As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

Yeah....uh....if their welfare recipients outnumber their employed - they don't have a "huge, growing economy". They have a pathetic, pitiful, left-wing economy.

So of course, some welfare benefits are income-based, which means you're counting people who get welfare and are employed as just getting welfare. So you're being a sophist again, because you cannot make an argument without lies. Also, how many of those getting welfare are children and the elderly? You counting them in your totals too? How come Conservatives cannot make an honest argument about anything? What's with that? Why no intellectual honesty?

The state of California has more inherent advantages than any state in the U.S., and thanks to failed left-wing policy, they are $1.2 trillion in debt and have more people on welfare than employed.

They're not $1.2 Trillion in debt, you lying sophist fuckhead.
We're talking about Detroit, snowflake. Every time you get embarrassed by the facts, you attempt to change the subject. We're talking about Detroit. Put up or shut up.

The same Emergency Manager law that applied to Flint also applied to Detroit, you fucking sophist.
Al Qaeda hit the towers for the first time in 1992 while Bill Clinton was president. What did he do about it?

He caught the guys responsible, some of whom are currently sitting in Supermax in Colorado, YOU FUCKING SOPHIST.
No snowflake, he didn't. Osama Bin Laden and Ayman Al Zarkawhi were responsible for it. All Clinton did was get the F.B.I. to arrest the Blink Sheikh because he was conveniently in New York. And Bill sure as hell didn't take down Al Qaeda.

Time to let the adults talk now, ok? Go play some video games.
Hahahahahahaha! California has more welfare recipients than people employed. :lmao:

Only if you count children, the elderly, and people who are employed but still qualify for benefits because of their income.

So you're just bullshitting everyone, aren't you?
The same Emergency Manager law that applied to Flint also applied to Detroit, you fucking sophist.
Then why didn't you post the one form Detroit? :lmao:

Secondly - the fact that they even needed (and I quote you) an "Emergency Manager Law" proves that left-wing policy is so bad and so severely collapsed everything, that they needed to resort to emergency contingencies. You're literally defeating your own argument, stupid. :laugh:
Then why didn't you post the one form Detroit? :lmao:

Becuase it doesn't fucking matter because it's the same fucking law. There wasn't an "Emergency Manager Law" that was specific to each municipality. This is what I am talking about when I say Conservatives have no idea what they're saying.

econdly - the fact that they even needed (and I quote you) an "Emergency Manager Law" proves that left-wing policy is so bad and so severely collapsed everything, that they needed to resort to emergency contingencies. You're literally defeating your own argument, stupid. :laugh:

And did these Emergency Managers succeed? NOPE!
Hahahahahahaha! California has more welfare recipients than people employed. :lmao:
Only if you count children, the elderly, and people who are employed but still qualify for benefits because of their income. So you're just bullshitting everyone, aren't you?
Ohhhh....I see. So only if you count the people actually on welfare does California rank #1 in the nation for having more people on welfare than employed. :laugh:
Then why didn't you post the one form Detroit? :lmao:
Becuase it doesn't fucking matter
There is vintage left-wing "logic". I can't prove my position, therefore, it (and I quote) "doesn't fucking matter if I can't prove what I'm saying". In other words, holy shit did I just get my ass handed to me with facts and now I'm fucked.
Ohhhh....I see. So only if you count the people actually on welfare does California rank #1 in the nation for having more people on welfare than employed. :laugh:

No, you stupid goofball. You are counting people employed in your total. So you're double-counting because you do rushed, sloppy work
There is vintage left-wing "logic". I can't prove my position, therefore, it (and I quote) "doesn't fucking matter if I can't prove what I'm saying". In other words, holy shit did I just get my ass handed to me with facts and now I'm fucked.

So stupid fucktard, do you think that the Emergency Manager legislation that passed in Michigan applied differently to each municipality?
Secondly - the fact that they even needed (and I quote you) an "Emergency Manager Law" proves that left-wing policy is so bad and so severely collapsed everything, that they needed to resort to emergency contingencies. You're literally defeating your own argument, stupid. :laugh:
And did these Emergency Managers succeed? NOPE!
Bwahahahaha! You can't hand the plane over to another pilot after it's crashed and everyone is dead and then ask "were you able to save any lives"?

Thank you for reminding me about Flint, incidentally. Another third-world shit-hole run into the ground after decades of complete control (both city council and Mayor) by the Dumbocrats!
And it stil has a huge growing economy.
Yeah....uh....if their welfare recipients outnumber their employed - they don't have a "huge, growing economy". They have a pathetic, pitiful, left-wing economy.

The state of California has more inherent advantages than any state in the U.S., and thanks to failed left-wing policy, they are $1.2 trillion in debt and have more people on welfare than employed.

And one of the fastest growing economies.
There is vintage left-wing "logic". I can't prove my position, therefore, it (and I quote) "doesn't fucking matter if I can't prove what I'm saying". In other words, holy shit did I just get my ass handed to me with facts and now I'm fucked.

Here, you sophist. This is the actual law.

The new law also expands the power of emergency managers in order to better equip them with the tools needed to address a local unit’s financial emergency.

As to their powers:

1. What can an emergency manager do? An emergency manager can:
  • Hire/fire local government employees
  • Renegotiate, terminate, modify labor contracts with state treasury approval
  • Sell, lease, or privatize local assets with state treasury approval
  • Revise contract obligations
  • Change local budgets without local legislative approval
  • Initiate municipal bankruptcy proceedings
  • Hire support staff
So everything you are saying seems to indicate you don't know the first thing about what the Emergency Managers do in Michigan. This wouldn't be the first time you've talked out of your ass, and it won't be the last I'm sure.
Bwahahahaha! You can't hand the plane over to another pilot after it's crashed and everyone is dead and then ask "were you able to save any lives"?

Ah, you mean like how you Conservatives handed Obama an economic collapse, job loss, and recession?
Ohhhh....I see. So only if you count the people actually on welfare does California rank #1 in the nation for having more people on welfare than employed. :laugh:
No, you stupid goofball. You are counting people employed in your total. So you're double-counting because you do rushed, sloppy work
First of all, stupid - it wasn't "my" work. I didn't research those statistics. Hell, I didn't even provide the link. Your fellow bat-shit crazy progressive jillian did.

This is yet another example of you being unable to accept reality. California is #1 in the nation for having more people on welfare than employed. That is an undeniable, indisputable fact. And yet, you refuse to accept it because you're an idiot and an ideologue.

Go play now junior. Let the adults talk for a bit, ok?
Then why did it matter enough to post it from Flint, MI? You know why? Because you're lying through your fucking teeth. Like all left-wing losers do.

No, because I did a quick Google search of "Emergency Managers Michigan" and that link came up.

I also provided you with a link from the MI government, as well as Public Michigan Radio's explanation of the law.

You choose to ignore both because you're the lying sophist here.
Ah, you mean like how you Conservatives handed Obama an economic collapse, job loss, and recession?
When Barack Insane Obama was handed the economy, unemployment was a little over 7% snowflake. That's hardly an "economic collapse". It took Obama, Pelosi, and Reid to push that number up over 10% (and that was after their illegal/unconstitutional "stimulus" package which they "promised" would ensure that unemployment would never reach 8%.). Oops...

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