As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

The left's entire approach to economics: dig a hole and sell drugs :lmao:

Kansas shows us how ineffective the right is on economics.

Yet no opinion on New York state doing the same thing?


Do you really think repubs have some great economic record? I haven't seen it.

The right’s zombie-in-chief is the insistence that low taxes on the rich are the key to prosperity. This doctrine should have died when Bill Clinton’s tax hike failed to cause the predicted recession and was followed instead by an economic boom. It should have died again when George W. Bush’s tax cuts were followed by lackluster growth, then a crash. And it should have died yet again in the aftermath of the 2013 Obama tax hike — partly expiration of some Bush tax cuts, partly new taxes to pay for Obamacare — when the economy continued jogging along, adding 200,000 jobs a month.

Opinion | Zombies, Vampires and Republicans

That's your retort a copy and paste?

Again Brian New York state did the same thing as Kansas lower taxes to attract business..


You will have to give some details.

Just a little tease, look up the rest yourself

What is START-UP NY?
START-UP NY offers new and expanding businesses the opportunity to operate tax-free for 10 years on or near eligible university or college campuses in New York State.

Partnering with these schools gives businesses direct access to advanced research laboratories, development resources and experts in key industries.

Trickle down economic policy just does not work
Kansas performed the great Republican experiment with a GOP governor and legislature slashing taxes on the wealthy, eliminating social spending and undermining unions while embracing austerity and small government, at the same time promising "a shot of adrenaline" to the Kansas economy. About two months ago, after five years of experimentation and with its budget and economy a mess, the Kansas Republican Legislature decided it had enough and raised taxes. Kansas Gov. Brownback's experiment was designed by the same supply-side economists that President Trump is using for his tax plan.

For comparison, take a look at the approach used in Minnesota. After a similar time period as Kansas, and after the failed policies of Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton raised income taxes on individuals earning more that $150K, raised the minimum wage, guaranteed equal pay for women, made education a priority and turned a deficit into a surplus. Minnesota has a low unemployment rate and an economic growth rate that is one of the highest in the nation.

What would our nation be with out trickle down the past 30 years?

Hell Obama didn't have any ideas except copy off of bush Jr with stimulous and making over 80% tax cuts perment

Trickle down economic policy just does not work
Kansas performed the great Republican experiment with a GOP governor and legislature slashing taxes on the wealthy, eliminating social spending and undermining unions while embracing austerity and small government, at the same time promising "a shot of adrenaline" to the Kansas economy. About two months ago, after five years of experimentation and with its budget and economy a mess, the Kansas Republican Legislature decided it had enough and raised taxes. Kansas Gov. Brownback's experiment was designed by the same supply-side economists that President Trump is using for his tax plan.

For comparison, take a look at the approach used in Minnesota. After a similar time period as Kansas, and after the failed policies of Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton raised income taxes on individuals earning more that $150K, raised the minimum wage, guaranteed equal pay for women, made education a priority and turned a deficit into a surplus. Minnesota has a low unemployment rate and an economic growth rate that is one of the highest in the nation.

What would our nation be with out trickle down the past 30 years?

Hell Obama didn't have any ideas except copy off of bush Jr with stimulous and making over 80% tax cuts perment


We'd probably still have a strong middle class and our debt wouldn't be out of control. Remember Reagan tripled the debt.
Kansas shows us how ineffective the right is on economics.

Yet no opinion on New York state doing the same thing?


Do you really think repubs have some great economic record? I haven't seen it.

The right’s zombie-in-chief is the insistence that low taxes on the rich are the key to prosperity. This doctrine should have died when Bill Clinton’s tax hike failed to cause the predicted recession and was followed instead by an economic boom. It should have died again when George W. Bush’s tax cuts were followed by lackluster growth, then a crash. And it should have died yet again in the aftermath of the 2013 Obama tax hike — partly expiration of some Bush tax cuts, partly new taxes to pay for Obamacare — when the economy continued jogging along, adding 200,000 jobs a month.

Opinion | Zombies, Vampires and Republicans

That's your retort a copy and paste?

Again Brian New York state did the same thing as Kansas lower taxes to attract business..


You will have to give some details.

Just a little tease, look up the rest yourself

What is START-UP NY?
START-UP NY offers new and expanding businesses the opportunity to operate tax-free for 10 years on or near eligible university or college campuses in New York State.

Partnering with these schools gives businesses direct access to advanced research laboratories, development resources and experts in key industries.


Sounds like it is tied to schools.
Trickle down economic policy just does not work
Kansas performed the great Republican experiment with a GOP governor and legislature slashing taxes on the wealthy, eliminating social spending and undermining unions while embracing austerity and small government, at the same time promising "a shot of adrenaline" to the Kansas economy. About two months ago, after five years of experimentation and with its budget and economy a mess, the Kansas Republican Legislature decided it had enough and raised taxes. Kansas Gov. Brownback's experiment was designed by the same supply-side economists that President Trump is using for his tax plan.

For comparison, take a look at the approach used in Minnesota. After a similar time period as Kansas, and after the failed policies of Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton raised income taxes on individuals earning more that $150K, raised the minimum wage, guaranteed equal pay for women, made education a priority and turned a deficit into a surplus. Minnesota has a low unemployment rate and an economic growth rate that is one of the highest in the nation.

What would our nation be with out trickle down the past 30 years?

Hell Obama didn't have any ideas except copy off of bush Jr with stimulous and making over 80% tax cuts perment


We'd probably still have a strong middle class and our debt wouldn't be out of control. Remember Reagan tripled the debt.

Remember Reagan had to deal with tippy

And no it would of been worse because Europe and the world finnaly caught up in the 1980s after world war II

Yet no opinion on New York state doing the same thing?


Do you really think repubs have some great economic record? I haven't seen it.

The right’s zombie-in-chief is the insistence that low taxes on the rich are the key to prosperity. This doctrine should have died when Bill Clinton’s tax hike failed to cause the predicted recession and was followed instead by an economic boom. It should have died again when George W. Bush’s tax cuts were followed by lackluster growth, then a crash. And it should have died yet again in the aftermath of the 2013 Obama tax hike — partly expiration of some Bush tax cuts, partly new taxes to pay for Obamacare — when the economy continued jogging along, adding 200,000 jobs a month.

Opinion | Zombies, Vampires and Republicans

That's your retort a copy and paste?

Again Brian New York state did the same thing as Kansas lower taxes to attract business..

You will have to give some details.

Just a little tease, look up the rest yourself

What is START-UP NY?
START-UP NY offers new and expanding businesses the opportunity to operate tax-free for 10 years on or near eligible university or college campuses in New York State.

Partnering with these schools gives businesses direct access to advanced research laboratories, development resources and experts in key industries.


Sounds like it is tied to schools.

Told you to research the rest but you refuse.

Yet no opinion on New York state doing the same thing?


Do you really think repubs have some great economic record? I haven't seen it.

The right’s zombie-in-chief is the insistence that low taxes on the rich are the key to prosperity. This doctrine should have died when Bill Clinton’s tax hike failed to cause the predicted recession and was followed instead by an economic boom. It should have died again when George W. Bush’s tax cuts were followed by lackluster growth, then a crash. And it should have died yet again in the aftermath of the 2013 Obama tax hike — partly expiration of some Bush tax cuts, partly new taxes to pay for Obamacare — when the economy continued jogging along, adding 200,000 jobs a month.

Opinion | Zombies, Vampires and Republicans

That's your retort a copy and paste?

Again Brian New York state did the same thing as Kansas lower taxes to attract business..

You will have to give some details.

Just a little tease, look up the rest yourself

What is START-UP NY?
START-UP NY offers new and expanding businesses the opportunity to operate tax-free for 10 years on or near eligible university or college campuses in New York State.

Partnering with these schools gives businesses direct access to advanced research laboratories, development resources and experts in key industries.


Sounds like it is tied to schools.

Why do you cherry pick the information that you want to read and ignore the rest?

Trickle down economic policy just does not work
Kansas performed the great Republican experiment with a GOP governor and legislature slashing taxes on the wealthy, eliminating social spending and undermining unions while embracing austerity and small government, at the same time promising "a shot of adrenaline" to the Kansas economy. About two months ago, after five years of experimentation and with its budget and economy a mess, the Kansas Republican Legislature decided it had enough and raised taxes. Kansas Gov. Brownback's experiment was designed by the same supply-side economists that President Trump is using for his tax plan.

For comparison, take a look at the approach used in Minnesota. After a similar time period as Kansas, and after the failed policies of Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton raised income taxes on individuals earning more that $150K, raised the minimum wage, guaranteed equal pay for women, made education a priority and turned a deficit into a surplus. Minnesota has a low unemployment rate and an economic growth rate that is one of the highest in the nation.

What would our nation be with out trickle down the past 30 years?

Hell Obama didn't have any ideas except copy off of bush Jr with stimulous and making over 80% tax cuts perment


We'd probably still have a strong middle class and our debt wouldn't be out of control. Remember Reagan tripled the debt.

Remember Reagan had to deal with tippy

And no it would of been worse because Europe and the world finnaly caught up in the 1980s after world war II


I see no reason to believe that.
Do you really think repubs have some great economic record? I haven't seen it.

The right’s zombie-in-chief is the insistence that low taxes on the rich are the key to prosperity. This doctrine should have died when Bill Clinton’s tax hike failed to cause the predicted recession and was followed instead by an economic boom. It should have died again when George W. Bush’s tax cuts were followed by lackluster growth, then a crash. And it should have died yet again in the aftermath of the 2013 Obama tax hike — partly expiration of some Bush tax cuts, partly new taxes to pay for Obamacare — when the economy continued jogging along, adding 200,000 jobs a month.

Opinion | Zombies, Vampires and Republicans

That's your retort a copy and paste?

Again Brian New York state did the same thing as Kansas lower taxes to attract business..

You will have to give some details.

Just a little tease, look up the rest yourself

What is START-UP NY?
START-UP NY offers new and expanding businesses the opportunity to operate tax-free for 10 years on or near eligible university or college campuses in New York State.

Partnering with these schools gives businesses direct access to advanced research laboratories, development resources and experts in key industries.


Sounds like it is tied to schools.

Told you to research the rest but you refuse.


NY may be doing something stupid. Do you have an example of that leading to great success?
That's your retort a copy and paste?

Again Brian New York state did the same thing as Kansas lower taxes to attract business..

You will have to give some details.

Just a little tease, look up the rest yourself

What is START-UP NY?
START-UP NY offers new and expanding businesses the opportunity to operate tax-free for 10 years on or near eligible university or college campuses in New York State.

Partnering with these schools gives businesses direct access to advanced research laboratories, development resources and experts in key industries.


Sounds like it is tied to schools.

Told you to research the rest but you refuse.


NY may be doing something stupid. Do you have an example of that leading to great success?

How else do you attract business by rasing taxes?

You will have to give some details.

Just a little tease, look up the rest yourself

What is START-UP NY?
START-UP NY offers new and expanding businesses the opportunity to operate tax-free for 10 years on or near eligible university or college campuses in New York State.

Partnering with these schools gives businesses direct access to advanced research laboratories, development resources and experts in key industries.


Sounds like it is tied to schools.

Told you to research the rest but you refuse.


NY may be doing something stupid. Do you have an example of that leading to great success?

How else do you attract business by rasing taxes?


Since you responded with a question I'll assume you don't have an example.

Taxes aren't the only thing. If they were then the lowest tax states would all the be most successful. Clearly that isn't true.
Kansas shows us how ineffective the right is on economics.
Kansas is doing far better than Detroit (filed bankruptcy), Illinois (on the verge of filing bankruptcy), and California ($1.2 trillion in debt). Even your beloved left-wing CNN is acknowledging that Illinois is a gabillion times worse than Kansas:
Illinois is on the verge of becoming America's first state with a junk credit rating. The financial mess is the inevitable result of spending more on pensions and services than the state could afford -- then covering it up with reckless budget tricks.
Yeah...that's how left-wing policy always ends. In collapse followed by lies. But it doesn't end there, snowflake:
The budget crisis has forced Illinois to jack up property taxes so high that people are leaving in droves. Illinois may soon have to take the unprecedented step of cutting off sales of lottery tickets because the state won't be able to pay winners. idiotic left-wing policy always ends. With collapse. Trying to confiscate the wealth of everyone to pay for the idiotic, failed economic policies. And people are leaving Illinois just like I said they would. It is simply inevitable - whenever the left touches a city, state, or nation - they collapse it.

How Illinois became America's most messed-up state

Kansas shows us how ineffective the right is on economics.
Kansas is doing far better than Detroit (filed bankruptcy), Illinois (on the verge of filing bankruptcy), and California ($1.2 trillion in debt). Even your beloved left-wing CNN is acknowledging that Illinois is a gabillion times worse than Kansas:
Illinois is on the verge of becoming America's first state with a junk credit rating. The financial mess is the inevitable result of spending more on pensions and services than the state could afford -- then covering it up with reckless budget tricks.
Yeah...that's how left-wing policy always ends. In collapse followed by lies. But it doesn't end there, snowflake:
The budget crisis has forced Illinois to jack up property taxes so high that people are leaving in droves. Illinois may soon have to take the unprecedented step of cutting off sales of lottery tickets because the state won't be able to pay winners. idiotic left-wing policy always ends. With collapse. Trying to confiscate the wealth of everyone to pay for the idiotic, failed economic policies. And people are leaving Illinois just like I said they would. It is simply inevitable - whenever the left touches a city, state, or nation - they collapse it.

How Illinois became America's most messed-up state


How about MN? How did CA become such a huge, growing economy? Auto execs caused the collapse of Detroit.
Kansas is doing far better than Detroit (filed bankruptcy),

Detroit has been under the control of the Conservative-appointed city manager since 2012.

Illinois (on the verge of filing bankruptcy), and California ($1.2 trillion in debt).

No. Kansas is not doing better than IL. Illinois has had better job growth, GDP growth, income growth, and business creation growth than Kansas has since the Brownback Tax Cuts started. And what is the significance of CA's debt? You realize that Kansas' debt is virtually the same as a % of GDP as CA's right?? And CA has a lower deficit as a % of GDP than KS has. Also, KS has seen its credit rating downgraded a couple times since 2012, due entirely to the deficit-creating tax cuts.
How about MN? How did CA become such a huge, growing economy? Auto execs caused the collapse of Detroit.

Auto execs and "white flight". The thing about Detroit is that for people who live outside Detroit, but work in the city (like GM executives), they end up paying less in taxes than workers in Detroit, and that's what's caused the fiscal problems.
No it's wasn't. That was never your "point" because that not what we were discussing.

So you screech about the debt and deficits, yet give no reason as to why you're screeching about them. If they have no economic impact, then why are you pretending as if they do?

Idiotic left-wing policy caused the city of Detroit to file for bankruptcy and it's about to cause the state of Illinois to file for bankruptcy. That's what idiotic left-wing economic policy does. It spends more than it takes in, and then it attempts to correct that failure by taxing itself into prosperity (which ends in third-world shit-hole results).

No, it was Conservative encouragement to send jobs overseas (Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Buckley all urged business to outsource to China following Nixon's unfreezing of relations), coupled with US automakers who tried to dictate the market rather than adapt to it as they spent billions on marketing, advertising, and endorsements and not on development and production of fuel-efficient cars. Liberal policy had nothing to do with that.
States with Higher Welfare Recipients than Employed Population
The following listing of states has more residents that receive welfare versus an employed population.
1. California
2. New Mexico
3. Hawaii
4. Mississippi
5. Alabama
6. South Carolina
7. Illinois
8. Kentucky
9. Ohio
10. New York
11. Maine
15 Welfare Statistics by Race, State and Payment |
oh look... south Carolina is even worse. :rofl:

Ummm...only thing about this is that there are several welfare benefits that are income-based, meaning you still qualify for them even if you have a job.
Auto execs caused the collapse of Detroit.

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