As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

But it's not a fact, it's a deliberate misrepresentation. Because you're double-counting people who are employed, yet still qualify for benefits.
I'm not "double-counting" anything. The facts are the facts. They are indisputable. They are even posted by your fellow bat-shit crazy progressive. You know shit is getting bad for the left when they even refuse to believe what fellow progressives post.

By the way snowflake...if California has such an amazing and robust economy as you keep claiming, why the fuck would employed people still qualify for benefits? Shouldn't they have amazing jobs making good money? Oops....

2 wars, housing bubble, out of control debt...
Well...that's what Dumbocrats do! They spend like idiots and build up unimaginable debt until everything collapses. Barack Insane Obama added as much to the national debt ($10 trillion) in only 8 years as all U.S. presidents combined did in 233 years.

They collapsed Detroit, Illinois, and California. New York will soon follow.

Clinton handed Bush a balanced budget. Reagan tripled the debt...
I'm not "double-counting" anything. The facts are the facts. They are indisputable.

Quite clearly they are disputable. So you have this nasty habit of regurgitating things you didn't even bother to look at yourself. If you had, you would have seen that the thing you are using as some sort of evidence in support of your argument isn't on the up-and-up. And when confronted with that, you retreat and scamper away like a coward.

if California has such an amazing and robust economy as you keep claiming, why the fuck would employed people still qualify for benefits?

Because the companies that employ them pay wages so low that they qualify for those benefits. Raise wages, and watch the welfare rolls shrink.
Barack Insane Obama added as much to the national debt ($10 trillion) in only 8 years as all U.S. presidents combined did in 233 years.

And prior to him, Bush the Dumber added as much to the national debt ($5T) in only 8 years as all US Presidents combined did in 225 years.

And prior to him, Reagan added twice as much to the national debt in only 8 years as all US Presidents combined did in 205 years.
Barack Insane Obama added as much to the national debt ($10 trillion) in only 8 years as all U.S. presidents combined did in 233 years.

And prior to him, Bush the Dumber added as much to the national debt ($5T) in only 8 years as all US Presidents combined did in 225 years.

And prior to him, Reagan added twice as much to the national debt in only 8 years as all US Presidents combined did in 205 years.
Yeah...and those were considerably smaller numbers, genius. When the nation debt is $800 billion and you double it, it's bad but not that shocking. When the nation debt is $10 trillion and you double it, that's mind-boggling.
So as I expected, after opening the link P@triot is using as his hysterical source, we come to find that the list of states that supposedly have more welfare recipients than employed workers isn't even sourced!

But that doesn't stop him from presenting it as if it were fact.
Yeah...and those were considerably smaller numbers, genius. When the nation debt is $800 billion and you double it, it's bad but not that shocking.

It doesn't matter because the size of the economy also grows, moron.

So thanks for showing everyone here the ridiculous double-standard you are using.
Snowflakes must sleep through their economics classes.

If there is a forced wage increase without a commensurate increase in revenue, jobs and/or hours will be cut.

Here you go, snowflakes, from your bible.

How a Rising Minimum Wage Affects Jobs in Seattle
It is common sense, that if minimum wage raises that high, that companies will have to down size. It is just the corporations like Monsanto are trying to market something that is costly. But if they raises the prices of everything, that will makes their products looks very cheap. Then their products will look good to us. Like the price bread long ago, costed very cheap. Like you can get four loaves for a dollar. Bu they couldn't put their GMO"s out there onto the market when the prices are that low. And so they had raised inflation, so that the price on a loaf of bread is two dollars. And now they can put their product on the market. Brings the price on a loaf down fifty cents cheaper, and still make a profit.
How about MN? How did CA become such a huge, growing economy? Auto execs caused the collapse of Detroit.

Auto execs and "white flight". The thing about Detroit is that for people who live outside Detroit, but work in the city (like GM executives), they end up paying less in taxes than workers in Detroit, and that's what's caused the fiscal problems.

Way to funny, it was Union's and Democrats that caused Detroit it's financial problems ..

Way to funny, it was Union's and Democrats that caused Detroit it's financial problems ...

It wasn't unions that caused China to pay its workers $20/day. It wasn't unions that caused car companies to produce gas-guzzling SUV's while the market was leaning toward fuel efficiency. It wasn't unions that caused car companies to spend billions on advertising, marketing, and endorsements. It wasn't unions that did any of that.
No. Kansas is not doing better than IL.
Snowfalke, it's so bad, even the rest of your side of the aisle has given up trying to make excuses and is now acknowledging the indisputable reality...
How Illinois became America's most messed-up state

IL has had a Republican governor for how long now?

Things don't change over night, the South 30 years later we are still. recuperating from 100s of years of Democrat rule.

It always ends the same with failed left-wing policy - more poverty, more misery, more loss of liberty, and ultimately, collapse..

Except it doesn't, and what you're describing are actually the results of Conservative economic the subprime mortgage bubble. Or Conservatives standing by, letting Al Qaeda bring down the Twin Towers so they could use it as an excuse to violate our Constitutional rights (and launch a war of occupation based on lies).

Left-wing polices have collapsed every city, every state, and every nation that they have ever touched. And the left always runs from their responsibility of destroying people's lives. They try to come up with every excuse in the book as to why the (city/state/nation) under their control collapsed.

What a bunch of bullshit.

Now you are just trolling.

Things don't change over night, the South 30 years later we are still. recuperating from 100s of years of Democrat rule..

Brownback promised his tax cuts would be "a shot of adrenaline" into the economy of Kansas. I'm no doctor, but even I know that adrenaline kicks in right away. We've all seen Pulp Fiction.
Way to funny, it was Union's and Democrats that caused Detroit it's financial problems ...

It wasn't unions that caused China to pay its workers $20/day. It wasn't unions that caused car companies to produce gas-guzzling SUV's while the market was leaning toward fuel efficiency. It wasn't unions that caused car companies to spend billions on advertising, marketing, and endorsements. It wasn't unions that did any of that.

You are a child...we didn't have SUVs in the 1970~1980s

Well...that's what Dumbocrats do!

Conservatives controlled all three branches from 2003-2007. In that time was the mortgage bubble, the Bush Tax Cuts, Medicare Part-D, and the Iraq War. Those four things accounted for pretty much all debt.

Oh really? God damn child you are not even just trolling you are out right lying..

I can't believe you tried to revise history saying the Republicans controlled all 3 branches from 2003~2007

Embarrass yourself much?

Oh really? God damn child you are not even just trolling you are out right lying..

Fact: Conservatives held a majority in the House and Senate after the 2002 elections.
Fact: Conservatives held a 5-4 majority on the Supreme Court
Fact: George W. Bush was President from 2001-2009
Fact: The Bush Tax Cuts were passed on a party-line vote in 2001, accelerated in 2003
Fact: The Iraq War started in 2003
Fact: Medicare Part-D was signed into law by Bush the Dumber in 2003
Fact: The subprime mortgage bubble began in 2004

Nothing I've said is untrue.

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