As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

Seattle is treating fellow Americans humanely.
Oddly enough - something Dschrute3 refuses to do.
The entire nation should follow its lead.
Starting with you. Talk is cheap. Get off of the sidelines and get into the game. Start a business and pay everyone at least $15 per hour. Otherwise you're just a hypocrite with zero credibility.
Seattle has the right idea. It's raised it incrementally. It's actually at $13 right now. It will eventually get to $15. The sky is not falling. This 'study' is just typical usual suspect fear mongering B.S.

Seattle is treating fellow Americans humanely. The entire nation should follow its lead. I mean, what's the point of celebrating being the wealthiest nation on earth, if only a tiny portion of the population can celebrate it? We can do much better. We can treat our fellow Americans better.

Trickle up poor nim rod.

Seattle has the right idea. It's raised it incrementally. It's actually at $13 right now. It will eventually get to $15. The sky is not falling. This 'study' is just typical usual suspect fear mongering B.S.

Seattle is treating fellow Americans humanely. The entire nation should follow its lead. I mean, what's the point of celebrating being the wealthiest nation on earth, if only a tiny portion of the population can celebrate it? We can do much better. We can treat our fellow Americans better.

Trickle up poor nim rod.


It'll pay off in the end. Less folks on Welfare is a good thing. It's a big plus for Taxpayers. Pay em more, and they won't need to rely on Government to help them. And at the same time, they'll have disposable income to put back into the economy.

So, paying our fellow Americans a decent wage is not only humane and just, it's also a wise investment towards lessening folks' reliance on Government. It's a Win-Win proposition.

Since when the heck welfare payments not go up?

All your doing is rasing the level up?

They are still minimum wage.

Where ever left-wing policy goes, poverty and misery soon follows...
CNN announced need that the study showed the lowest income workers earned $125 less per month after Seattle implemented their $15 per hour minimum wage. While the workers earned on average 3% more, their hours were cut on average by 9% - resulting in a net loss to their income.
They collapsed Detroit. They collapsed Venezuela. They have Illinois on the verge of collapse. And they will collapse Seattle.
Snowflakes must sleep through their economics classes.

If there is a forced wage increase without a commensurate increase in revenue, jobs and/or hours will be cut.

Here you go, snowflakes, from your bible.

How a Rising Minimum Wage Affects Jobs in Seattle
the cost of
Snowflakes must sleep through their economics classes.

If there is a forced wage increase without a commensurate increase in revenue, jobs and/or hours will be cut.

Here you go, snowflakes, from your bible.

How a Rising Minimum Wage Affects Jobs in Seattle
It's getting out of hand , I can buy a package of hamburger, buns for less than than a meal at McDucks.I can eat for three days for the cost of a single combo meal. WHO are we helping HERE? I won't be eating at any restaurants any more .

I am a 52 year old single guy who doesn't even know how to use a think I will cook?

.I hate food that don't taste like mom's with a kiss.

It'll pay off in the end. Less folks on Welfare is a good thing. It's a big plus for Taxpayers. Pay em more, and they won't need to rely on Government to help them. And at the same time, they'll have disposable income to put back into the economy.

So, paying our fellow Americans a decent wage is not only humane and just, it's also a wise investment towards lessening folks' reliance on Government. It's a Win-Win proposition.

From CNBC News:

"In the quest for a higher minimum wage, how high is too high?

In 2014, Seattle voted to gradually hike its minimum wage to $15 an hour, with the rate jumping from $11 to 13 last year. Yet on average, low-wage workers have made $125 per month less.

That's a key result of a new University of Washington study that found that the hourly wage hike could in fact be costing jobs. The study, released last week, examined low-wage employment within the city of Seattle from 2014 to 2016.

"What we found," study co-author Mark Long explained to CNBC's "On the Money" recently, "is that employees increased wages, which you'd expect given the mandate of the law, but they also cut hours and they cut jobs."

Long, a professor of public policy at the University of Washington, added that as a product of fewer hours and available jobs, "the net amount paid to low-wage workers declined instead of increased.""

Why one study suggests a minimum wage hike actually 'cuts overall wages and cuts jobs'
Think of it as helping your less fortunate fellow Americans. You may pay a little more for that combo meal, but it's worth it in the end. More folks making a decent living, is a good thing for all of us.

From "":

"The tragic irony of this is that those who are worst hurt by a higher minimum wage are those with little education or training, mostly minorities, immigrants and the young. They get priced right out of the labor market by the well-meaning nanny-staters who want to impose a one-size-fits-all minimum wage on the entire country — regardless of the damage it does.

It's really a matter of basic logic. Any time someone raises the price of something — anything — those who consume it use less, all things being equal. That also happens when government requires businesses to pay more for labor than the market demands. In doing so, government helps to create unemployment, idleness and long-term dependence on welfare, especially for the most vulnerable people in the workforce."
$15 is a good start but still pretty low. For cities like NYC, San Fran and LA the minimum should be $18 for a person to have a decent living.
$15 is a good start but still pretty low. For cities like NYC, San Fran and LA the minimum should be $18 for a person to have a decent living.

Yeah, i know the usual suspects are freaking out over it, but $15 an hr isn't much in today's America. Costs continue to rise, from rents, to gas, to food. Unfortunately, the pay hasn't risen to meet the always rising cost of living.

Minimum Wage should be at least $10-12 an hr. And even at that, folks will struggle to get to by. Very few can live on $10 an hr. Seattle took a bold step. It's helping less fortunate fellow Americans. They're true Americans out there.
Seattle has the right idea. It's raised it incrementally. It's actually at $13 right now. It will eventually get to $15. The sky is not falling. This 'study' is just typical usual suspect fear mongering B.S.

Seattle is treating fellow Americans humanely. The entire nation should follow its lead. I mean, what's the point of celebrating being the wealthiest nation on earth, if only a tiny portion of the population can celebrate it? We can do much better. We can treat our fellow Americans better.

Trickle up poor nim rod.

Seattle has the right idea. It's raised it incrementally. It's actually at $13 right now. It will eventually get to $15. The sky is not falling. This 'study' is just typical usual suspect fear mongering B.S.

Seattle is treating fellow Americans humanely. The entire nation should follow its lead. I mean, what's the point of celebrating being the wealthiest nation on earth, if only a tiny portion of the population can celebrate it? We can do much better. We can treat our fellow Americans better.

Trickle up poor nim rod.


It'll pay off in the end. Less folks on Welfare is a good thing. It's a big plus for Taxpayers. Pay em more, and they won't need to rely on Government to help them. And at the same time, they'll have disposable income to put back into the economy.

So, paying our fellow Americans a decent wage is not only humane and just, it's also a wise investment towards lessening folks' reliance on Government. It's a Win-Win proposition.

Since when the heck welfare payments not go up?

All your doing is rasing the level up?

They are still minimum wage.


Pay fellow Americans a living wage, and they won't need to rely on Government for help. Taxpayers will benefit from it. But not only that, it's the right thing to do. The wealthiest nation on earth can and should be doing more for American Workers. A $7 Minimum Wage is just plain embarrassing. Anyone who pays a fellow American a shite wage like that, is not a good American.
Many studies have been done showing raising the Minimum Wage doesn't result in the sky falling.
Really? Name one. Not some idiotic Bernie Sanders commentary. An actual legitimate study.
Our $7 Minimum Wage is a national disgrace. We can certainly do better.
Anyone is free to pay whatever minimum wage they want. You could start a business and pay everyone $50 an hour as your minimum. You choose not to. The question is why?

The only thing that is a disgrace is your selfishness and greed mixed with your hypocrisy.
Pay fellow Americans a living wage, and they won't need to rely on Government for help.
$7 per hour is a "living wage". And if raising the minimum wage actually helps as you think it does - why has it been raised 9x's in my lifetime?

Because - as the study shows - it hurts people. It doesn't help. Stop ignoring the facts simply because you don't like them.
Even at $10 an hr, they likely can't make it in today's America.

No one is expected to "make it" on $10.00 per hour. That's why they are called ENTRY LEVEL jobs. What about that is impossible for you to comprehend?

'ENTRY LEVEL' jobs should pay better. The wealthiest nation on earth can afford it. Even at $15 an hr, it'll be a struggle in today's America. Wages are not increasing with the continuous increasing of the cost of living. And that's a real shame. We can do better.
Think of it as helping your less fortunate fellow Americans. You may pay a little more for that combo meal, but it's worth it in the end. More folks making a decent living, is a good thing for all of us.

From "":

"The tragic irony of this is that those who are worst hurt by a higher minimum wage are those with little education or training, mostly minorities, immigrants and the young. They get priced right out of the labor market by the well-meaning nanny-staters who want to impose a one-size-fits-all minimum wage on the entire country — regardless of the damage it does.

It's really a matter of basic logic. Any time someone raises the price of something — anything — those who consume it use less, all things being equal. That also happens when government requires businesses to pay more for labor than the market demands. In doing so, government helps to create unemployment, idleness and long-term dependence on welfare, especially for the most vulnerable people in the workforce."

Well at least Seattle is trying. The cost of living in America continues to skyrocket. From rent, to gas, to food. And wages are not increasing with it. Something has to be done. We either get the cost of living down, or we increase Workers' pay. And it doesn't look like Landlords will be lowering rents anytime soon. So, increasing pay seems to be the only way forward. More communities need to follow Seattle's lead. We have to do better for our fellow Americans.
Many studies have been done showing raising the Minimum Wage doesn't result in the sky falling.
Really? Name one. Not some idiotic Bernie Sanders commentary. An actual legitimate study.
Our $7 Minimum Wage is a national disgrace. We can certainly do better.
Anyone is free to pay whatever minimum wage they want. You could start a business and pay everyone $50 an hour as your minimum. You choose not to. The question is why?

The only thing that is a disgrace is your selfishness and greed mixed with your hypocrisy.

Minimum Wage has been raised in the past. And the sky has never fallen. Y'all always claim it's gonna fall, but it never does. So i can't give you much credibility. Seattle's gonna do just fine. I know that upsets you immensely, but paying Americans a decent wage isn't gonna result in our nation's collapse. Sorry bout that.

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