As long as Jews control the media, we will never end immigration

What is your solution to simple poverty? Blaming others is for, "lesser men".
as long as there is no coercion involved, or the game isn't rigged. But it is possible for a people to be impoverished. Up until the mid-60's the US was a lot like Germany--everyone was middle class. The factory owner had a bigger house than the assembly line worker, but their kids went to the same schools, their wives shopped in the same grocery stores, they played in the same church league softball games. There was virtually no immigration, which meant, of course, a tight labor market, and rising wages. America built the largest, most stable, most prosperous middle class the world had ever seen.

Then came 1965 and the decisive Jewish victory with the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The country, all aglow with the warm fuzzies of the 1964 Civil Rights legislation, was ripe for the coup de grace. The Jewish sponsors of the bill in the House and Senate very shrewdly cast their bill as a civil rights bill. They made the spokesperson for the bill not some off-putting Jew but the junior senater from the state of Massachusetts, whose two brothers, incidentally, had just been murdered. He was bullet-proof. Then, of course, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the rest of the Jewish press helped by repeating over and over the lies "This bill will not add millions of people to our cities" and "This bill will not upset the demographic make-up of the American people" and so on. President Johnson signed the bill into law in New York Harbor at Ellis Island and that night, among the Jewish population, there were great celebrations over this glorious Jewish victory over the goyim.

And, truly, it was.

(Incidentally, Watergate was their triumphal march into the Capital City: we are your masters now).

The USA has been an IMMIGRATION country----even
before it was the USA.

The U.S Founding Fathers immigration law... The Naturalization Act of 1790 said that only Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens.
What is your solution to simple poverty? Blaming others is for, "lesser men".
as long as there is no coercion involved, or the game isn't rigged. But it is possible for a people to be impoverished. Up until the mid-60's the US was a lot like Germany--everyone was middle class. The factory owner had a bigger house than the assembly line worker, but their kids went to the same schools, their wives shopped in the same grocery stores, they played in the same church league softball games. There was virtually no immigration, which meant, of course, a tight labor market, and rising wages. America built the largest, most stable, most prosperous middle class the world had ever seen.

Then came 1965 and the decisive Jewish victory with the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The country, all aglow with the warm fuzzies of the 1964 Civil Rights legislation, was ripe for the coup de grace. The Jewish sponsors of the bill in the House and Senate very shrewdly cast their bill as a civil rights bill. They made the spokesperson for the bill not some off-putting Jew but the junior senater from the state of Massachusetts, whose two brothers, incidentally, had just been murdered. He was bullet-proof. Then, of course, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the rest of the Jewish press helped by repeating over and over the lies "This bill will not add millions of people to our cities" and "This bill will not upset the demographic make-up of the American people" and so on. President Johnson signed the bill into law in New York Harbor at Ellis Island and that night, among the Jewish population, there were great celebrations over this glorious Jewish victory over the goyim.

And, truly, it was.

(Incidentally, Watergate was their triumphal march into the Capital City: we are your masters now).
The really stupid original immigrants have background from great
britain, Germany, and some from scandanavia and tend to have heads the shape of turnips

Sure, according to you original U.S Whites like Brits, and Germans, and also Poles are dumb.

But, why do you refuse to address the idiotic elephants in the room, the Blacks, and Hispanics?
We have a Commerce Clause that covers tourism. Y'all have to prove, immigration.

From tourism to terrorism, huh?
Why should anyone take the right wing seriously about economics or the law?

In the US, tourism is either the first, second, or third largest employer in 29 states,[which?] employing 7.3 million in 2004, to take care of 1.19 billion trips tourists took in the US in 2005. As of 2007, there are 2,462 registered National Historic Landmarks (NHL) recognized by the United States government. As of 2016, Orlando is the most visited destination in the United States.--

Isn't most of the tourism revenues generated from foreign Whites, and foreign Asians, anyways?
What is your solution to simple poverty? Blaming others is for, "lesser men".
as long as there is no coercion involved, or the game isn't rigged. But it is possible for a people to be impoverished. Up until the mid-60's the US was a lot like Germany--everyone was middle class. The factory owner had a bigger house than the assembly line worker, but their kids went to the same schools, their wives shopped in the same grocery stores, they played in the same church league softball games. There was virtually no immigration, which meant, of course, a tight labor market, and rising wages. America built the largest, most stable, most prosperous middle class the world had ever seen.

Then came 1965 and the decisive Jewish victory with the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The country, all aglow with the warm fuzzies of the 1964 Civil Rights legislation, was ripe for the coup de grace. The Jewish sponsors of the bill in the House and Senate very shrewdly cast their bill as a civil rights bill. They made the spokesperson for the bill not some off-putting Jew but the junior senater from the state of Massachusetts, whose two brothers, incidentally, had just been murdered. He was bullet-proof. Then, of course, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the rest of the Jewish press helped by repeating over and over the lies "This bill will not add millions of people to our cities" and "This bill will not upset the demographic make-up of the American people" and so on. President Johnson signed the bill into law in New York Harbor at Ellis Island and that night, among the Jewish population, there were great celebrations over this glorious Jewish victory over the goyim.

And, truly, it was.

50 years later, and they have impoverished us. Remember 7 TRILLION dollar bankster bailouts?

(Incidentally, Watergate was their triumphal march into the Capital City: we are your masters now).

True. My class pictures from 1952 show a sea of white faces. Nary a dark skinned kid in the bunch. If we're a nation of immigrants, it's only from recent times and it was planned that way to what? Divide us? Cheap labor? Maybe both. Some may call this remark racist. What country that wants to remain a first world country imports the poor and unskilled from the third world? You won't see Japan putting up with this b.s., and neither will Red China, and I highly doubt that israel says come one, come all, we love ya.
Last edited:
What is your solution to simple poverty? Blaming others is for, "lesser men".
as long as there is no coercion involved, or the game isn't rigged. But it is possible for a people to be impoverished. Up until the mid-60's the US was a lot like Germany--everyone was middle class. The factory owner had a bigger house than the assembly line worker, but their kids went to the same schools, their wives shopped in the same grocery stores, they played in the same church league softball games. There was virtually no immigration, which meant, of course, a tight labor market, and rising wages. America built the largest, most stable, most prosperous middle class the world had ever seen.

Then came 1965 and the decisive Jewish victory with the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The country, all aglow with the warm fuzzies of the 1964 Civil Rights legislation, was ripe for the coup de grace. The Jewish sponsors of the bill in the House and Senate very shrewdly cast their bill as a civil rights bill. They made the spokesperson for the bill not some off-putting Jew but the junior senater from the state of Massachusetts, whose two brothers, incidentally, had just been murdered. He was bullet-proof. Then, of course, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the rest of the Jewish press helped by repeating over and over the lies "This bill will not add millions of people to our cities" and "This bill will not upset the demographic make-up of the American people" and so on. President Johnson signed the bill into law in New York Harbor at Ellis Island and that night, among the Jewish population, there were great celebrations over this glorious Jewish victory over the goyim.

And, truly, it was.

(Incidentally, Watergate was their triumphal march into the Capital City: we are your masters now).

The USA has been an IMMIGRATION country----even
before it was the USA.

The U.S Founding Fathers immigration law... The Naturalization Act of 1790 said that only Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens.

Don't let that cat out of the bag. The progressives will want to start tearing down statues of the founding fathers. They're already kicking Andy Jackson off the twenty dollar bill and putting a colored woman on it.
What is your solution to simple poverty? Blaming others is for, "lesser men".
as long as there is no coercion involved, or the game isn't rigged. But it is possible for a people to be impoverished. Up until the mid-60's the US was a lot like Germany--everyone was middle class. The factory owner had a bigger house than the assembly line worker, but their kids went to the same schools, their wives shopped in the same grocery stores, they played in the same church league softball games. There was virtually no immigration, which meant, of course, a tight labor market, and rising wages. America built the largest, most stable, most prosperous middle class the world had ever seen.

Then came 1965 and the decisive Jewish victory with the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The country, all aglow with the warm fuzzies of the 1964 Civil Rights legislation, was ripe for the coup de grace. The Jewish sponsors of the bill in the House and Senate very shrewdly cast their bill as a civil rights bill. They made the spokesperson for the bill not some off-putting Jew but the junior senater from the state of Massachusetts, whose two brothers, incidentally, had just been murdered. He was bullet-proof. Then, of course, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the rest of the Jewish press helped by repeating over and over the lies "This bill will not add millions of people to our cities" and "This bill will not upset the demographic make-up of the American people" and so on. President Johnson signed the bill into law in New York Harbor at Ellis Island and that night, among the Jewish population, there were great celebrations over this glorious Jewish victory over the goyim.

And, truly, it was.

(Incidentally, Watergate was their triumphal march into the Capital City: we are your masters now).
The really stupid original immigrants have background from great
britain, Germany, and some from scandanavia and tend to have heads the shape of turnips

Sure, according to you original U.S Whites like Brits, and Germans, and also Poles are dumb.

But, why do you refuse to address the idiotic elephants in the room, the Blacks, and Hispanics?

I do not see blacks and Hispanics as idiotic elephants. Most blacks I have encountered in the
USA have been in the USA longer than had my grandmother (she grew up on London------but
HER parents were from elsewhere) Lots of Hispanics were born in the USA------In fact most are
"AMERICANS" The really stupid immigrants to the USA------seem to be descended from
Germanic tribes and British Isle people who ended up as farmers or moonshiner in the hills and
mountains. La la la ------they say don't go..on WOLVERTON MOUNTAIN.......
Last edited:
What is your solution to simple poverty? Blaming others is for, "lesser men".
as long as there is no coercion involved, or the game isn't rigged. But it is possible for a people to be impoverished. Up until the mid-60's the US was a lot like Germany--everyone was middle class. The factory owner had a bigger house than the assembly line worker, but their kids went to the same schools, their wives shopped in the same grocery stores, they played in the same church league softball games. There was virtually no immigration, which meant, of course, a tight labor market, and rising wages. America built the largest, most stable, most prosperous middle class the world had ever seen.

Then came 1965 and the decisive Jewish victory with the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The country, all aglow with the warm fuzzies of the 1964 Civil Rights legislation, was ripe for the coup de grace. The Jewish sponsors of the bill in the House and Senate very shrewdly cast their bill as a civil rights bill. They made the spokesperson for the bill not some off-putting Jew but the junior senater from the state of Massachusetts, whose two brothers, incidentally, had just been murdered. He was bullet-proof. Then, of course, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the rest of the Jewish press helped by repeating over and over the lies "This bill will not add millions of people to our cities" and "This bill will not upset the demographic make-up of the American people" and so on. President Johnson signed the bill into law in New York Harbor at Ellis Island and that night, among the Jewish population, there were great celebrations over this glorious Jewish victory over the goyim.

And, truly, it was.

(Incidentally, Watergate was their triumphal march into the Capital City: we are your masters now).
The really stupid original immigrants have background from great
britain, Germany, and some from scandanavia and tend to have heads the shape of turnips

Sure, according to you original U.S Whites like Brits, and Germans, and also Poles are dumb.

But, why do you refuse to address the idiotic elephants in the room, the Blacks, and Hispanics?

I do not see blacks and Hispanics as idiotic elephants. Most blacks I have encountered in the
USA have been in the USA longer than had my grandmother (she grew up on London------but
HER parents were from elsewhere) Lots of Hispanics were born in the USA------In fact most are
"AMERICANS" The really stupid immigrants to the USA------seem to be descended from
Germanic tribes and British Isle people who ended up as farmers or moonshiner in the hills and
mountains. La la la ------they say don't go..on WOLVERTON MOUNTAIN.......

The IQ of West Virginia was estimated at 98, while the IQ of Mexican Americans was estimated at 88 and the IQ of African Americans estimated at 85.
What is your solution to simple poverty? Blaming others is for, "lesser men".
as long as there is no coercion involved, or the game isn't rigged. But it is possible for a people to be impoverished. Up until the mid-60's the US was a lot like Germany--everyone was middle class. The factory owner had a bigger house than the assembly line worker, but their kids went to the same schools, their wives shopped in the same grocery stores, they played in the same church league softball games. There was virtually no immigration, which meant, of course, a tight labor market, and rising wages. America built the largest, most stable, most prosperous middle class the world had ever seen.

Then came 1965 and the decisive Jewish victory with the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The country, all aglow with the warm fuzzies of the 1964 Civil Rights legislation, was ripe for the coup de grace. The Jewish sponsors of the bill in the House and Senate very shrewdly cast their bill as a civil rights bill. They made the spokesperson for the bill not some off-putting Jew but the junior senater from the state of Massachusetts, whose two brothers, incidentally, had just been murdered. He was bullet-proof. Then, of course, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the rest of the Jewish press helped by repeating over and over the lies "This bill will not add millions of people to our cities" and "This bill will not upset the demographic make-up of the American people" and so on. President Johnson signed the bill into law in New York Harbor at Ellis Island and that night, among the Jewish population, there were great celebrations over this glorious Jewish victory over the goyim.

And, truly, it was.

(Incidentally, Watergate was their triumphal march into the Capital City: we are your masters now).
The really stupid original immigrants have background from great
britain, Germany, and some from scandanavia and tend to have heads the shape of turnips

Sure, according to you original U.S Whites like Brits, and Germans, and also Poles are dumb.

But, why do you refuse to address the idiotic elephants in the room, the Blacks, and Hispanics?

I do not see blacks and Hispanics as idiotic elephants. Most blacks I have encountered in the
USA have been in the USA longer than had my grandmother (she grew up on London------but
HER parents were from elsewhere) Lots of Hispanics were born in the USA------In fact most are
"AMERICANS" The really stupid immigrants to the USA------seem to be descended from
Germanic tribes and British Isle people who ended up as farmers or moonshiner in the hills and
mountains. La la la ------they say don't go..on WOLVERTON MOUNTAIN.......

The IQ of West Virginia was estimated at 98, while the IQ of Mexican Americans was estimated at 88 and the IQ of African Americans estimated at 85.

who did the estimating and on what basis? IQ tests TEST SUCCESS IN SCHOOL based in cohorts
that had success in school. --------they are not analogous to quantitative chemistry 101
as long as there is no coercion involved, or the game isn't rigged. But it is possible for a people to be impoverished. Up until the mid-60's the US was a lot like Germany--everyone was middle class. The factory owner had a bigger house than the assembly line worker, but their kids went to the same schools, their wives shopped in the same grocery stores, they played in the same church league softball games. There was virtually no immigration, which meant, of course, a tight labor market, and rising wages. America built the largest, most stable, most prosperous middle class the world had ever seen.

Then came 1965 and the decisive Jewish victory with the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The country, all aglow with the warm fuzzies of the 1964 Civil Rights legislation, was ripe for the coup de grace. The Jewish sponsors of the bill in the House and Senate very shrewdly cast their bill as a civil rights bill. They made the spokesperson for the bill not some off-putting Jew but the junior senater from the state of Massachusetts, whose two brothers, incidentally, had just been murdered. He was bullet-proof. Then, of course, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the rest of the Jewish press helped by repeating over and over the lies "This bill will not add millions of people to our cities" and "This bill will not upset the demographic make-up of the American people" and so on. President Johnson signed the bill into law in New York Harbor at Ellis Island and that night, among the Jewish population, there were great celebrations over this glorious Jewish victory over the goyim.

And, truly, it was.

(Incidentally, Watergate was their triumphal march into the Capital City: we are your masters now).
The really stupid original immigrants have background from great
britain, Germany, and some from scandanavia and tend to have heads the shape of turnips

Sure, according to you original U.S Whites like Brits, and Germans, and also Poles are dumb.

But, why do you refuse to address the idiotic elephants in the room, the Blacks, and Hispanics?

I do not see blacks and Hispanics as idiotic elephants. Most blacks I have encountered in the
USA have been in the USA longer than had my grandmother (she grew up on London------but
HER parents were from elsewhere) Lots of Hispanics were born in the USA------In fact most are
"AMERICANS" The really stupid immigrants to the USA------seem to be descended from
Germanic tribes and British Isle people who ended up as farmers or moonshiner in the hills and
mountains. La la la ------they say don't go..on WOLVERTON MOUNTAIN.......

The IQ of West Virginia was estimated at 98, while the IQ of Mexican Americans was estimated at 88 and the IQ of African Americans estimated at 85.

who did the estimating and on what basis? IQ tests TEST SUCCESS IN SCHOOL based in cohorts
that had success in school. --------they are not analogous to quantitative chemistry 101

Not exactly, IQ tests problem solving ability.

While, I don't deny that schooling might have some impact.

The biggest impact is a person's problem solving ability.
The really stupid original immigrants have background from great
britain, Germany, and some from scandanavia and tend to have heads the shape of turnips

Sure, according to you original U.S Whites like Brits, and Germans, and also Poles are dumb.

But, why do you refuse to address the idiotic elephants in the room, the Blacks, and Hispanics?

I do not see blacks and Hispanics as idiotic elephants. Most blacks I have encountered in the
USA have been in the USA longer than had my grandmother (she grew up on London------but
HER parents were from elsewhere) Lots of Hispanics were born in the USA------In fact most are
"AMERICANS" The really stupid immigrants to the USA------seem to be descended from
Germanic tribes and British Isle people who ended up as farmers or moonshiner in the hills and
mountains. La la la ------they say don't go..on WOLVERTON MOUNTAIN.......

The IQ of West Virginia was estimated at 98, while the IQ of Mexican Americans was estimated at 88 and the IQ of African Americans estimated at 85.

who did the estimating and on what basis? IQ tests TEST SUCCESS IN SCHOOL based in cohorts
that had success in school. --------they are not analogous to quantitative chemistry 101

Not exactly, IQ tests problem solving ability.

While, I don't deny that schooling might have some impact.

The biggest impact is a person's problem solving ability.

"problem solving ability" is------VERY SIGNIFICANTLY, culturally mediated. Different cultures
Sure, according to you original U.S Whites like Brits, and Germans, and also Poles are dumb.

But, why do you refuse to address the idiotic elephants in the room, the Blacks, and Hispanics?

I do not see blacks and Hispanics as idiotic elephants. Most blacks I have encountered in the
USA have been in the USA longer than had my grandmother (she grew up on London------but
HER parents were from elsewhere) Lots of Hispanics were born in the USA------In fact most are
"AMERICANS" The really stupid immigrants to the USA------seem to be descended from
Germanic tribes and British Isle people who ended up as farmers or moonshiner in the hills and
mountains. La la la ------they say don't go..on WOLVERTON MOUNTAIN.......

The IQ of West Virginia was estimated at 98, while the IQ of Mexican Americans was estimated at 88 and the IQ of African Americans estimated at 85.

who did the estimating and on what basis? IQ tests TEST SUCCESS IN SCHOOL based in cohorts
that had success in school. --------they are not analogous to quantitative chemistry 101

Not exactly, IQ tests problem solving ability.

While, I don't deny that schooling might have some impact.

The biggest impact is a person's problem solving ability.

"problem solving ability" is------VERY SIGNIFICANTLY, culturally mediated. Different cultures

Don't Black Americans, essentially come from the American culture?
I do not see blacks and Hispanics as idiotic elephants. Most blacks I have encountered in the
USA have been in the USA longer than had my grandmother (she grew up on London------but
HER parents were from elsewhere) Lots of Hispanics were born in the USA------In fact most are
"AMERICANS" The really stupid immigrants to the USA------seem to be descended from
Germanic tribes and British Isle people who ended up as farmers or moonshiner in the hills and
mountains. La la la ------they say don't go..on WOLVERTON MOUNTAIN.......

The IQ of West Virginia was estimated at 98, while the IQ of Mexican Americans was estimated at 88 and the IQ of African Americans estimated at 85.

who did the estimating and on what basis? IQ tests TEST SUCCESS IN SCHOOL based in cohorts
that had success in school. --------they are not analogous to quantitative chemistry 101

Not exactly, IQ tests problem solving ability.

While, I don't deny that schooling might have some impact.

The biggest impact is a person's problem solving ability.

"problem solving ability" is------VERY SIGNIFICANTLY, culturally mediated. Different cultures

Don't Black Americans, essentially come from the American culture?

America is very culturally DIVERSE. There is even, historically, some cultural diversity in
Poland. Polish catholic is its own culture in Poland--------it has very little to do with
Jewish culture in Poland, Even in my city-----there is a HUGE difference between polish american culture
and jewish american culture
What is your solution to simple poverty? Blaming others is for, "lesser men".
as long as there is no coercion involved, or the game isn't rigged. But it is possible for a people to be impoverished. Up until the mid-60's the US was a lot like Germany--everyone was middle class. The factory owner had a bigger house than the assembly line worker, but their kids went to the same schools, their wives shopped in the same grocery stores, they played in the same church league softball games. There was virtually no immigration, which meant, of course, a tight labor market, and rising wages. America built the largest, most stable, most prosperous middle class the world had ever seen.

Then came 1965 and the decisive Jewish victory with the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The country, all aglow with the warm fuzzies of the 1964 Civil Rights legislation, was ripe for the coup de grace. The Jewish sponsors of the bill in the House and Senate very shrewdly cast their bill as a civil rights bill. They made the spokesperson for the bill not some off-putting Jew but the junior senater from the state of Massachusetts, whose two brothers, incidentally, had just been murdered. He was bullet-proof. Then, of course, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the rest of the Jewish press helped by repeating over and over the lies "This bill will not add millions of people to our cities" and "This bill will not upset the demographic make-up of the American people" and so on. President Johnson signed the bill into law in New York Harbor at Ellis Island and that night, among the Jewish population, there were great celebrations over this glorious Jewish victory over the goyim.

And, truly, it was.

(Incidentally, Watergate was their triumphal march into the Capital City: we are your masters now).
The really stupid original immigrants have background from great
britain, Germany, and some from scandanavia and tend to have heads the shape of turnips

Sure, according to you original U.S Whites like Brits, and Germans, and also Poles are dumb.

But, why do you refuse to address the idiotic elephants in the room, the Blacks, and Hispanics?

I do not see blacks and Hispanics as idiotic elephants. Most blacks I have encountered in the
USA have been in the USA longer than had my grandmother (she grew up on London------but
HER parents were from elsewhere) Lots of Hispanics were born in the USA------In fact most are
"AMERICANS" The really stupid immigrants to the USA------seem to be descended from
Germanic tribes and British Isle people who ended up as farmers or moonshiner in the hills and
mountains. La la la ------they say don't go..on WOLVERTON MOUNTAIN.......

The IQ of West Virginia was estimated at 98, while the IQ of Mexican Americans was estimated at 88 and the IQ of African Americans estimated at 85.
West Virginia was for the Union, not the South.
as long as there is no coercion involved, or the game isn't rigged. But it is possible for a people to be impoverished. Up until the mid-60's the US was a lot like Germany--everyone was middle class. The factory owner had a bigger house than the assembly line worker, but their kids went to the same schools, their wives shopped in the same grocery stores, they played in the same church league softball games. There was virtually no immigration, which meant, of course, a tight labor market, and rising wages. America built the largest, most stable, most prosperous middle class the world had ever seen.

Then came 1965 and the decisive Jewish victory with the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The country, all aglow with the warm fuzzies of the 1964 Civil Rights legislation, was ripe for the coup de grace. The Jewish sponsors of the bill in the House and Senate very shrewdly cast their bill as a civil rights bill. They made the spokesperson for the bill not some off-putting Jew but the junior senater from the state of Massachusetts, whose two brothers, incidentally, had just been murdered. He was bullet-proof. Then, of course, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the rest of the Jewish press helped by repeating over and over the lies "This bill will not add millions of people to our cities" and "This bill will not upset the demographic make-up of the American people" and so on. President Johnson signed the bill into law in New York Harbor at Ellis Island and that night, among the Jewish population, there were great celebrations over this glorious Jewish victory over the goyim.

And, truly, it was.

(Incidentally, Watergate was their triumphal march into the Capital City: we are your masters now).
The really stupid original immigrants have background from great
britain, Germany, and some from scandanavia and tend to have heads the shape of turnips

Sure, according to you original U.S Whites like Brits, and Germans, and also Poles are dumb.

But, why do you refuse to address the idiotic elephants in the room, the Blacks, and Hispanics?

I do not see blacks and Hispanics as idiotic elephants. Most blacks I have encountered in the
USA have been in the USA longer than had my grandmother (she grew up on London------but
HER parents were from elsewhere) Lots of Hispanics were born in the USA------In fact most are
"AMERICANS" The really stupid immigrants to the USA------seem to be descended from
Germanic tribes and British Isle people who ended up as farmers or moonshiner in the hills and
mountains. La la la ------they say don't go..on WOLVERTON MOUNTAIN.......

The IQ of West Virginia was estimated at 98, while the IQ of Mexican Americans was estimated at 88 and the IQ of African Americans estimated at 85.
West Virginia was for the Union, not the South.

West Virginia is part of Appalachia though.
The IQ of West Virginia was estimated at 98, while the IQ of Mexican Americans was estimated at 88 and the IQ of African Americans estimated at 85.

who did the estimating and on what basis? IQ tests TEST SUCCESS IN SCHOOL based in cohorts
that had success in school. --------they are not analogous to quantitative chemistry 101

Not exactly, IQ tests problem solving ability.

While, I don't deny that schooling might have some impact.

The biggest impact is a person's problem solving ability.

"problem solving ability" is------VERY SIGNIFICANTLY, culturally mediated. Different cultures

Don't Black Americans, essentially come from the American culture?

America is very culturally DIVERSE. There is even, historically, some cultural diversity in
Poland. Polish catholic is its own culture in Poland--------it has very little to do with
Jewish culture in Poland, Even in my city-----there is a HUGE difference between polish american culture
and jewish american culture

Is it really a matter of culture, or rather of genetics?

I mean Blacks in Britain unconnected to the U.S Blacks seem to behave more like each other, than like Whites anywhere.
The really stupid original immigrants have background from great
britain, Germany, and some from scandanavia and tend to have heads the shape of turnips

Sure, according to you original U.S Whites like Brits, and Germans, and also Poles are dumb.

But, why do you refuse to address the idiotic elephants in the room, the Blacks, and Hispanics?

I do not see blacks and Hispanics as idiotic elephants. Most blacks I have encountered in the
USA have been in the USA longer than had my grandmother (she grew up on London------but
HER parents were from elsewhere) Lots of Hispanics were born in the USA------In fact most are
"AMERICANS" The really stupid immigrants to the USA------seem to be descended from
Germanic tribes and British Isle people who ended up as farmers or moonshiner in the hills and
mountains. La la la ------they say don't go..on WOLVERTON MOUNTAIN.......

The IQ of West Virginia was estimated at 98, while the IQ of Mexican Americans was estimated at 88 and the IQ of African Americans estimated at 85.
West Virginia was for the Union, not the South.

West Virginia is part of Appalachia though.
What is IQ really worth?
The IQ of West Virginia was estimated at 98, while the IQ of Mexican Americans was estimated at 88 and the IQ of African Americans estimated at 85.

who did the estimating and on what basis? IQ tests TEST SUCCESS IN SCHOOL based in cohorts
that had success in school. --------they are not analogous to quantitative chemistry 101

Not exactly, IQ tests problem solving ability.

While, I don't deny that schooling might have some impact.

The biggest impact is a person's problem solving ability.

"problem solving ability" is------VERY SIGNIFICANTLY, culturally mediated. Different cultures

Don't Black Americans, essentially come from the American culture?
Even in my city-----there is a HUGE difference between polish american culture
and jewish american culture

What city is that?
Why is it surprising that Poles, and Jews would be different?
Poles are very Northern European, while Jews are very Mediterranean.
Sure, according to you original U.S Whites like Brits, and Germans, and also Poles are dumb.

But, why do you refuse to address the idiotic elephants in the room, the Blacks, and Hispanics?

I do not see blacks and Hispanics as idiotic elephants. Most blacks I have encountered in the
USA have been in the USA longer than had my grandmother (she grew up on London------but
HER parents were from elsewhere) Lots of Hispanics were born in the USA------In fact most are
"AMERICANS" The really stupid immigrants to the USA------seem to be descended from
Germanic tribes and British Isle people who ended up as farmers or moonshiner in the hills and
mountains. La la la ------they say don't go..on WOLVERTON MOUNTAIN.......

The IQ of West Virginia was estimated at 98, while the IQ of Mexican Americans was estimated at 88 and the IQ of African Americans estimated at 85.
West Virginia was for the Union, not the South.

West Virginia is part of Appalachia though.
What is IQ really worth?

So, retards score retarded IQ's for no reason?
I do not see blacks and Hispanics as idiotic elephants. Most blacks I have encountered in the
USA have been in the USA longer than had my grandmother (she grew up on London------but
HER parents were from elsewhere) Lots of Hispanics were born in the USA------In fact most are
"AMERICANS" The really stupid immigrants to the USA------seem to be descended from
Germanic tribes and British Isle people who ended up as farmers or moonshiner in the hills and
mountains. La la la ------they say don't go..on WOLVERTON MOUNTAIN.......

The IQ of West Virginia was estimated at 98, while the IQ of Mexican Americans was estimated at 88 and the IQ of African Americans estimated at 85.
West Virginia was for the Union, not the South.

West Virginia is part of Appalachia though.
What is IQ really worth?

So, retards score retarded IQ's for no reason?
does it measure actual capability or implied capability?

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