As long as Jews control the media, we will never end immigration

What is your solution to simple poverty? Blaming others is for, "lesser men".
as long as there is no coercion involved, or the game isn't rigged. But it is possible for a people to be impoverished. Up until the mid-60's the US was a lot like Germany--everyone was middle class. The factory owner had a bigger house than the assembly line worker, but their kids went to the same schools, their wives shopped in the same grocery stores, they played in the same church league softball games. There was virtually no immigration, which meant, of course, a tight labor market, and rising wages. America built the largest, most stable, most prosperous middle class the world had ever seen.

Then came 1965 and the decisive Jewish victory with the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The country, all aglow with the warm fuzzies of the 1964 Civil Rights legislation, was ripe for the coup de grace. The Jewish sponsors of the bill in the House and Senate very shrewdly cast their bill as a civil rights bill. They made the spokesperson for the bill not some off-putting Jew but the junior senater from the state of Massachusetts, whose two brothers, incidentally, had just been murdered. He was bullet-proof. Then, of course, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the rest of the Jewish press helped by repeating over and over the lies "This bill will not add millions of people to our cities" and "This bill will not upset the demographic make-up of the American people" and so on. President Johnson signed the bill into law in New York Harbor at Ellis Island and that night, among the Jewish population, there were great celebrations over this glorious Jewish victory over the goyim.

And, truly, it was.

50 years later, and they have impoverished us. Remember 7 TRILLION dollar bankster bailouts?

(Incidentally, Watergate was their triumphal march into the Capital City: we are your masters now).
Poland's literacy rate was 99.8%, while Israel's was 97.8%.

List of countries by literacy rate - Wikipedia

Poland's IQ was 99, while Israel's was 95.

National IQ Scores - Country Rankings

Poland's PISA scores were in the 500's,, while Israel's were in the 470's.

Programme for International Student Assessment - Wikipedia
Now I know why everybody's doing R&D in Poland and not in Israel.
Spatial IQ is higher amongst non-Jews but not very desirable in most precise scientific research.

Yeah, but technology benefits the masses, despite Einstein's intelligence, it hasn't benefitted the masses very much.
Once again, genius, chopping down a tree benefits no one without a moral compass.

Jews definitely killed more than Poles did...
Emotional Retard...Keep the Jews in the yeshiva.

Well, Hasidim, and Atheist Jews seem to be mirror opposites, one is Conservative, and live like the Amish, the other is Liberal, and live Lavishly.

Hasidim are a welfare problem, but the Atheist Jew is a global problem.
What is your solution to simple poverty? Blaming others is for, "lesser men".
as long as there is no coercion involved, or the game isn't rigged. But it is possible for a people to be impoverished. Up until the mid-60's the US was a lot like Germany--everyone was middle class. The factory owner had a bigger house than the assembly line worker, but their kids went to the same schools, their wives shopped in the same grocery stores, they played in the same church league softball games. There was virtually no immigration, which meant, of course, a tight labor market, and rising wages. America built the largest, most stable, most prosperous middle class the world had ever seen.

Then came 1965 and the decisive Jewish victory with the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The country, all aglow with the warm fuzzies of the 1964 Civil Rights legislation, was ripe for the coup de grace. The Jewish sponsors of the bill in the House and Senate very shrewdly cast their bill as a civil rights bill. They made the spokesperson for the bill not some off-putting Jew but the junior senater from the state of Massachusetts, whose two brothers, incidentally, had just been murdered. He was bullet-proof. Then, of course, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the rest of the Jewish press helped by repeating over and over the lies "This bill will not add millions of people to our cities" and "This bill will not upset the demographic make-up of the American people" and so on. President Johnson signed the bill into law in New York Harbor at Ellis Island and that night, among the Jewish population, there were great celebrations over this glorious Jewish victory over the goyim.

And, truly, it was.

(Incidentally, Watergate was their triumphal march into the Capital City: we are your masters now).

cnelsen-----you express yourself as if you come from a long line of moonshiners
in the hills of Appalachia. The USA has been an IMMIGRATION country----even
before it was the USA. The really stupid original immigrants have background from great
britain, Germany, and some from scandanavia and tend to have heads the shape of turnips
Now I know why everybody's doing R&D in Poland and not in Israel.
Spatial IQ is higher amongst non-Jews but not very desirable in most precise scientific research.

Yeah, but technology benefits the masses, despite Einstein's intelligence, it hasn't benefitted the masses very much.
Once again, genius, chopping down a tree benefits no one without a moral compass.

Jews definitely killed more than Poles did...
Emotional Retard...Keep the Jews in the yeshiva.

Well, Hasidim, and Atheist Jews seem to be mirror opposites, one is Conservative, and live like the Amish, the other is Liberal, and live Lavishly.

Hasidim are a welfare problem, but the Atheist Jew is a global problem.

stick to comic books-------your choice of literature has seared your brain. Your fellow moonshiners
from the hills are a FAR GREATER welfare problem (and liver failure problem) than are
Chassidic jews. How about you take a break from cyberspace and shoot something UP
they played in the same church league softball games. There was virtually no immigration, which me

I grew up in the mid-60s and never once played softball at a church.[/QUOTE

I think it depends on where one lives. There are some little corners of the USA in which
THE CHURCH is the whole center of social activity----------I grew up in a place of some
diversity-------and the local "playgrounds" were mediated by the town and not associated
with any particular religion. -------HOWEVER "protestant" was normal--------the rest of us---
catholic, eastern orthodox, jewish, -----very rare oriental things--------were rare birds
they played in the same church league softball games. There was virtually no immigration, which me

I grew up in the mid-60s and never once played softball at a church.[/QUOTE

I think it depends on where one lives. There are some little corners of the USA in which
THE CHURCH is the whole center of social activity----------I grew up in a place of some
diversity-------and the local "playgrounds" were mediated by the town and not associated
with any particular religion. -------HOWEVER "protestant" was normal--------the rest of us---
catholic, eastern orthodox, jewish, -----very rare oriental things--------were rare birds

Which begs the question... why are people who have never met a Jew in their lives so afraid of them?
they played in the same church league softball games. There was virtually no immigration, which me

I grew up in the mid-60s and never once played softball at a church.[/QUOTE

I think it depends on where one lives. There are some little corners of the USA in which
THE CHURCH is the whole center of social activity----------I grew up in a place of some
diversity-------and the local "playgrounds" were mediated by the town and not associated
with any particular religion. -------HOWEVER "protestant" was normal--------the rest of us---
catholic, eastern orthodox, jewish, -----very rare oriental things--------were rare birds

Which begs the question... why are people who have never met a Jew in their lives so afraid of them?

tradition........ the founder of national Christianity----CONSTANTINE (emperor of the first reich---holy roman
empire) hated jews. He devised the laws that adolf later used in his NUREMBURG LAWS
He disarmed jews, deprived them of the right to own property and -------even the right to ride on a horse.
and he did the social separation laws too. Those laws were actually enforced more or less, in
Europe and the eastern orthodox world and even got thrown into Shariah all the way up to
the 20th century--------and still exist in some places------especially shariah shit holes. Some of the
most anti semetic people I have encountered have been muslims from muslim countries that have no
jews-------like Pakistan. Pakistanis can quote the Nazi literature CHAPTER AND VERSE ----as if
it is holy text
The really stupid original immigrants have background from great
britain, Germany, and some from scandanavia and tend to have heads the shape of turnips

We are not a nation of immigrants, you halfwit. Around eighty percent of us were born here, making us not immigrants. See? If, out of ignorance, you are including having an immigrant among one's ancestors as making one an immigrant, then all nations are nations of immigrants and it's an even dumber thing to say. Dumb cow.
The really stupid original immigrants have background from great
britain, Germany, and some from scandanavia and tend to have heads the shape of turnips

We are not a nation of immigrants, you halfwit. Around eighty percent of us were born here, making us not immigrants. See? If, out of ignorance, you are including having an immigrant among one's ancestors as making one an immigrant, then all nations are nations of immigrants and it's an even dumber thing to say. Dumb cow.

compared to OTHER NATIONS------like ITALY, SPAIN, CHINA and almost ALL other
nations in the world-----the USA is far more a nation of immigrants. I was born in the USA----
as were my parents and even one of my grandparents----BUT -----I do have background in a few
European countries. One of my sisters-in-law has background in the MOONSHINE hills
of Appalachia--------but even she has remote ancestry in England and Germany----not SOO remote ---
something like 150 years ago
the founder of national Christianity----CONSTANTINE (emperor of the first reich---holy roman
empire) hated jews.
In other words, he was familiar.

It's funny, really, Jews are always going on about this one hated us, and that one hated us, and this king persecuted us, and that country club did this to us, and the US turned away some Jews, and the Tsar did some other stuff, and, of course, Holocaust, Holocaust, Holocaust. But what we never hear a Jew say is why. He never says, "My people garnered the hatred of our neighbors by...

That inability to embrace the full range of the human condition has an alienating effect.
the USA is far more a nation of immigrants.
If only ten percent of us are immigrants, how does that make us a "nation of immigrants". Ten percent of the population is Asian. Does that make us a nation of Orientals?
they played in the same church league softball games. There was virtually no immigration, which me

I grew up in the mid-60s and never once played softball at a church.[/QUOTE

I think it depends on where one lives. There are some little corners of the USA in which
THE CHURCH is the whole center of social activity----------I grew up in a place of some
diversity-------and the local "playgrounds" were mediated by the town and not associated
with any particular religion. -------HOWEVER "protestant" was normal--------the rest of us---
catholic, eastern orthodox, jewish, -----very rare oriental things--------were rare birds

<s>Which begs the question</s>... why are people who have never met a Jew in their lives so afraid of them?

Why are people who have never met a Negro in their lives so afraid of them?

Why are people who have never met a Midwesterner in their lives so afraid of them?

Why are people who have never met a Muslim/Christian/Aboriginal in their lives so afraid of them?

they played in the same church league softball games. There was virtually no immigration, which me

I grew up in the mid-60s and never once played softball at a church.[/QUOTE

I think it depends on where one lives. There are some little corners of the USA in which
THE CHURCH is the whole center of social activity----------I grew up in a place of some
diversity-------and the local "playgrounds" were mediated by the town and not associated
with any particular religion. -------HOWEVER "protestant" was normal--------the rest of us---
catholic, eastern orthodox, jewish, -----very rare oriental things--------were rare birds

<s>Which begs the question</s>... why are people who have never met a Jew in their lives so afraid of them?

Why are people who have never met a Negro in their lives so afraid of them?

Why are people who have never met a Midwesterner in their lives so afraid of them?

Why are people who have never met a Muslim/Christian/Aboriginal in their lives so afraid of them?


Because they're morons.
We have a Commerce Clause that covers tourism. Y'all have to prove, immigration.

From tourism to terrorism, huh?
Why should anyone take the right wing seriously about economics or the law?

In the US, tourism is either the first, second, or third largest employer in 29 states,[which?] employing 7.3 million in 2004, to take care of 1.19 billion trips tourists took in the US in 2005. As of 2007, there are 2,462 registered National Historic Landmarks (NHL) recognized by the United States government. As of 2016, Orlando is the most visited destination in the United States.--
What is your solution to simple poverty? Blaming others is for, "lesser men".
as long as there is no coercion involved, or the game isn't rigged. But it is possible for a people to be impoverished. Up until the mid-60's the US was a lot like Germany--everyone was middle class. The factory owner had a bigger house than the assembly line worker, but their kids went to the same schools, their wives shopped in the same grocery stores, they played in the same church league softball games. There was virtually no immigration, which meant, of course, a tight labor market, and rising wages. America built the largest, most stable, most prosperous middle class the world had ever seen.

Then came 1965 and the decisive Jewish victory with the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The country, all aglow with the warm fuzzies of the 1964 Civil Rights legislation, was ripe for the coup de grace. The Jewish sponsors of the bill in the House and Senate very shrewdly cast their bill as a civil rights bill. They made the spokesperson for the bill not some off-putting Jew but the junior senater from the state of Massachusetts, whose two brothers, incidentally, had just been murdered. He was bullet-proof. Then, of course, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the rest of the Jewish press helped by repeating over and over the lies "This bill will not add millions of people to our cities" and "This bill will not upset the demographic make-up of the American people" and so on. President Johnson signed the bill into law in New York Harbor at Ellis Island and that night, among the Jewish population, there were great celebrations over this glorious Jewish victory over the goyim.

And, truly, it was.

50 years later, and they have impoverished us. Remember 7 TRILLION dollar bankster bailouts?

(Incidentally, Watergate was their triumphal march into the Capital City: we are your masters now).
A wall of text for red herrings?

We have laws regarding employment at will. Labor should be able to quit on an at-will basis and collect unemployment benefits.
Yeah, but technology benefits the masses, despite Einstein's intelligence, it hasn't benefitted the masses very much.
Once again, genius, chopping down a tree benefits no one without a moral compass.

Jews definitely killed more than Poles did...
Emotional Retard...Keep the Jews in the yeshiva.

Well, Hasidim, and Atheist Jews seem to be mirror opposites, one is Conservative, and live like the Amish, the other is Liberal, and live Lavishly.

Hasidim are a welfare problem, but the Atheist Jew is a global problem.

stick to comic books-------your choice of literature has seared your brain. Your fellow moonshiners
from the hills are a FAR GREATER welfare problem (and liver failure problem) than are
Chassidic jews. How about you take a break from cyberspace and shoot something UP

Perhaps in total numbers, but not on a proportionate level.

Kiryas Joel a village which is nearly 100% Hasidim Jews, is the welfare, food stamps, and poverty capital of the U.S.A.
I'm beginning to think Sobie is a failed Polish experiment.

You have read "The Island of Doctor Moreau", I presume.

no Sobie, is, unfortunately a not uncommon product of polish culture------vodka soaked abusive
adults in childhood and very sick training in what other products of abuse ----who sought refuge in

My Polish drinks of choice are not Vodka, but rather Krupnik, Lech, or Tyskie.

I'm actually an Agnostic, or a skeptic of religion.

But, way to make vivid assumptions.

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