As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

the right wing always prefers to "blame Labor instead of management".

Flat out lie. Having been in management and having owned several companies, I always blame management first when a company goes belly up. The vast majority of employees want to do a good job as does management. If the employees are not performing to their maximum, it is a lack of training and effective management.
I know right? If Workers would just accept their shittier wages, everything would be wonderful. How dare they demand a decent wage that helps them take of them and their families. Who do they think they are?... Human Beings?

If someone is not being paid what they believe they are worth, that is not the fault of anyone but themselves. Either they have an inflated opinion of their worth, or they should have asked for a raise, explaining in detail their value to the company, or find another job.

As you know, the vast majority of workers are paid their exact worth. THEY are the ones who determine their value to their employer. As a former manager and business owner, I will pay whatever is necessary to keep a highly valued employee or, in my case, independent contractor, a Realtor.
I took a ride down Denver's' Platte river bike path today. Near down town. I was SHOCKED. All the homeless people living near newly created condos . Displaced homeless next to millennial transplants, it was shocking the disparity in that. I am sixty years old, I have NEVER seen this level of economic disparity before. Raising the minimum wage won't take away anything but liberal guilt.
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Bullshit. Minimum Wages are rarely increased. However, the cost of living always increases.

As you know, the minimum wage has nothing whatsoever to do with the cost of living, inflation, increasing. That would be the median income which has increased regardless of the minimum wage.
I took a ride down Denver's' Platte river bike path today. Near down town. I was SHOCKED. All the homeless people living near newly created condos . Displaced homeless next to millennial transplants, it was shocking the disparity in that. Raising minimum wage is a temporary fix.

Wow! Go figure, losers moving by the thousands to Colorado.

CBS/AP December 24, 2014, 8:11 AM
Legal marijuana drawing homeless to Colorado


Easterling is among a growing number of homeless people who have recently come to Colorado seeking its legal marijuana, and who now remain in the state and occupy beds in shelters, according to service providers.

While no state agency records how many homeless people were drawn by legal weed, officials at homeless centers say the influx they are seeing is straining their ability to meet the needs of the increasing population.

"The older ones are coming for medical (marijuana), the younger ones are coming just because it's legal," said Brett Van Sickle, director of Denver's Salvation Army Crossroads Shelter, which has more than doubled its staff to accommodate the increase.


Legal marijuana drawing homeless to Colorado

Uh huh, just let fellow Americans go homeless and starve. That's your solution. Y'all really are Corporate brainwashed bots. Your solution is no solution.

What is the typical household income where one worker earns minimum wage?
Uh huh, just let fellow Americans go homeless and starve.
They wouldn't have to if you'd stop being so selfish, greedy, and lazy. You can feed and house your fellow Americans any time you want. You choose not to. What does that say about you?

What a Corporate brainwashed dummy you've become. :cuckoo:

What a weak.child you became and never realized your skills alone can give you more fringe benefits than you never realized..

I took a ride down Denver's' Platte river bike path today. Near down town. I was SHOCKED. All the homeless people living near newly created condos . Displaced homeless next to millennial transplants, it was shocking the disparity in that. Raising minimum wage is a temporary fix.

Wow! Go figure, losers moving by the thousands to Colorado.

CBS/AP December 24, 2014, 8:11 AM
Legal marijuana drawing homeless to Colorado


Easterling is among a growing number of homeless people who have recently come to Colorado seeking its legal marijuana, and who now remain in the state and occupy beds in shelters, according to service providers.

While no state agency records how many homeless people were drawn by legal weed, officials at homeless centers say the influx they are seeing is straining their ability to meet the needs of the increasing population.

"The older ones are coming for medical (marijuana), the younger ones are coming just because it's legal," said Brett Van Sickle, director of Denver's Salvation Army Crossroads Shelter, which has more than doubled its staff to accommodate the increase.

i think the facts out of staters
isn't the issue.
It's the rootless out of stater millennials to blame here, they moved here to Colorado to escape their home states, they flee and the bring the very thing they ran away from , outrageously expensive cost of living. (I think all states need to make a mandatory rule, you have to have lived in a state at least 8 years before you can vote in a local election).
Nothing ends in failure like idiotic left-wing policy...

Mogadishu had no taxes and no regulations for over a decade; Fortune Five Hundred firms did not, "line up" to establish their headquarters there. So, Mogadishu restored government and regulations.
Thank you for proving yet again how left-wing policy always ends in failure, poverty, and misery...
In the aftermath of W.W.II, Italy was forced to relinquish its possessions in Africa and control of Somalia was given to the United Nations and for 10 years it was a UN trust territory under Italian administration until July 1, 1960 when Somalia was granted independence and it merged with the former British protectorate of Somaliland.

Somalia's transformation into an independent state was peaceful in the beginning but is soon erupted into a violent conflict. In 1969 Abdi Rashid Ali Shirmarke, Somalia's second President, was assassinated and in the following days a military coup, led by Major General Muhammed Siyad Barre, tgained control of the country. In 1970 Barre declared Somalia to be a socialist state.

So what. States sometimes fail. AnCap always fails, it is only a matter of time.

Somalia, from 1991 to 2006, is cited as a real-world example of a stateless society and legal system.

Anarcho-capitalism - Wikipedia
Uh huh, just let fellow Americans go homeless and starve. That's your solution. Y'all really are Corporate brainwashed bots. Your solution is no solution.

What is the typical household income where one worker earns minimum wage?

Yes we know, 'Prosperity Through Lower Wages.' Y'all really are lost. Paying fellow Americans shite wages will cost us all in the end. The cost of living will continue to rise. Wages will need to start keeping pace with it. Your solution of kicking back and just watching fellow Americans suffer, is not the solution. You Republicans really do need to do some serious soul-searching.
Yes we know, 'Prosperity through lower wages.' Y'all really are lost. Paying fellow Americans shite wages will cost us all in the end. The cost of living will continue to rise. Wages will need to start keeping pace with it. Your solution of kicking back and just watching fellow Americans suffer, is not the solution. You Republicans really do need to do some serious soul-searching.[/QUOTE]

The only thing republicans know is tax cuts for the wealthy.
Yes we know, 'Prosperity through lower wages.' Y'all really are lost. Paying fellow Americans shite wages will cost us all in the end. The cost of living will continue to rise. Wages will need to start keeping pace with it. Your solution of kicking back and just watching fellow Americans suffer, is not the solution. You Republicans really do need to do some serious soul-searching.[/QUOTE]

The only thing republicans know is tax cuts for the wealthy.

Yeah, it's pretty sad. They always seem so quick to hand out that Corporate Welfare. But when it comes to our least fortunate Americans, they don't wanna help at all. It's a greedy hateful 'Oh well, too bad for you' mentality. They're just so quick to help the wealthy, who don't need the help. They need to do some real soul-searching and begin trying to help the poor, who really need the help.
Seattle has the right idea. It's raised it incrementally. It's actually at $13 right now. It will eventually get to $15. The sky is not falling. This 'study' is just typical usual suspect fear mongering B.S.

Seattle is treating fellow Americans humanely. The entire nation should follow its lead. I mean, what's the point of celebrating being the wealthiest nation on earth, if only a tiny portion of the population can celebrate it? We can do much better. We can treat our fellow Americans better.

It always amazes me to hear a presumptive adult hold forth with less logic and maturity than my 2nd grader. Where does one even start to address a child in a grown-up body?

You gonna tell that to Mr. Trump? You know, the person you voted for to be your President. He's supported raising the Minimum Wage in the past.

I voted for Trump? Really?! You personally saw my ballot, did you? Oh, you didn't? So what you actually just said was, "Talking point talking point I'm too fucking stupid to produce my own thoughts."

You lose. Dismissed. Someone bring in the next fucktard to be sacrificed.

So who did you vote for?

None of your fucking business. Look up the concept of "personal boundaries", dude. And maybe "secret ballot", since basic Civics clearly isn't your strong suit.
Have you checked out what rents alone are these days? And your solution of just blowing it off and allowing fellow Americans to go homeless and starve, is no real solution.
Have you check out basic economics these days? Guess what will happen when all of those rental properties are empty because nobody can afford them? They will lower the price of the rentals. Because they don't make any money on empty rentals.

But as usual, the left is ignorant of basic economics and keeps throwing money at what they perceive to be a "problem". That in turn creates an actual problem as the market sees the flow of money and adjusts their prices to suck up as much of it as possible. It's the same reason college tuition has far outpaced inflation in the U.S. Because as long as the government guarantees an endless stream of cash, universities will have no incentive to lower their tuition.
The problem has to be addressed.
I love the arrogance of progressives. Who are you to decide for all of society what constitutes a "problem"? The market would adjust itself flawlessly if you dimwits didn't keep interfering with it. Here - learn something about basic economics for once:

Uh huh, just let fellow Americans go homeless and starve. A very cold heartless solution. Y'all really do need to reconsider going all-in on Corporate propaganda.

Oh, please. If you're starving in America, it's because you're on a diet. Do you have any clue how many programs there are, public and private both, for the purpose of keeping that from happening? The poorest people in the US are more likely to suffer from obesity than they are from starvation.

Furthermore, like most leftists, you don't seem to grasp the difference between "Something should be done" and "Therefore, the government must do it." Conservatives understand that there are solutions to problems beyond mandating them through force of government.
Uh huh, just let fellow Americans go homeless and starve. A very cold heartless solution.
Oh, please. If you're starving in America, it's because you're on a diet.
The left sure does love their Drama Queens...don't they? You'd think that this nation is Ethiopia the way they talk (ironically enough - yet another nation that collapsed under idiotic left-wing policy).
Uh huh, just let fellow Americans go homeless and starve.
They wouldn't have to if you'd stop being so selfish, greedy, and lazy. You can feed and house your fellow Americans any time you want. You choose not to. What does that say about you?

What a Corporate brainwashed dummy you've become. :cuckoo:

What a weak.child you became and never realized your skills alone can give you more fringe benefits than you never realized..


My favorite jobs are always the ones where my income is dependent solely on my own skills and hard work. I HATE having jobs where I get the same amount no matter what, and the schlub next to me who thinks he's doing the boss a favor just by showing up gets exactly what I do.

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