As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

Trickle up poor nim rod.

Trickle up poor nim rod.


It'll pay off in the end. Less folks on Welfare is a good thing. It's a big plus for Taxpayers. Pay em more, and they won't need to rely on Government to help them. And at the same time, they'll have disposable income to put back into the economy.

So, paying our fellow Americans a decent wage is not only humane and just, it's also a wise investment towards lessening folks' reliance on Government. It's a Win-Win proposition.

How fucking retarded are you?

They are still poor...

The right wing has nothing but repeal, not any form of bonus.

Most Republicans allow their greed to consume them. And that's too bad. But we as a great nation, need to find a way to keep wages increasing alongside the continuous increasing of the cost of living. We're not doing that at this point, and haven't for a long time. It's pretty much a given, Landlords aren't gonna be lowering rents anytime soon. So American Workers' wages need to increase. The wealthiest nation on earth can and should do that.
I think the right wing is just, clueless and Causeless, as is customary and habitual for them, until it is indistinguishable from morals.

Higher paid labor means capital must seek gains from efficiency.

The right wing needs First World excuses now, not Third World excuses, in modern times.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Labor needs public policy that fills those positions, not reduction in social benefits.

They're misguided. They're listening to greedy Millionaires and Billionaires who don't give a shit about them. They're buying into a rich man's lie. I mean, why would those folks wanna pay American Workers higher wages? Obviously they have a vested interest in keeping their slaves.

So who's looking out for American Workers at this point? Someone has to. We can't leave it all up to those who profit from slavery. If wages continue to lag behind a constantly rising cost of living, what will that lead to? The answer is, a whole lot more Americans in poverty. I truly respect the folks out in Seattle. They're trying. The rest of the country should follow its lead.
They're misguided. They're listening to greedy Millionaires and Billionaires who don't give a shit about them.'s so "misguided" to listen to the most successful among us. It's vintage left-wing "logic" to insist that immature idealism should drive policy while millionaires and billionaires in the real world should be ignored and then vilified.

I can see why you people fail so miserably in life. The LWNJ's are a very special sort of stupid.
Most Republicans allow their greed to consume them. And that's too bad. But we as a great nation, need to find a way to keep wages increasing alongside the continuous increasing of the cost of living. We're not doing that at this point, and haven't for a long time. It's pretty much a given, Landlords aren't gonna be lowering rents anytime soon. So American Workers' wages need to increase. The wealthiest nation on earth can and should do that.

The cost of living rises because idiots like you keep voting for Democrats.


I don't see Landlords lowering rents anytime soon. In fact, rents will only continue to skyrocket. So it's vital American Worker pay rises to keep up. Your solution of just letting fellow Americans go homeless and starve, doesn't fly with me. We're a great and wealthy nation. We can do better helping our fellow Americans.

Yea you voting for Democrats = more taxes = higher rents ..

Hell I know people that owned their own home in Chicago that had to move because they couldn't afford the taxes that the Democrats caused.


Regardless, wages aren't keeping pace with a constantly rising cost of living. Rents alone are crazy. I just don't see Landlords deciding to lower rents anytime soon. So American Workers need to make higher wages. It is what it is.

Rents go up when Real Estate go up. Landlords pay their loans for their properties with rent. If real estate costs more, loan payments cost more, and rents go up.

It's also based on demand. Rent in San Francisco is going to be higher than in the middle of west Texas.

Simply raising the minimum wage is not going to supplant rent increases. Less than 1% of full time workers earn the Federal minimum wage.

Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2016

In 2016, 79.9 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates, representing 58.7 percent of all wage and salary workers. Among those paid by the hour, 701,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.5 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together, these 2.2 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.7 percent of all hourly paid workers.

Yes, we've established the fact Landlords aren't gonna suddenly start lowering rents anytime soon. In fact, rents will only continue to skyrocket. So where does that leave so many Americans?

Wages need to increase in order to keep up with a constantly rising cost of living. And it's not just about rents. The cost of living includes so many other aspects. Your solution to just let fellow Americans go homeless and starve, will never fly with me.
Trickle up poor nim rod.

Trickle up poor nim rod.


It'll pay off in the end. Less folks on Welfare is a good thing. It's a big plus for Taxpayers. Pay em more, and they won't need to rely on Government to help them. And at the same time, they'll have disposable income to put back into the economy.

So, paying our fellow Americans a decent wage is not only humane and just, it's also a wise investment towards lessening folks' reliance on Government. It's a Win-Win proposition.

How fucking retarded are you?

They are still poor...

The right wing has nothing but repeal, not any form of bonus.

Most Republicans allow their greed to consume them. And that's too bad. But we as a great nation, need to find a way to keep wages increasing alongside the continuous increasing of the cost of living. We're not doing that at this point, and haven't for a long time. It's pretty much a given, Landlords aren't gonna be lowering rents anytime soon. So American Workers' wages need to increase. The wealthiest nation on earth can and should do that.
I think the right wing is just, clueless and Causeless, as is customary and habitual for them, until it is indistinguishable from morals.

Higher paid labor means capital must seek gains from efficiency.

The right wing needs First World excuses now, not Third World excuses, in modern times.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Labor needs public policy that fills those positions, not reduction in social benefits.

If those jobs are filled, the same level of social benefits aren't needed. We should certainly help people learn skills and trades to be able to fill those jobs.
They're misguided. They're listening to greedy Millionaires and Billionaires who don't give a shit about them.'s so "misguided" to listen to the most successful among us. It's vintage left-wing "logic" to insist that immature idealism should drive policy while millionaires and billionaires in the real world should be ignored and then vilified.

I can see why you people fail so miserably in life. The LWNJ's are a very special sort of stupid.

Someone has to stand up for the weak and less fortunate among us. The Millionaires and Billionaires will always do fine. But the rest of Americans need to be defended and helped.
Sadly the only solution i'm hearing from Republicans, is to just kick back and let fellow Americans go homeless and starve. It's a greedy callous 'Oh well, too bad for you' mentality.

Wages need to start keeping pace with the constant increase in the cost of living. If that doesn't happen, this nation is doomed. Republicans love to bitch & moan about 'Too much Welfare.' If wages don't start keeping pace, they ain't seen nothing yet as far as welfare goes.
Someone has to stand up for the weak and less fortunate among us. The Millionaires and Billionaires will always do fine. But the rest of Americans need to be defended and helped.
And you're doing a bang up job of that - supporting idiotic left-wing policy which ends in the poorest among us ending up with $125 per month less than what they were bringing home previous to the idiotic left-wing policy.

Great job of looking out for the "less fortunate among us".
Sadly the only solution i'm hearing from Republicans, is to just kick back and let fellow Americans go homeless and starve. It's a greedy callous 'Oh well, too bad for you' mentality.
Well you could do something about it. But sadly, you choose not to. You're clearly too greedy and too lazy. So your "solution" is to shred the U.S. Constitution, end liberty, and socialize the nation.
Back in the thirties we were told we must collectivize the nation because the people were so poor. Now we are told we must collectivize the nation because the people are so rich. - William F. Buckley
'ENTRY LEVEL' jobs should pay better. The wealthiest nation on earth can afford it. Even at $15 an hr, it'll be a struggle in today's America. Wages are not increasing with the continuous increasing of the cost of living. And that's a real shame. We can do better.

Why? Were you worth more than minimum or less when you got your first job?

So who's looking out for American Workers at this point? Someone has to. We can't leave it all up to those who profit from slavery.
So now your new narrative is that a corporation who offers a compensation - and an individual who accepts that compensation of their own free will - amounts to "slavery"?

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I truly respect the folks out in Seattle. They're trying. The rest of the country should follow its lead.
So you respect policy that results in the lowest wage workers bringing home even less per month ($125 less per month on average) and you think the rest of the country should follow suite? :uhh:

Why do you hate poor people so much? Why do you want to make them suffer?
Most Republicans allow their greed to consume them. And that's too bad. But we as a great nation, need to find a way to keep wages increasing alongside the continuous increasing of the cost of living. We're not doing that at this point, and haven't for a long time. It's pretty much a given, Landlords aren't gonna be lowering rents anytime soon. So American Workers' wages need to increase. The wealthiest nation on earth can and should do that.

But we as a great nation, need to find a way to keep wages increasing alongside the continuous increasing of the cost of living.
And yet the policies you support are resulting in compensation decreasing for the lowest paid workers. So bizarre you support in reality what you claim to desire the opposite of in theory.
But we as a great nation, need to find a way to keep wages increasing alongside the continuous increasing of the cost of living.
Nothing ends in failure like idiotic left-wing policy. They just want to throw money at every problem and it never works. What they end up with is unimaginable debt to go with their increased failure.
The goals Zuckerberg set out to achieve — to enact a number of reforms that would make Newark a model city for education reform — are widely seen as a failure, journalist Dale Russakoff told Business Insider.
Thank God the adults are in charge once again in America. Zuckerberg threw $100 million at the failed left-wing public school educating system and it solved nothing. Absolutely nothing. In fact, by all accounts, things are even worse. That's what happens with left-wing policies - everything gets worse. Much worse. Just ask the poor souls of Detroit. Or Illinois. Or Cuba. Or Venezuela.

Mark Zuckerberg's $100 million donation to Newark public schools failed miserably — here's where it went wrong
Sadly the only solution i'm hearing from Republicans, is to just kick back and let fellow Americans go homeless and starve. It's a greedy callous 'Oh well, too bad for you' mentality.

Wages need to start keeping pace with the constant increase in the cost of living. If that doesn't happen, this nation is doomed. Republicans love to bitch & moan about 'Too much Welfare.' If wages don't start keeping pace, they ain't seen nothing yet as far as welfare goes.

At least, no longer is your ignorance surprising.

Our increase in the cost of living, inflation, has been minuscule over the past eight years. I'm old enough to recall real inflation. During the Carter years, 12% per year. Ten times what it has been these past years.


Historical Inflation Rates: 1914-2017
Minimum Wage has been raised in the past. And the sky has never fallen.
Really? Tell that to Detroit. Once a thriving city, it now mirrors a third-world shit-hole that was forced to file bankruptcy. The buildings are dilapidated, law enforcement doesn't respond to 911 calls, equipment doesn't work, people are out of jobs, etc.

No matter how long you continue to ignore reality, it doesn't stop it from being reality.
Mogadishu had no taxes and no regulations for over a decade; Fortune Five Hundred firms did not, "line up" to establish their headquarters there. So, Mogadishu restored government and regulations.
Higher paid labor means capital must seek gains from efficiency.
They've done that, snowflake. Which is why the minimum wage worker in Seattle is now bringing home $125 less per month thanks to you Dumbocrat dimwits. :laugh:
In the short run. Labor cannot expect all capitalists to actually have, "an efficiency" plan like Henry Ford.

In the long run, equilibrium will be restored and demand will increase because minimum wage Labor will be making more.
Seattle has the right idea. It's raised it incrementally. It's actually at $13 right now. It will eventually get to $15. The sky is not falling. This 'study' is just typical usual suspect fear mongering B.S.

Seattle is treating fellow Americans humanely. The entire nation should follow its lead. I mean, what's the point of celebrating being the wealthiest nation on earth, if only a tiny portion of the population can celebrate it? We can do much better. We can treat our fellow Americans better.

It always amazes me to hear a presumptive adult hold forth with less logic and maturity than my 2nd grader. Where does one even start to address a child in a grown-up body?

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