As President Trump predicted, under Biden we’d be paying $7 for a gallon of gas.

The nation's top oil and gas trade group, the American Petroleum Institute, issued a statement urging the administration "to move expeditiously to follow the court's order and lift the federal leasing pause."

The Center for Biological Diversity environmental group said in a statement the order "turns a blind eye to runaway climate pollution that's devastating our planet."

The judge's decision, which applies to onshore and offshore leasing nationwide, will remain in effect pending the final resolution of the case or orders from higher courts, according to a court document.

In the ruling, Judge Terry Doughty of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana said the states had met the requirements to establish that they would suffer injury from the pause on new oil and gas leases.

"Millions and possibly billions of dollars are at stake," Doughty wrote.
JUNE of 2021, you fucking IDIOT.
You're right, RETARD.
Do you know why?

The EPA doesn't issue drilling permits, "genius".
No shit Sherlock..........They can sure as HELL BLOCK THEM........GENIUS.......

They use them to stop drilling permits over SAVE THE PLANET...........

I just showed how you GREEN WENNIES are suing to stop the drilling.....and got an injunction in court to do so...........OVER ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS.

I also just showed you COURTS ORDERING DRILLING PERMITS from Biden...........If he was for OIL THEN WHY IS HE BEING SUED???????

Permits only allow the oil companies to explore for oil, dumbass.
The companies are the ones who put in requests for permits, not politicians.

Then ISSUE THE FUCKING PERMITS........That is the issue MOONBAT
Sure, idiot.
Republicans sure enjoyed Moscow.

July 5 2018
A group of GOP lawmakers spent July 4 in Moscow after several days of meetings with Russian officials, according to NPR.

The group, which included seven Republican senators and one House member, was the first congressional delegation to visit Russia since the country’s annexation of Crimea in 2014.

The GOP lawmakers, Sen. Richard Shelby (Ala.), Steve Daines (Mont.), John Thune (S.D.), John Kennedy (La.), Jerry Moran (Kan.) and John Hoeven (N.D.), and Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas), spent July 4 in Moscow’s U.S. Embass.
And what was their purpose there IDIOT........Since when are politicians not allowed to go talk over issues with other countries?


You're FOS, as usual.
Oil companies have over 9000 oil drilling permit on federal land, let alone all the others.
Saying the same LIE OVER AND OVER AGAIN doesn't change anything MR. PRAVDA.........

I've shown that the oil companies have had to SUE TO DRILL..........You can have a lease but if you can't DRILL YOU WASTED YOUR MONEY.

For Trump to make this "prediction", he must have known about Putin's invasion plans.

Which, of course, doesn't surprise in the least.
I wouldn't doubt that trump thought Crimea SHOULD belong to Russia.

June 14 2018
President Donald Trump told world leaders at the G7 summit that Crimea, a contested territory south of Ukraine, is part of Russia because everyone there speaks Russian.

Trump made the remarks at a Friday night dinner during the recent G7 summit in Québec, Canada.
I wouldn't doubt that trump thought Crimea SHOULD belong to Russia.

June 14 2018
President Donald Trump told world leaders at the G7 summit that Crimea, a contested territory south of Ukraine, is part of Russia because everyone there speaks Russian.

Trump made the remarks at a Friday night dinner during the recent G7 summit in Québec, Canada.
MORE TDS..............

Who's watch did Crimea FALL UNDER..........Obama..............MOONBAT.

Now you are 2 for 2. Did he invade Ukraine with Trump.............why no he didn't.......


Now your side is doing what it is good at...........Fucking over every American with High Gas prices.

You are LOCUSTS.

Again.........Green Freaks stopping oil.

Why don't you put them on a leash...........huh
Apologist for oil companies, making the US sell it's oil on the open market.

December 29 2015
The United States lifted a 40-year ban on oil exports on Friday, marking a historic shift for the booming US oil industry.

The measure was included in a massive $1.1 trillion spending bill that easily passed Congress and now heads to the desk of President Barack Obama for his signature.

While many Democrats opposed it, major oil companies who lobbied hard for lifting the ban, arguing it would create US jobs and boost the security of Washington's European allies.

"The facts are clear: lifting the ban is good for consumers, our economy, national security and energy security," said Senator Heidi Heitkamp of oil-rich Nork Dakota.


Apologist for oil companies, making the US sell it's oil on the open market.

December 29 2015
The United States lifted a 40-year ban on oil exports on Friday, marking a historic shift for the booming US oil industry.

The measure was included in a massive $1.1 trillion spending bill that easily passed Congress and now heads to the desk of President Barack Obama for his signature.

While many Democrats opposed it, major oil companies who lobbied hard for lifting the ban, arguing it would create US jobs and boost the security of Washington's European allies.

"The facts are clear: lifting the ban is good for consumers, our economy, national security and energy security," said Senator Heidi Heitkamp of oil-rich Nork Dakota.
So now you go back to Obama Biden era............where Obama got sued over drilling permits.........Had high gas prices then too.

MORE TDS..............

Who's watch did Crimea FALL UNDER..........Obama..............MOONBAT.

Now you are 2 for 2. Did he invade Ukraine with Trump.............why no he didn't.......


Now your side is doing what it is good at...........Fucking over every American with High Gas prices.

You are LOCUSTS.

You're FOS, as usual.

March 17 2014
U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday slapped sanctions on two top aides to President Vladimir Putin and nine other people linked to Russia’s military incursion into Crimea as tensions increased between the two countries over the Ukraine crisis.

Obama made clear the United States was prepared to impose more sanctions if Russia formally annexed Crimea in response to a weekend referendum in the region that Washington and its allies called illegitimate.

December 19 2016
The sanctions imposed by the U.S. against the Russian government on Thursday were both the culmination of U.S.-Russia relations that are at perhaps their lowest point since the end of the Cold War and an assertive act by President Obama to punish Russia before he leaves office.

The sanctions announced on Thursday by the U.S. follow punishments adopted by both the American government and the European Union in 2014, after Russia took control of Crimea. Obama’s actions on Thursday included imposing sanctions against Russia’s intelligence apparatus and expelling 35 diplomats.

August 27 2019
President Trump wants Russia back in the group of leading democracies, the G-7, which used to be called the G-8. But today, several senators wrote to Trump saying Russia doesn't belong. Other members of the G-7 agree. But Trump has been consistent and persistent on readmitting Russia.
You're FOS, as usual.

March 17 2014
U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday slapped sanctions on two top aides to President Vladimir Putin and nine other people linked to Russia’s military incursion into Crimea as tensions increased between the two countries over the Ukraine crisis.

Obama made clear the United States was prepared to impose more sanctions if Russia formally annexed Crimea in response to a weekend referendum in the region that Washington and its allies called illegitimate.

December 19 2016
The sanctions imposed by the U.S. against the Russian government on Thursday were both the culmination of U.S.-Russia relations that are at perhaps their lowest point since the end of the Cold War and an assertive act by President Obama to punish Russia before he leaves office.

The sanctions announced on Thursday by the U.S. follow punishments adopted by both the American government and the European Union in 2014, after Russia took control of Crimea. Obama’s actions on Thursday included imposing sanctions against Russia’s intelligence apparatus and expelling 35 diplomats.

August 27 2019
President Trump wants Russia back in the group of leading democracies, the G-7, which used to be called the G-8. But today, several senators wrote to Trump saying Russia doesn't belong. Other members of the G-7 agree. But Trump has been consistent and persistent on readmitting Russia.
Yeah I remember that............Charged BOTS IN RUSSIA............

Ever catch any of them..................lmao

We charged bots in Russia with NO WAY OF PROSECUTING THEM..........Nice Job.............



Yeah I remember that............Charged BOTS IN RUSSIA............

Ever catch any of them..................lmao

We charged bots in Russia with NO WAY OF PROSECUTING THEM..........Nice Job.............



Sure like replitards even cared.

FOX News host Tucker Carlson wondered on Wednesday why the U.S. was supporting Ukraine and not Russia, amid a recent build up of Russian troops along the countries' shared border.

"Hold on, why would we take Ukraine's side and not Russia's side? It's a sincere question, if you're looking at America's perspective," Carlson said.

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