As long as Jews control the media, we will never end immigration

I doubt those IQs are that low since Israel has one of the highest literacy rates in the world and almost everyone I know has at least a advanced degree.
Do you have a Link so I can see the breakdown?

Sephadis are far more interpersonal oriented...they are incredibly successful in business and probably own the Ashkenazim.

Israel's IQ is estimated at 94 - 95 Which fits with that estimate very well.

Actually, much of Europe's literacy rate is higher than that of Israel.
Still no Link. Strange for a guy who worships Links.
And yet without outside help, Israel is one of the most inventive nations on earth.
I'm sure all those corporations paying all those low IQ Jews haven't heard from you yet.
You should let them know.

Poland's literacy rate was 99.8%, while Israel's was 97.8%.

List of countries by literacy rate - Wikipedia

Poland's IQ was 99, while Israel's was 95.

National IQ Scores - Country Rankings

Poland's PISA scores were in the 500's,, while Israel's were in the 470's.

Programme for International Student Assessment - Wikipedia
Spatial IQ is higher amongst non-Jews but not very desirable in most precise scientific research.

Do, you think the lack of spatial ability in Jews, is why many Jews like Roudy falsely accuse Poland for the Holocaust, just because they can't grasp that because the Concentration Camps were built there, that Poles didn't have well anything more to do with them really than Jews did.
It's the stories we were told by our parents and grandparents after they were kicked out of Poland after WWII.
And we don't spend much time researching the details of the Holocaust because we live life for tomorrow, not yesterday.
Feeling sorry for ourselves doesn't pay the mortgage.
Israel's IQ is estimated at 94 - 95 Which fits with that estimate very well.

Actually, much of Europe's literacy rate is higher than that of Israel.
Still no Link. Strange for a guy who worships Links.
And yet without outside help, Israel is one of the most inventive nations on earth.
I'm sure all those corporations paying all those low IQ Jews haven't heard from you yet.
You should let them know.

Poland's literacy rate was 99.8%, while Israel's was 97.8%.

List of countries by literacy rate - Wikipedia

Poland's IQ was 99, while Israel's was 95.

National IQ Scores - Country Rankings

Poland's PISA scores were in the 500's,, while Israel's were in the 470's.

Programme for International Student Assessment - Wikipedia
Now I know why everybody's doing R&D in Poland and not in Israel.
Spatial IQ is higher amongst non-Jews but not very desirable in most precise scientific research.

Yeah, but technology benefits the masses, despite Einstein's intelligence, it hasn't benefitted the masses very much.
Once again, genius, chopping down a tree benefits no one without a moral compass.

Jews definitely killed more than Poles did...Even if you exclude the Soviets.... Julius Popper, and Menachem Begin were nasty buggers in their own rights.
Still no Link. Strange for a guy who worships Links.
And yet without outside help, Israel is one of the most inventive nations on earth.
I'm sure all those corporations paying all those low IQ Jews haven't heard from you yet.
You should let them know.

Poland's literacy rate was 99.8%, while Israel's was 97.8%.

List of countries by literacy rate - Wikipedia

Poland's IQ was 99, while Israel's was 95.

National IQ Scores - Country Rankings

Poland's PISA scores were in the 500's,, while Israel's were in the 470's.

Programme for International Student Assessment - Wikipedia
Now I know why everybody's doing R&D in Poland and not in Israel.
Spatial IQ is higher amongst non-Jews but not very desirable in most precise scientific research.

Yeah, but technology benefits the masses, despite Einstein's intelligence, it hasn't benefitted the masses very much.
Which masses?
Without Einstein, Poland would have been a permanent Germanic satellite.

How do you figure that?
I know Einstein wasn't Polish but I'll let you research his research and results.
Still no Link. Strange for a guy who worships Links.
And yet without outside help, Israel is one of the most inventive nations on earth.
I'm sure all those corporations paying all those low IQ Jews haven't heard from you yet.
You should let them know.

Poland's literacy rate was 99.8%, while Israel's was 97.8%.

List of countries by literacy rate - Wikipedia

Poland's IQ was 99, while Israel's was 95.

National IQ Scores - Country Rankings

Poland's PISA scores were in the 500's,, while Israel's were in the 470's.

Programme for International Student Assessment - Wikipedia
Now I know why everybody's doing R&D in Poland and not in Israel.
Spatial IQ is higher amongst non-Jews but not very desirable in most precise scientific research.

Yeah, but technology benefits the masses, despite Einstein's intelligence, it hasn't benefitted the masses very much.
Once again, genius, chopping down a tree benefits no one without a moral compass.

Jews definitely killed more than Poles did...
Emotional Retard...Keep the Jews in the yeshiva.
Now I know why everybody's doing R&D in Poland and not in Israel.

Poland is a GREAT place for research ...


And the scientists don't get attached to the Poles.
Poland's literacy rate was 99.8%, while Israel's was 97.8%.

List of countries by literacy rate - Wikipedia

Poland's IQ was 99, while Israel's was 95.

National IQ Scores - Country Rankings

Poland's PISA scores were in the 500's,, while Israel's were in the 470's.

Programme for International Student Assessment - Wikipedia
Now I know why everybody's doing R&D in Poland and not in Israel.
Spatial IQ is higher amongst non-Jews but not very desirable in most precise scientific research.

Yeah, but technology benefits the masses, despite Einstein's intelligence, it hasn't benefitted the masses very much.
Once again, genius, chopping down a tree benefits no one without a moral compass.

Jews definitely killed more than Poles did...
Emotional Retard...Keep the Jews in the yeshiva.

Why is Menachem Begin worshipped by many in Israel?

Did you know he not only was he a terrorist, but he abandoned the Polish army which was fighting the Nazis?
Now I know why everybody's doing R&D in Poland and not in Israel.
Spatial IQ is higher amongst non-Jews but not very desirable in most precise scientific research.

Yeah, but technology benefits the masses, despite Einstein's intelligence, it hasn't benefitted the masses very much.
Once again, genius, chopping down a tree benefits no one without a moral compass.

Jews definitely killed more than Poles did...
Emotional Retard...Keep the Jews in the yeshiva.

Why is Menachem Begin worshipped by many in Israel?

Did you know he not only was he a terrorist, but he abandoned the Polish army which was fighting the Nazis?
Study his life.
He has his pluses and minuses.
He was not a friend of Observant Jews but in the long run was very responsible for taming the topography of Israel.
I'm sure the Polish Army collapsed the day he went AWOL; must have been that high Jewish IQ.
There is something in the Jew that is fanatical about importing non-whites into historically white areas.
  • George Soros, a billionaire Jew, is the driving force behind the Muslim invasion of Europe, and has, for years, spent millions ensuring continued mass immigration to the US.
  • When Carl Pope, a Jew, was head of the Sierra Club, he accepted a massive donation by a Jew in return for guaranteeing the Sierra Club took took no immigration position.
  • When the Jerusalem Post opposed Donald Trump's candidacy, it was because Trump wanted to adopt immigration policies similar to Israel's.
  • The Southern Poverty Law Center, led by Jews, demonizes any white person who opposes mass immigration.
  • The ACLU, led by Jews, along with the heavily Jewish American Immigration Lawyers' Association, provides legal muscle to resist efforts to curtail immigration.
  • The Ford Foundation, run by Jews, bankrolls pro-mass immigration propaganda.
  • Jews in Congress were the driving force behind the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, which kicked off the demographic disaster we are currently facing.
  • The mass media is overwhelmingly pro-mass immigration, refusing to include the immigration status of criminals, running bogus scare stories about labor shortages and crops rotting in the fields, and refusing to perform its duty to inform the American people about important topics. For example, how many Americans are aware of this important fact:

The simple fact of the matter is immigration will continue until one of two things happens: either we stand up and put a stop to it, or this country is no longer a desirable place to live.

Unfortunately, we will be unable to choose the first as long as Jews control media because we will lack the means to broadcast an effort to organize, the reasons for organizing will not be broadcast to the public, and any effort to organize will be demonized as racistxenophobicantisemetic.

Simple truth.


Then set up your own media outlet.
In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin.

In 1956, according to published statistics, 98.37 percent of all white nationalists were brain-dead, inbred, bible-thumpin', cousin-humpin' morons.

That number has since doubled or tripled.

But all is not lost. If the US is smart, we will keep immigrants, including Jews and get rid of these brainless racist nutters.

Sent from my iPad using

LMFAO, but Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims all score lower IQ's than racists.

Nazi member Wernher Von Braun put a man on the Moon.

KKK member Borglum carved Mount Rushmoore.

Darwin who formulated Evolution, said the Fuegian Natives were hardly even Human.

Nikola Tesla who invented alternate current, the patents Marconi stole for radio, remote controls, and unmanned aerial vehicles, among other things talked about cleansing the World of savages.

Immanuel Kant the prized philosopher who put Blacks, and Native Americans as low hierarchy Humans.

James Watson who co-discovered DNA structure spoke of Blacks not being equal, and the other co-discoverer of DNA structure Francis Crick also touted of racial inequality.,

I'd dare you to list such accomplished Blacks, Hispanics, or Muslims?
Why is racism important to the sole surviving species in the Homo genus?
I'll give you blood lust. Nobody does bloodthirsty like you people. And nepotism, can't forget that. You people excel at nepotism. Oh, and then there is the deceit. <whistles> World. Class. Deceit.

But we give you a job and keep the rent low on your trailer ... You're welcome.

Vivid assumptions on your part... I can't speak for him... But... we're looking to buy a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom house, with 3 decks, and a pool.
What is your solution to simple poverty? Blaming others is for, "lesser men".
Fact = arrogance?

For starters Jews aren't usually good at sports.

For enders Jews aren't good at all intellectual factors, they're not so good at engineering, technology, and invention.

All 3 of the above are not included in the Nobel Prize.
In terms of engineering, technology, and invention, are you on crack?
You better start reading up on what's going on in Israel.
The Days of Moshiah are approaching.

European are much better at engineering, technology, and invention than Jews.

Who's the Jewish version of Nikola Tesla, or Thomas Edison?
You mean when we we're being slaughtered in Europe and not allowed in Universities in the US or Europe?
We already had this discussion so you either have a bad memory or are being intellectually dishonest.
Since you are Polish, neither can be true.

Why are Ashkenazi Jews superior over Mizrahi Jews, and Sephardi Jews who are actually more Jewish than Ashkenazi Jews?
no idea.
Poland's literacy rate was 99.8%, while Israel's was 97.8%.

List of countries by literacy rate - Wikipedia

Poland's IQ was 99, while Israel's was 95.

National IQ Scores - Country Rankings

Poland's PISA scores were in the 500's,, while Israel's were in the 470's.

Programme for International Student Assessment - Wikipedia
Now I know why everybody's doing R&D in Poland and not in Israel.
Spatial IQ is higher amongst non-Jews but not very desirable in most precise scientific research.

Yeah, but technology benefits the masses, despite Einstein's intelligence, it hasn't benefitted the masses very much.
Which masses?
Without Einstein, Poland would have been a permanent Germanic satellite.

How do you figure that?
I know Einstein wasn't Polish but I'll let you research his research and results.

Are you talking about Nukes, if so yes the Jews gave the U.S.A nukes, but also gave Soviets nukes... Coincidentally the U.S.A, and Russia are the most Jewish controlled, and aggressive White nations in the World today.... What could go wrong there?
Yeah, but technology benefits the masses, despite Einstein's intelligence, it hasn't benefitted the masses very much.
Once again, genius, chopping down a tree benefits no one without a moral compass.

Jews definitely killed more than Poles did...
Emotional Retard...Keep the Jews in the yeshiva.

Why is Menachem Begin worshipped by many in Israel?

Did you know he not only was he a terrorist, but he abandoned the Polish army which was fighting the Nazis?
I'm sure the Polish Army collapsed the day he went AWOL; must have been that high Jewish IQ.

Well, I think Menachem Begin was a disgrace, he abandoned European Jews to the Nazis, and instead decided to lash out at Palestinian civilians in Deir Yassin.

But, if Jews were so valuable as you say, then surely the Polish army should have been doing much better against Nazi Germany, considering the Polish army, and Poland had much more Jews, no?
In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin.

In 1956, according to published statistics, 98.37 percent of all white nationalists were brain-dead, inbred, bible-thumpin', cousin-humpin' morons.

That number has since doubled or tripled.

But all is not lost. If the US is smart, we will keep immigrants, including Jews and get rid of these brainless racist nutters.

Sent from my iPad using

LMFAO, but Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims all score lower IQ's than racists.

Nazi member Wernher Von Braun put a man on the Moon.

KKK member Borglum carved Mount Rushmoore.

Darwin who formulated Evolution, said the Fuegian Natives were hardly even Human.

Nikola Tesla who invented alternate current, the patents Marconi stole for radio, remote controls, and unmanned aerial vehicles, among other things talked about cleansing the World of savages.

Immanuel Kant the prized philosopher who put Blacks, and Native Americans as low hierarchy Humans.

James Watson who co-discovered DNA structure spoke of Blacks not being equal, and the other co-discoverer of DNA structure Francis Crick also touted of racial inequality.,

I'd dare you to list such accomplished Blacks, Hispanics, or Muslims?
Why is racism important to the sole surviving species in the Homo genus?

Cheetahs have their speed, Bears have their strength, and Humans have their intelligence.

Intelligence is inherently what makes us Human.

Therefor it's important to maintain Human intelligence.
That's just not going to happen with third-World riff raff having more kids.

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