As President Trump predicted, under Biden we’d be paying $7 for a gallon of gas.

Sure like replitards even cared.

FOX News host Tucker Carlson wondered on Wednesday why the U.S. was supporting Ukraine and not Russia, amid a recent build up of Russian troops along the countries' shared border.

"Hold on, why would we take Ukraine's side and not Russia's side? It's a sincere question, if you're looking at America's perspective," Carlson said.
I don't give a damn what he says.............I don't watch him ............

Why are you fuckers screwing America again............That is why I call you Locusts.

Want to be tough on Russia .........Pull up the armies to Ukraine's Border and tell Putin to GET THE FUCK OUT.

Or have you LOST YOUR BALLS AGAIN..............HMM
Damn skippy..........When they don't give out permits..........Why is it when you retards are in office the drilling companies have to SUE TO GET PERMITS.
They have over 9000 just on federal land, let alone state and private leases, why aren't they drilling on those?

Instead, republitards are whining about permits?

Right, as you defend the worst one...........Trump.
President Trump was right, again!


It doesn't matter in the slightest.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

And your Orange Baboon-God was about as "wrong" as wrong can be, with respect to American representative democracy.

A traitorous, ignorant, arrogant, un-American pig, who incited his followers to riot on January 6, 2021, in order to retain his hold on political power.

January 6, 2021, cancels any good that he may have done or any prediction he may have made or ever will make.

Never again.

It's not his agenda.

It's HIM.

He is unfit for high office or to hold the sacred trust of the American People to lead them.

Never again.
I don't give a damn what he says.............I don't watch him ............
Sure you don't you regurgitate his views or do you get them from the same source.............the Kremlin.
Why are you fuckers screwing America again............That is why I call you Locusts.

Want to be tough on Russia .........Pull up the armies to Ukraine's Border and tell Putin to GET THE FUCK OUT.

Or have you LOST YOUR BALLS AGAIN..............HMM
Just like crazy Putin, republitards don't see any reason why we can't use nukes.
Sure you don't you regurgitate his views or do you get them from the same source.............the Kremlin.

Just like crazy Putin, republitards don't see any reason why we can't use nukes.
The new comeback for the idiot left..............If you don't agree with me you are RUSSIAN

The new comeback for the idiot left..............If you don't agree with me you are RUSSIAN


You support "American" politicians that support Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on Monday to recognize two separatist territories in eastern Ukraine, Donetsk and Luhansk, as independent states and ordered Russian troops to deploy on a so-called "peacekeeping mission."

‘I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, “This is genius.” Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine – of Ukraine. Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful,’ Trump said.

‘So, Putin is now saying, “It’s independent”, a large section of Ukraine. I said, “How smart is that?” And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper.

‘That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re going to keep peace, all right. No, but think of it. Here’s a guy who’s very savvy.’
Sure dumbass.
Trump walked away from an agreement with his daddy.

No other president before him did.
So, why didn't anyone give up on "peace" in the middle east?

"Russia admitted to building a new missile system but wouldn’t let NATO inspect it".

You're FOS.

So far, 2019 is definitely not the best year for arms control, with the INF Treaty dead, the New START treaty extension in limbo and the Open Skies Treaty under increasing pressure.

However, a glimmer of hope appeared late last month when Russia’s Defense Ministry showed its new Avangard hypersonic missile system to U.S. inspectors under the provisions of the New START treaty.

Avangard — reportedly labeled the SS-19 Mod 4 by the U.S. — is one of Russia’s newest and most advanced weapons systems. President Vladimir Putin first announced its development in a March 2018 speech — along with a slew of other new weapons.

By all accounts, it must have been quite tricky for Russia to have followed each letter of the treaty when it allowed the recent U.S. inspection, as the Avangard likely uses both a new payload type as well as some modernization of the booster as well. It remains to be seen how satisfied the U.S. side will be.

It was you dear leader who walked away just like his daddy wanted him to.
NOW, who knows WTF they have, thanks Trump.

Nice try.
Here is the reason it was ended:

Also on 1 February 2019, NATO Allies said that unless Russia honoured its INF Treaty obligations through the verifiable destruction of all of its 9M729 systems, thereby returning to full and verifiable compliance, Russia would bear sole responsibility for the end of the Treaty. NATO Allies also made clear that NATO would continue to closely review the security implications of Russian intermediate-range missiles and would continue to take steps necessary to ensure the credibility and effectiveness of the Alliance's overall deterrence and defence posture.

On 15 February 2019, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg recalled at the Munich Security Conference that "it was on this very stage, at the Munich Security Conference in 2007, this was the place that President Putin first publically expressed his desire for Russia to leave the INF Treaty. A treaty that is only respected by one side will not keep us safe".

The Alliance did everything in its remit to encourage Russia to return to compliance before 2 August 2019 so as to preserve the INF Treaty

On 2 August 2019, the United States’ decision to withdraw from the Treaty took effect. NATO Allies issued a statement fully supporting the US decision, and attributing “sole responsibility” for the Treaty’s demise to Russia. The statement made clear that NATO would respond in a “measured and responsible way” to the risks posed by Russia’s SSC-8 system, with a “balanced, coordinated and defensive package of measures,” ensuring credible and effective deterrence and defence. Allies also made clear their firm commitment to the preservation of effective international arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation.


You support "American" politicians that support Russia.
More garbage from you . While she is a Green Freak on many things...........She is a woman of Honor who fought for this country while sleezy politicians like Biden Laundered money in Ukraine.

She would have NEVER LEFT ANYONE BEHIND IN AFGHANISTAN........and we would have left.

She would have never sent the BIMBO to Ukraine to fan the flames.......the HO went we want NATO in Ukraine. Good job HO.

She called out Clinton during that election over here using our forces as the World's police Force and REFUSED TO MARCH LOCK STEP WITH YOUR CLUB. For that she was CALLED RUSSIAN

Another stinking LIE..........You are a professional......The EPA ISN'T GIVING OUT DRILLING PERMITS DUMBASS........ass.......fitting symbol of the DNC.

Last I heard the main area of Leases needing Permits are NOT OIL RIGS ............Now please tell me how the fuck you float an OIL RIG ONTO LAND............HMMM

Bottom line MOONBAT...........Biden from DAY ONE ATTACKED OIL...........Want 700,000 oil from Canada to Texas.........Then also approve the Keystone Pipeline deal. Would you rather buy oil from Canada or your BUDDIES IN RUSSIA COMRAD?

Biden has been PUTIN'S BEST FRIEND..........Jacking up oil prices is the best dang thing that could happen for PUTIN.


Damn straight it's his fault. No permits........NO DRILLING.

Your party are LYING SACKS.

Imbecile, the Keystone XL pipeline was already shutdown before Biden became president.
Ask your boy Biden.............He was the one doing deals with his coke head son there.........The firm he worked for magically got billions in contracts in China after Airforce 2 left.

Imagine that.

You're parroting FOX.................AGAIN.
When are Hannity, Carlson, and Ingraham going to testify?
You're parroting FOX.................AGAIN.
When are Hannity, Carlson, and Ingraham going to testify?
More saying I go to them to ask them what I have permission to say. lmao.

More Democraptic Underground talking points from you.

I asked will Taiwan be next? Given we have the payed off clown in office............What will he do if they do? What would you want done if they attack Taiwan?

Speak into the microphone.
The days of cheap gas are over. The oil companies can charge whatever they want.

Better get used to it because without it, that vehicle of yours is nothing more than an expensive lawn ornament.
Why is it over? Once the Dim henchmen are gone in November then Poopeypants later we can start to support America and its citizens again right Dimmer??
A fine example of radical leftist moral relativity. They claim Russia is our mortal enemy yet excuse purchasing Russian oil on the grounds "someone else" will buy our share if we do not. These people can rationalize any evil one can imagine. I suppose you rationalize inner city thugs shooting children because if thugs don't shoot kids someone else shall? Madness.
Your talking points are failing you at a record pace.
I don't give a damn what he says.............I don't watch him ............

Why are you fuckers screwing America again............That is why I call you Locusts.

Want to be tough on Russia .........Pull up the armies to Ukraine's Border and tell Putin to GET THE FUCK OUT.

Or have you LOST YOUR BALLS AGAIN..............HMM
You should join your like minded brethren in a “freedom convoy” and drive 5,000 miles to protest high gas prices. :laugh2:
More saying I go to them to ask them what I have permission to say. lmao.

More Democraptic Underground talking points from you.

I asked will Taiwan be next? Given we have the payed off clown in office............What will he do if they do? What would you want done if they attack Taiwan?

Speak into the microphone.
Where else would you get their talking points?

AM radio and FOX.

Trump is the one who got a $1billion check from China, so naturally, Trumptards are going to try to gaslight, that only works on other Trumptards.

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)May 13, 2018

Trump did not mention in that tweet or its follow-ups that on Thursday, the developer of a theme park resort outside of Jakarta had signed a deal to receive as much as $500 million in Chinese government loans, as well as another $500 million from Chinese banks, according to Agence France-Presse. Trump’s family business, the Trump Organization, has a deal to license the Trump name to the resort, which includes a golf course and hotels.

Drop sanctions, get a $1 billion check from China.
Where else would you get their talking points?

AM radio and FOX.

Trump is the one who got a $1billion check from China, so naturally, Trumptards are going to try to gaslight, that only works on other Trumptards.

Trump did not mention in that tweet or its follow-ups that on Thursday, the developer of a theme park resort outside of Jakarta had signed a deal to receive as much as $500 million in Chinese government loans, as well as another $500 million from Chinese banks, according to Agence France-Presse. Trump’s family business, the Trump Organization, has a deal to license the Trump name to the resort, which includes a golf course and hotels.

Drop sanctions, get a $1 billion check from China.
More deflection.............YOU OWN THE HIGH GAS PRICES.............ALL we need to do is push that and remind the people of the FASCISM DURING COVID in November.

A War to shift the Covid news for you..........You needed something big for that. A WAR.......People in this country HATE YOUR GUTS for what happened in Covid and the massive inflation now.


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