As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

Yup, just let em die. That'll solve everything. Y'all are why i don't call myself a Republican anymore.
I rest my case. You'd rather just "let 'em die" then help them. That's how lazy and selfish you are. Sad. Really, you shouldn't call yourself an American anymore.

Uh huh, if American Workers would only accept making shite wages, everything would be wonderful. America would a be a paradise. Y'all have lost your way. It's sad.
Sadly the only solution i'm hearing from Republicans, is to just kick back and let fellow Americans go homeless and starve. It's a greedy callous 'Oh well, too bad for you' mentality.

Wages need to start keeping pace with the constant increase in the cost of living. If that doesn't happen, this nation is doomed. Republicans love to bitch & moan about 'Too much Welfare.' If wages don't start keeping pace, they ain't seen nothing yet as far as welfare goes.

At least, no longer is your ignorance surprising.

Our increase in the cost of living, inflation, has been minuscule over the past eight years. I'm old enough to recall real inflation. During the Carter years, 12% per year. Ten times what it has been these past years.


Historical Inflation Rates: 1914-2017

Do you really believe wages are keeping pace with the constant rising of the cost of living? Have you checked out what rents alone are these days? We do have a serious wage problem. And your solution of just blowing it off and allowing fellow Americans to go homeless and starve, is no real solution.

The problem has to be addressed. It doesn't appear the cost of living is gonna be decreasing anytime soon. Therefore, folks are gonna need to see their wages increased. If not, we will all experience much bigger problems down the road. It will effect all of us.

I heard, "Blah blah talking point blah blah talking point bibbledy bibbledy I'm just so nice and wonderful give me a participation trophy!"
Seattle has the right idea. It's raised it incrementally. It's actually at $13 right now. It will eventually get to $15. The sky is not falling. This 'study' is just typical usual suspect fear mongering B.S.

Seattle is treating fellow Americans humanely. The entire nation should follow its lead. I mean, what's the point of celebrating being the wealthiest nation on earth, if only a tiny portion of the population can celebrate it? We can do much better. We can treat our fellow Americans better.

It always amazes me to hear a presumptive adult hold forth with less logic and maturity than my 2nd grader. Where does one even start to address a child in a grown-up body?

You gonna tell that to Mr. Trump? You know, the person you voted for to be your President. He's supported raising the Minimum Wage in the past.

I voted for Trump? Really?! You personally saw my ballot, did you? Oh, you didn't? So what you actually just said was, "Talking point talking point I'm too fucking stupid to produce my own thoughts."

You lose. Dismissed. Someone bring in the next fucktard to be sacrificed.
Y'all love to bitch & moan about how much Workers made, yet you stay completely silent on how much rich fatcat Management made.
The "fat-cats" compensation was commensurate with executive pay. The unskilled labor compensation was outrageous. You can't pay someone $28 per hour, plus cadillac healthcare, plus cadillac pensions, to sweep a factory floor and still stay in business. It's just a fact. If only the left understood basic economics.
Have you checked out what rents alone are these days? And your solution of just blowing it off and allowing fellow Americans to go homeless and starve, is no real solution.
Have you check out basic economics these days? Guess what will happen when all of those rental properties are empty because nobody can afford them? They will lower the price of the rentals. Because they don't make any money on empty rentals.

But as usual, the left is ignorant of basic economics and keeps throwing money at what they perceive to be a "problem". That in turn creates an actual problem as the market sees the flow of money and adjusts their prices to suck up as much of it as possible. It's the same reason college tuition has far outpaced inflation in the U.S. Because as long as the government guarantees an endless stream of cash, universities will have no incentive to lower their tuition.
The problem has to be addressed.
I love the arrogance of progressives. Who are you to decide for all of society what constitutes a "problem"? The market would adjust itself flawlessly if you dimwits didn't keep interfering with it. Here - learn something about basic economics for once:

Seattle has the right idea. It's raised it incrementally. It's actually at $13 right now. It will eventually get to $15. The sky is not falling. This 'study' is just typical usual suspect fear mongering B.S.

Seattle is treating fellow Americans humanely. The entire nation should follow its lead. I mean, what's the point of celebrating being the wealthiest nation on earth, if only a tiny portion of the population can celebrate it? We can do much better. We can treat our fellow Americans better.

It always amazes me to hear a presumptive adult hold forth with less logic and maturity than my 2nd grader. Where does one even start to address a child in a grown-up body?

You gonna tell that to Mr. Trump? You know, the person you voted for to be your President. He's supported raising the Minimum Wage in the past.

I voted for Trump? Really?! You personally saw my ballot, did you? Oh, you didn't? So what you actually just said was, "Talking point talking point I'm too fucking stupid to produce my own thoughts."

You lose. Dismissed. Someone bring in the next fucktard to be sacrificed.

So who did you vote for?
Y'all love to bitch & moan about how much Workers made, yet you stay completely silent on how much rich fatcat Management made.
The "fat-cats" compensation was commensurate with executive pay. The unskilled labor compensation was outrageous. You can't pay someone $28 per hour, plus cadillac healthcare, plus cadillac pensions, to sweep a factory floor and still stay in business. It's just a fact. If only the left understood basic economics.

Have you checked out what rents alone are these days? And your solution of just blowing it off and allowing fellow Americans to go homeless and starve, is no real solution.
Have you check out basic economics these days? Guess what will happen when all of those rental properties are empty because nobody can afford them? They will lower the price of the rentals. Because they don't make any money on empty rentals.

But as usual, the left is ignorant of basic economics and keeps throwing money at what they perceive to be a "problem". That in turn creates an actual problem as the market sees the flow of money and adjusts their prices to suck up as much of it as possible. It's the same reason college tuition has far outpaced inflation in the U.S. Because as long as the government guarantees an endless stream of cash, universities will have no incentive to lower their tuition.
The problem has to be addressed.
I love the arrogance of progressives. Who are you to decide for all of society what constitutes a "problem"? The market would adjust itself flawlessly if you dimwits didn't keep interfering with it. Here - learn something about basic economics for once:

Uh huh, just let fellow Americans go homeless and starve. A very cold heartless solution. Y'all really do need to reconsider going all-in on Corporate propaganda.
the right wing always prefers to "blame Labor instead of management".
No - the right places the blame where it belongs: on failed left-wing policies. Like when they raise "minimum" way to an obnoxious level - resulting in the poorest among us going home with even less than they had before.

Nah, y'all Republicans do usually blame lowly workers for everything. You never hold rich fatcat Management responsible. It's always the poor folks' fault when businesses go belly-up. It's never about gross mismanagement for y'all. You've gone all-in on Corporate propaganda. You're buying into their 'It's always the Workers' fault' B.S.

It's about working together, you continue to act like the man wants to get you.

Have you checked out what rents alone are these days? And your solution of just blowing it off and allowing fellow Americans to go homeless and starve, is no real solution.
Have you check out basic economics these days? Guess what will happen when all of those rental properties are empty because nobody can afford them? They will lower the price of the rentals. Because they don't make any money on empty rentals.

But as usual, the left is ignorant of basic economics and keeps throwing money at what they perceive to be a "problem". That in turn creates an actual problem as the market sees the flow of money and adjusts their prices to suck up as much of it as possible. It's the same reason college tuition has far outpaced inflation in the U.S. Because as long as the government guarantees an endless stream of cash, universities will have no incentive to lower their tuition.
The problem has to be addressed.
I love the arrogance of progressives. Who are you to decide for all of society what constitutes a "problem"? The market would adjust itself flawlessly if you dimwits didn't keep interfering with it. Here - learn something about basic economics for once:

Uh huh, just let fellow Americans go homeless and starve. A very cold heartless solution. Y'all really do need to reconsider going all-in on Corporate propaganda.

Yet you demand they buy health care to support you before they even eat and get a home

the right wing always prefers to "blame Labor instead of management".
No - the right places the blame where it belongs: on failed left-wing policies. Like when they raise "minimum" way to an obnoxious level - resulting in the poorest among us going home with even less than they had before.

Nah, y'all Republicans do usually blame lowly workers for everything. You never hold rich fatcat Management responsible. It's always the poor folks' fault when businesses go belly-up. It's never about gross mismanagement for y'all. You've gone all-in on Corporate propaganda. You're buying into their 'It's always the Workers' fault' B.S.

It's about working together, you continue to act like the man wants to get you.


The 'Corporate Man' does. What's in it for them to pay American Workers better wages? Who's looking out for American Workers at this point?
Yup, just let em die. That'll solve everything. Y'all are why i don't call myself a Republican anymore.
I rest my case. You'd rather just "let 'em die" then help them. That's how lazy and selfish you are. Sad. Really, you shouldn't call yourself an American anymore.

Uh huh, if American Workers would only accept making shite wages, everything would be wonderful. America would a be a paradise. Y'all have lost your way. It's sad.

What's shit wages to you?

So your projecting you don't want them to get a job because you don't want to do it?

Maybe they just want a job to better make more money on their own?

No way to build a resume on the government welfare.

the right wing always prefers to "blame Labor instead of management".
No - the right places the blame where it belongs: on failed left-wing policies. Like when they raise "minimum" way to an obnoxious level - resulting in the poorest among us going home with even less than they had before.

Nah, y'all Republicans do usually blame lowly workers for everything. You never hold rich fatcat Management responsible. It's always the poor folks' fault when businesses go belly-up. It's never about gross mismanagement for y'all. You've gone all-in on Corporate propaganda. You're buying into their 'It's always the Workers' fault' B.S.

It's about working together, you continue to act like the man wants to get you.


The 'Corporate Man' does. What's in it for them to pay American Workers better wages? Who's looking out for American Workers at this point?


Yup, just let em die. That'll solve everything. Y'all are why i don't call myself a Republican anymore.
I rest my case. You'd rather just "let 'em die" then help them. That's how lazy and selfish you are. Sad. Really, you shouldn't call yourself an American anymore.

Uh huh, if American Workers would only accept making shite wages, everything would be wonderful. America would a be a paradise. Y'all have lost your way. It's sad.

What's shit wages to you?

So your projecting you don't want them to get a job because you don't want to do it?

Maybe they just want a job to better make more money on their own?

No way to build a resume on the government welfare.


I know right? If American Workers would just accept their shittier wages, everything would be wonderful. How dare they demand a decent wage that helps them take of them and their families. Who do they think they are?... Human Beings?
the right wing always prefers to "blame Labor instead of management".
No - the right places the blame where it belongs: on failed left-wing policies. Like when they raise "minimum" way to an obnoxious level - resulting in the poorest among us going home with even less than they had before.

Nah, y'all Republicans do usually blame lowly workers for everything. You never hold rich fatcat Management responsible. It's always the poor folks' fault when businesses go belly-up. It's never about gross mismanagement for y'all. You've gone all-in on Corporate propaganda. You're buying into their 'It's always the Workers' fault' B.S.

It's about working together, you continue to act like the man wants to get you.


The 'Corporate Man' does. What's in it for them to pay American Workers better wages? Who's looking out for American Workers at this point?



True. But hopefully more Corporate-duped Republicans will see the light. The cost of living is not decreasing. In fact, it's increasing dramatically. Wages need to keep pace with it, or this nation is doomed. That's the reality.
Yup, just let em die. That'll solve everything. Y'all are why i don't call myself a Republican anymore.
I rest my case. You'd rather just "let 'em die" then help them. That's how lazy and selfish you are. Sad. Really, you shouldn't call yourself an American anymore.

Uh huh, if American Workers would only accept making shite wages, everything would be wonderful. America would a be a paradise. Y'all have lost your way. It's sad.

What's shit wages to you?

So your projecting you don't want them to get a job because you don't want to do it?

Maybe they just want a job to better make more money on their own?

No way to build a resume on the government welfare.


I know right? If American Workers would just accept their shittier wages, everything would be wonderful. How dare they demand a decent wage that helps them take of them and their families. Who do they think they are?... Human Beings?

The more skills you get the better people want you, create the demand

Now are you going to bitch about your wages at the water cooler or make something of yourself as a individual?

The choice is yours.

No - the right places the blame where it belongs: on failed left-wing policies. Like when they raise "minimum" way to an obnoxious level - resulting in the poorest among us going home with even less than they had before.

Nah, y'all Republicans do usually blame lowly workers for everything. You never hold rich fatcat Management responsible. It's always the poor folks' fault when businesses go belly-up. It's never about gross mismanagement for y'all. You've gone all-in on Corporate propaganda. You're buying into their 'It's always the Workers' fault' B.S.

It's about working together, you continue to act like the man wants to get you.


The 'Corporate Man' does. What's in it for them to pay American Workers better wages? Who's looking out for American Workers at this point?



True. But hopefully more Corporate-duped Republicans will see the light. The cost of living is not decreasing. In fact, it's increasing dramatically. Wages need to keep pace with it, or this nation is doomed. That's the reality.

You create that mess by voting create that mess by getting fired because you don't want to come in on time or fails a simple drug test.


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