As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

Watching progressives nervously hop around trying to find a "boogeyman" to blame the failures of their ideology on is freaking hilarious.

Dumbocrat: "It wasn't left-wing policy that collapsed Detroit! It was uh....uh.....uh....GM, Ford and Chrysler! They made shitty cars"
Rational Person: "Really? I'm sure all of those left-wing UAW line assembly workers would love to hear you blame them for the demise of Detroit".
Dumbocrat: " wasn't them. It was uh....uh.....uh....GM, Ford and Chrysler executives! Yeah. Yeah. It was the executives!"
Rational Person: "Really? But the executives don't make automobiles".
Dumbocrat: " was...uh....uh.....uh....the engineers! Yeah. Yeah. It was the engineers!"
Rational Person: "Really? So thousands of engineers and three different companies all rolled out hundreds of lines of automobiles that all 'sucked'?"
Dumbocrat: " was uh....uh.....uh....the Republicans! Yeah. Yeah...the Republicans! Once we collapsed entire cities and economies, Republicans were brought in to clean up our mess and they are to blame!"
Rational Person: "Really?"

Seriously man....these fucking left-wing lunatics are hilarious. They collapse every city, state, and nation that they ever touch and yet they continue to claim it wasn't them. Their idiocy reminds me of that classic Eddie Murphy set from Raw...

And somebody at gm thought the Pontiac Aztek was a good looking SUV. Hard to believe, but true. Blame the execs.
I can't stop laughing. This is seriously the Dumbocrats after a city, state, or nation that they've controlled, collapses... :laugh:

And somebody at gm thought the Pontiac Aztek was a good looking SUV. Hard to believe, but true. Blame the execs.
What are you talking about?!? The Pontiac Aztek was a good looking SUV. Really good looking SUV. That thing turned heads when it first came out.
And somebody at gm thought the Pontiac Aztek was a good looking SUV. Hard to believe, but true. Blame the execs.
What are you talking about?!? The Pontiac Aztek was a good looking SUV. Really good looking SUV. That thing turned heads when it first came out.

Ugliest cars in the world, from the Pontiac Aztek to the Ford Edsel
An opinion piece. really know how to bring the thunder in a discussion. :lmao:
And somebody at gm thought the Pontiac Aztek was a good looking SUV. Hard to believe, but true. Blame the execs.
What are you talking about?!? The Pontiac Aztek was a good looking SUV. Really good looking SUV. That thing turned heads when it first came out.

Ugliest cars in the world, from the Pontiac Aztek to the Ford Edsel
An opinion piece. really know how to bring the thunder in a discussion. :lmao:

I'm impressed by how versatile your stupidly is.
From economics to cars you keep it coming.

A perennial favorite of ugly car lists, our panel wouldn’t be complete without the hapless Pontiac Aztek. The exterior looks like it was hammered together by three disgruntled designers who weren’t on speaking terms; there is layer upon layer of disjointed angles, awkward-looking lights, and clunky bumpers. One of the Aztek’s few plus points was an optional camping package, which included a built-in air mattress, removable cooler, and tent that fitted over the year of the vehicle. This KOA-friendly Aztek now has s devoted following amongst the outdoorsy crowd. Hey, at least the tent hides some of the Aztek’s ugliness.
I'm impressed by how versatile your stupidly is.
Not nearly as impressed as I am by how versatile your desperation is.

"The city of Detroit collapsed because I think the Aztek was ugly" :lmao:

That's because you don't seem to understand the importance of making cars consumers actually want. You really aren't very bright.
Says the man who thinks Pontiac collapsed the city of Detroit. :lmao:
I'm impressed by how versatile your stupidly is.
Not nearly as impressed as I am by how versatile your desperation is.

"The city of Detroit collapsed because I think the Aztek was ugly" :lmao:

That's because you don't seem to understand the importance of making cars consumers actually want. You really aren't very bright.
Says the man who thinks Pontiac collapsed the city of Detroit. :lmao:

So you don't understand the importance of making products customers want and the importance of the auto industry to Detroit. Got it.
So you don't understand the importance of making products customers want and the importance of the auto industry to Detroit. Got it.
What I understand is that you have come up with every idiotic and desperate excuse as to why it "wasn't" the Dumbocrats fault for collapsing the city of Detroit.

The Pontiac Aztek didn't collapse Detroit. The Dumbocrats did.
So you don't understand the importance of making products customers want and the importance of the auto industry to Detroit. Got it.
What I understand is that you have come up with every idiotic and desperate excuse as to why it "wasn't" the Dumbocrats fault for collapsing the city of Detroit.

The Pontiac Aztek didn't collapse Detroit. The Dumbocrats did.

So you want to ignore how important the auto industry is to Detroit. Amazing. You don't care about the truth, your just a partisan hack. Anyone who isn't a partisan or an idiot knows how important the auto industry is to Detroit. And so the decline in the auto industry obviously has a very negative effect on the city. To ignore this shows you have no understanding of economics.
It wasn't unions that caused China to pay its workers $20/day. It wasn't unions that caused car companies to produce gas-guzzling SUV's while the market was leaning toward fuel efficiency. It wasn't unions that caused car companies to spend billions on advertising, marketing, and endorsements. It wasn't unions that did any of that.

But, as you know, it was Unions who forced American Car companies to pay exorbitant wages and benefits that drove customers to foreign built/owned companies out of Michigan. This too was the fault of the major car company owners who conceded to the packages pushing the consequences "far" into the future which caught up with them.

NOTHING should have been done with GM or Chrysler. A standard bankruptcy would have possibly split up GM and Chrysler. What petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama did was rescue the Auto Unions. The car companies would have ended up far ahead of where they are today.

Come on, even you know that to be true.
So you want to ignore how important the auto industry is to Detroit. Amazing. You don't care about the truth, your just a partisan hack.
Talk about "projecting". Good grief...the ultimate partisan hack here - who refuses to acknowledge that the Dumbocrats collapsed Detroit and instead wants to blame it on the Pontiac Aztek - is calling other people "partisan hacks". :laugh:
So you want to ignore how important the auto industry is to Detroit.
Of course the auto industry was important to Detroit. And what did the left do to the auto industry? Taxed it to death. Regulated it to death. Killed it with greedy unions.

The evil trifecta that the left uses to destroy everything.
So you want to ignore how important the auto industry is to Detroit.
Of course the auto industry was important to Detroit. And what did the left do to the auto industry? Taxed it to death. Regulated it to death. Killed it with greedy unions.

The evil trifecta that the left uses to destroy everything.

Funny how you blame all those things and ignore the auto execs chose to build cars customers didn't want! Sorry but building cars that customers want is a much bigger problem.
So you want to ignore how important the auto industry is to Detroit. Amazing. You don't care about the truth, your just a partisan hack.
Talk about "projecting". Good grief...the ultimate partisan hack here - who refuses to acknowledge that the Dumbocrats collapsed Detroit and instead wants to blame it on the Pontiac Aztek - is calling other people "partisan hacks". :laugh:

Well the auto industry collapsed because the execs chose to build cars customers didn't want. Detroit collapsed because the auto industry collapsed. So it starts with the auto execs making bad decisions. I've no doubt politicians made some bad moves too, but nothing compared to the auto execs. You have a much better argument in IL. Their problem is mostly bad politics, but they too have declining companies. Sears anyone?
bear513: 17627123 said:
Bottom line it was the consumers who wanted cheap shit from Japan and Asia..and it shows how young you don't even have a clue about the Japanese invasion. China's goods came much much later.

If you recall, it was the Volkswagen that made the invasion of America before most other cars. They appealed to the hippie generation. They were decently built, very inexpensive, no non-essentials car. The engine was 40 hp and it came with a flower holder. That was followed by the "invasion" of the Honda motorcycles followed by their cars.

This is no different than the collapse of the newspapers and now brick and mortar stores. The companies in place couldn't believe that anyone could intrude on their market in any meaningful way. That's why G.M. and Chrysler should have been allowed to go under. They'd have started with fresh ideas, new management instead of the failed employees who drove them to the point of bankruptcy.

I couldn't afford the gas on my '53 Jaguar XK-120 because I couldn't afford the gas. Eight to ten mpg only high octane leaded gas. Straight six with twin overhead cams and twin SU carburetors. Built to compete and win at LaMans three years straight. Amazing or the time, it had an all aluminum body the doors having wood frames for light weight. High first gear so acceleration wasn't great but the top end, off the speedometer. Gosh I loved that car!

I sold it and bought a used English Ford Anglia. Similar to the VW but with a front engine. Again, no frills. I'm 6'3" so the seat didn't go back far enough. They were so simple, I simply unbolted the 4 bolts holding the front seat, measured back 6" and drilled four holes to bolt it back together. The back of the seat touched the back seat. It looked like I was driving from the back seat as I now looked out that window. Great car for me at the time, driving to college, various jobs.

America just didn't have a car for the new, growing affluent youth market.

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