As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

But we as a great nation, need to find a way to keep wages increasing alongside the continuous increasing of the cost of living.
Nothing ends in failure like idiotic left-wing policy. They just want to throw money at every problem and it never works. What they end up with is unimaginable debt to go with their increased failure.
The goals Zuckerberg set out to achieve — to enact a number of reforms that would make Newark a model city for education reform — are widely seen as a failure, journalist Dale Russakoff told Business Insider.
Thank God the adults are in charge once again in America. Zuckerberg threw $100 million at the failed left-wing public school educating system and it solved nothing. Absolutely nothing. In fact, by all accounts, things are even worse. That's what happens with left-wing policies - everything gets worse. Much worse. Just ask the poor souls of Detroit. Or Illinois. Or Cuba. Or Venezuela.

Mark Zuckerberg's $100 million donation to Newark public schools failed miserably — here's where it went wrong

Even your boy Trump has supported raising the Minimum Wage. $7 is a very sad embarrassment. All Americans should be ashamed of it.
Sadly the only solution i'm hearing from Republicans, is to just kick back and let fellow Americans go homeless and starve. It's a greedy callous 'Oh well, too bad for you' mentality.

Wages need to start keeping pace with the constant increase in the cost of living. If that doesn't happen, this nation is doomed. Republicans love to bitch & moan about 'Too much Welfare.' If wages don't start keeping pace, they ain't seen nothing yet as far as welfare goes.

At least, no longer is your ignorance surprising.

Our increase in the cost of living, inflation, has been minuscule over the past eight years. I'm old enough to recall real inflation. During the Carter years, 12% per year. Ten times what it has been these past years.


Historical Inflation Rates: 1914-2017

Do you really believe wages are keeping pace with the constant rising of the cost of living? Have you checked out what rents alone are these days? We do have a serious wage problem. And your solution of just blowing it off and allowing fellow Americans to go homeless and starve, is no real solution.

The problem has to be addressed. It doesn't appear the cost of living is gonna be decreasing anytime soon. Therefore, folks are gonna need to see their wages increased. If not, we will all experience much bigger problems down the road. It will effect all of us.
Minimum Wage has been raised in the past. And the sky has never fallen.
Really? Tell that to Detroit. Once a thriving city, it now mirrors a third-world shit-hole that was forced to file bankruptcy. The buildings are dilapidated, law enforcement doesn't respond to 911 calls, equipment doesn't work, people are out of jobs, etc.

No matter how long you continue to ignore reality, it doesn't stop it from being reality.
Mogadishu had no taxes and no regulations for over a decade; Fortune Five Hundred firms did not, "line up" to establish their headquarters there. So, Mogadishu restored government and regulations.

And Detroit didn't collapse because of Minimum Wage. It had absolutely nothing to do with it. Raising the Minimum Wage has never resulted in the 'sky falling.' To claim otherwise, is just hateful greedy fear mongering by the usual suspects.
Seattle has the right idea. It's raised it incrementally. It's actually at $13 right now. It will eventually get to $15. The sky is not falling. This 'study' is just typical usual suspect fear mongering B.S.

Seattle is treating fellow Americans humanely. The entire nation should follow its lead. I mean, what's the point of celebrating being the wealthiest nation on earth, if only a tiny portion of the population can celebrate it? We can do much better. We can treat our fellow Americans better.

It always amazes me to hear a presumptive adult hold forth with less logic and maturity than my 2nd grader. Where does one even start to address a child in a grown-up body?

You gonna tell that to Mr. Trump? You know, the person you voted for to be your President. He's supported raising the Minimum Wage in the past.
Minimum Wage has been raised in the past. And the sky has never fallen.
Really? Tell that to Detroit. Once a thriving city, it now mirrors a third-world shit-hole that was forced to file bankruptcy. The buildings are dilapidated, law enforcement doesn't respond to 911 calls, equipment doesn't work, people are out of jobs, etc.

No matter how long you continue to ignore reality, it doesn't stop it from being reality.
Mogadishu had no taxes and no regulations for over a decade; Fortune Five Hundred firms did not, "line up" to establish their headquarters there. So, Mogadishu restored government and regulations.

And Detroit didn't collapse because of Minimum Wage. It had absolutely nothing to do with it. Raising the Minimum Wage has never resulted in the 'sky falling.' To claim otherwise, is just hateful greedy fear mongering by the usual suspects.
the right wing always prefers to "blame Labor instead of management".
Mogadishu had no taxes and no regulations for over a decade; Fortune Five Hundred firms did not, "line up" to establish their headquarters there. So, Mogadishu restored government and regulations.
Thank you for proving yet again how left-wing policy always ends in failure, poverty, and misery...
In the aftermath of W.W.II, Italy was forced to relinquish its possessions in Africa and control of Somalia was given to the United Nations and for 10 years it was a UN trust territory under Italian administration until July 1, 1960 when Somalia was granted independence and it merged with the former British protectorate of Somaliland.

Somalia's transformation into an independent state was peaceful in the beginning but is soon erupted into a violent conflict. In 1969 Abdi Rashid Ali Shirmarke, Somalia's second President, was assassinated and in the following days a military coup, led by Major General Muhammed Siyad Barre, tgained control of the country. In 1970 Barre declared Somalia to be a socialist state.

In the long run, equilibrium will be restored and demand will increase because minimum wage Labor will be making more.
In the long run, the idiotic left-wing policy will price labor out of the market and capitalists will instead invest in the "efficiencies" that result in automation.

Nobody knows how to take low-wage jobs and turn them into no wage jobs like the Dumbocrats.
dear, having nothing but repeal is failure that would have happened, if y'all, actually had any plans on the right wing.
We have a plan - it's called liberty. It always results in prosperity.

At the same time, your party has had literally one "idea" in their pitiful 150 year history: let government control it.

You cannot show a single "idea" in the history of the Dumbocrat Party that was not "let government control it". It illustrates the limited intellect of the left that they can't even come up with a second idea in over 100 years.
Minimum Wage has been raised in the past. And the sky has never fallen.
Really? Tell that to Detroit. Once a thriving city, it now mirrors a third-world shit-hole that was forced to file bankruptcy. The buildings are dilapidated, law enforcement doesn't respond to 911 calls, equipment doesn't work, people are out of jobs, etc.

No matter how long you continue to ignore reality, it doesn't stop it from being reality.
Mogadishu had no taxes and no regulations for over a decade; Fortune Five Hundred firms did not, "line up" to establish their headquarters there. So, Mogadishu restored government and regulations.

And Detroit didn't collapse because of Minimum Wage. It had absolutely nothing to do with it. Raising the Minimum Wage has never resulted in the 'sky falling.' To claim otherwise, is just hateful greedy fear mongering by the usual suspects.
the right wing always prefers to "blame Labor instead of management".

Yeah, i have to agree. It's a greedy callous approach. The only solution i hear from most Republicans, is to just let their fellow Americans go homeless and starve. It's a very callous 'Oh well, too bad for you' mentality.

The bottom line is, wages are not keeping pace with the constantly increasing cost of living. Rents alone are astronomical at this point. The problem has to be addressed. It can't be ignored. That's why i say i truly respect the folks out in Seattle. They're trying. They're real Americans.
the right wing always prefers to "blame Labor instead of management".
No - the right places the blame where it belongs: on failed left-wing policies. Like when they raise "minimum" way to an obnoxious level - resulting in the poorest among us going home with even less than they had before.
The bottom line is, wages are not keeping pace with the constantly increasing cost of living.
The bottom line is - the cost of living is only "constantly increasing" because the left keeps jacking up minimum wage every year. If only you people understood basic economics.
Yeah, i have to agree. It's a greedy callous approach. The only solution i hear from most Republicans, is to just let their fellow Americans go homeless and starve. It's a very callous 'Oh well, too bad for you' mentality.
The beauty of liberty is that it empowers you to help any time you want. You choose not to help. Why? Because you are the greedy, callous progressive that you accuse other people of being.
the right wing always prefers to "blame Labor instead of management".
No - the right places the blame where it belongs: on failed left-wing policies. Like when they raise "minimum" way to an obnoxious level - resulting in the poorest among us going home with even less than they had before.

Nah, y'all Republicans do usually blame lowly workers for everything. You never hold rich fatcat Management responsible. It's always the poor folks' fault when businesses go belly-up. It's never about gross mismanagement for y'all. You've gone all-in on Corporate propaganda. You're buying into their 'It's always the Workers' fault' B.S.
The only solution i hear from most Republicans, is to just let their fellow Americans go homeless and starve.
That's your problem - you keep listening to Republicans. Of which there are many progressives. You need to start listening to constitutional conservatives.

We literally have all of the solutions. History has proven it. Adhere to the law (including the highest law in the land - the U.S. Constitution), cultivate liberty, empower people. It's a formula which always ends in the highest level of prosperity.
The bottom line is, wages are not keeping pace with the constantly increasing cost of living.
The bottom line is - the cost of living is only "constantly increasing" because the left keeps jacking up minimum wage every year. If only you people understood basic economics.

Your theory isn't sound. Minimum Wages are rarely increased, yet the cost of living always increases. You really do need to look into what rents alone are these days. It's out of control.

It is pretty obvious that we need a minimum wage for posting on social message boards.

What...15 cents a post?

Does that sound fair?

We can pay for it by charging trolls a tax and requiring socks to pay a royalty.
Yeah, i have to agree. It's a greedy callous approach. The only solution i hear from most Republicans, is to just let their fellow Americans go homeless and starve. It's a very callous 'Oh well, too bad for you' mentality.
The beauty of liberty is that it empowers you to help any time you want. You choose not to help. Why? Because you are the greedy, callous progressive that you accuse other people of being.

Yup, just let em die. That'll solve everything. Y'all are why i don't call myself a Republican anymore.
Nah, y'all Republicans do usually blame lowly workers for everything. You never hold rich fatcat Management responsible. It's always the poor folks' fault when businesses go belly-up. It's never about gross mismanagement for y'all. You've gone all-in on Corporate propaganda. You're buying into their 'It's always the Workers' fault' B.S.
How can we hold private industry responsible when you dumb-shits place a gun to their head and force them to implement your failed policies? :dunno:

If GM set their own wages and regulations and went bankrupt (as they should be permitted to do) - I would absolutely blame them. But when failed left-wing policy forces costly regulations and labor wages on them, when idiotic left-wing unions force unimaginable wages, perks, and benefits on them, there is no one to blame but the failed left-wing policies.
Yup, just let em die. That'll solve everything. Y'all are why i don't call myself a Republican anymore.
I rest my case. You'd rather just "let 'em die" then help them. That's how lazy and selfish you are. Sad. Really, you shouldn't call yourself an American anymore.
Nah, y'all Republicans do usually blame lowly workers for everything. You never hold rich fatcat Management responsible. It's always the poor folks' fault when businesses go belly-up. It's never about gross mismanagement for y'all. You've gone all-in on Corporate propaganda. You're buying into their 'It's always the Workers' fault' B.S.
How can we hold private industry responsible when you dumb-shits place a gun to their head and force them to implement your failed policies? :dunno:

If GM set their own wages and regulations and went bankrupt (as they should be permitted to do) - I would absolutely blame them. But when failed left-wing policy forces costly regulations and labor wages on them, when idiotic left-wing unions force unimaginable wages, perks, and benefits on them, there is no one to blame but the failed left-wing policies.

GM was very poorly managed. Y'all love to bitch & moan about how much Workers made, yet you stay completely silent on how much rich fatcat Management made. They fleeced the company. And when there was nothing left to fleece, they simply blamed the Workers and then outsourced the work to slave workers in Asia and Mexico. Too many of y'all Republicans have gone all-in on Corporate propaganda. It's actually very rarely the Workers' fault when businesses go belly-up. It's usually Management's fault.

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