As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

Just pay Americans a decent wage. I'd say between $10-12 per hour would be a fair Minimum Wage starting point.
So start your own business and pay people that rate. But who the fuck are you to tell someone else who has taken all of the risk to start and run a business what wages to pay? You're the armchair asshole who says on Monday morning what pass Tom Brady "should" have made.
Our current $7 Minimum Wage is a national embarrassment.
Not nearly as much of an embarrassment as your knowledge of basic economics.
We're the wealthiest nation on earth for God sake. We can surely treat our fellow Americans better.
Again...who is this "we" shit? You're welcome to treat your fellow Americans to free meals, free healthcare, etc. You choose not to. Sad.
But mind you, even at $10-12, it's very difficult to survive in today's America.
Not nearly as hard as it would be to survive under idiotic left-wing policy.

You gotta let go of the hate & greed. It's isn't good for you both physically and spiritually. Pay fellow Americans a decent living wage. If you can't or won't do that, you probably shouldn't be in business.
You gotta let go of the hate & greed. It's isn't good for you both physically and spiritually. Pay fellow Americans a decent living wage. If you can't or won't do that, you probably shouldn't be in business.
Again, chief, start a business and pay everyone a minimum of $15 per hour. What is so hard about that? Get off of the sidelines and get into the game already.
If you can't or won't pay a fellow American Worker at least $10 per hr, you should probably close your business.
If you can pay a "fellow American" at least $10 per hour, you should probably start a business. Talk is cheap Dschrute3. Get up off of your lazy ass, start a business, and pay everyone at least $15 per hour.

A $10-12 Minimum Wage is a reasonable starting point in a nation that enjoys boasting about being the wealthiest nation on earth. Folks can't survive on less. I respect the People of Seattle. This 'study' is B.S. Seattle will survive just fine.
We need to do much better in helping our fellow Americans.
Right? Unfortunately selfish, greedy, lazy progressives such as yourself refuse to do just that.

I'm not a Progressive, i just think it's time we start looking out for American Workers again. Great to see Seattle leading the way on that. Hopefully more Americans will step up the way it has.
You gotta let go of the hate & greed.
That's not what you want me to let go of. I don't have an ounce of "hate" or "greed". What you want me to let go of is liberty. Like all fascists, you want to tell me how to live my life. You want to control every facet of society.

This 'study' is B.S. Seattle will survive just fine.
You mean like Detroit did? This study was commissioned by progressives Seattle and conducted by two radically left-wing institutions - the University of Cal and the University of Washington. Both studies were not an opinion. They looked at the data and presented it.
So i'm gonna call Bullshite on this 'study', and give big props to Seattle.
Typical idiot progressive. Deny science, facts, history, and even academic studies in favor of their idiotic ideology.

Call "bullshit" all you want. Facts are facts and the study was commissioned by progressives and actually done by progressives. Your uninformed opinion is irrelevant.

The 'study' is skewed wishful thinking Bullshite. The hateful and greedy among us have been desperately hoping Seattle would collapse as a result of paying fellow Americans a decent wage. And that just isn't happening. Seattle is doing fine. The sky isn't falling. You can't or won't pay a fellow American a decent wage, either close your business, or don't open a business at all.
A $10-12 Minimum Wage is a reasonable starting point in a nation that enjoys boasting about being the wealthiest nation on earth.
We are $20 trillion in debt. That is worst in the world. And that makes us literally the poorest nation on the planet (thanks to progressives spending us into collapse).
So i'm gonna call Bullshite on this 'study', and give big props to Seattle.
Typical idiot progressive. Deny science, facts, history, and even academic studies in favor of their idiotic ideology.

Call "bullshit" all you want. Facts are facts and the study was commissioned by progressives and actually done by progressives. Your uninformed opinion is irrelevant.

The 'study' is skewed wishful thinking Bullshite.
The study presents indisputable data. It doesn't matter that you don't like the data. It is what it is.
A $10-12 Minimum Wage is a reasonable starting point in a nation that enjoys boasting about being the wealthiest nation on earth.
"Back in the thirties we were told we must collectivize the nation because the people were so poor. Now we are told we must collectivize the nation because the people are so rich." - William F. Buckley
I'm not a Progressive, i just think it's time we start looking out for American Workers again.
But you can do that any time you want by starting your own business and paying people $15 per hour. Hell, you can pay a minimum of $50 per hour. That's the beauty of liberty.

But you choose not to. Instead, you want government to place a gun to the head of other people and force them to pay the wages you want. Fascism.
Hopefully more Americans will step up the way it has.
So the question remains - why won't you? Why won't you start a business and pay everyone $15 per hour? :dunno:

It could happen. But not right now. I'm enjoying doing what i'm currently doing.
Yeah...and I *could* end up wealthier than Bill Gates. It's not going to happen. But it could. Get off the sideline and get in the game. There are people hurting who need the wages you are talking about. Step up.
A $10-12 Minimum Wage is a reasonable starting point in a nation that enjoys boasting about being the wealthiest nation on earth.
We are $20 trillion in debt. That is worst in the world. And that makes us literally the poorest nation on the planet (thanks to progressives spending us into collapse).

As i've said, if you can't or won't pay a fellow American a decent wage, you probably shouldn't be in business. If you are in business and don't wanna pay, then you'll have to do the work yourself, or hire close family members who are willing to work to help you out.

Surviving in today's America ain't easy. The costs are enormous. Even at $10-12 an hr, folks struggle mightily to get by. But $10-12 is a reasonable Minimum Wage starting point.
I'm not a Progressive, i just think it's time we start looking out for American Workers again.
But you can do that any time you want by starting your own business and paying people $15 per hour. Hell, you can pay a minimum of $50 per hour. That's the beauty of liberty.

But you choose not to. Instead, you want government to place a gun to the head of other people and force them to pay the wages you want. Fascism.

Don't wanna pay? Don't start a business. No one's forcing you to. If you can't do the work yourself, or can't get family members to do it on the cheap, you're S.O.L. Folks gotta survive. It ain't volunteer work. Even at $10 an hr, they likely can't make it in today's America.
Hopefully more Americans will step up the way it has.
So the question remains - why won't you? Why won't you start a business and pay everyone $15 per hour? :dunno:

It could happen. But not right now. I'm enjoying doing what i'm currently doing.
Yeah...and I *could* end up wealthier than Bill Gates. It's not going to happen. But it could. Get off the sideline and get in the game. There are people hurting who need the wages you are talking about. Step up.

If or when you shed your hateful greedy mentality, you'll see the light. Until then, there's nothing i can say that will change you. Only you can change you. Good luck and God Bless. :)
If or when you shed your hateful greedy mentality, you'll see the light. Until then, there's nothing i can say that will change you. Only you can change you. Good luck and God Bless. :)
If or when you shed your fascist mentality, you'll see the light. Until then, you'll continue to be a detriment to society.

As for me - I will never "shed" my love for liberty. All those Americans didn't give their lives in the Revolutionary War so that you could be a dictator and tell other people how to run their lives and their business.

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