As Illegals Keep Coming,Where Are They Living?8,10? In A One/Two Bedroom Apartment?

For those of you who live in a state with a steady influx of illegals coming in from South America or Cuba, maybe you can fill us in on "How And Where" there are living. Here in Florida, I have already heard stories where Hatians were living in very sub-par conditions (2/3/4-plexes) in Miami, often 5 to 12 per unit.
How are they living in Los Angeles? or Texas? They come here for a better life, and often wind up moving in with friends/relatives already in crowded/near crowded conditions.
I just can't fathom sleeping on a floor with 7 other people sharing one bathroom, a broken kitchen and very little food to share. And this is a better life? The first step to the American Dream? with a Liberal/Tyranny run government?
I had no idea that Marco Rubio lived like that. Do you think Ted Cruz does, too?
Hey stugots.....Neither Cruz nor Rubio are of Mexican descent. They are Cuban- Americans.

For those of you who live in a state with a steady influx of illegals coming in from South America or Cuba, maybe you can fill us in on "How And Where" there are living. Here in Florida, I have already heard stories where Hatians were living in very sub-par conditions (2/3/4-plexes) in Miami, often 5 to 12 per unit.
How are they living in Los Angeles? or Texas? They come here for a better life, and often wind up moving in with friends/relatives already in crowded/near crowded conditions.
I just can't fathom sleeping on a floor with 7 other people sharing one bathroom, a broken kitchen and very little food to share. And this is a better life? The first step to the American Dream? with a Liberal/Tyranny run government?
I had no idea that Marco Rubio lived like that. Do you think Ted Cruz does, too?
Hey stugots.....Neither Cruz nor Rubio are of Mexican descent. They are Cuban- Americans.
The OP referred to "a steady influx of illegals coming in from South America or Cuba". I guess you didn't read it.
I had no idea that Marco Rubio lived like that. Do you think Ted Cruz does, too?
Hey stugots.....Neither Cruz nor Rubio are of Mexican descent. They are Cuban- Americans.
The OP referred to "a steady influx of illegals coming in from South America or Cuba". I guess you didn't read it.

By law, Cubans cannot be illegals. All Cubans who reach American shores are considered political refugees and given immediate political asylum.
I support the death penalty for anyone entering the US illegally, effective 7/1/2013.

And you would expect that the trade agreements the US is holding with those countries remain intact after such a brutal measure? :cuckoo:


Setting some sort of tariff based on the number of illegal citizens living in the US is much more civilized and economically sound.

By the by , I have a friend from Nicaragua who lives in the bay area, he arrived to the US as an illegal but he got his green card a couple of years ago.
Last thing I heard from him , he was still working as a trash collector which is a job which most people would like to avoid in spite of the sallary.
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I have no idea how bad the situation is in San Diego and Los Angeles. anyone have any insight?

San Diego is very expensive to live in, and has a relatively low rate of illegals. The illegals tend to gravitate toward less expensive areas, Escandido, Menifee, Moreno Valley, San Bernardino, etc. Los Angeles is likewise segregated. Boyle Heights and West Whittier are nearly 100% illegals. (Except the anchor babies.) Santa Monica and Westwood, not so much.
anyone here from or near Los Angeles/Arizona? are they breaking into abandoned homes? the ones already occupied by roaches and scorpions? no electricity or plumbing? and that's a better life?

I'm from the LA basin.

Illegals live in everything from apartments to trailers. I don't hear of much squatting. But it might happen. Mostly the issue is clown houses - 10 families in a single family home. We have a clown house over one street. Nice house, really. But there must be 30 people in it, and they blare that Mexican Polka shit all day and night. I'm going to stick that fucking accordion up someone's ass one of these days....

Wanna have some fun? At night, bang on the door real hard and yell "IMMIGRATION!" or "ICE!" in both English and Spanish.

For those of you who live in a state with a steady influx of illegals coming in from South America or Cuba, maybe you can fill us in on "How And Where" there are living. Here in Florida, I have already heard stories where Hatians were living in very sub-par conditions (2/3/4-plexes) in Miami, often 5 to 12 per unit.
How are they living in Los Angeles? or Texas? They come here for a better life, and often wind up moving in with friends/relatives already in crowded/near crowded conditions.
I just can't fathom sleeping on a floor with 7 other people sharing one bathroom, a broken kitchen and very little food to share. And this is a better life? The first step to the American Dream? with a Liberal/Tyranny run government?

Cubans are not illegal aliens.

For those of you who live in a state with a steady influx of illegals coming in from South America or Cuba, maybe you can fill us in on "How And Where" there are living. Here in Florida, I have already heard stories where Hatians were living in very sub-par conditions (2/3/4-plexes) in Miami, often 5 to 12 per unit.
How are they living in Los Angeles? or Texas? They come here for a better life, and often wind up moving in with friends/relatives already in crowded/near crowded conditions.
I just can't fathom sleeping on a floor with 7 other people sharing one bathroom, a broken kitchen and very little food to share. And this is a better life? The first step to the American Dream? with a Liberal/Tyranny run government?

Here in Atlanta, from my personal experience, they are able to get apartments without any problem. I have seen 5-7 people living in a two bedroom apartment.
I'll tell you how they live. Then the liberals will show up to scream liar. But this is how they live.

My husband and I were looking for a house to buy. One came on the market not far from our business so we went to look at it. It was owned by a Mexican family.

The house had been stripped of appliances and kitchen cabinets which had been sold. Without a stove, cooking was done outside on a grille. Food refrigeration was several ice chests filled with murkey water. One of the three bedrooms was occupied by the owner. The other two bedrooms was rented to families. Mattresses on the floor, clothing strewn about. The empty closet was fitted with padded shelves and that is where the children slept. Children too big to fit on the shelves slept on the floor with their parents.

The house was advertised as a two bathroom. There was one bathroom where the bathtub was filled with laundry and used for washing clothes. The women of the house washed the clothing of the workers for a small fee. The shower was a hose affixed to a pole in the backyard. The toilet was stopped up. The second bathroom was a bucket with a toilet seat affixed to it, in a hall closet. That was the source of the smell permeating the house.

Every other room empty of furniture, living room, dining room and den, hall, had sleeping bags, or blankets rolled up and stacked against the wall. This was the sleeping space rented out to male day workers. I don't know how many there were, more than 50 at least.

Both front and back yard contained several junk cars. They were used for parts to keep what cars running that were able to run. Some parts were sold off for money. In the far back part of the yard was a struggling vegetable garden. Someone who had given it some thought, had dug a shallow ditch from the shower to the garden so the garden could be watered by the shower run off. From the odor, the garden was likely fertilized with the product from the hall toilet. There were clothes drying lines everywhere.

No we did not buy that house. I don't know who would. I don't know if it ever sold. The people would have to move and the home stripped and rehabbed.

I lived in a small two bedroom apt before I bought this big 2 bedroom condo in Naples. It wasn't even big enough for One Person! yet upstairs from me lived a young latino couple with 2 little girls, new born baby. the husband drove a very old Pontiac from the 80's on its last breath. and you wonder? how can anyone live like this? what ever happened to getting a good job, then buying the house, Then have three kids?

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