As Illegals Keep Coming,Where Are They Living?8,10? In A One/Two Bedroom Apartment?

The ignorance is just mind boggling.

Most illegals are not Mexican and not brown skinned.

Immigrants in the United States: A Profile of America's Foreign-Born Population | Center for Immigration Studies

We also estimate that 58 percent of the illegal population comes from Mexico, 12 percent is Central American, 9 percent is from East Asia, and 7 percent is from South America, while Europe, South Asia, and the Caribbean account for about 3 percent each.
Okay, since "you" know who the illegals are, why don't you call INS? One phone call and they're gone.

FACT - if we knew who was illegal, their would be no illegals.

The ignorance is just mind boggling.

Most illegals are not Mexican and not brown skinned.

Most illegals came here legally.

Most illegals were hired from their native countries because the can do what our own people are not trained to do.

We have FOUR open borders.

Idiots who can't think beyond hating people with brown or black skin are the same idiots who want to make sure that drug runners and known terrorists can buy any gun they want.

I used to give food and water to as many as 30 in a week. When I left that area, it was now to fewer than 30 in a growing season and they were all going to the fields at Eloy, Arizona to take the same job they had been doing for years and years. They would work and then go home. Then they woule come back the next year and do it all again.

There are almost no illegals from any country coming across our southern border now. President Obama has seen to that with his strict enforcement, huge deportations and increased Border Patrol. Not to mention that there are no jobs for them here and they know it.


Lying again, huh Comrade?

Prove I'm wrong.

You know I'm not lying and you know I'm not a Communist.

So, just try being honest for a change and PROVE I'm wrong.

Give him something to prove, first.
Prove I'm wrong.

You know I'm not lying and you know I'm not a Communist.

So, just try being honest for a change and PROVE I'm wrong.

Prove I'm not a pink unicorn...

You start with a false assumption;

{"Nearly half of the 12 million-plus illegal aliens in America arrived legally with temporary, non-immigrant visas. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) estimates that a 'substantial' percentage of America’s illegal population is made up of visa overstays — their estimates range from 27 to 57 percent. . ."}

Illegal Immigration | Center for Immigration Studies

First of all, we have 20 to 25 million illegals, rather than 12. And even if half are visa overstays, the majority STILL is Hispanic, since all border jumps and about half of visa overstays are by Hispanics - this STILL leaves more than three quarters of illegals as Hispanic.

So you take a factiod, misinterpret it, then demand others prove you wrong.

You're a great Communist, Comrade.

I would like to see evidence there are 25 million illegals in America. That would be 1 in 8 people here is an illegal.
Okay, since "you" know who the illegals are, why don't you call INS? One phone call and they're gone.

FACT - if we knew who was illegal, their would be no illegals.


it is called HS for more than 10 years, duh
Here in the DFW area, the illegals are mainly Mexicans.

Illegals live in everything from apartments to trailers. I don't hear of much squatting. But it might happen. Mostly the issue is clown houses - 10 families in a single family home. We have a clown house over one street.

Anyone who says they know who illegals are and where they live is kidding themselves. They are probably making their judgment based on skin color or accent.

Remember when the non-thinkers would say, 'Why don't we just round them up and send them home?"

If we knew who was an illegal, we could do exactly that. Fact is, many families are moving in together to save money and none of you know if they are citizens or not.

Please stop pretending you know who is an illegal unless you turn them in.

Every contracting crew that has worked on my house for the last 14 years has been a crew of illegals supervised by a legal Mexican immigrant. I've talked to our police department about this issue. Our city policy is to leave them alone until they commit a felony. The city and state law enforcement has tried and failed in the past to get ICE to process the thousands of illegals who come into contact with LE every week. There is a large ICE processing facility but it is overloaded. Therefore, communities have to come to an arrangement. Our cops know exactly where these illegals live. If they just get pulled over for speeding or minor infraction and found to be without ID or the ability to speak English, they get a ticket and are let go.

I live here. I have no reason to make this up. You are extremely rude to call me a liar when you don't live in my neighborhood and see this going on every day. If you think I'm a liar, please feel free to call the Grapevine, Texas police department and ask them their policy on policing illegals. I'm not pretending to know they are here illegally if they tell me themselves or if their crew supervisor tells me.

Our police department even has a community outreach center in one of the two enclaves where the illegals live. They are wary about calling the police to report crime due to their illegal status. Therefore, our police reach out to them and encourage them to report crime. This prevents these two enclaves from becoming pockets of crime like they are in many large cities.

Looking at your "address" - yep, most are Hispanic. Same as when I lived outside Tucson - all the roofing crews and other horrible jobs were Hispanic and most certainly illegal.

Now that I don't live near the border, there are NO Mexican/Hispanic illegals here.

If your police dept chooses to turn their back on illegals in your area, don't blame the president or Dems for it.
The ignorance is just mind boggling.

Most illegals are not Mexican and not brown skinned.

Most illegals came here legally.

Most illegals were hired from their native countries because the can do what our own people are not trained to do.

We have FOUR open borders.

Idiots who can't think beyond hating people with brown or black skin are the same idiots who want to make sure that drug runners and known terrorists can buy any gun they want.

I used to give food and water to as many as 30 in a week. When I left that area, it was now to fewer than 30 in a growing season and they were all going to the fields at Eloy, Arizona to take the same job they had been doing for years and years. They would work and then go home. Then they woule come back the next year and do it all again.

There are almost no illegals from any country coming across our southern border now. President Obama has seen to that with his strict enforcement, huge deportations and increased Border Patrol. Not to mention that there are no jobs for them here and they know it.


Most illegals are not Mexican
yea around here they are....

Most illegals came here legally.

yea.....sure they do Dudley.......

There are almost no illegals from any country coming across our southern border now.

if you say so Dudley.....right now many are trying in anticipation of this Amnesty thing.....many are getting caught....but dont be stupid and believe that shit that there are almost no Illegals trying to cross over......

Look at the Unemployment rate before November 2008.

Full employment.

Illegals aren't stealing jobs, idiots. Bush stole them.

You know, this protectionist bullshit talk from the Right about illegals taking the shitty roofing and lettuce picking jobs is no different than the protectionist bullshit talk from the Left about China taking the shitting automotive tire manufacturing jobs.

If people are unemployed because the only job they are capable of doing is roofing a house, how the FUCK is that an immigrant's fault? HUH?

That's OUR fault for not training our workforce to do 21st century jobs.
Okay, since "you" know who the illegals are, why don't you call INS? One phone call and they're gone.

FACT - if we knew who was illegal, their would be no illegals.


You didn't read my post. Our ICE facility in Texas is OVERLOADED. They cannot process one more single illegal than they already are. They don't have the facility space, funding or personnel. ICE will not come and collect illegals from city and county LE. The number of illegals vastly outnumbers the immigration enforcement ability.

Because of this, an arrangement out of necessity has been made. In my city, our cops only apprehend and process felons. The rest are ticketed, fined or turned loose. Call ICE yourself. They'll tell you they're doing all they can.

You may wonder how all these illegals are holding down jobs. A huge business here is to supply them with false ID cards and SSNs. This shows what a joke E-Verify is.
I support the death penalty for anyone entering the US illegally, effective 7/1/2013.

Unfortunately, your thinking is not atypical for bigots. Very little thought involved. Just knee jerk nativist reflex bullshit.
Prove I'm wrong.

You know I'm not lying and you know I'm not a Communist.

So, just try being honest for a change and PROVE I'm wrong.

Prove I'm not a pink unicorn...

You start with a false assumption;

{"Nearly half of the 12 million-plus illegal aliens in America arrived legally with temporary, non-immigrant visas. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) estimates that a 'substantial' percentage of America’s illegal population is made up of visa overstays — their estimates range from 27 to 57 percent. . ."}

Illegal Immigration | Center for Immigration Studies

First of all, we have 20 to 25 million illegals, rather than 12. And even if half are visa overstays, the majority STILL is Hispanic, since all border jumps and about half of visa overstays are by Hispanics - this STILL leaves more than three quarters of illegals as Hispanic.

So you take a factiod, misinterpret it, then demand others prove you wrong.

You're a great Communist, Comrade.

I would like to see evidence there are 25 million illegals in America. That would be 1 in 8 people here is an illegal.

Don't hold your breath.
Anyone who says they know who illegals are and where they live is kidding themselves. They are probably making their judgment based on skin color or accent.

Yeah, you're a fucking idiot.

Everyone knows who the illegals are.

Remember when the non-thinkers would say, 'Why don't we just round them up and send them home?"

If we knew who was an illegal, we could do exactly that. Fact is, many families are moving in together to save money and none of you know if they are citizens or not.

Please stop pretending you know who is an illegal unless you turn them in.

Democrats depend on illegals as a voting base. And the "Gang of Apes" just gave you 8 million more voters.

How many 'illegals' vote?
am I right when talking about the mid-2000's when illegals probably had no problem finding work? especially in hospitality? especially hotels/restaurants Begging For 9.00 hr. Dishwashers???? then Pelosi/Reid took over in 2007 and most of them gradually lost their jobs when the Libs purposely Collapsed The System! and yet latinos still voted for Liberals!
Look at the Unemployment rate before November 2008.

Full employment.

Illegals aren't stealing jobs, idiots. Bush stole them.

You know, this protectionist bullshit talk from the Right about illegals taking the shitty roofing and lettuce picking jobs is no different than the protectionist bullshit talk from the Left about China taking the shitting automotive tire manufacturing jobs.

If people are unemployed because the only job they are capable of doing is roofing a house, how the FUCK is that an immigrant's fault? HUH?

That's OUR fault for not training our workforce to do 21st century jobs.

Sometimes I'm tempted to turn on my rep again. This post tempts me again.

In Tucson, behind a roofing tar truck on a summer afternoon ... the truck pulls the tar container, looks a bit like a cement mixer, stinks of hot black tar and you can see heat waves rising off of it. In the bed of the truck are the workers - yep, poor Mexicans and very possibly illegal. But, not always. Its a shitty job that no spoiled and lazy American will do. Sitting in that hot truck bed, the temp is well over 100 degrees and much hotter in the truck. Hotter than that on the roof too.

Before I moved out of town - one day, an old car pulled up in front of my house. An older Mexican man came to my door and, waving his hand to encompass my yard said, "$5 an hour". Except, it came out as one word, "fi-dol-r-our". I said yes and the car exploded with the rest of his family.

He expected $5 an hour, period. I paid $5 a man hour because that was what was fair. So, for his family's hard work, they were paid more like $20 dollars an hour. In the 110 degree heat, it was well worth it for me. I took a big jug of homemade lemonade out for them.

I gave him my electric mower and a 50 foot cord because I never used the mower and what good was the mower without the cord?

Thing is, they're just people and they're just doing the same thing all of us are doing. They're just trying to feed their family and they're willing to work their butts off to do it.

People hate them but really, these people, our fellow human beings, do us no harm. They pay huge taxes but get nothing in return. They get free health care because of Reagan's socialist EMTALA that the rw's say they want to keep. And, they do work that no American would even consider.

The ignorance is just mind boggling.

Most illegals are not Mexican and not brown skinned.

Most illegals came here legally.

Most illegals were hired from their native countries because the can do what our own people are not trained to do.

We have FOUR open borders.

Idiots who can't think beyond hating people with brown or black skin are the same idiots who want to make sure that drug runners and known terrorists can buy any gun they want.

I used to give food and water to as many as 30 in a week. When I left that area, it was now to fewer than 30 in a growing season and they were all going to the fields at Eloy, Arizona to take the same job they had been doing for years and years. They would work and then go home. Then they woule come back the next year and do it all again.

There are almost no illegals from any country coming across our southern border now. President Obama has seen to that with his strict enforcement, huge deportations and increased Border Patrol. Not to mention that there are no jobs for them here and they know it.


how can an illegal come here legally?

trained to do what? Mow grass? asswipe

and let it be noted you played the race card lugnuts
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same here in Naples, if there is a town overwhelmed with year round landscaping work, its right here,,,locals hate the noise! thank god for earplugs! its god awful work, if the illegals want the jobs, they can have them. just hope they don't mind the insect bites.
Childish thread. Silly responses.

The dude with the miniature sized font should wise up.

We are a nation of immigrants. We ought to welcome these future Americans.

For all the talk that nutters do about personal responsibility, they sure do put a lot of weight on the location that they happened to be in when they flopped out of their mother's vagina.
Something that we have absolutely nothing to do with provides us with such benefits from day one. Just look at how so many of these idiots have wasted the advantage.
and if they come here for a better life? why are they getting pregnant? there goes their paychecks! the one they hoped to use/save for a new home. How can a landscaper even afford a child? its not like they all make 1000.00 a week.

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