As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

If only American auto workers hadn't been so greedy in their demands and had accepted wages that were on a par with their foreign counterparts and not put such a burden on their poor, beleaguered employers then maybe cities like Detroit and Flint would still be prosperous.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
First of all, stupid - it wasn't "my" work. I didn't research those statistics. Hell, I didn't even provide the link. Your fellow bat-shit crazy progressive jillian did.

So your excuse for misrepresenting the link is that you didn't post it? Then why are you repeating it? If you're posting something, you should be doing the research to make sure you know what you're talking about. You don't do that because you do rushed and sloppy work.

So this gets to what I said about how Conservatives lack any personal responsibility for anything. You vomit stuff up on the boards, then back away from it like you have nothing to do with it, even though you posted about it and continue to do so. But expecting a Conservative to take responsibility is like expecting a cat to do astrophysics.

This is yet another example of you being unable to accept reality. California is #1 in the nation for having more people on welfare than employed.

But you're counting people who are employed as people receiving welfare but aren't employed. You're also counting those who are retired and get Medicaid, as well as children who get Medicaid and S-Chip. Basically, anyone who isn't working is someone you counted, even if that person can't work because they're, you know, six years old.
No snowflake - they didn't.
Yes, they certainly did! William F. Buckley wrote several editorials calling for US businesses to relocate to China. Jack Kemp, another Conservative and the Conservative VP nominee in 1996, was called "the King of Outsourcing".
Once again, when proven wrong, you change the subject. You said "Nixon, Ford, and Reagan". None of them EVER did that. And neither Willian F. Buckley or Jack Kemp were ever President. Thanks for playing.
If only American auto workers hadn't been so greedy in their demands and had accepted wages that were on a par with their foreign counterparts and not put such a burden on their poor, beleaguered employers then maybe cities like Detroit and Flint would still be prosperous.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

Yes, Conservatives want people to work for the same wages and in the same conditions Chinese workers do.
Yes, Conservatives want people to work for the same wages and in the same conditions Chinese workers do.

If only we could return to the glory days of yore when workers didn't have to be paid at all.

Damn that Lincoln!
Once again, when proven wrong, you change the subject. You said "Nixon, Ford, and Reagan". None of them EVER did that. And neither Willian F. Buckley or Jack Kemp were ever President. Thanks for playing.

Are you fucking stupid!? Why do you think Nixon went to China?

And just because Buckley and Kemp were never President doesn't mean they didn't support the outsourcing that happened during Republican Presidents!
Aside from the obvious (that has absolutely no clue who sets policy in a city or state), dummy here keeps pointing out how cities and states turn to conservatives after progressives collapse their city or state. Which is simply proving the entire premise of this thread - all while he attempts to deny the premise of this thread.

And then once in control, Conservatives make things worse.
So this gets to what I said about how Conservatives lack any personal responsibility for anything. You vomit stuff up on the boards, then back away from it like you have nothing to do with it
I didn't "back away from it", my ignorant little snowflake. I said it wasn't my study. And it wasn't. But the facts are still there for everyone else to see while you desperately attempt to deny it.
I didn't "back away from it", my ignorant little snowflake. I said it wasn't my study. And it wasn't.

So you're backing away from it. So you enter something into the debate on your own, then refuse to be held accountable for it, passing the blame for the inaccuracies off on someone else.

How disappointingly typical of Conservatism.
And then once in control, Conservatives make things worse.
Really? Prove it. You make a wild statement like that without adding a single fact, statistic, historical event, link, or even your own uninformed opinion. You just claim it run away. Typical left-wing nut-job.
I didn't "back away from it", my ignorant little snowflake. I said it wasn't my study. And it wasn't.

So you're backing away from it. So you enter something into the debate on your own, then refuse to be held accountable for it, passing the blame for the inaccuracies off on someone else.

How disappointingly typical of Conservatism.
Again...I didn't do that study. That's not "backing away from it" - that's simply pointing out fact. You know - fact -that thing you deny and run away from.

And the fact is - despite having more inherent advantages than any state in the entire U.S., California is $1.2 trillion in debt and has more people on welfare than employed.
Really? Prove it

Here ya go...Bush years GDP growth with people using their homes as ATMs, and without:


That chart there tells ya all you need to know about shitty Conservative policy.
Aside from the obvious (that has absolutely no clue who sets policy in a city or state), dummy here keeps pointing out how cities and states turn to conservatives after progressives collapse their city or state. Which is simply proving the entire premise of this thread - all while he attempts to deny the premise of this thread.

And then once in control, Conservatives make things worse.
Really? That certainly wasn't the case in Detroit. Here are the facts, snowflake:
Tenure as Emergency Manager[edit]
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder appointed Kevyn Orr as emergency manager to oversee Detroit financial operations on March 14, 2013 under Public Act 72. On January 24, 2013 Snyder had signed a revised version of a controversial emergency manager law that was rejected by voters during the November election.[16] The new law, Public Act 436, took effect on March 28, 2013 and gave the Detroit emergency manager extraordinary control over all Detroit financial matters,[17] and the ability to recommend to the governor and state treasurer that the government enter Chapter 9 bankruptcy.[18][19]

Orr began his expected 18-month term as emergency manager on March 25, 2013.[20]

At Orr's recommendation and with the approval of Governor Snyder, the city of Detroit filed for bankruptcy on July 18, 2013.[2][21] His former law firm Jones Day was hired to handle Detroit's bankruptcy. The pick has been criticized as a conflict of interest (Jones Day represents several of Detroit's creditors like Bank of America) and the firms billing rates of up to $1,075 per hour and large travel expenses have been questioned.[22] Yet some legal scholars have opined that no conflict existed between Orr and his former employer.[23] Orr has said of his former employer, "if I didn’t have Jones Day, I might have had to hire six to eight additional firms." [24]

On December 3, 2013, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes ruled that Detroit was legally entitled to pursue bankruptcy.[25]

On November 7, 2014, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes approved Orr's plan for the city of Detroit.[26]

On December 10, 2014, Governor Snyder announced that Detroit had emerged from bankruptcy, and that he had accepted Orr's resignation as emergency manager, returning control of Detroit to its elected government.[27]
So Kevyn Orr managed to take the mess progressives created in Detroit and turn it around so well in only 1 year and 10 months that everything was handed back to the elected officials. Oops...

Kevyn Orr - Wikipedia
Again...I didn't do that study. That's not "backing away from it" - that's simply pointing out fact. You know - fact -that thing you deny and run away from.

But it's not a fact, it's a deliberate misrepresentation. Because you're double-counting people who are employed, yet still qualify for benefits. When confronted with this, you back away and try to shirk responsibility. If you cannot stand by the things you post here, then what are you even doing here?

nd the fact is - despite having more inherent advantages than any state in the entire U.S., California is $1.2 trillion in debt and has more people on welfare than employed.

Fucking lies. CA is not $1.2 Trillion in debt. Here's is CA's debt clock. You tell me where in there it says anything about $1.2T debt. So are you going to now admit you're full of shit or what?
So Kevyn Orr managed to take the mess progressives created in Detroit and turn it around so well in only 1 year and 10 months that everything was handed back to the elected officials. Oops...

All he did was put it through bankruptcy, he didn't improve the economy of the city. Didn't fix any of the underlying problems. Didn't increase job growth.
2 wars, housing bubble, out of control debt...
Well...that's what Dumbocrats do! They spend like idiots and build up unimaginable debt until everything collapses. Barack Insane Obama added as much to the national debt ($10 trillion) in only 8 years as all U.S. presidents combined did in 233 years.

They collapsed Detroit, Illinois, and California. New York will soon follow.
Well...that's what Dumbocrats do!

Conservatives controlled all three branches from 2003-2007. In that time was the mortgage bubble, the Bush Tax Cuts, Medicare Part-D, and the Iraq War. Those four things accounted for pretty much all debt.

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