As I Predicted on Day One, Special Counsel Must Find SOMETHING to Justify Their Existence

Seriously? You believe that the Hildebeast would have been a better choice to be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC? Especially given the revelations of Wikileaks? You are an absolute hoot!!!!

I think she'd remember the name of a US Soldier KIA and wouldn't say, "Well, he knew what he was signing on for"

The very fact you have to go back years to find something Hillary did that was as "offensive' as what Trump did last week says a lot.
and yet she ignored four americans in benghazi, so that logic flew out immediately.

After 2 years of Republican investigation headed by Senator Trey Gowdy with Committee member Nunes a Trump surrogate lap dog. They found nothing and no charges was brought up against Hillary.

Dale the conspiracist jerk will tell you the system is rigged to save Hillary.

Don’t you and others ever get tired using the same worthless crap?
Seriously? You believe that the Hildebeast would have been a better choice to be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC? Especially given the revelations of Wikileaks? You are an absolute hoot!!!!

I think she'd remember the name of a US Soldier KIA and wouldn't say, "Well, he knew what he was signing on for"

The very fact you have to go back years to find something Hillary did that was as "offensive' as what Trump did last week says a lot.
and yet she ignored four americans in benghazi, so that logic flew out immediately.

After 2 years of Republican investigation headed by Senator Trey Gowdy with Committee member Nunes a Trump surrogate lap dog. They found nothing and no charges was brought up against Hillary.

Dale the conspiracist jerk will tell you the system is rigged to save Hillary.

Don’t you and others ever get tired using the same worthless crap?
it is, the congress cannot bring charges, that is up to the DOJ. and we know who they were. it isn't rocket science.
Imo Hillary is a corrupt pol who should be shunned. However, she did not meet with an existential enemy of our country to flip an election, and Trump's team did ... there's no doubt of that now. And, does anyone seriously doubt that had Mueller not flipped the election to Trump, the gop house would have impeached her by now? Seriously.

Really. REALLY? Compared to Trump.

Hillary 40 years career as a politician NEVER been charged or indicted of any crimes. Tax returns is available.

Corrupt Trump cannot even show his tax returns. That alone should sink any candidates. Yet you voted for him.
Ten months later he demonstrated nothing but ineptness, divisiveness and make us the laughingstock around the globe.
Imo Hillary is a corrupt pol who should be shunned. However, she did not meet with an existential enemy of our country to flip an election, and Trump's team did ... there's no doubt of that now. And, does anyone seriously doubt that had Mueller not flipped the election to Trump, the gop house would have impeached her by now? Seriously.

Really. REALLY? Compared to Trump.

Hillary 40 years career as a politician NEVER been charged or indicted of any crimes. Tax returns is available.

Corrupt Trump cannot even show his tax returns. That alone should sink any candidates. Yet you voted for him.
Ten months later he demonstrated nothing but ineptness, divisiveness and make us the laughingstock around the globe.
fking amazing.
Seriously? You believe that the Hildebeast would have been a better choice to be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC? Especially given the revelations of Wikileaks? You are an absolute hoot!!!!

I think she'd remember the name of a US Soldier KIA and wouldn't say, "Well, he knew what he was signing on for"

The very fact you have to go back years to find something Hillary did that was as "offensive' as what Trump did last week says a lot.

She sold diplomacy for donations to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation. She was complicit in the Benghazi fiasco where surface to air missiles where placed in the hands of the proxy army ISIS in order to attempt to topple Assad in Syria after illegally having Qaddafi overthrown in Libya.......remember her "What difference does it make?" comment? Trump was taken out of context and the entire conversation shows that Trump was by no means being insensitive.
I find it hilarious that after the revelations of Wikileaks that you would have the unmitigated gall to proclaim that she should be really have no shame whatsoever.

You also left out the fact that she was also ILLEGALLY using Benghazi as a weapons dump to funnel weapons and cash to Terrorists, to Assassinate Qaddafi, and stage a coup. That is a VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW!

This is why her and Obama's first response to the attacks there were to cover them up, and create a false narrative.

Same as The DNC & Clinton created The FAKE Russian Dossier, and the FALSE Russia hacked THE DNC NARRATIVE.


Scott Bennett, a military whistleblower exposed Holder, Barrypuppet and Hitlery as being complicit in ignoring the funding of ISIS, a CIA, Mossad, MI5/MI6 proxy army using Qatar, Bahrain and Turkey as conduits to funnel weapons to them. People are so fucking stupid and naive. Hell, the Wikileaks data dump proves Bennett's claims.......but move along, folks....nothing to see here....:LOOK!! Trump conspired with the ROOSKIES to expose the cheating of the DNC!!!!! And that is cheating!!!!

Seriously, the jokes practically write themselves.......

And you proved this by your conspiracy bs? Correct?
Well, Mr. Day One, I guess that now that they have a conviction, they have justified their existence...
Seriously? You believe that the Hildebeast would have been a better choice to be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC? Especially given the revelations of Wikileaks? You are an absolute hoot!!!!

I think she'd remember the name of a US Soldier KIA and wouldn't say, "Well, he knew what he was signing on for"

The very fact you have to go back years to find something Hillary did that was as "offensive' as what Trump did last week says a lot.

She sold diplomacy for donations to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation. She was complicit in the Benghazi fiasco where surface to air missiles where placed in the hands of the proxy army ISIS in order to attempt to topple Assad in Syria after illegally having Qaddafi overthrown in Libya.......remember her "What difference does it make?" comment? Trump was taken out of context and the entire conversation shows that Trump was by no means being insensitive.
I find it hilarious that after the revelations of Wikileaks that you would have the unmitigated gall to proclaim that she should be really have no shame whatsoever.

This a problem when a conspiracists like you posting this kind of nonsense.
Is your post coming from fantasies, lunacies or Infowars?
Seriously? You believe that the Hildebeast would have been a better choice to be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC? Especially given the revelations of Wikileaks? You are an absolute hoot!!!!

I think she'd remember the name of a US Soldier KIA and wouldn't say, "Well, he knew what he was signing on for"

The very fact you have to go back years to find something Hillary did that was as "offensive' as what Trump did last week says a lot.

She sold diplomacy for donations to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation. She was complicit in the Benghazi fiasco where surface to air missiles where placed in the hands of the proxy army ISIS in order to attempt to topple Assad in Syria after illegally having Qaddafi overthrown in Libya.......remember her "What difference does it make?" comment? Trump was taken out of context and the entire conversation shows that Trump was by no means being insensitive.
I find it hilarious that after the revelations of Wikileaks that you would have the unmitigated gall to proclaim that she should be really have no shame whatsoever.

You also left out the fact that she was also ILLEGALLY using Benghazi as a weapons dump to funnel weapons and cash to Terrorists, to Assassinate Qaddafi, and stage a coup. That is a VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW!

This is why her and Obama's first response to the attacks there were to cover them up, and create a false narrative.

Same as The DNC & Clinton created The FAKE Russian Dossier, and the FALSE Russia hacked THE DNC NARRATIVE.


Scott Bennett, a military whistleblower exposed Holder, Barrypuppet and Hitlery as being complicit in ignoring the funding of ISIS, a CIA, Mossad, MI5/MI6 proxy army using Qatar, Bahrain and Turkey as conduits to funnel weapons to them. People are so fucking stupid and naive. Hell, the Wikileaks data dump proves Bennett's claims.......but move along, folks....nothing to see here....:LOOK!! Trump conspired with the ROOSKIES to expose the cheating of the DNC!!!!! And that is cheating!!!!

Seriously, the jokes practically write themselves.......

Its amazing how Brainwashed Liberals are. They claim Russia Helped Expose The DNC and Clinton Rigging The Elections, to help Rig The Election for President Trump!


In what SANE world does that make any sense?

And when you ask LEFTY to show us Proof, what you get IS THE DNC REFUSING TO LET ANYONE SEE THEIR SERVER, and FIND OUT INSTEAD, that CLINTON AND OBAMA COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA and paid $13 Million between the two of them along with THE DNC to produce the FAKE RUSSIAN DOSSIER to RIG THE ELECTION.

That DNC SERVER, according to THE LEFT was hacked by RUSSIA and therefore this is a NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE, yet, No One is Allowed to SEE IT, and NOT ONE GOVERMENT AGENCY Charged with the responsibility of protecting our National Security has Subpoenaed it and ordered it to be turned over and looked at.

And we haven't even mentioned how THE DNC and CLINTON rigged THE DNC PRIMARY.

Seriously WTF LEFTY?

Don't you care about your country anymore?

Why aren't you fighting to take your PARTY BACK FROM THE CRIMINALS that are RUNNING IT NOW?

Nah! This is very funny.

Why are you blaming the lefty? Did the lefty force corrupt Trump to hire Manafort? Did the lefty hire Mueller?
Maybe you are not aware ———- it’s the Republican investigating the Republican administration.
Why don’t you stick with (reality) that? Instead of blaming the left.

You’ve been watching too much of Hannity or Infowars. Not good to your digestive systems.
Like I stated before...this is like "gas lighting" where the victim is made to feel a cheating husband that becomes indignant because his wife was suspicious and came across his texts exposing how he was "pitching woo" to another woman and then declares that there was a "breach of trust" because she looked at his phone..........leftards here have NEVER tried to explain the revelations of the Wikileaks data dump....they have simply blamed the messenger.....or tried to find one to blame.

Well, actually, if the wife illegally hacked into his phone after he put security measures on them, she would be guilty of a crime.

Even if the so what leaks were true, or really meant anything, the fact that Trump dealt with Russia to get them and distribute them is treason. Period.

Cut him off. Do not engage with his conspiracy craps. He will shut up.
Imo Hillary is a corrupt pol who should be shunned. However, she did not meet with an existential enemy of our country to flip an election, and Trump's team did ... there's no doubt of that now. And, does anyone seriously doubt that had Mueller not flipped the election to Trump, the gop house would have impeached her by now? Seriously.

Really. REALLY? Compared to Trump.

Hillary 40 years career as a politician NEVER been charged or indicted of any crimes. Tax returns is available.

Corrupt Trump cannot even show his tax returns. That alone should sink any candidates. Yet you voted for him.
Ten months later he demonstrated nothing but ineptness, divisiveness and make us the laughingstock around the globe.
fking amazing.


That your best dude even this Dale the conspiracist or original tree cannot even give me an honest real facts of rebuttal.
Seriously? You believe that the Hildebeast would have been a better choice to be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC? Especially given the revelations of Wikileaks? You are an absolute hoot!!!!

I think she'd remember the name of a US Soldier KIA and wouldn't say, "Well, he knew what he was signing on for"

The very fact you have to go back years to find something Hillary did that was as "offensive' as what Trump did last week says a lot.
and yet she ignored four americans in benghazi, so that logic flew out immediately.

After 2 years of Republican investigation headed by Senator Trey Gowdy with Committee member Nunes a Trump surrogate lap dog. They found nothing and no charges was brought up against Hillary.

Dale the conspiracist jerk will tell you the system is rigged to save Hillary.

Don’t you and others ever get tired using the same worthless crap?
it is, the congress cannot bring charges, that is up to the DOJ. and we know who they were. it isn't rocket science.

Really? Common dude you should know better.
Did any of the Republicans complained or blamed the DOJ they cannot bring charges?
Did someone shut their mouth? As far as I know I didn’t hear anything from any of the Republicans. Only poorly informed people like you keep coming up with this same crap.
Or are you proving that Trump administration is so inept that they cannot bring any charges against Hillary?

As an add on you may want to read this link about Hillary being sued because Benghazi. Then later dismissed by judge.
If you listen Dale the conspiracist will tell you the judge and Hillary are twin sisters from Sudan.

Suit against Hillary Clinton over Benghazi deaths and emails is dismissed
Imo Hillary is a corrupt pol who should be shunned. However, she did not meet with an existential enemy of our country to flip an election, and Trump's team did ... there's no doubt of that now. And, does anyone seriously doubt that had Mueller not flipped the election to Trump, the gop house would have impeached her by now? Seriously.

Really. REALLY? Compared to Trump.

Hillary 40 years career as a politician NEVER been charged or indicted of any crimes. Tax returns is available.

Corrupt Trump cannot even show his tax returns. That alone should sink any candidates. Yet you voted for him.
Ten months later he demonstrated nothing but ineptness, divisiveness and make us the laughingstock around the globe.
fking amazing.


That your best dude even this Dale the conspiracist or original tree cannot even give me an honest real facts of rebuttal.
They don’t need to since nothing that you posted is accurate. once you supply the facts then we can supply the information that reputes your post but till then you need facts then they will try thanks.
And so Everyone knows READ THE INDICTMENT. If you are too dumb to understand it, don't comment on it, or cite it.

The fucking shit going down with Manafort and Mueller is this......Mueller continues to interrogate Manafort and has done so numerous times, and because THEY HAVE NOTHING, what they do is try to trip you up, and cause you to make incorrect statements, especially on matters that you yourself have documented.....ONLY THEY DON'T Play Fair. You aren't allowed to look the documents up, or use notes to recall on what dates you did what. You have to verbally tell them what you recall by memory.

NOW THAT IS SOME CROOKED SHIT, and this is how they entrapped the little unpaid volunteer, when he made a verbal statement about something he had already legally and properly disclosed in a disclosure document.


Really? I mean REALLY?

Seems that you know quite a bit of Mueller investigation.

Prove to us here that this is WITCH HUNT.
We are waiting.

Just like Benghazi. It took 2 years to investigate Hillary that is one person ONE woman. Compared to Mueller investigations which consist of several traitors and liars.
Certainly, the lack of any thing Russia. Hilarious
"Must find something"

Something, like a Trump campaign official lying about meetings with Russians, detailing a mutual effort to arrange a meeting with Russia and Trump, and going to these meetings under the pretense of getting stolen emails.

And that took all of 2 months.

Yes, I would say they found something. And all of the cackling and crybabying in this thread will have zero bearing on any of it.
Seriously? You believe that the Hildebeast would have been a better choice to be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC? Especially given the revelations of Wikileaks? You are an absolute hoot!!!!

I think she'd remember the name of a US Soldier KIA and wouldn't say, "Well, he knew what he was signing on for"

The very fact you have to go back years to find something Hillary did that was as "offensive' as what Trump did last week says a lot.
and yet she ignored four americans in benghazi, so that logic flew out immediately.

After 2 years of Republican investigation headed by Senator Trey Gowdy with Committee member Nunes a Trump surrogate lap dog. They found nothing and no charges was brought up against Hillary.

Dale the conspiracist jerk will tell you the system is rigged to save Hillary.

Don’t you and others ever get tired using the same worthless crap?
it is, the congress cannot bring charges, that is up to the DOJ. and we know who they were. it isn't rocket science.

Really? Common dude you should know better.
Did any of the Republicans complained or blamed the DOJ they cannot bring charges?
Did someone shut their mouth? As far as I know I didn’t hear anything from any of the Republicans. Only poorly informed people like you keep coming up with this same crap.
Or are you proving that Trump administration is so inept that they cannot bring any charges against Hillary?

As an add on you may want to read this link about Hillary being sued because Benghazi. Then later dismissed by judge.
If you listen Dale the conspiracist will tell you the judge and Hillary are twin sisters from Sudan.

Suit against Hillary Clinton over Benghazi deaths and emails is dismissed
It is what it is
"Must find something"

Something, like a Trump campaign official lying about meetings with Russians, detailing a mutual effort to arrange a meeting with Russia and Trump, and going to these meetings under the pretense of getting stolen emails.

And that took all of 2 months.

Yes, I would say they found something. And all of the cackling and crybabying in this thread will have zero bearing on any of it.
"Must find something"

Something, like a Trump campaign official lying about meetings with Russians, detailing a mutual effort to arrange a meeting with Russia and Trump, and going to these meetings under the pretense of getting stolen emails.

And that took all of 2 months.

Yes, I would say they found something. And all of the cackling and crybabying in this thread will have zero bearing on any of it.

I dont recall saying you, or any of Trump's other mommies, would or should care.
Yes, Seth Rich WAS the source of the leaks and he passed off the thumb drive to a U.K ambassador that then gave it to Julian Assange at the Ecuador embassy in London. After Seth Rich was murdered, Assange offered a 25k reward leading to the arrest and conviction of his killer. No one knows what....

And he's off into the crazy weeds... again.

You have no understanding of how long it would take to download the amount of data from a server thousands of miles a way and the firewalls that would detect a security breach of that magnitude. That is why DNC friendly Cloudstrike was the only one allowed to examine the DNC server. What you don't know or understand could fill several libraries. Here is a great example of Occam's Razor you always post about. LOL!!!!
Like I stated before...this is like "gas lighting" where the victim is made to feel a cheating husband that becomes indignant because his wife was suspicious and came across his texts exposing how he was "pitching woo" to another woman and then declares that there was a "breach of trust" because she looked at his phone..........leftards here have NEVER tried to explain the revelations of the Wikileaks data dump....they have simply blamed the messenger.....or tried to find one to blame.

Well, actually, if the wife illegally hacked into his phone after he put security measures on them, she would be guilty of a crime.

Even if the so what leaks were true, or really meant anything, the fact that Trump dealt with Russia to get them and distribute them is treason. Period.

"Even if the so what leaks were true, or really meant anything, the fact that Trump dealt with Russia to get them and distribute them is treason. Period."

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!! Seth Rich was the source of the leak, ya numb fuck. HOLY shit!!! Two consecutive posts where you kick your own ass and I didn't have to lift a finger! Do you even understand how data is transferred and how that amount of data would have taken MANY hours and would have set off an alarm to the IT guys that the server had been compromised????
You really are fucking stupid, Joe......I just didn't realize as to how stupid and ignorant that you are but you settled that issue!

"Trump and the ROOSKIES cheated!!!! do you hear me?????????" Says Joe, the clown in search of a circus or rodeo gig.

What is sad is that this country has too many dumb fucks like "slow Joe" is to weep.

Seth Rich was NOT the source of the leaks. He had no access to email, and there was nothing on his computer to indicate he’d had any contact with WikiLeaks.

Yes, Seth Rich WAS the source of the leaks and he passed off the thumb drive to a U.K ambassador that then gave it to Julian Assange at the Ecuador embassy in London. After Seth Rich was murdered, Assange offered a 25k reward leading to the arrest and conviction of his killer. No one knows what was on Rich's computer because it was confiscated even though we were told that is was simply a mugging that went why would they need his laptop and hold it for so long???? Hmmmmm?

Then we have the fact that a DNC "fixer" by the name of Brad Bauman became the official "spokesperson" for Seth Rich's family when someone within the D.C police department notified someone within the DNC that a private investigator was snooping around and asking questions....up until they found out that a P.I had been hired? The DNC didn't give a shit but then had to go into "damage control". Here is an interesting tidbit from a resident doctor that saw Seth Rich the night he was brought into the E.R......View attachment 158096
Snopes says false to leaks. And Trump told fox news to publish fake story.

Snopes should stick to urban legends as that is their forte. They are only privy to what the lamestream Operation Mockingbird media spits out and most of the time it is utter bullshit.

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