As Illegals Keep Coming,Where Are They Living?8,10? In A One/Two Bedroom Apartment?

and if they come here for a better life? why are they getting pregnant? there goes their paychecks! the one they hoped to use/save for a new home. How can a landscaper even afford a child? its not like they all make 1000.00 a week.

Jeb Bush answered you last week. Immigrants, he explained, are more fertile. Didn't you know that?
death penalty for immigrants? they don't need to be sent to the electric chair, just do landscaping in the southern states in the summer, or just have them watch MSNBC all the time.
The ignorance is just mind boggling.

Most illegals are not Mexican and not brown skinned.

Most illegals came here legally.

Most illegals were hired from their native countries because the can do what our own people are not trained to do.

We have FOUR open borders.

Idiots who can't think beyond hating people with brown or black skin are the same idiots who want to make sure that drug runners and known terrorists can buy any gun they want.

I used to give food and water to as many as 30 in a week. When I left that area, it was now to fewer than 30 in a growing season and they were all going to the fields at Eloy, Arizona to take the same job they had been doing for years and years. They would work and then go home. Then they woule come back the next year and do it all again.

There are almost no illegals from any country coming across our southern border now. President Obama has seen to that with his strict enforcement, huge deportations and increased Border Patrol. Not to mention that there are no jobs for them here and they know it.


You are a kind and caring person, but I disagree with you regarding the percentage of illegal immigrants from Mexico. The government keeps statistics on almost everything, and naturally they keep statistics regarding the country of origin of its illegal immigration population. The studies show that more than half (about 62%) of illegal immigrants are Mexican. Here are just a few links, although you can find many more by Googling “illegal immigration and country of origin.” (see page 4)

Illegal immigration to the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are correct that the number of illegal immigrants has declined in recent years; however, it is uncertain to what extent more effective border control has been responsible. There seems to be a popular opinion that declining economic opportunities in the US are also partly responsible. I'm not an expert, but I think that both factors play a part.
who said they are all Mexican? does anyone have any idea where the immigrants/illegal aliens in Massachusetts come from? and they all voted for Obama having no idea what he stood for, all they saw was a "D" next to his name and voted. {I would know, my family lives there and they know the whole story/dilemma of how half of those who vote in Massachusetts are complete selfish idiots}
The ignorance is just mind boggling.

Most illegals are not Mexican and not brown skinned.

Most illegals came here legally.

Most illegals were hired from their native countries because the can do what our own people are not trained to do.

We have FOUR open borders.

Idiots who can't think beyond hating people with brown or black skin are the same idiots who want to make sure that drug runners and known terrorists can buy any gun they want.

I used to give food and water to as many as 30 in a week. When I left that area, it was now to fewer than 30 in a growing season and they were all going to the fields at Eloy, Arizona to take the same job they had been doing for years and years. They would work and then go home. Then they woule come back the next year and do it all again.

There are almost no illegals from any country coming across our southern border now. President Obama has seen to that with his strict enforcement, huge deportations and increased Border Patrol. Not to mention that there are no jobs for them here and they know it.


You are a kind and caring person, but I disagree with you regarding the percentage of illegal immigrants from Mexico. The government keeps statistics on almost everything, and naturally they keep statistics regarding the country of origin of its illegal immigration population. The studies show that more than half (about 62%) of illegal immigrants are Mexican. Here are just a few links, although you can find many more by Googling “illegal immigration and country of origin.” (see page 4)

Illegal immigration to the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are correct that the number of illegal immigrants has declined in recent years; however, it is uncertain to what extent more effective border control has been responsible. There seems to be a popular opinion that declining economic opportunities in the US are also partly responsible. I'm not an expert, but I think that both factors play a part.

The government keeps statistics on almost everything, and naturally they keep statistics regarding the country of origin of its illegal immigration population. The studies show that more than half (about 62%) of illegal immigrants are Mexican.

here in S.Cal that would be awful hard to the hell can they track and categorize all the different Latinos? has been estimated that there is anywhere between 3-6 million Illegals in this area depending on who is doing the counting.....and its a pretty good guess that better than 50% are Mexican out here....but sorting them by Country of Origin.....i don't think so....
I support the death penalty for anyone entering the US illegally, effective 7/1/2013.

Unfortunately, your thinking is not atypical for bigots. Very little thought involved. Just knee jerk nativist reflex bullshit.

Unfortunately, they are giving us no recourse. In fact we are making it insanely easy for them to cross the border. Secondly, Obama ordered ICE not to detain illegal immigrants, hence my point.

It is not bigoted to protect our border. Your knee-jerk reaction is to call someone a "bigot" when they oppose illegal immigration, without a substantive argument.

For those of you who live in a state with a steady influx of illegals coming in from South America or Cuba, maybe you can fill us in on "How And Where" there are living. Here in Florida, I have already heard stories where Hatians were living in very sub-par conditions (2/3/4-plexes) in Miami, often 5 to 12 per unit.
How are they living in Los Angeles? or Texas? They come here for a better life, and often wind up moving in with friends/relatives already in crowded/near crowded conditions.
I just can't fathom sleeping on a floor with 7 other people sharing one bathroom, a broken kitchen and very little food to share. And this is a better life? The first step to the American Dream? with a Liberal/Tyranny run government?

It is better than conditions, say in Haiti, with outdoor plumbing, dirt floors, no heat or a/c, etc.

That is why many immigrants end up successful and many with their own businesses. They all live together and share rent, saving most of what they make to make their dreams come true eventually. And they support each other through taking care of each others kids and elderly. IT's called shared sacrifice in the short term for the outcome of success in the long term.

Will some remain in those circumstances? Yes. Will some move on from those circumstances? Yes.

Wow, you are a special kind of stupid aren't you?

Violating Immigration Law ? by Executive Command ? in Texas | National Review Online

Hey, the amount would automatically be lower when you continue giving them leeway and amnesty, Loner. Now if you will excuse me.

For those of you who live in a state with a steady influx of illegals coming in from South America or Cuba, maybe you can fill us in on "How And Where" there are living. Here in Florida, I have already heard stories where Hatians were living in very sub-par conditions (2/3/4-plexes) in Miami, often 5 to 12 per unit.
How are they living in Los Angeles? or Texas? They come here for a better life, and often wind up moving in with friends/relatives already in crowded/near crowded conditions.
I just can't fathom sleeping on a floor with 7 other people sharing one bathroom, a broken kitchen and very little food to share. And this is a better life? The first step to the American Dream? with a Liberal/Tyranny run government?

It is better than conditions, say in Haiti, with outdoor plumbing, dirt floors, no heat or a/c, etc.

That is why many immigrants end up successful and many with their own businesses. They all live together and share rent, saving most of what they make to make their dreams come true eventually. And they support each other through taking care of each others kids and elderly. IT's called shared sacrifice in the short term for the outcome of success in the long term.

Will some remain in those circumstances? Yes. Will some move on from those circumstances? Yes.

What are you, some kind of communist?

For those of you who live in a state with a steady influx of illegals coming in from South America or Cuba, maybe you can fill us in on "How And Where" there are living. Here in Florida, I have already heard stories where Hatians were living in very sub-par conditions (2/3/4-plexes) in Miami, often 5 to 12 per unit.
How are they living in Los Angeles? or Texas? They come here for a better life, and often wind up moving in with friends/relatives already in crowded/near crowded conditions.
I just can't fathom sleeping on a floor with 7 other people sharing one bathroom, a broken kitchen and very little food to share. And this is a better life? The first step to the American Dream? with a Liberal/Tyranny run government?

It is better than conditions, say in Haiti, with outdoor plumbing, dirt floors, no heat or a/c, etc.

That is why many immigrants end up successful and many with their own businesses. They all live together and share rent, saving most of what they make to make their dreams come true eventually. And they support each other through taking care of each others kids and elderly. IT's called shared sacrifice in the short term for the outcome of success in the long term.

Will some remain in those circumstances? Yes. Will some move on from those circumstances? Yes.

What are you, some kind of communist?

shared sacrifice between family is much different, my dear, than shared sacrifice through government coercion.
sure, they did fine in great economic times, but since the "Democrat Recession" of 2008, many of them who fled here couldn't even find work. so many small businesses that hired immigrants shut down, immigrants couldn't even find work as dishwashers, considering there was once a time when restaurants were begging for them. and living in Florida, I have never seen so many restaurants shut down so fast. Thanks a lot Pelosi/Reid/Obama. !

Wow, you are a special kind of stupid aren't you?

Violating Immigration Law ? by Executive Command ? in Texas | National Review Online

Hey, the amount would automatically be lower when you continue giving them leeway and amnesty, Loner. Now if you will excuse me.

I provided facts. You fail. Excuse your lameness? Nope.

For those of you who live in a state with a steady influx of illegals coming in from South America or Cuba, maybe you can fill us in on "How And Where" there are living. Here in Florida, I have already heard stories where Hatians were living in very sub-par conditions (2/3/4-plexes) in Miami, often 5 to 12 per unit.
How are they living in Los Angeles? or Texas? They come here for a better life, and often wind up moving in with friends/relatives already in crowded/near crowded conditions.
I just can't fathom sleeping on a floor with 7 other people sharing one bathroom, a broken kitchen and very little food to share. And this is a better life? The first step to the American Dream? with a Liberal/Tyranny run government?

I don't know if they were illegal or not, but when I visited my daughter once I was leaving the apartment complex and there was a door open to an apartment on the ground floor. The entire front room was lined with mattresses, no other furniture. I don't know how many, but the apartments were the usual one and two bedroom apartments. I had to wonder if the bedrooms were similarly furnished. My last day visiting her, she had to work and I left later in the morning. As I sat drinking my coffee, I saw construction company trucks come around and pick up at least a dozen. That was before the recession. I don't know of them causing any particular ruckus, and I don't know what Georgia law says about how many people can occupy a one or two bedroom apartment. But, I can tell you that a landlord isn't going to have much of an issue with tenants who pay the rent.

For those of you who live in a state with a steady influx of illegals coming in from South America or Cuba, maybe you can fill us in on "How And Where" there are living. Here in Florida, I have already heard stories where Hatians were living in very sub-par conditions (2/3/4-plexes) in Miami, often 5 to 12 per unit.
How are they living in Los Angeles? or Texas? They come here for a better life, and often wind up moving in with friends/relatives already in crowded/near crowded conditions.
I just can't fathom sleeping on a floor with 7 other people sharing one bathroom, a broken kitchen and very little food to share. And this is a better life? The first step to the American Dream? with a Liberal/Tyranny run government?

I don't know if they were illegal or not, but when I visited my daughter once I was leaving the apartment complex and there was a door open to an apartment on the ground floor. The entire front room was lined with mattresses, no other furniture. I don't know how many, but the apartments were the usual one and two bedroom apartments. I had to wonder if the bedrooms were similarly furnished. My last day visiting her, she had to work and I left later in the morning. As I sat drinking my coffee, I saw construction company trucks come around and pick up at least a dozen. That was before the recession. I don't know of them causing any particular ruckus, and I don't know what Georgia law says about how many people can occupy a one or two bedroom apartment. But, I can tell you that a landlord isn't going to have much of an issue with tenants who pay the rent.

Unfortunately Georgia law does not limit the amount of occupants in a one or two bedroom apartment. That is normally up to the Landlord to decide. The norm is two people, but exceptions can be made for "families." Page 11
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anyone here from or near Los Angeles/Arizona? are they breaking into abandoned homes? the ones already occupied by roaches and scorpions? no electricity or plumbing? and that's a better life?

I'm from the LA basin.

Illegals live in everything from apartments to trailers. I don't hear of much squatting. But it might happen. Mostly the issue is clown houses - 10 families in a single family home. We have a clown house over one street. Nice house, really. But there must be 30 people in it, and they blare that Mexican Polka shit all day and night. I'm going to stick that fucking accordion up someone's ass one of these days....

I dont often listen to mexican music,but when I do,it's at three a.m. and it's coming from the pendejo neighbor down the street.

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