As I Predicted on Day One, Special Counsel Must Find SOMETHING to Justify Their Existence

Like I stated before...this is like "gas lighting" where the victim is made to feel a cheating husband that becomes indignant because his wife was suspicious and came across his texts exposing how he was "pitching woo" to another woman and then declares that there was a "breach of trust" because she looked at his phone..........leftards here have NEVER tried to explain the revelations of the Wikileaks data dump....they have simply blamed the messenger.....or tried to find one to blame.

Well, actually, if the wife illegally hacked into his phone after he put security measures on them, she would be guilty of a crime.

Even if the so what leaks were true, or really meant anything, the fact that Trump dealt with Russia to get them and distribute them is treason. Period.

"Even if the so what leaks were true, or really meant anything, the fact that Trump dealt with Russia to get them and distribute them is treason. Period."

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!! Seth Rich was the source of the leak, ya numb fuck. HOLY shit!!! Two consecutive posts where you kick your own ass and I didn't have to lift a finger! Do you even understand how data is transferred and how that amount of data would have taken MANY hours and would have set off an alarm to the IT guys that the server had been compromised????
You really are fucking stupid, Joe......I just didn't realize as to how stupid and ignorant that you are but you settled that issue!

"Trump and the ROOSKIES cheated!!!! do you hear me?????????" Says Joe, the clown in search of a circus or rodeo gig.

What is sad is that this country has too many dumb fucks like "slow Joe" is to weep.
When did we have the resources to completely rebuild a electrical grid the size of PR's in a few weeks after being hit by three storms the size of these? I think your memory might be a bit faulty.

We are the richest country in the world... we did a lot more with a lot less technology.

Of course, we had presidents who knew what they were doing then, not an orange shitgibbon.
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!! Seth Rich was the source of the leak, ya numb fuck.

Oh, okay, I'm sure you read that on, but frankly, I don't have time or patience to wade through your paranoia.

Actually, it doesn't take that much effort all all to hack a database and download a shitload of data. Just ask Home Depot or Equifax.
When did we have the resources to completely rebuild a electrical grid the size of PR's in a few weeks after being hit by three storms the size of these? I think your memory might be a bit faulty.

We are the richest country in the world... we did a lot more with a lot less technology.

Of course, we had presidents who knew what they were doing then, not an orange shitgibbon.

Again, when did we have the ability to rebuild an entire power grid this size in a short enough time to prevent haters from going nuts? Especially after two other massive storms a few weeks before?
So because the Bush and Clinton crime families are thicker than thieves and kept the same scams in place via weapons sales that it washes a way a multitude of sins THUS she was worthy to be the next POTUS? That's a very interesting take but nothing a leftard has to say surprises me any...the ends justifies the means by "hook or crook".

Um, yeah... so why spend million of dollars to get her to do what she was going to do anyway? This is where your logic falls apart, cocksucker dale.

HOLY SHIT!!!!! Dude, if you believe that load of bullshit? You should go ahead and turn in your board membership now because that is THE dumbest thing I have ever read on this messageboard. I am almost stunned into silence as I shake my head at the sheer stupidity of that comment.

Okay, I know, you think that the Lizardmen got Qadaffi.... That it's totally impossible that people would get fed up with a clownish dictator and overthrow him.
What is sad is that this country has too many dumb fucks like "slow Joe" is to weep.

So when Mueller indicts everyone associated with Trump, you'll probably blame the LIzard People for that, too.
There existence is justified by protecting us from outside influence in our elections.
Russia gaining enough power will become a real problem for us.
Like I stated before...this is like "gas lighting" where the victim is made to feel a cheating husband that becomes indignant because his wife was suspicious and came across his texts exposing how he was "pitching woo" to another woman and then declares that there was a "breach of trust" because she looked at his phone..........leftards here have NEVER tried to explain the revelations of the Wikileaks data dump....they have simply blamed the messenger.....or tried to find one to blame.

Well, actually, if the wife illegally hacked into his phone after he put security measures on them, she would be guilty of a crime.

Even if the so what leaks were true, or really meant anything, the fact that Trump dealt with Russia to get them and distribute them is treason. Period.

"Even if the so what leaks were true, or really meant anything, the fact that Trump dealt with Russia to get them and distribute them is treason. Period."

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!! Seth Rich was the source of the leak, ya numb fuck. HOLY shit!!! Two consecutive posts where you kick your own ass and I didn't have to lift a finger! Do you even understand how data is transferred and how that amount of data would have taken MANY hours and would have set off an alarm to the IT guys that the server had been compromised????
You really are fucking stupid, Joe......I just didn't realize as to how stupid and ignorant that you are but you settled that issue!

"Trump and the ROOSKIES cheated!!!! do you hear me?????????" Says Joe, the clown in search of a circus or rodeo gig.

What is sad is that this country has too many dumb fucks like "slow Joe" is to weep.

Seth Rich was NOT the source of the leaks. He had no access to email, and there was nothing on his computer to indicate he’d had any contact with WikiLeaks.
Like I stated before...this is like "gas lighting" where the victim is made to feel a cheating husband that becomes indignant because his wife was suspicious and came across his texts exposing how he was "pitching woo" to another woman and then declares that there was a "breach of trust" because she looked at his phone..........leftards here have NEVER tried to explain the revelations of the Wikileaks data dump....they have simply blamed the messenger.....or tried to find one to blame.

Well, actually, if the wife illegally hacked into his phone after he put security measures on them, she would be guilty of a crime.

Even if the so what leaks were true, or really meant anything, the fact that Trump dealt with Russia to get them and distribute them is treason. Period.

"Even if the so what leaks were true, or really meant anything, the fact that Trump dealt with Russia to get them and distribute them is treason. Period."

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!! Seth Rich was the source of the leak, ya numb fuck. HOLY shit!!! Two consecutive posts where you kick your own ass and I didn't have to lift a finger! Do you even understand how data is transferred and how that amount of data would have taken MANY hours and would have set off an alarm to the IT guys that the server had been compromised????
You really are fucking stupid, Joe......I just didn't realize as to how stupid and ignorant that you are but you settled that issue!

"Trump and the ROOSKIES cheated!!!! do you hear me?????????" Says Joe, the clown in search of a circus or rodeo gig.

What is sad is that this country has too many dumb fucks like "slow Joe" is to weep.

Seth Rich was NOT the source of the leaks. He had no access to email, and there was nothing on his computer to indicate he’d had any contact with WikiLeaks.

Yes, Seth Rich WAS the source of the leaks and he passed off the thumb drive to a U.K ambassador that then gave it to Julian Assange at the Ecuador embassy in London. After Seth Rich was murdered, Assange offered a 25k reward leading to the arrest and conviction of his killer. No one knows what was on Rich's computer because it was confiscated even though we were told that is was simply a mugging that went why would they need his laptop and hold it for so long???? Hmmmmm?

Then we have the fact that a DNC "fixer" by the name of Brad Bauman became the official "spokesperson" for Seth Rich's family when someone within the D.C police department notified someone within the DNC that a private investigator was snooping around and asking questions....up until they found out that a P.I had been hired? The DNC didn't give a shit but then had to go into "damage control". Here is an interesting tidbit from a resident doctor that saw Seth Rich the night he was brought into the E.R......
Yes, Seth Rich WAS the source of the leaks and he passed off the thumb drive to a U.K ambassador that then gave it to Julian Assange at the Ecuador embassy in London. After Seth Rich was murdered, Assange offered a 25k reward leading to the arrest and conviction of his killer. No one knows what....

And he's off into the crazy weeds... again.
Like I stated before...this is like "gas lighting" where the victim is made to feel a cheating husband that becomes indignant because his wife was suspicious and came across his texts exposing how he was "pitching woo" to another woman and then declares that there was a "breach of trust" because she looked at his phone..........leftards here have NEVER tried to explain the revelations of the Wikileaks data dump....they have simply blamed the messenger.....or tried to find one to blame.

Well, actually, if the wife illegally hacked into his phone after he put security measures on them, she would be guilty of a crime.

Even if the so what leaks were true, or really meant anything, the fact that Trump dealt with Russia to get them and distribute them is treason. Period.

"Even if the so what leaks were true, or really meant anything, the fact that Trump dealt with Russia to get them and distribute them is treason. Period."

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!! Seth Rich was the source of the leak, ya numb fuck. HOLY shit!!! Two consecutive posts where you kick your own ass and I didn't have to lift a finger! Do you even understand how data is transferred and how that amount of data would have taken MANY hours and would have set off an alarm to the IT guys that the server had been compromised????
You really are fucking stupid, Joe......I just didn't realize as to how stupid and ignorant that you are but you settled that issue!

"Trump and the ROOSKIES cheated!!!! do you hear me?????????" Says Joe, the clown in search of a circus or rodeo gig.

What is sad is that this country has too many dumb fucks like "slow Joe" is to weep.

Seth Rich was NOT the source of the leaks. He had no access to email, and there was nothing on his computer to indicate he’d had any contact with WikiLeaks.

Yes, Seth Rich WAS the source of the leaks and he passed off the thumb drive to a U.K ambassador that then gave it to Julian Assange at the Ecuador embassy in London. After Seth Rich was murdered, Assange offered a 25k reward leading to the arrest and conviction of his killer. No one knows what was on Rich's computer because it was confiscated even though we were told that is was simply a mugging that went why would they need his laptop and hold it for so long???? Hmmmmm?

Then we have the fact that a DNC "fixer" by the name of Brad Bauman became the official "spokesperson" for Seth Rich's family when someone within the D.C police department notified someone within the DNC that a private investigator was snooping around and asking questions....up until they found out that a P.I had been hired? The DNC didn't give a shit but then had to go into "damage control". Here is an interesting tidbit from a resident doctor that saw Seth Rich the night he was brought into the E.R......View attachment 158096
Snopes says false to leaks. And Trump told fox news to publish fake story.
Yes, Seth Rich WAS the source of the leaks and he passed off the thumb drive to a U.K ambassador that then gave it to Julian Assange at the Ecuador embassy in London. After Seth Rich was murdered, Assange offered a 25k reward leading to the arrest and conviction of his killer. No one knows what....

And he's off into the crazy weeds... again.
yep Seth Rich was the souce of the email leaks, Assange stated so, the guy that got them.
Also I would like to add and address one more issue for the POLE SMOKING Sodomites on here who hate God, Democracy, Our Flag, Our Country, and Our President.

The FBI is saying Papadopolous is a liar. The Professor said he is a liar. Nobody ever heard of the guy, and he was a volunteer, but the best part is..... This little weasel tried on a few occassions, NO DOUBT WITH MUELLER'S DIRECTION to try to get THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN to meet with people with Russian Associations, and MANAFORT for the 2 short months he worked for THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN REJECTED ALL OF THOSE REQUESTS.

Now, here is my advice. Go to the grocery store, buy a bottle of hot sauce, take the lid off, Shove it up your ASS, and STAND ON YOUR HEAD FOR 30 Minutes!
are you saying that the greek was a plant? A PLANT? look at his picture, he looks like one.

Even his professor from Northwestern says he's a liar.
Like I stated before...this is like "gas lighting" where the victim is made to feel a cheating husband that becomes indignant because his wife was suspicious and came across his texts exposing how he was "pitching woo" to another woman and then declares that there was a "breach of trust" because she looked at his phone..........leftards here have NEVER tried to explain the revelations of the Wikileaks data dump....they have simply blamed the messenger.....or tried to find one to blame.

Well, actually, if the wife illegally hacked into his phone after he put security measures on them, she would be guilty of a crime.

Even if the so what leaks were true, or really meant anything, the fact that Trump dealt with Russia to get them and distribute them is treason. Period.

"Even if the so what leaks were true, or really meant anything, the fact that Trump dealt with Russia to get them and distribute them is treason. Period."

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!! Seth Rich was the source of the leak, ya numb fuck. HOLY shit!!! Two consecutive posts where you kick your own ass and I didn't have to lift a finger! Do you even understand how data is transferred and how that amount of data would have taken MANY hours and would have set off an alarm to the IT guys that the server had been compromised????
You really are fucking stupid, Joe......I just didn't realize as to how stupid and ignorant that you are but you settled that issue!

"Trump and the ROOSKIES cheated!!!! do you hear me?????????" Says Joe, the clown in search of a circus or rodeo gig.

What is sad is that this country has too many dumb fucks like "slow Joe" is to weep.

Seth Rich was NOT the source of the leaks. He had no access to email, and there was nothing on his computer to indicate he’d had any contact with WikiLeaks.

Yes, Seth Rich WAS the source of the leaks and he passed off the thumb drive to a U.K ambassador that then gave it to Julian Assange at the Ecuador embassy in London. After Seth Rich was murdered, Assange offered a 25k reward leading to the arrest and conviction of his killer. No one knows what was on Rich's computer because it was confiscated even though we were told that is was simply a mugging that went why would they need his laptop and hold it for so long???? Hmmmmm?

Then we have the fact that a DNC "fixer" by the name of Brad Bauman became the official "spokesperson" for Seth Rich's family when someone within the D.C police department notified someone within the DNC that a private investigator was snooping around and asking questions....up until they found out that a P.I had been hired? The DNC didn't give a shit but then had to go into "damage control". Here is an interesting tidbit from a resident doctor that saw Seth Rich the night he was brought into the E.R......View attachment 158096
Snopes says false to leaks. And Trump told fox news to publish fake story.
And so Everyone knows READ THE INDICTMENT. If you are too dumb to understand it, don't comment on it, or cite it.

The fucking shit going down with Manafort and Mueller is this......Mueller continues to interrogate Manafort and has done so numerous times, and because THEY HAVE NOTHING, what they do is try to trip you up, and cause you to make incorrect statements, especially on matters that you yourself have documented.....ONLY THEY DON'T Play Fair. You aren't allowed to look the documents up, or use notes to recall on what dates you did what. You have to verbally tell them what you recall by memory.

NOW THAT IS SOME CROOKED SHIT, and this is how they entrapped the little unpaid volunteer, when he made a verbal statement about something he had already legally and properly disclosed in a disclosure document.


Really? I mean REALLY?

Seems that you know quite a bit of Mueller investigation.

Prove to us here that this is WITCH HUNT.
We are waiting.

Just like Benghazi. It took 2 years to investigate Hillary that is one person ONE woman. Compared to Mueller investigations which consist of several traitors and liars.
The dates on the indictments for the financial transactions listed go from 2006 to 2013, not 2015.
Actually it says to 2016. But the Right never let facts get in the way of a "good" lie.

From pg 1 of the indictment:
In order to hide Ukraine payments from United States authorities, from approximately 2006 through 2016, Manafort and Gates laundered the money through scores of United States and foreign corporations, partnerships, and bank accounts

Did you even fucking look at the list of Financial Transactions? 2013 is the latest date, 2008-2013....and again, none of this covers any work done for The Trump Team.
Not one transaction listed in the indictment refers to any work done by The Campaign.

There are a couple of 2014 entries I just saw as a matter of correction, but again....WTF does this have to do with THE ELECTION? THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION?

No, you fucking looked at nothing. It's a fucking indictment, which is worth less than the shitty toilet paper you reuse to wipe your ass in the out house.

It's like me calling you a flaming asshole bung licker in front of a bunch of my friends and they agree they think it's true.

Well is it?

Are you a flaming asshole bung licker?

Answer the fucking question!


This is the problem when your only source of news and entertainment is HANNITY. Sad.
yeah what's that got to do with actual foreign interference? that is him being questioned by agents. hly fk are you lost friend. FARA was in what year?
View attachment 157803

Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort files as foreign agent for Ukraine work

Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort files as foreign agent for Ukraine work

A consulting firm led by Paul Manafort, who chaired Donald Trump’s presidential campaign for several months last year, retroactively filed forms Tuesday showing that his firm received $17.1 million over two years from a political party that dominated Ukraine before its leader fled to Russia in 2014.

June 27 2017
not sure what this is. your reaching for straw and getting poop.

Manafort made statements in late 2016 and early 2017 that he wasn't a foreign agent, and received no foreign money.

On June 27 2017 he filed an amended foreign agent registration saying that he was a foreign agent, and that he was paid $17 million.

He lied, then corrected the paperwork, but by then it was too late.
sso did the podesta brothers.

If the podesta brothers did. Is that mean Manafort is innocent?
Whether it is a blow job in the Oval Office or money laundering long before the election and nothing to do with the election.

They will continue to try to milk this witch hunt more. Easy money with a book deal waiting.

- Weatherman, Prophet Extraordinaire

Mueller Will Investigate Hillary's Uranium Deal

Mueller is part of the swamp that needs to be drained. There isn't anything he has to say as it pertains to Trump that I would buy for even a second. You can forget about anything coming out about the Hildebeast and the prior admins. They are protected by the Crooks In Action. The level of corruption runs so deep that it can never be outed......too many heads would end up on the chopping block.
Trump is part of the swamp and HE needs to go. Many of his hires are alligators from the swamp but of course you look the other way.
So “ cleaning the swamp” means to permit BIG COAL to dump their wastes in our river and streams with immunity?
That was one of the first EO’s the big dummy right in his early days he set the trend to hurt Americans and cater to the fossil fuel industry..
How about the recent senate bill that passed 51-50 that fucks consumers up the ass by the Big Banks. This is what Frump accused Hillary would do if she was president. I know you’re a whore for this fossil fuel Big Banks president but when so many of his decisions are against Americans interests you would think you’d wake from your slumber.

Senate GOP vote protects banks from consumers

Spare me, douchebag....clean burning coal has been around for decades. Coal and oil are NOT "fossil fuels", moron. The ability to get off petroleum and coal has been suppressed since the days of Nikola Tesla. Carburetors that use ALL of the gasoline instead of 20 percent with NO emissions has been around since the 70's and that has also been suppressed by the owners of USA.INC because the banking elites have based the world's economy on petroleum and create artificial scarcities when the mood strikes them. Ever heard of the "petro dollar" and how that came to be? You might want to do some homework.....educate yourself.

Okay I will give another shot to qualify yourself.

1. Explain What is clean burning coal? No no no and no do not give me your conspiracy crap. Show me a link.

2. Coal and Oil is not fossil fuels. Really? Why not? Again do not give your conspiracy crap. Show me a link.

I don't need, seek or crave your "approval". You have never weighed and considered other things I post about in the why would you start now? I pick my battles and communicate with those that wish to exchange thoughts and ideas. You have none of those qualities. I am done casting pearls before swine.

Really? I asked you a question from your own post but you decided to come up with this rebuttal. A clear deflection.
Means you don’t know a diddly squat dude. Without your conspiracy bullshit. You are nothing.
Qualities? You do not have qualities.

Exactly what I’ve been telling you. YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO TALK TO ME.
yeah what's that got to do with actual foreign interference? that is him being questioned by agents. hly fk are you lost friend. FARA was in what year?
View attachment 157803

Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort files as foreign agent for Ukraine work

Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort files as foreign agent for Ukraine work

A consulting firm led by Paul Manafort, who chaired Donald Trump’s presidential campaign for several months last year, retroactively filed forms Tuesday showing that his firm received $17.1 million over two years from a political party that dominated Ukraine before its leader fled to Russia in 2014.

June 27 2017
not sure what this is. your reaching for straw and getting poop.

Manafort made statements in late 2016 and early 2017 that he wasn't a foreign agent, and received no foreign money.

On June 27 2017 he filed an amended foreign agent registration saying that he was a foreign agent, and that he was paid $17 million.

He lied, then corrected the paperwork, but by then it was too late.
sso did the podesta brothers.

If the podesta brothers did. Is that mean Manafort is innocent?
I have no idea. they all may be complicit. why do you want to protect the podesta brothers? don't you want integrity for our elections? lobbyists are lobbyists. they bribe congress. go look it up.

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