As politicians have forced multiculturalism / diversity on Americans has America improved for Americans? Is there data to prove it?

The U.S. has been multicultural and diverse throughout its history. No politician had to push that which was already in existence.
I see you never advanced as far as 5th or 6th grade when you are taught civics. I am not surprised, as I never suspected you had.

We have always been a melting pot society, not multiculturalist.

Leftist shit 101...say something that feels good, not something that makes sense.
Right Lysistrata ?

I was taught civics by an ex-Marine with a huge ring that he would slam on the blackboard, who never took any shit and taught us all of the cabinet positions, the House and Senate leadership positions, etc. What exactly were you taught in civics that you imply that I was not taught? We are indeed a melting pot society, which you seem not to want to join.

Melting pot my ass.
It is no longer a surprise when I see the tacit expectation from posters that anyone who can be labelled diverse cannot be labelled American. Took a while to get used to that.
Maybe you’re privy to more data than we are.
Share your numbers...what percentage of immigrants adopt the core principles, values and tenets of what makes an American American?

If they embraced traditional American culture and values then it wouldn't be good. it wouldn't be diversity anymore. It would be "multiracial whiteness" which is bad, because white people are bad.

Yep, those terrible white folks who built a nation that everybody wants to reside in have been doing it wrong all along.

Did you see the recent stink about Kwaanza on this board?

I have not, but you do realize it's all a modern invention and was never a tradition among those celebrating it, don't you?

It was invented in 1966, and so cannot POSSIBLY fit your narrative of people hanging on to some parts of culture. In fact, its invention had the effect of encouraging people to create a separatist one.
You show me diversity and I'll show you conflict. Diversity for diversities sake is total bullshit. Equality is a goal, not diversity. It's not surprising how our soon to be dipshit in chief has already caused a humanitarian crisis on our southern border. His idiotic rush to diversity (actually cheap votes at the expense of the American worker and taxpayer) has reignited the caravan culture. It's pretty sad when someone fails at his job before he is even officially hired.
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Are we sure politicians have our best interests in mind...OR have they forgot about quality of life and put population / GDP first?
How's that working out in southern California?
Cheap labor.
All forms of labor are soon going to be worthless thanks to automation. Then we'll have a nation full of a million different warring tribes and jack shit to do.
In today's world, if you're not a ruthless con artist or a brilliant mathematician there's no real path for success.
The actual issue here is one of culture, not country of origin. For most of our history, we followed the liberal melting pot approach. People came here, added some of their distinct flavor to the mix, but adopted American ways.

As multiculturalism began to infiltrate and pervert liberalism, the emphasis shifted to distinctness rather then melting together to the point where we have returned to tribalism, which is a very primitive outlook and nearly the antithesis of actual liberalism.

a society simply cannot function without at least SOME form of shared values. Multiculturalism operates under a false assumption, namely, that people with utterly distinct and competing world views can somehow live in harmony. You might as well believe in magic, it is so unworkable.

Seems to me that most groups have held on to some aspects of their culture and heritage.. Think about the Greeks families you know or Italians or Jews or Irish or whatever.. In one way or another they honor and maintain their heritage without being a threat to "American ways"..

Did you see the recent stink about Kwaanza on this board?

Are we bending ourselves into pretzels to deny or rationalize racism?
Kwanza is a concrete example of creating something out of nothing to make a distinct group feel good about themselves.

How about a good education instead?
More proof....Multiculturalism being the malignant cancer it is has infiltrated the Royal Family.
How does anybody sane continue to believe diversity works for the core people?
More proof....Multiculturalism being the malignant cancer it is has infiltrated the Royal Family.
How does anybody sane continue to believe diversity works for the core people?

There was a time when Americans didn't consider Spaniards, Greeks, Italians, Puerto Ricans and Jews to be white people. What do you want to do? Hitler wanted only Aryan people in Germany .. Of course he was uneducated and didn't know that Iranians were also Aryans.
Are we sure politicians have our best interests in mind...OR have they forgot about quality of life and put population / GDP first?
How's that working out in southern California?
Cheap labor.
All forms of labor are soon going to be worthless thanks to automation. Then we'll have a nation full of a million different warring tribes and jack shit to do.
In today's world, if you're not a ruthless con artist or a brilliant mathematician there's no real path for success.
The actual issue here is one of culture, not country of origin. For most of our history, we followed the liberal melting pot approach. People came here, added some of their distinct flavor to the mix, but adopted American ways.

As multiculturalism began to infiltrate and pervert liberalism, the emphasis shifted to distinctness rather then melting together to the point where we have returned to tribalism, which is a very primitive outlook and nearly the antithesis of actual liberalism.

a society simply cannot function without at least SOME form of shared values. Multiculturalism operates under a false assumption, namely, that people with utterly distinct and competing world views can somehow live in harmony. You might as well believe in magic, it is so unworkable.

Seems to me that most groups have held on to some aspects of their culture and heritage.. Think about the Greeks families you know or Italians or Jews or Irish or whatever.. In one way or another they honor and maintain their heritage without being a threat to "American ways"..

Did you see the recent stink about Kwaanza on this board?

Are we bending ourselves into pretzels to deny or rationalize racism?
Kwanza is a concrete example of creating something out of nothing to make a distinct group feel good about themselves.

How about a good education instead?

So what? Are you actually worried about Kwanza?
More proof....Multiculturalism being the malignant cancer it is has infiltrated the Royal Family.
How does anybody sane continue to believe diversity works for the core people?
Are you referring to the rotten to the core people?

Did you see the recent stink about Kwaanza on this board?

I have not, but you do realize it's all a modern invention and was never a tradition among those celebrating it, don't you?

It was invented in 1966, and so cannot POSSIBLY fit your narrative of people hanging on to some parts of culture. In fact, its invention had the effect of encouraging people to create a separatist one.

So what? What is your problem?
Are we sure politicians have our best interests in mind...OR have they forgot about quality of life and put population / GDP first?
How's that working out in southern California?
Multiculturalism has never worked, will never work and is stupid. Not the same as racism before the leftists jump on me. I am a first generation American but I am an American. I like our food, music, sports, America first. I understand football, baseball, basketball, etc.

I know who Tom Brady and Oprah are. If you come here and state that you hate Judeo Christian principles. That you want to eat curry only. That you want to speak only in your ethnic dialect. If you disparage how Americans live then you're not part of this culture and too many like you ruin the country. Multi racial = 100% welcome. Multi culture = 100% NOT welcome.
Are we sure politicians have our best interests in mind...OR have they forgot about quality of life and put population / GDP first?
How's that working out in southern California?
The term "multiculturalism" was adopted upon the failure of assimilation which is what generations of those with a European and Asian backgrounds did. It was not until people of lesser intellect and work ethic were allowed to immigrate that we found ourselves using terms like multiculturalism, diversity and people of color. It is an attempt to whitewash decades of failure of American immigration policy and the consequential creation of yet another permanent and parasitic underclass.
The U.S. has been multicultural and diverse throughout its history. No politician had to push that which was already in existence.
But then you add government growth into the mixture. About ten times more since LBJ since the 1960's and Federal Level alone. the State, City and Local areas are a hundred times more. It is easy to figure out. We depend on foreign people to give us our living while we pay our own off. TV's sold for near 500 dollars in the late 1960's at 25 inches. All American and all foundation. Then our currency became living off of others. So a fat lazy woman who has had a few children with multiple men can live better then those who are providing a better life as working slaves building products for us.
Multiculturalism being the malignant cancer it is has infiltrated the Royal Family.

You have it backwards of course. The Cancer is/was the inbreed royals and the so called Devine right of the authoritarians. She is a breath of fresh air like a warm spring breeze......
Are we sure politicians have our best interests in mind...OR have they forgot about quality of life and put population / GDP first?
How's that working out in southern California?
Cheap labor.
All forms of labor are soon going to be worthless thanks to automation. Then we'll have a nation full of a million different warring tribes and jack shit to do.
In today's world, if you're not a ruthless con artist or a brilliant mathematician there's no real path for success.
The actual issue here is one of culture, not country of origin. For most of our history, we followed the liberal melting pot approach. People came here, added some of their distinct flavor to the mix, but adopted American ways.

As multiculturalism began to infiltrate and pervert liberalism, the emphasis shifted to distinctness rather then melting together to the point where we have returned to tribalism, which is a very primitive outlook and nearly the antithesis of actual liberalism.

a society simply cannot function without at least SOME form of shared values. Multiculturalism operates under a false assumption, namely, that people with utterly distinct and competing world views can somehow live in harmony. You might as well believe in magic, it is so unworkable.

Seems to me that most groups have held on to some aspects of their culture and heritage.. Think about the Greeks families you know or Italians or Jews or Irish or whatever.. In one way or another they honor and maintain their heritage without being a threat to "American ways"..

Did you see the recent stink about Kwaanza on this board?

Are we bending ourselves into pretzels to deny or rationalize racism?
Kwanza is a concrete example of creating something out of nothing to make a distinct group feel good about themselves.

How about a good education instead?

So what? Are you actually worried about Kwanza?
You didn’t answer the question of the post to which you just responded.
Multiculturalism being the malignant cancer it is has infiltrated the Royal Family.

You have it backwards of course. The Cancer is/was the inbreed royals and the so called Devine right of the authoritarians. She is a breath of fresh air like a warm spring breeze......

Haha..Cool spin, but the fact remains...Darkies fucking up shit yet again.
Multiculturalism being the malignant cancer it is has infiltrated the Royal Family.

You have it backwards of course. The Cancer is/was the inbreed royals and the so called Devine right of the authoritarians. She is a breath of fresh air like a warm spring breeze......

Haha..Cool spin, but the fact remains...Darkies fucking up shit yet again.

Varity is the spice of life or, I'd grab that cat.

To each his own.
You show me diversity and I'll show you conflict. Diversity for diversities sake is total bullshit. Equality is a goal, not diversity. It's not surprising how our soon to be dipshit in chief has already caused a humanitarian crisis on our southern border. His idiotic rush to diversity (actually cheap votes at the expense of the American worker and taxpayer) has reignited the caravan culture. It's pretty sad when someone fails at his job before he is even officially hired.

People were cleating the same crap when the Irish, Italians, Greeks, Spanish and Jews arrived.

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