As President Trump predicted, under Biden we’d be paying $7 for a gallon of gas.

Why is it over? Once the Dim henchmen are gone in November then Poopeypants later we can start to support America and its citizens again right Dimmer??

So which is it? Democrats stole the 2020 election? Or Republicans are gonna win in 2022?
More deflection.............YOU OWN THE HIGH GAS PRICES.............ALL we need to do is push that and remind the people of the FASCISM DURING COVID in November.
Yeah, Trumptard talking points.
It's Biden's fault, oil companies aren't drilling?
Of course, you want to nationalize oil companies, like Russia and Venezuela and force the oil companies to drill, while you whine about permits.

All we need to do in November is remind people of traitors.


A War to shift the Covid news for you..........You needed something big for that. A WAR.......People in this country HATE YOUR GUTS for what happened in Covid and the massive inflation now.
Of course, start a war because of covid?

And you claim NOT to watch Carlson?
Your side did and the retards still voted them in.
It doesn't matter in the slightest.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

And your Orange Baboon-God was about as "wrong" as wrong can be, with respect to American representative democracy.

A traitorous, ignorant, arrogant, un-American pig, who incited his followers to riot on January 6, 2021, in order to retain his hold on political power.

January 6, 2021, cancels any good that he may have done or any prediction he may have made or ever will make.

Never again.

It's not his agenda.

It's HIM.

He is unfit for high office or to hold the sacred trust of the American People to lead them.

Never again.
LOL of course, it’s only America Last Agenda for you people.

CCP and Ukraine first.
Yeah, Trumptard talking points.
It's Biden's fault, oil companies aren't drilling?
Of course, you want to nationalize oil companies, like Russia and Venezuela and force the oil companies to drill, while you whine about permits.

All we need to do in November is remind people of traitors.

View attachment 612969

Of course, start a war because of covid?

And you claim NOT to watch Carlson?

Your side did and the retards still voted them in.
Now you change the subject and play the jan 6th picture.


Biden and the left ATTACKED FOSSIL FUELS............and OWN THESE GAS PRICES...........Only way they can sell their HIGH DOLLAR SOLAR PANELS.
TDS and LIES................Russia violated the INF TREATY. Got called on it.

And you would have us HONOR IT as they put new missile systems in direct violation of the Treaty.

Screw you.
Smokin' is just your typical America hating leftist lying sack of shit.
Still asking? Why is this on Biden? We are one of the largest producers, with a strong domestic oil and gas industry. We have actually produced more oil. It is at record numbers, and we will continue to produce more oil. There are 9,000 approved drilling permits that are not being used. So, the suggestion that we are not allowing companies to drill is inaccurate. The suggestion that that is what is hindering or preventing gas prices to come down is inaccurate.
Biden was vice president for 8 years ?

Been in politics forever?
Nice try.
Here is the reason it was ended:

Also on 1 February 2019, NATO Allies said that unless Russia honoured its INF Treaty obligations through the verifiable destruction of all of its 9M729 systems, thereby returning to full and verifiable compliance, Russia would bear sole responsibility for the end of the Treaty. NATO Allies also made clear that NATO would continue to closely review the security implications of Russian intermediate-range missiles and would continue to take steps necessary to ensure the credibility and effectiveness of the Alliance's overall deterrence and defence posture.

On 15 February 2019, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg recalled at the Munich Security Conference that "it was on this very stage, at the Munich Security Conference in 2007, this was the place that President Putin first publically expressed his desire for Russia to leave the INF Treaty. A treaty that is only respected by one side will not keep us safe".

The Alliance did everything in its remit to encourage Russia to return to compliance before 2 August 2019 so as to preserve the INF Treaty

On 2 August 2019, the United States’ decision to withdraw from the Treaty took effect. NATO Allies issued a statement fully supporting the US decision, and attributing “sole responsibility” for the Treaty’s demise to Russia. The statement made clear that NATO would respond in a “measured and responsible way” to the risks posed by Russia’s SSC-8 system, with a “balanced, coordinated and defensive package of measures,” ensuring credible and effective deterrence and defence. Allies also made clear their firm commitment to the preservation of effective international arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation.

Smokin' is getting his ass kicked on every page of this thread.

No, fucking moron, we claim he gave arms to the Mujahideen. a precursor to the Taliban.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

No, I have seen countless claims that he gave arms to the Taliban. Progs always use the term "Taliban" when they refer to the aid that Reagan gave to defeat the Russians in Afghanistan.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

You people are morons. Permits have to be issued before exploration can begin. Just because there’s a permit doesn’t mean there’s anything to get.

I wouldn’t expect anyone so shit ass stupid as you to understand how all of this works.
Great. Now how long will it take then to get through the 9k already available? Will making more available somehow expedite that process?

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