As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

Auto execs caused the collapse of Detroit.
Kansas is doing far better than Detroit (filed bankruptcy),
Detroit has been under the control of the Conservative-appointed city manager since 2012.
Bwahahaha! The Derp has no idea what a city manager does. :lmao:

Snowflake, it's the city council that dictates policy (tax rates, zoning regulations, etc.) and the mayor (payrolls for employees, etc.). The city manager is simply that - a manager. They oversee the staff. They don't dictate policy.

Watching you two buffoons attempt to make excuses for the failed ideology that is progressivism is priceless.
It always ends the same with failed left-wing policy - more poverty, more misery, more loss of liberty, and ultimately, collapse.

Left-wing polices have collapsed every city, every state, and every nation that they have ever touched. And the left always runs from their responsibility of destroying people's lives. They try to come up with every excuse in the book as to why the (city/state/nation) under their control collapsed.
No, it was Conservative encouragement to send jobs overseas (Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Buckley all urged business to outsource to China following Nixon's unfreezing of relations)
No snowflake - they didn't. Jobs were outsourced overseas because failed left-wing policy made it impossible to afford to do business in America. In China, they don't have to pay their employees $25 per hour to sweep a floor because of a greedy and idiotic union. In China, they don't have to pay unskilled janitors a cadillac pension - ensuring the business spends hundreds of millions of dollars on paying people not to work - because of a greedy and idiotic union. In China, they don't have idiotic progressives pushing costly regulations on businesses because they were duped into believing the "Global Warming" scam (Al Gore and his bank account thank you for your stupidity and blind devotion).

The left was behind every outsourcing job that ever went overseas because of their failed, idiotic economic policies made it too expensive to do business in the U.S.
Bwahahaha! The Derp has no idea what a city manager does. :lmao:Snowflake, it's the city council that dictates policy (tax rates, zoning regulations, etc.) and the mayor (payrolls for employees, etc.). The city manager is simply that - a manager. They oversee the staff. They don't dictate policy.

Now you're trying to revise history, and you're talking out of your ass. The powers given to the Emergency Managers was sweeping and broad.

According to the New York Times:
In Flint, emergency managers not only oversaw the city—effectively seizing legal authority from the mayor and City Council.
It always ends the same with failed left-wing policy - more poverty, more misery, more loss of liberty, and ultimately, collapse..

Except it doesn't, and what you're describing are actually the results of Conservative economic the subprime mortgage bubble. Or Conservatives standing by, letting Al Qaeda bring down the Twin Towers so they could use it as an excuse to violate our Constitutional rights (and launch a war of occupation based on lies).

Left-wing polices have collapsed every city, every state, and every nation that they have ever touched. And the left always runs from their responsibility of destroying people's lives. They try to come up with every excuse in the book as to why the (city/state/nation) under their control collapsed.

What a bunch of bullshit.
How did CA become such a huge, growing economy?
What about California, snowflake? Your die-hard progressive friend and fellow reality-denier jillian posted in post #498 that California has more people on welfare than they have people employed. And that's with having more natural resources than any state in the U.S. (it's the 3rd largest state in the nation with weather that is exponentially better than the other two states giving it the top agriculture advantage, it has national parks due to it's size, Hollywood, and Disneyland - all of which bring in tremendous tourism, and it's the western most cost of the U.S. giving it coveted beach-front property).

And despite all of that - it has more people on welfare than people employed and it is $1.2 trillion in debt. Here it is, right from your fellow bat-shit crazy progressive pal:
States with Higher Welfare Recipients than Employed Population
The following listing of states has more residents that receive welfare versus an employed population.

1. California
2. New Mexico
3. Hawaii
15 Welfare Statistics by Race, State and Payment |
Now you're trying to revise history, and you're talking out of your ass. The powers given to the Emergency Managers was sweeping and broad.

According to the New York Times:
In Flint, emergency managers not only oversaw the city—effectively seizing legal authority from the mayor and City Council. think Flint, MI is also Detroit, MI?!? :lmao:

(Psst....stupid...they are more than an hour away from each other)
How did CA become such a huge, growing economy?
What about California, snowflake? Your die-hard progressive friend and fellow reality-denier jillian posted in post #498 that California has more people on welfare than they have people employed. And that's with having more natural resources than any state in the U.S. (it's the 3rd largest state in the nation with weather that is exponentially better than the other two states giving it the top agriculture advantage, it has national parks due to it's size, Hollywood, and Disneyland - all of which bring in tremendous tourism, and it's the western most cost of the U.S. giving it coveted beach-front property).

And despite all of that - it has more people on welfare than people employed and it is $1.2 trillion in debt. Here it is, right from your fellow bat-shit crazy progressive pal:
States with Higher Welfare Recipients than Employed Population
The following listing of states has more residents that receive welfare versus an employed population.

1. California
2. New Mexico
3. Hawaii
15 Welfare Statistics by Race, State and Payment |

And it stil has a huge growing economy.
No snowflake - they didn't.

Yes, they certainly did! William F. Buckley wrote several editorials calling for US businesses to relocate to China. Jack Kemp, another Conservative and the Conservative VP nominee in 1996, was called "the King of Outsourcing". Richard Nixon is the Godfather of it, and the Conservative media was behind it 100%.

Jobs were outsourced overseas because failed left-wing policy made it impossible to afford to do business in America.

Wrong. There is not one single left wing policy that caused American businesses to move to China where they pay workers $18/day instead of $18/hr. That's all corporate, Conservative greed that did that.

In China, they don't have to pay their employees $25 per hour to sweep a floor because of a greedy and idiotic union. In China, they don't have to pay unskilled janitors a cadillac pension - ensuring the business spends hundreds of millions of dollars on paying people not to work - because of a greedy and idiotic union. In China, they don't have idiotic progressives pushing costly regulations on businesses because they were duped into believing the "Global Warming" scam (Al Gore and his bank account thank you for your stupidity and blind devotion).

Because China pays its workers $25/day. So how exactly did unions cause that to happen? This is the part Conservatives can never explain. Unions aren't the reason China pays its workers per day what US workers got per hour.

And if you don't accept Global Warming at this point, you're an idiot.

The left was behind every outsourcing job that ever went overseas because of their failed, idiotic economic policies made it too expensive to do business in the U.S.

Fucking wrong as usual. Ignorant of history too. It was Nixon who opened China up to American businesses, with him, Ford, Buckley, Reagan, Kemp, and the rest of the Conservatives urging American businesses to set up shop in China throughout the 70's and 80's.
Or Conservatives standing by, letting Al Qaeda bring down the Twin Towers so they could use it as an excuse to violate our Constitutional rights (and launch a war of occupation based on lies).
Hey...what do you know....a progressive attempting to rewrite history with propaganda. Shocking. :rolleyes:

Al Qaeda hit the towers for the first time in 1992 while Bill Clinton was president. What did he do about it? What? He had 8 years to solve the problem - and do you know what he did during those 8 years? The same thing the Dumbocrats always do: he gutted defense to the tune of half a trillion dollars. And whose defense budget were we operating under on September 11, 2001? That's right - Slick Willy Clinton's. I guess ole Bill was just too busy sexually assaulting women to spend time on a pesky little problem like Al Qaeda.
Hey...what do you know....a progressive attempting to rewrite history with propaganda. Shocking. :rolleyes:
Al Qaeda hit the towers for the first time in 1992 while Bill Clinton was president. What did he do about it? What? He had 8 years to solve the problem - and do you know what he did during those 8 years? The same thing the Dumbocrats always do: he gutted defense to the tune of half a trillion dollars. And whose defense budget were we operating under on September 11, 2001? That's right - Slick Willy Clinton's. I guess ole Bill was just too busy sexually assaulting women to spend time on a pesky little problem like Al Qaeda.

Every time Clinton launched missile strikes against Al Qaeda, you all accused him of "wagging the dog". You Conservatives also said that Al Qaeda was no threat, and that Clinton was using them as an excuse to distract from Lewinsky and Whitewater.

You remember that, right???????
And it stil has a huge growing economy.
Yeah....uh....if their welfare recipients outnumber their employed - they don't have a "huge, growing economy". They have a pathetic, pitiful, left-wing economy.

The state of California has more inherent advantages than any state in the U.S., and thanks to failed left-wing policy, they are $1.2 trillion in debt and have more people on welfare than employed.
Al Qaeda hit the towers for the first time in 1992 while Bill Clinton was president. What did he do about it?

He caught the guys responsible, some of whom are currently sitting in Supermax in Colorado, YOU FUCKING SOPHIST. think Flint, MI is also Detroit, MI?!? :lmao:
(Psst....stupid...they are more than an hour away from each other)

Fucking sophist, both cities had Emergency Managers.
We're talking about Detroit, snowflake. Every time you get embarrassed by the facts, you attempt to change the subject. We're talking about Detroit. Put up or shut up.

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