might be a bit faulty.
She sold diplomacy for donations to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation.

Really? because frankly, I look at her foreign policy and I don't seem much of a departure from what Bush did or her husband or Daddy Bush. It seems to me that giving her money to keep doing more of the same thing we always do wasn't a very smart investment by rich people you seem to think are brilliant enough to pull off massive deceptions.

She was complicit in the Benghazi fiasco where surface to air missiles where placed in the hands of the proxy army ISIS in order to attempt to topple Assad in Syria after illegally having Qaddafi overthrown in Libya.......remember her "What difference does it make?" comment?

Okay, you see, it's kind of hard to talk to you when you put your Lizard People conspiracy theories and mix them in with legit stories.

We didn't "illegally overthrow" Qaddafi. His own people did that.

Trump was taken out of context and the entire conversation shows that Trump was by no means being insensitive.

Sorry, I don't see a context where telling a war widow "he knew what he signed up for" is ever sensitive. But you keep making excuses for Trump until he does things you don't like, and he'll be one of the Lizard People, too.

I find it hilarious that after the revelations of Wikileaks that you would have the unmitigated gall to proclaim that she should be really have no shame whatsoever.

Well, even if everything from Wikileaks is true, SO FUCKING WHAT?

That people say unkind things in private emails. HELLLLOOOOOOO welcome to the real , lizard-people-free world the rest of us live in. All you need to do is take those pills the nice doctor tells you to take.

"Really? because frankly, I look at her foreign policy and I don't seem much of a departure from what Bush did or her husband or Daddy Bush. It seems to me that giving her money to keep doing more of the same thing we always do wasn't a very smart investment by rich people you seem to think are brilliant enough to pull off massive deceptions"

So because the Bush and Clinton crime families are thicker than thieves and kept the same scams in place via weapons sales that it washes a way a multitude of sins THUS she was worthy to be the next POTUS? That's a very interesting take but nothing a leftard has to say surprises me any...the ends justifies the means by "hook or crook".

"We didn't "illegally overthrow" Qaddafi. His own people did that"

HOLY SHIT!!!!! Dude, if you believe that load of bullshit? You should go ahead and turn in your board membership now because that is THE dumbest thing I have ever read on this messageboard. I am almost stunned into silence as I shake my head at the sheer stupidity of that comment.

"Well, even if everything from Wikileaks is true, SO FUCKING WHAT?"


Way to double down with that ace of stupidity you have been holding.........I am utterly stunned. You just kicked your own ass with those last two statements and I didn't have to say much at all.

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