As Illegals Keep Coming,Where Are They Living?8,10? In A One/Two Bedroom Apartment?

As Illegals Keep Coming,Where Are They Living?8,10? In A One/Two Bedroom Apartment?

Just look for 10 to 12 beat to shit cars and trucks, weeds knee deep , and a yard full of broken toys and bicycles .


Okay, since "you" know who the illegals are, why don't you call INS? One phone call and they're gone.

FACT - if we knew who was illegal, their would be no illegals.


That is not correct. We know exactly where most of them are because they are paying into the tax and SS system on fake or stolen SS numbers.

Undocumented immigrants pay taxes every time they buy gas, clothes, or new appliances. They also contribute to property taxes — a main source of school funding — when they buy or rent a house or apartment. In addition, the Social Security Administration estimates that half to three-quarters of undocumented immigrants pay federal, state, and local taxes, including $6 billion to $7 billion in Social Security taxes for benefits they will never get using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number issued to them by the IRS. They can receive schooling and emergency medical care, but not welfare or food stamps as they lack the documents needed for those benefits.

8 Of the Most Vicious Myths About Illegal Immigrants

The government knows exactly where they are because their employers deduct payroll taxes and they know where those employers are. DUH!

Ludley, I wish you would get a job. It would be SO gratifying to know that your SS taxes went almost directly from your paycheck to my checking account! I do find that a gratifying thought when I read the stupid liberal trivia on this forum.
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For those of you who live in a state with a steady influx of illegals coming in from South America or Cuba, maybe you can fill us in on "How And Where" there are living. Here in Florida, I have already heard stories where Hatians were living in very sub-par conditions (2/3/4-plexes) in Miami, often 5 to 12 per unit.
How are they living in Los Angeles? or Texas? They come here for a better life, and often wind up moving in with friends/relatives already in crowded/near crowded conditions.
I just can't fathom sleeping on a floor with 7 other people sharing one bathroom, a broken kitchen and very little food to share. And this is a better life? The first step to the American Dream? with a Liberal/Tyranny run government?

I don't know if they were illegal or not, but when I visited my daughter once I was leaving the apartment complex and there was a door open to an apartment on the ground floor. The entire front room was lined with mattresses, no other furniture. I don't know how many, but the apartments were the usual one and two bedroom apartments. I had to wonder if the bedrooms were similarly furnished. My last day visiting her, she had to work and I left later in the morning. As I sat drinking my coffee, I saw construction company trucks come around and pick up at least a dozen. That was before the recession. I don't know of them causing any particular ruckus, and I don't know what Georgia law says about how many people can occupy a one or two bedroom apartment. But, I can tell you that a landlord isn't going to have much of an issue with tenants who pay the rent.

Unfortunately Georgia law does not limit the amount of occupants in a one or two bedroom apartment. That is normally up to the Landlord to decide. The norm is two people, but exceptions can be made for "families." Page 11

Landlords don't enforce their own rules as long as they are getting paid.

Wow, you are a special kind of stupid aren't you?

Violating Immigration Law ? by Executive Command ? in Texas | National Review Online

Hey, the amount would automatically be lower when you continue giving them leeway and amnesty, Loner. Now if you will excuse me.

I provided facts. You fail. Excuse your lameness? Nope.

I provided a counter your so-called facts cannot disprove. Obama ordered ICE agents not to detain illegal immigrants. Therefore any improvement in the numbers would be due to the fact THEY MAY HAVE NEVER BEEN REPORTED AT ALL.

Cooking the books, isn't he?

House Judiciary Accuses Obama of 'Cooking Books' on Immigration - US News and World Report
I don't know if they were illegal or not, but when I visited my daughter once I was leaving the apartment complex and there was a door open to an apartment on the ground floor. The entire front room was lined with mattresses, no other furniture. I don't know how many, but the apartments were the usual one and two bedroom apartments. I had to wonder if the bedrooms were similarly furnished. My last day visiting her, she had to work and I left later in the morning. As I sat drinking my coffee, I saw construction company trucks come around and pick up at least a dozen. That was before the recession. I don't know of them causing any particular ruckus, and I don't know what Georgia law says about how many people can occupy a one or two bedroom apartment. But, I can tell you that a landlord isn't going to have much of an issue with tenants who pay the rent.

Unfortunately Georgia law does not limit the amount of occupants in a one or two bedroom apartment. That is normally up to the Landlord to decide. The norm is two people, but exceptions can be made for "families." Page 11

Landlords don't enforce their own rules as long as they are getting paid.

I'll tell you how they live. Then the liberals will show up to scream liar. But this is how they live.

My husband and I were looking for a house to buy. One came on the market not far from our business so we went to look at it. It was owned by a Mexican family.

The house had been stripped of appliances and kitchen cabinets which had been sold. Without a stove, cooking was done outside on a grille. Food refrigeration was several ice chests filled with murkey water. One of the three bedrooms was occupied by the owner. The other two bedrooms was rented to families. Mattresses on the floor, clothing strewn about. The empty closet was fitted with padded shelves and that is where the children slept. Children too big to fit on the shelves slept on the floor with their parents.

The house was advertised as a two bathroom. There was one bathroom where the bathtub was filled with laundry and used for washing clothes. The women of the house washed the clothing of the workers for a small fee. The shower was a hose affixed to a pole in the backyard. The toilet was stopped up. The second bathroom was a bucket with a toilet seat affixed to it, in a hall closet. That was the source of the smell permeating the house.

Every other room empty of furniture, living room, dining room and den, hall, had sleeping bags, or blankets rolled up and stacked against the wall. This was the sleeping space rented out to male day workers. I don't know how many there were, more than 50 at least.

Both front and back yard contained several junk cars. They were used for parts to keep what cars running that were able to run. Some parts were sold off for money. In the far back part of the yard was a struggling vegetable garden. Someone who had given it some thought, had dug a shallow ditch from the shower to the garden so the garden could be watered by the shower run off. From the odor, the garden was likely fertilized with the product from the hall toilet. There were clothes drying lines everywhere.

No we did not buy that house. I don't know who would. I don't know if it ever sold. The people would have to move and the home stripped and rehabbed.
As Illegals Keep Coming,Where Are They Living?8,10? In A One/Two Bedroom Apartment?

Just look for 10 to 12 beat to shit cars and trucks, weeds knee deep , and a yard full of broken toys and bicycles .

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in my years of delivering realize how many Americans have houses that look almost as bad?.....and if Mexicans lived there.....the grass would not be that long....
Okay, since "you" know who the illegals are, why don't you call INS? One phone call and they're gone.

FACT - if we knew who was illegal, their would be no illegals.


That is not correct. We know exactly where most of them are because they are paying into the tax and SS system on fake or stolen SS numbers.

Undocumented immigrants pay taxes every time they buy gas, clothes, or new appliances. They also contribute to property taxes — a main source of school funding — when they buy or rent a house or apartment. In addition, the Social Security Administration estimates that half to three-quarters of undocumented immigrants pay federal, state, and local taxes, including $6 billion to $7 billion in Social Security taxes for benefits they will never get using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number issued to them by the IRS. They can receive schooling and emergency medical care, but not welfare or food stamps as they lack the documents needed for those benefits.

8 Of the Most Vicious Myths About Illegal Immigrants

The government knows exactly where they are because their employers deduct payroll taxes and they know where those employers are. DUH!

Ludley, I wish you would get a job. It would be SO gratifying to know that your SS taxes went almost directly from your paycheck to my checking account! I do find that a gratifying thought when I read the stupid liberal trivia on this forum.

Dudley is way to old to work.....he has a hard time getting to the shitter in time....
I don't know if they were illegal or not, but when I visited my daughter once I was leaving the apartment complex and there was a door open to an apartment on the ground floor. The entire front room was lined with mattresses, no other furniture. I don't know how many, but the apartments were the usual one and two bedroom apartments. I had to wonder if the bedrooms were similarly furnished. My last day visiting her, she had to work and I left later in the morning. As I sat drinking my coffee, I saw construction company trucks come around and pick up at least a dozen. That was before the recession. I don't know of them causing any particular ruckus, and I don't know what Georgia law says about how many people can occupy a one or two bedroom apartment. But, I can tell you that a landlord isn't going to have much of an issue with tenants who pay the rent.

Unfortunately Georgia law does not limit the amount of occupants in a one or two bedroom apartment. That is normally up to the Landlord to decide. The norm is two people, but exceptions can be made for "families." Page 11

Landlords don't enforce their own rules as long as they are getting paid.

i am a landlord and i know a few other landlords in my neighborhood.....and if they know about it....they do something about it...California has occupancy rules.....and you can be fined if you willingly ignore them....but thats not to say some do what you said....
I'll tell you how they live. Then the liberals will show up to scream liar. But this is how they live.

My husband and I were looking for a house to buy. One came on the market not far from our business so we went to look at it. It was owned by a Mexican family.

The house had been stripped of appliances and kitchen cabinets which had been sold. Without a stove, cooking was done outside on a grille. Food refrigeration was several ice chests filled with murkey water. One of the three bedrooms was occupied by the owner. The other two bedrooms was rented to families. Mattresses on the floor, clothing strewn about. The empty closet was fitted with padded shelves and that is where the children slept. Children too big to fit on the shelves slept on the floor with their parents.

The house was advertised as a two bathroom. There was one bathroom where the bathtub was filled with laundry and used for washing clothes. The women of the house washed the clothing of the workers for a small fee. The shower was a hose affixed to a pole in the backyard. The toilet was stopped up. The second bathroom was a bucket with a toilet seat affixed to it, in a hall closet. That was the source of the smell permeating the house.

Every other room empty of furniture, living room, dining room and den, hall, had sleeping bags, or blankets rolled up and stacked against the wall. This was the sleeping space rented out to male day workers. I don't know how many there were, more than 50 at least.

Both front and back yard contained several junk cars. They were used for parts to keep what cars running that were able to run. Some parts were sold off for money. In the far back part of the yard was a struggling vegetable garden. Someone who had given it some thought, had dug a shallow ditch from the shower to the garden so the garden could be watered by the shower run off. From the odor, the garden was likely fertilized with the product from the hall toilet. There were clothes drying lines everywhere.

No we did not buy that house. I don't know who would. I don't know if it ever sold. The people would have to move and the home stripped and rehabbed.

so thats how they ALL live ....right Katz.....
Okay, since "you" know who the illegals are, why don't you call INS? One phone call and they're gone.

FACT - if we knew who was illegal, their would be no illegals.


The INS doesn't exist - it's ICE. And ICE doesn't take tips, nor do they raid homes. ICE will only target businesses. ICE shutting down a clown house isn't profitable. ICE raiding Swift brings in hundreds of millions in fines.

Most of us are good with this - first off, I don't want the government raiding someone's home. Secondly, businesses using illegals SHOULD be fined, third, it creates fear in employers that if they use illegals, they might be bankrupted - as Swift has been - by the act. If business is afraid to hire illegals, the illegals will go home.

This is a Bush era policy that Obama has continued - I support both in it.
I would like to see evidence there are 25 million illegals in America. That would be 1 in 8 people here is an illegal.

Yawn, party hack engages in party hackery...

{U.S. Border Patrol Local 2544 stated in July of 2005:
“There are currently 15 to 20 million illegal aliens in this country by many estimates, but the real numbers could be much higher and the numbers increase every day because our borders are not secure (no matter what the politicians tell you—don’t believe them for a second). }

How many illegal aliens reside in the United States? | colorado immigration law resources reference
Look at the Unemployment rate before November 2008.

Full employment.

Illegals aren't stealing jobs, idiots. Bush stole them.

Yeah, cause Bush took Office in 2009.

You Obamunists sure are smurt.

You know, this protectionist bullshit talk from the Right about illegals taking the shitty roofing and lettuce picking jobs is no different than the protectionist bullshit talk from the Left about China taking the shitting automotive tire manufacturing jobs.

When jobs go to foriegners - less Americans work.

Simple concept - even a hack like you can grasp it.

If people are unemployed because the only job they are capable of doing is roofing a house, how the FUCK is that an immigrant's fault? HUH?

That's OUR fault for not training our workforce to do 21st century jobs.

The issue is fucktard, the immigrant offers a supply of labor outside of the market, corrupting the invisible hand of supply and demand. This lowers the standard of living to that of the host country. Now to you leftists, Mexico is a perfect country - 1% live opulent lifestyles, 99% in dire poverty - it is EXACTLY what you want for the USA. But for those of use who cling to "god, guns, and the Constitution," we view the poisoning of the labor supply as a direct assault on middle class, which you of the left call the Bourgeoisie. Which of course, it is.

For those of you who live in a state with a steady influx of illegals coming in from South America or Cuba, maybe you can fill us in on "How And Where" there are living. Here in Florida, I have already heard stories where Hatians were living in very sub-par conditions (2/3/4-plexes) in Miami, often 5 to 12 per unit.
How are they living in Los Angeles? or Texas? They come here for a better life, and often wind up moving in with friends/relatives already in crowded/near crowded conditions.
I just can't fathom sleeping on a floor with 7 other people sharing one bathroom, a broken kitchen and very little food to share. And this is a better life? The first step to the American Dream? with a Liberal/Tyranny run government?

a few months ago the found like six families living in a few self storage units. they got caught becase they got so brazen the were actually barbecuing and had chairs set up outside to sit in.
and as they continue to cross the border, will they move into homes/apts already with 12 tenants? where will they sleep? in the back yard? don't they fear the "Chubacara"?
and in the most extreme living conditions, they are using buckets as toilets? yecch! sounds more like the way they went to the bathroom during the roman empire years.

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