As President Trump predicted, under Biden we’d be paying $7 for a gallon of gas.

thats right, but he is a Trump white house insider, and knows all the goings on in there.
Bolton is only the latest addition to the long list of Trump appointees ("only the best people") who have achieved the Cry Baby Loser's voluminous vendetta list by refusing to lie for him - Sessions, Tillerson, Mattis, Kelly, etc., etc., etc. - all extolled, then later crapped upon.

The Loser's litmus test for Republican primary endorsements is a shameless display of mindless, amoral devotion - Surrender principle unconditionally to Trumpery, or the Loser will be very, very pissy.
Isn’t it amazing how lefties are incapable of admitting they were wrong?

Biden declared war on American energy the first day he was installed. All these lefty idiots think we can just magically change everything over to “alternative” and “green” energy.

Instead of admitting they were wrong, and we should go back to being independent and making cheap gas, they would rather everyone suffer, and make up some bullshit lie that it’s “for a good cause”. Look at all the hate on this thread, all lefties can do is hurl insults.
Bolton is only the latest addition to the long list of Trump appointees ("only the best people") who have achieved the Cry Baby Loser's voluminous vendetta list by refusing to lie for him - Sessions, Tillerson, Mattis, Kelly, etc., etc., etc. - all extolled, then later crapped upon.

The Loser's litmus test for Republican primary endorsements is a shameless display of mindless, amoral devotion - Surrender principle unconditionally to Trumpery, or the Loser will be very, very pissy.
Bolton is a warmongering neocon who hated Trump since months before he got canned.
Bolton is a warmongering neocon who hated Trump since months before he got canned.
Bolton was Trump's chosen national defense adviser who became intimately knowledgable concerning the Cry Baby Loser's relationship to Putin who had interfered in a U.S. election to help him, and to Zenenskyy who had refused to contrive fake charges against his political opponent, despite the Loser withholding vitally-needed military aid to pressure him to do so.

Bolton was just one in a long line of Trump's "best people" who refused to kowtow, stood on principle, and made the Loser throw tantrumps reviling them. The pattern has been well-established.

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Bolton was Trump's chosen national defense adviser who became intimately knowledgable concerning the Cry Baby Loser's relationship to Putin who had interfered in a U.S. election to help him, and to Zenenskyy who had refused to contrive fake charges against his political opponent, despite the Loser withholding vitally-needed military aid to pressure him to do so.

Bolton was just one in a long line of Trump's "best people" who refused to kowtow, stood on principle, and made the Loser throw tantrumps reviling them. The pattern has been well-established.

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Why waste my time debating with liars?

Nobody would ever believe a Biden Nut Nuzzler like you voted for Reagan, Dumbass. Nobody.


What you believe doesn't actually matter. You're a dumbfuck. I've pointed out many times on this forum that I voted for Reagan and why I voted for Reagan.


What you believe doesn't actually matter. You're a dumbfuck. I've pointed out many times on this forum that I voted for Reagan and why I voted for Reagan.

Yeah, right. We all believe you voted for Reagan. Every prog in this forum voted for Reagan. At least, that's what they claim.
I didn't put words in your mouth. I simply explained why I'[m not responding to your trash.
That's obvious. You are incapable of challenging the documented reality I cite that you don't like with credible evidence. Your ideological dogma prevents you from handling it.

Politics isn't the weird worship of one dude - especially one too weak to honestly confront his election defeat.
This is Trump's doing.

Trump did not launch any missiles at Russian assets. Putin used mercenaries to attack US troops in Syria. Nikki Haley promised tough action against Putin. Trump overruled this. Trump also withdrew from Syria, leaving Russia in control and a air base that the US was using.

Biden took nothing from Russia or China. Another piece of bullshit by you.

The XL pipeline has been opposed by native Americans, local businesses and ranchers. It is environmentally dangerous as the oil is extremely corrosive and leaks are certain and hard to find.

Biden did not tell Putin he could go into Ukraine. Trump has lied about the country and praised Putin.

Biden did not shut down the China anti-espionage program. He just re-branded it as the threats come from various countries not just China.

The agreement with Iran was supported by the rest of the world. Biden is trying to broker a new deal.
Your brain is fried. Putin is impressed by your zeal in promoting propaganda to prop up his favorite puppet EmperorShitzHizPantz.

Because of Wooden Head Pinnochio's weakness and encouraging Putin to attack Ukraine, we may be heading in to a World Wide Depression, which is exactly what The Great Reset Loons want so they can promote and impose their digital cashless tyranny upon us all.
That's obvious. You are incapable of challenging the documented reality I cite that you don't like with credible evidence. Your ideological dogma prevents you from handling it.

Politics isn't the weird worship of one dude - especially one too weak to honestly confront his election defeat.
You cited trash. I'm not going to waste my time wrestling with a pig.

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