As long as men are forced to pay child support, they should have a say in abortion.

If the man doesn't want kids, he needs to tell the woman that straight away before they have sex. Then as soon as he finds she is pregnant, he can walk away and not pay a cent.

If she has the choice to walk away from motherhood, he should have the same right.
"As long as men are forced to pay child support, they should have a say in abortion."


The right to privacy belongs solely to the woman, where her liberty to decide matters both personal and private are immune from attack by either the state or the father:

“If this case concerned a State's ability to require the mother to notify the father before taking some action with respect to a living child raised by both, therefore, it would be reasonable to conclude as a general matter that the father's interest in the welfare of the child and the mother's interest are equal.

Before birth, however, the issue takes on a very different cast. It is an inescapable biological fact that state regulation with respect to the child a woman is carrying will have a far greater impact on the mother's liberty than on the father's. The effect of state regulation on a woman's protected liberty is doubly deserving of scrutiny in such a case, as the State has touched not only upon the private sphere of the family but upon the very bodily integrity of the pregnant woman.”

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey 505 U.S. 833 1992

Still doesn't mean that the father shouldn't have the ability to abdicate his parental and financial responsibility if he doesn't want a child. There is no reason the mother has that choice and not the father. If a woman decides to have a child not wanted by the father there is no justification to place him in involuntary servitude for what can now be up to 26 years.
You can blame the man 50% for the pregnancy but the birth is entirely up to the mother.

It is her body.

And if she chooses birth the man is stuck with 18 years of child support. No way that is fair.

If she stuck you with the child, she pays child support. How is that not fair?

If a woman decides to give birth she should be required to notify the father, and if he so chooses he can file a form with the authorities saying he favors abortion. If the woman still chooses birth then the kid is her responsibility.

I'm pro-choice - for men.

So you are saying that men who are faced with having to pay child support should be allowed to force the mother to abort the fetus? If you don't want to pay child support, keep your friggin zipper shut.
Double standard. That is like telling the woman to keep her legs crossed, but you don't.
"As long as men are forced to pay child support, they should have a say in abortion."


The right to privacy belongs solely to the woman, where her liberty to decide matters both personal and private are immune from attack by either the state or the father:

“If this case concerned a State's ability to require the mother to notify the father before taking some action with respect to a living child raised by both, therefore, it would be reasonable to conclude as a general matter that the father's interest in the welfare of the child and the mother's interest are equal.

Before birth, however, the issue takes on a very different cast. It is an inescapable biological fact that state regulation with respect to the child a woman is carrying will have a far greater impact on the mother's liberty than on the father's. The effect of state regulation on a woman's protected liberty is doubly deserving of scrutiny in such a case, as the State has touched not only upon the private sphere of the family but upon the very bodily integrity of the pregnant woman.”

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey 505 U.S. 833 1992

Still doesn't mean that the father shouldn't have the ability to abdicate his parental and financial responsibility if he doesn't want a child. There is no reason the mother has that choice and not the father. If a woman decides to have a child not wanted by the father there is no justification to place him in involuntary servitude for what can now be up to 26 years.
he made is choice when he chose not to cover up, for safety....period.
For the record, I'm against abortion, period. I beleive that both men and women should take responsibility for the child once conceived. However, there is a double standard. If a woman gets knocked up, the Prochoice crowd says "Don't worry, you can have an abortion if you don't want to have a baby". To the man they say "Fuck you! You should have kept your pants on if you didn't want to be responsible for a child!"
99% of the men who got their girlfriends pregnant ARE TOLD about the pregnancy and do have a choice on whether she aborts or not....and they choose to have her abort most of the hear of 1 case in 3 million abortions a year where the baby's father does not want their baby to be aborted and he sues or makes a stink so the op's presumption that the man has no say is simply not true....
"As long as men are forced to pay child support, they should have a say in abortion."


The right to privacy belongs solely to the woman, where her liberty to decide matters both personal and private are immune from attack by either the state or the father:

“If this case concerned a State's ability to require the mother to notify the father before taking some action with respect to a living child raised by both, therefore, it would be reasonable to conclude as a general matter that the father's interest in the welfare of the child and the mother's interest are equal.

Before birth, however, the issue takes on a very different cast. It is an inescapable biological fact that state regulation with respect to the child a woman is carrying will have a far greater impact on the mother's liberty than on the father's. The effect of state regulation on a woman's protected liberty is doubly deserving of scrutiny in such a case, as the State has touched not only upon the private sphere of the family but upon the very bodily integrity of the pregnant woman.”

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey 505 U.S. 833 1992

Still doesn't mean that the father shouldn't have the ability to abdicate his parental and financial responsibility if he doesn't want a child. There is no reason the mother has that choice and not the father. If a woman decides to have a child not wanted by the father there is no justification to place him in involuntary servitude for what can now be up to 26 years.
he made is choice when he chose not to cover up, for safety....period.

Right, because women are so week they can't have any responsibility in the conception, but have all the choices afterward, how does that square with equal protection under the law?
You can blame the man 50% for the pregnancy but the birth is entirely up to the mother.

It is her body.

And if she chooses birth the man is stuck with 18 years of child support. No way that is fair.

If she stuck you with the child, she pays child support. How is that not fair?

If a woman decides to give birth she should be required to notify the father, and if he so chooses he can file a form with the authorities saying he favors abortion. If the woman still chooses birth then the kid is her responsibility.

I'm pro-choice - for men.

So you are saying that men who are faced with having to pay child support should be allowed to force the mother to abort the fetus? If you don't want to pay child support, keep your friggin zipper shut.
Double standard. That is like telling the woman to keep her legs crossed, but you don't.

On the contrary, it applies to women as well.
You can blame the man 50% for the pregnancy but the birth is entirely up to the mother. And if she chooses birth the man is stuck with 18 years of child support. No way that is fair.

If a woman decides to give birth she should be required to notify the father, and if he so chooses he can file a form with the authorities saying he favors abortion. If the woman still chooses birth then the kid is her responsibility.

I'm pro-choice - for men.

You don't support that. You're just dragging up an old worn out argument that even most conservatives think is retarded.
I knew a scumbag back in highschool who knocked a girl up. His family demanded that the girl get an abortion but she had it and refused to take a cent from the guy or let him be involved in the kid's life. I haven't heard from the girl in a while but as far as I know she's never let him near the kid.

Let me guess, you're the scumbag.
If the man doesn't want kids, he needs to tell the woman that straight away before they have sex. Then as soon as he finds she is pregnant, he can walk away and not pay a cent.

If she has the choice to walk away from motherhood, he should have the same right.

If a man knocks up a woman, he should own up to the responsibility of it. That doesn't include murdering the child to get out of the responsibility.
99% of the men who got their girlfriends pregnant ARE TOLD about the pregnancy and do have a choice on whether she aborts or not....and they choose to have her abort most of the hear of 1 case in 3 million abortions a year where the baby's father does not want their baby to be aborted and he sues or makes a stink so the op's presumption that the man has no say is simply not true....

You have no evidence for any of that. Legally the man has zero say in the matter.
And lets not forget something. The ex -wife spends 90% of the child support money on herself!!
As long as men don't want to pay child support, force them to be sterilized.:thup: :lol:
Sterilize the woman after the first abortion. How could she possibly be a good mother, if she will kill her child for convenience?

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