As Illegals Keep Coming,Where Are They Living?8,10? In A One/Two Bedroom Apartment?

For those of you who live in a state with a steady influx of illegals coming in from South America or Cuba, maybe you can fill us in on "How And Where" there are living. Here in Florida, I have already heard stories where Hatians were living in very sub-par conditions (2/3/4-plexes) in Miami, often 5 to 12 per unit.
How are they living in Los Angeles? or Texas? They come here for a better life, and often wind up moving in with friends/relatives already in crowded/near crowded conditions.
I just can't fathom sleeping on a floor with 7 other people sharing one bathroom, a broken kitchen and very little food to share. And this is a better life? The first step to the American Dream? with a Liberal/Tyranny run government?
It got so bad with the Mexicans on Hilton Head Island, the town passed an ordinance prohibiting more adults than the number of bedrooms from residing on one dwelling.
The property where I have a friend who is the superintendent was discovered to have as many as 8 adults living in a two bedroom condominium unit.
We really need to enforce our laws rather than mess with all this other nonsense.
The ignorance is just mind boggling.

Most illegals are not Mexican and not brown skinned.

Most illegals came here legally.

Most illegals were hired from their native countries because the can do what our own people are not trained to do.

We have FOUR open borders.

Idiots who can't think beyond hating people with brown or black skin are the same idiots who want to make sure that drug runners and known terrorists can buy any gun they want.

I used to give food and water to as many as 30 in a week. When I left that area, it was now to fewer than 30 in a growing season and they were all going to the fields at Eloy, Arizona to take the same job they had been doing for years and years. They would work and then go home. Then they woule come back the next year and do it all again.

There are almost no illegals from any country coming across our southern border now. President Obama has seen to that with his strict enforcement, huge deportations and increased Border Patrol. Not to mention that there are no jobs for them here and they know it.

What's in it for you?
I must ask, do you really believe that nonsense? Or are you just towing the company line?
Here's what I've learned from dealing with contractors, restaurant mangers and the illegals themselves in the DFW area: The illegals are mainly Mexicans. A few families will occupy a trailer or a three bedroom apartment. That's only after the head of the house has spent several months or years getting established and laying in some cash. Until then, 12 or so guys will share a two/three bedroom apartment. They pack the place with bunk beds; including the living room. I've never heard of anyone squatting but the houses in this area don't stay vacant for more than a week or two at the most. I'm sure our cops would be all over that if it were to occur.

Many of these men don't choose to bring their families up. They live in these bunking arrangements and send money home. Every pay day, you see them lining up to wire money home. The women that come up will work two full time restaurant jobs.

It's impossible for an Anglo teenager to get a summer job anymore. All the entry level minimum wage jobs here belong to Mexicans. We now have a whole generation of teenagers growing up not having the experience of an after school or summer job. That was a huge part of my education growing up.You can't get hired to manage a fast food restaurant unless you speak Spanish.

The Mexicans work very hard. They are an employers dream.
You forgot 'they work cheap'..
The largest problems with illegals is they are often taken advantage of by unscrupulous employers. These people are paid below market rate wages. They are often subject to threats of deportation should they not adhere to company policy often set up just for the illegals.
Meanwhile liberals are in support of the flooding of our country with as many illegals as possible.
remember in the 90's when we saw illegals on so many roofs doing replacements and repairs? and who do you think was furious over this? I lived in Boca Raton in the 90's and I read so many blogs about roofing contractors who couldn't find enough work because of this.
Here in the DFW area, the illegals are mainly Mexicans.

Illegals live in everything from apartments to trailers. I don't hear of much squatting. But it might happen. Mostly the issue is clown houses - 10 families in a single family home. We have a clown house over one street.

Anyone who says they know who illegals are and where they live is kidding themselves. They are probably making their judgment based on skin color or accent.

Remember when the non-thinkers would say, 'Why don't we just round them up and send them home?"

If we knew who was an illegal, we could do exactly that. Fact is, many families are moving in together to save money and none of you know if they are citizens or not.

Please stop pretending you know who is an illegal unless you turn them in.

Are YOU here illegally? Are you an immigration attorney? A member of La Raza or one of the other open border illegal immigrant advocacy groups?
Anyway, you are full of shit. well over HALF of the people who have crossed over our border with Mexico are here illegally.
You will NEVER deny the right to use the term 'illegal' when describing illegal immigrants.
So get the fuck over it.
The ignorance is just mind boggling.

Most illegals are not Mexican and not brown skinned.

Most illegals came here legally.

Most illegals were hired from their native countries because the can do what our own people are not trained to do.

We have FOUR open borders.

Idiots who can't think beyond hating people with brown or black skin are the same idiots who want to make sure that drug runners and known terrorists can buy any gun they want.

I used to give food and water to as many as 30 in a week. When I left that area, it was now to fewer than 30 in a growing season and they were all going to the fields at Eloy, Arizona to take the same job they had been doing for years and years. They would work and then go home. Then they woule come back the next year and do it all again.

There are almost no illegals from any country coming across our southern border now. President Obama has seen to that with his strict enforcement, huge deportations and increased Border Patrol. Not to mention that there are no jobs for them here and they know it.


Lying again, huh Comrade?

Prove I'm wrong.

You know I'm not lying and you know I'm not a Communist.

So, just try being honest for a change and PROVE I'm wrong.
That isn't how it works here. We do not prove negatives.
You don't get to make a claim then run away from it by demanding others 'prove you are wrong'..
You made the claims. You back them up. With FACTS from two or more sources.
Get to work.
Here in the DFW area, the illegals are mainly Mexicans.

Illegals live in everything from apartments to trailers. I don't hear of much squatting. But it might happen. Mostly the issue is clown houses - 10 families in a single family home. We have a clown house over one street.

Anyone who says they know who illegals are and where they live is kidding themselves. They are probably making their judgment based on skin color or accent.

Remember when the non-thinkers would say, 'Why don't we just round them up and send them home?"

If we knew who was an illegal, we could do exactly that. Fact is, many families are moving in together to save money and none of you know if they are citizens or not.

Please stop pretending you know who is an illegal unless you turn them in.

this is a reason why TheSeventhTiger isn't worth bothering reading/can't be taken seriously. He's just another version of Matthew :thup: He wants all the illegals to be brown people just like RushFox wants him to. He should've put his hate thread in the Race sub-forum.

Many People in U.S. Illegally Overstayed Their Visas -
Proponents of overhauling the U.S. immigration system increasingly point to the fact that about 40% of the 11 million undocumented workers in the country aren't low-wage workers who sneaked over the southern border illegally, but rather foreigners who arrived legally and simply never left.
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Here in the DFW area, the illegals are mainly Mexicans.

Anyone who says they know who illegals are and where they live is kidding themselves. They are probably making their judgment based on skin color or accent.

Remember when the non-thinkers would say, 'Why don't we just round them up and send them home?"

If we knew who was an illegal, we could do exactly that. Fact is, many families are moving in together to save money and none of you know if they are citizens or not.

Please stop pretending you know who is an illegal unless you turn them in.

this is a reason why TheSeventhTiger isn't worth bothering reading/can't be taken seriously. He's just another version of Matthew :thup: He wants all the illegals to be brown people just like RushFox wants him to. He should've put his hate thread in the Race sub-forum.

Many People in U.S. Illegally Overstayed Their Visas -
Proponents of overhauling the U.S. immigration system increasingly point to the fact that about 40% of the 11 million undocumented workers in the country aren't low-wage workers who sneaked over the southern border illegally, but rather foreigners who arrived legally and simply never left.

He does not want to be taken seriously. He thinks he is funny. He wants to cause laughter. Miserably failing......but trying.
and no one seems to mind in LA that Illegal aliens drive with no license or insurance. and what was the excuse for being forced to buy health insurance?

There are thousands of illegals that drive with no license, no insurance and fictitious license plates.
One of them was pulled over in a road block check point at the entrance to my neighborhood.
I talked to the Lieutenant in charge. He told me the guy had no ID. He said they write them a citation for the violations, but they will never show up in court to answer the charges.
That's the special rules for illegal Latino immigrants.
And these stupid libs want to open the border and watch them flood the country.
The libs cry, "we are a nation of immigrants"...Yes, we are. Most of them are fine people who want to come here and make a better life, learn English and become Americans.
This latest wave to border crossers just want to take what they can from this country.
They have no interest in learning our language. Do not have any desire to contribute to our society.
There are hundreds of thousands of highly skilled and educated people who want to emigrate to the US that are being closed out by stupid federal bureaucracy.
Makes a whole bunch of sense.
Okay, since "you" know who the illegals are, why don't you call INS? One phone call and they're gone.

FACT - if we knew who was illegal, their would be no illegals.


Yeeeah ...OK...
So all those dudes hanging out in front of Home Depot are here legally?
You live in Alaska or something?
My brother lives in AK. He says there are illegals all over the place.
and how are all those illegals in LA getting by? stealing? with Cally on the edge of collapse, you would think Mexicans are racing back home.

the guys i live around are working 2 jobs some 3.....and just because you are Illegal....does not mean you are out stealing.....

Not exactly. There are different kinds of theft.
Illegals may have jobs. However that does not mean they are stealing.
Many of them are NOT working or are working menial jobs for low wages. Those people are getting public assistance. They are in receipt of resources to which they not entitled.
In my book that is stealing.
I'll tell you how they live. Then the liberals will show up to scream liar. But this is how they live.

My husband and I were looking for a house to buy. One came on the market not far from our business so we went to look at it. It was owned by a Mexican family.

The house had been stripped of appliances and kitchen cabinets which had been sold. Without a stove, cooking was done outside on a grille. Food refrigeration was several ice chests filled with murkey water. One of the three bedrooms was occupied by the owner. The other two bedrooms was rented to families. Mattresses on the floor, clothing strewn about. The empty closet was fitted with padded shelves and that is where the children slept. Children too big to fit on the shelves slept on the floor with their parents.

The house was advertised as a two bathroom. There was one bathroom where the bathtub was filled with laundry and used for washing clothes. The women of the house washed the clothing of the workers for a small fee. The shower was a hose affixed to a pole in the backyard. The toilet was stopped up. The second bathroom was a bucket with a toilet seat affixed to it, in a hall closet. That was the source of the smell permeating the house.

Every other room empty of furniture, living room, dining room and den, hall, had sleeping bags, or blankets rolled up and stacked against the wall. This was the sleeping space rented out to male day workers. I don't know how many there were, more than 50 at least.

Both front and back yard contained several junk cars. They were used for parts to keep what cars running that were able to run. Some parts were sold off for money. In the far back part of the yard was a struggling vegetable garden. Someone who had given it some thought, had dug a shallow ditch from the shower to the garden so the garden could be watered by the shower run off. From the odor, the garden was likely fertilized with the product from the hall toilet. There were clothes drying lines everywhere.

No we did not buy that house. I don't know who would. I don't know if it ever sold. The people would have to move and the home stripped and rehabbed.

My former trade was that of a satellite tv tech. In that I got to be inside the homes of many Latinos....Here is the story in general.
Most of the homes were reasonably kept. If there was an woman living in the home, the interior was clean and some to extent where the inside was immaculate.
The ones where only men lived there were generally pig stys.
I was told by some Mexicans that like here in the US, it depends on what part of Mexico they come from. Not all Mexicans are slobs.
Anyway, that is not the point.
The point is if they came across the border without going through the process, they are here in violation of US law. End of story.
Here in the DFW area, the illegals are mainly Mexicans.

Anyone who says they know who illegals are and where they live is kidding themselves. They are probably making their judgment based on skin color or accent.

Remember when the non-thinkers would say, 'Why don't we just round them up and send them home?"

If we knew who was an illegal, we could do exactly that. Fact is, many families are moving in together to save money and none of you know if they are citizens or not.

Please stop pretending you know who is an illegal unless you turn them in.

this is a reason why TheSeventhTiger isn't worth bothering reading/can't be taken seriously. He's just another version of Matthew :thup: He wants all the illegals to be brown people just like RushFox wants him to. He should've put his hate thread in the Race sub-forum.

Many People in U.S. Illegally Overstayed Their Visas -
Proponents of overhauling the U.S. immigration system increasingly point to the fact that about 40% of the 11 million undocumented workers in the country aren't low-wage workers who sneaked over the southern border illegally, but rather foreigners who arrived legally and simply never left.

Ahh, the race card.
Hey listen up you poor excuse for an adult, illegal is illegal. Those two Chechen scum bags that bombed the Boston Marathon were illegal. Yeah, illegal. Their family fraudulently claimed they were being persecuted in order to be granted political asylum.
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For those of you who live in a state with a steady influx of illegals coming in from South America or Cuba, maybe you can fill us in on "How And Where" there are living. Here in Florida, I have already heard stories where Hatians were living in very sub-par conditions (2/3/4-plexes) in Miami, often 5 to 12 per unit.
How are they living in Los Angeles? or Texas? They come here for a better life, and often wind up moving in with friends/relatives already in crowded/near crowded conditions.
I just can't fathom sleeping on a floor with 7 other people sharing one bathroom, a broken kitchen and very little food to share. And this is a better life? The first step to the American Dream? with a Liberal/Tyranny run government?
I had no idea that Marco Rubio lived like that. Do you think Ted Cruz does, too?

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