As I Predicted on Day One, Special Counsel Must Find SOMETHING to Justify Their Existence

Whether it is a blow job in the Oval Office or money laundering long before the election and nothing to do with the election.

They will continue to try to milk this witch hunt more. Easy money with a book deal waiting.

- Weatherman, Prophet Extraordinaire

Mueller Will Investigate Hillary's Uranium Deal
Hang onto your milk money, tiger... we're just seeing the tip of the iceberg... this runs deep... and Mueller's gonna get to the bottom of this.
You’re right, it runs deep in your dreams! LOL
it's a nothing burger and won't go to court. wait for it.
Whether it is a blow job in the Oval Office or money laundering long before the election and nothing to do with the election.

They will continue to try to milk this witch hunt more. Easy money with a book deal waiting.

- Weatherman, Prophet Extraordinaire

Mueller Will Investigate Hillary's Uranium Deal

Mueller is part of the swamp that needs to be drained. There isn't anything he has to say as it pertains to Trump that I would buy for even a second. You can forget about anything coming out about the Hildebeast and the prior admins. They are protected by the Crooks In Action. The level of corruption runs so deep that it can never be outed......too many heads would end up on the chopping block.
Trump is part of the swamp and HE needs to go. Many of his hires are alligators from the swamp but of course you look the other way.
So “ cleaning the swamp” means to permit BIG COAL to dump their wastes in our river and streams with immunity?
That was one of the first EO’s the big dummy right in his early days he set the trend to hurt Americans and cater to the fossil fuel industry..
How about the recent senate bill that passed 51-50 that fucks consumers up the ass by the Big Banks. This is what Frump accused Hillary would do if she was president. I know you’re a whore for this fossil fuel Big Banks president but when so many of his decisions are against Americans interests you would think you’d wake from your slumber.

Senate GOP vote protects banks from consumers

Spare me, douchebag....clean burning coal has been around for decades. Coal and oil are NOT "fossil fuels", moron. The ability to get off petroleum and coal has been suppressed since the days of Nikola Tesla. Carburetors that use ALL of the gasoline instead of 20 percent with NO emissions has been around since the 70's and that has also been suppressed by the owners of USA.INC because the banking elites have based the world's economy on petroleum and create artificial scarcities when the mood strikes them. Ever heard of the "petro dollar" and how that came to be? You might want to do some homework.....educate yourself.

Okay I will give another shot to qualify yourself.

1. Explain What is clean burning coal? No no no and no do not give me your conspiracy crap. Show me a link.

2. Coal and Oil is not fossil fuels. Really? Why not? Again do not give your conspiracy crap. Show me a link.

I don't need, seek or crave your "approval". You have never weighed and considered other things I post about in the why would you start now? I pick my battles and communicate with those that wish to exchange thoughts and ideas. You have none of those qualities. I am done casting pearls before swine.
Mueller is part of the swamp that needs to be drained. There isn't anything he has to say as it pertains to Trump that I would buy for even a second. You can forget about anything coming out about the Hildebeast and the prior admins. They are protected by the Crooks In Action. The level of corruption runs so deep that it can never be outed......too many heads would end up on the chopping block.

Yes, Trump has angered the LIzard People and must pay!


Not that he's a clumsy crook who has engaged in decades of sleazy business practices who got put into the White House on a fluke.

Again. Occam's Razor, buddy. Occam's Razor.

Simplest answer is usually the right one.

Simple answers for complex issues is why you struggled with first grade primers. Why did Spot chase the bone that was thrown......Occam's Razor says that he simply wanted to partake of the bone marrow. See Joe run? Run, Joe, run!

Insert facepalm here.......
As I Predicted on Day One, Special Counsel Must Find SOMETHING to Justify Their Existence

And he did!!!!!
Ever heard this quote? Do you understand the consequences?

"“Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.”"

- Lavrentiy Beria, head of Joseph Stalin’s secret police
Whether it is a blow job in the Oval Office or money laundering long before the election and nothing to do with the election.

They will continue to try to milk this witch hunt more. Easy money with a book deal waiting.

- Weatherman, Prophet Extraordinaire

Mueller Will Investigate Hillary's Uranium Deal
Hang onto your milk money, tiger... we're just seeing the tip of the iceberg... this runs deep... and Mueller's gonna get to the bottom of this.
You’re right, it runs deep in your dreams! LOL
Please continue to dwell in The Land of Complacency... that will make the take-down all-the-sweeter, when it comes.

By the way... I hope Mueller starts crucifying Russia Collaborators on BOTH sides of the aisle... our Country is all... they are nothing.
Repeat the same thing with the same parameters and you get the same result. You do realize that, right?

To keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is the definition of...

Not really. I think a lot of people who voted for Johnson and Stein realize what a mistake they made now. But they were told Hillary "had it in the bag" but "she's a terrible person because e-mails, or something", so they voted for third party protest candidates.

Hell, I think there are some Trump voters who voted for him as a joke or a protest who didn't think he'd win.
Simple answers for complex issues is why you struggled with first grade primers. Why did Spot chase the bone that was thrown......Occam's Razor says that he simply wanted to partake of the bone marrow. See Joe run? Run, Joe, run!

Meanwhile, 1st grade Dale was the one who thought that Spot was in fact hiding the bone on behalf of the Bilderbergers and Jesuits...

I mean, seriously, when did your crazy start?
Repeat the same thing with the same parameters and you get the same result. You do realize that, right?

To keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is the definition of...

Not really. I think a lot of people who voted for Johnson and Stein realize what a mistake they made now. But they were told Hillary "had it in the bag" but "she's a terrible person because e-mails, or something", so they voted for third party protest candidates.

Hell, I think there are some Trump voters who voted for him as a joke or a protest who didn't think he'd win.
all knowing kemosabe thank you for your gd like opinion. By the way, that is a syndrome. Let's just make sure the rest of the class that comes in has some other material, like how you know shit about what anyone voted for. but don't let that stop your insane stupidity from displaying it publicly for all internet viewers. meanwhile, I'm laughing my ass off.
Repeat the same thing with the same parameters and you get the same result. You do realize that, right?

To keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is the definition of...

Not really. I think a lot of people who voted for Johnson and Stein realize what a mistake they made now. But they were told Hillary "had it in the bag" but "she's a terrible person because e-mails, or something", so they voted for third party protest candidates.

Hell, I think there are some Trump voters who voted for him as a joke or a protest who didn't think he'd win.

Very few thought he would win. That's what makes Hillary's defeat so delicious. Kind of like rooting against the Yankees or the Patriots and seeing them lose.
Very few thought he would win. That's what makes Hillary's defeat so delicious. Kind of like rooting against the Yankees or the Patriots.

I'm sorry, are we going to have a nuclear war if the Patriots don't win?

I'm not sure why you guys keep going for sports metaphors when describing 2016. I'm glad the Cubs won the world series in 2016, but here's the thing.


People are already dying because Trump is so fucking incompetent. They still don't have the lights back on in Puerto Rico a month later.
Repeat the same thing with the same parameters and you get the same result. You do realize that, right?

To keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is the definition of...

Not really. I think a lot of people who voted for Johnson and Stein realize what a mistake they made now. But they were told Hillary "had it in the bag" but "she's a terrible person because e-mails, or something", so they voted for third party protest candidates.

Hell, I think there are some Trump voters who voted for him as a joke or a protest who didn't think he'd win.

Seriously? You believe that the Hildebeast would have been a better choice to be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC? Especially given the revelations of Wikileaks? You are an absolute hoot!!!!
Very few thought he would win. That's what makes Hillary's defeat so delicious. Kind of like rooting against the Yankees or the Patriots.

I'm sorry, are we going to have a nuclear war if the Patriots don't win?

I'm not sure why you guys keep going for sports metaphors when describing 2016. I'm glad the Cubs won the world series in 2016, but here's the thing.


People are already dying because Trump is so fucking incompetent. They still don't have the lights back on in Puerto Rico a month later.

What exactly would you have done as POTUS that would have been better? It's easy to play Monday morning quarterback after the fact, not so easy in the middle of it.

So, what resources would you have used that would have done a better job? Would you have been on the ground with hammer in hand?

And sports metaphors are apt in our culture. Would you prefer we use war metaphors? Is that how you view politics?
Seriously? You believe that the Hildebeast would have been a better choice to be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC? Especially given the revelations of Wikileaks? You are an absolute hoot!!!!

I think she'd remember the name of a US Soldier KIA and wouldn't say, "Well, he knew what he was signing on for"

The very fact you have to go back years to find something Hillary did that was as "offensive' as what Trump did last week says a lot.
What exactly would you have done as POTUS that would have been better? It's easy to play Monday morning quarterback after the fact, not so easy in the middle of it.

Well, first, I'd have mobilized a lot more resources before the storm hit.

Second, I wouldn't have given a sweetheart 300 million dollar deal to a company that has no idea what it is doing and has ties to a major supporter.

Third, I wouldn't have waited 10 days before doing anything.

Fourth, I wouldn't have gotten into a pissing contest with officials who wer complaining i wasn't doing anything.

Those are the things i wouldn't have done. But I don't have a whole staff around me that is supposed to know how to handle these sorts of things.

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