As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

And somebody at gm thought the Pontiac Aztek was a good looking SUV. Hard to believe, but true. Blame the execs.


The auto industry collapsed in Michigan for a multitude of sins.

Some have been mentioned. Others, no so much.

Union negotiations also agreed to by management, drove up their labor costs to uncompetitive levels. The future had come home to roost. American car companies were tied to pay packages ranging around $75.00 per hour. Like government employees, it was also near impossible to fire poor workers.

Foreign manufacturers could afford to spend more for design and quality control than could the American makers. The management at the Big Three also thought the foreign cars were a fad and that they could remain competitive by cutting costs and quality.

Down went American cars and boom went the foreign cars.

Funny how you blame all those things and ignore the auto execs chose to build cars customers didn't want!
It's easy to ignore what simply never happened. GM's Hummer was one of the most popular automobiles ever. It had a cult-like following much like Harley Davidson. GM's Blazer was another extremely popular model. The Ford Mustang is iconic. I could go on and on and on.

And at the end of the day - the products made by private industry are not responsible for the idiotic policies of Dumbocrats which collapse cities.
The auto industry collapsed in Michigan for a multitude of sins.

Some have been mentioned. Others, no so much.

Union negotiations also agreed to by management, drove up their labor costs to uncompetitive levels. The future had come home to roost. American car companies were tied to pay packages ranging around $75.00 per hour. Like government employees, it was also near impossible to fire poor workers.

Foreign manufacturers could afford to spend more for design and quality control than could the American makers. The management at the Big Three also thought the foreign cars were a fad and that they could remain competitive by cutting costs and quality.

Down went American cars and boom went the foreign cars.

How exorbitant was management's pay? Management is responsible for sales.
Detroit collapsed because the auto industry collapsed.
Repeating a lie doesn't make it true. Detroit collapsed because that's what left-wing policy does: collapses every city, state, and nation that it touches. It collapsed the U.S.S.R., Cuba, Cambodia, Detroit, Illinois, etc.

Left-wing policy is idiotic, irrational, an unsustainable. You can't lie your way out of the facts, Joseph Goebbels.
I'm gonna have to question this 'study.' I'm sure those who conducted the study, merely arrived at a conclusion they desperately wanted. Just pay Americans a decent wage. I'd say between $10-12 per hour would be a fair Minimum Wage starting point. Our current $7 Minimum Wage is a national embarrassment. We're the wealthiest nation on earth for God sake. We can surely treat our fellow Americans better.

But mind you, even at $10-12, it's very difficult to survive in today's America. So i can see why Seattle chose $15. We need to do much better in helping our fellow Americans.There's no point in celebrating being the wealthiest nation on earth, if only a very tiny portion of the population is able to celebrate it. If you can't or won't pay a fellow American Worker at least $10 per hr, you should probably close your business. You're either a very bad business person, or just not a good American. So i'm gonna call Bullshite on this 'study', and give big props to Seattle. They're true Americans out there. :thup:
Funny how you blame all those things and ignore the auto execs chose to build cars customers didn't want!
It's easy to ignore what simply never happened. GM's Hummer was one of the most popular automobiles ever. It had a cult-like following much like Harley Davidson. GM's Blazer was another extremely popular model. The Ford Mustang is iconic. I could go on and on and on.

And at the end of the day - the products made by private industry are not responsible for the idiotic policies of Dumbocrats which collapse cities.

Hummer was so popular they sold off the brand. The mustangs of the 60s and early 70s sure were a lot nicer than the late 70s and into the 90s. While population increased, sales declined: Mustang Sales Throughout the Years | Mustang News Blog | CJ Pony Parts

Most cities in the country have democratic mayors, yet they are doing just fine.

Your arguments are all quite pathetic.
Most cities in the country have democratic mayors, yet they are doing just fine.
Really? Which one's? Left-wing policy collapsed the U.S.S.R., Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Detroit, Illinois, and soon California.

Let me guess? The Pontiac Aztek collapsed all of them as well? :lmao:
without Conservatives promoting outsourcing, there would not have been this practice at all.
actually China exports more to liberal Europe than to the USA because even libsocialist Europe knows that protecting and crippling its economy spells death in the end.
Detroit collapsed because the auto industry collapsed.
I can't wait to hear that absurd, asinine, idiotic excuse for why it wasn't left-wing policy that collapsed this college.
In short, the scheme concocted by the former Democratic Socialist presidential candidate's wife, Jane Sanders, when she was president of Burlington College serves up everything we've come to expect of modern Democrats: delusional visions of glorious benefits to be realized by the masses if we follow their screwball ideas; a shady real estate deal; phony and fraudulent claims used as the basis for getting other people to part with their money; alleged pressure from a powerful Democratic politician on a government-regulated institution to go along with their idea, or else; and, of course, no modern Democratic scandal is complete without a computer server potentially figuring in – in this case, a stolen one. The only thing missing is the sex. But the investigation is still young.
Nothing ends in collapse like left-wing policy.

Articles: Berniegate: How Jane Sanders Offers a Window into Liberal Scheming
I'm gonna have to question this 'study.' I'm sure those who conducted the study, merely arrived at a conclusion they desperately wanted. Just pay Americans a decent wage. I'd say between $10-12 per hour would be a fair Minimum Wage starting point. Our current $7 Minimum Wage is a national embarrassment. We're the wealthiest nation on earth for God sake. We can surely treat our fellow Americans better.

But mind you, even at $10-12, it's very difficult to survive in today's America. So i can see why Seattle chose $15. We need to do much better in helping our fellow Americans.There's no point in celebrating being the wealthiest nation on earth, if only a very tiny portion of the population is able to celebrate it. If you can't or won't pay a fellow American Worker at least $10 per hr, you should probably close your business. You're either a very bad business person, or just not a good American. So i'm gonna call Bullshite on this 'study', and give big props to Seattle. They're true Americans out there. :thup:
Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, regardless.
Just pay Americans a decent wage. I'd say between $10-12 per hour would be a fair Minimum Wage starting point.
So start your own business and pay people that rate. But who the fuck are you to tell someone else who has taken all of the risk to start and run a business what wages to pay? You're the armchair asshole who says on Monday morning what pass Tom Brady "should" have made.
Our current $7 Minimum Wage is a national embarrassment.
Not nearly as much of an embarrassment as your knowledge of basic economics.
We're the wealthiest nation on earth for God sake. We can surely treat our fellow Americans better.
Again...who is this "we" shit? You're welcome to treat your fellow Americans to free meals, free healthcare, etc. You choose not to. Sad.
But mind you, even at $10-12, it's very difficult to survive in today's America.
Not nearly as hard as it would be to survive under idiotic left-wing policy.
If you can't or won't pay a fellow American Worker at least $10 per hr, you should probably close your business.
If you can pay a "fellow American" at least $10 per hour, you should probably start a business. Talk is cheap Dschrute3. Get up off of your lazy ass, start a business, and pay everyone at least $15 per hour.
So i'm gonna call Bullshite on this 'study', and give big props to Seattle.
Typical idiot progressive. Deny science, facts, history, and even academic studies in favor of their idiotic ideology.

Call "bullshit" all you want. Facts are facts and the study was commissioned by progressives and actually done by progressives. Your uninformed opinion is irrelevant.

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