As President Trump predicted, under Biden we’d be paying $7 for a gallon of gas.

Biden’s attack on U.S. energy producers, starting with his freeze on federal oil and gas leases, will assuredly take a toll on output down the road and cause prices at the pump to rise.

Instead of attempting to build on that achievement, Biden has tried to bury it. Upon taking office President Biden immediately froze arms sales to the UAE, which had been promised as part of the deal. He next halted military aid to the Saudi war in Yemen and rescinded the terrorist organization designation applied to the Houthis by President Trump, emboldening that group to step up their attacks on Saudi Arabia.

Travelers this summer may get a preview of what Biden’s anti-oil policies will come to mean for their pocketbooks. Right out of the gate, Biden curtsied to the climate warriors by canceling the Keystone Pipeline and, more consequentially, pausing the leasing of federal lands for oil and gas development. Federal lands account for about 22 percent of U.S. oil production.

Oil companies have thousands of leases that they have not done anything with. They have not even re-opened the oil rigs that were closed due to the drop in demand during the pandemic.

Biden did not cancel the deal with the UAE. He suspended it for review but approved it in April. The UAE decided to postpone the deal. If the Houthis are such a threat then why did Trump wait until Jan 11 , which was 8 days before he left office, to make the designation? Yemen desperately needs aid as the country faces massive starvation.

So, there you have it folks. The “9,000 leases” malarkey is just that. A lie, and further Biden pressured banks just two weeks ago to not invest in oil projects….
Cool story. Reality says otherwise. You voted for Talibans Bitch *Joe and are responsible for the death and destruction his incompetence causes.
reality is from those who were around Trump while he was president.

and its Trump who likes the taliban

Biden was just following thru on the Doha agreement that Trump signed onto.
Oil companies have thousands of leases that they have not done anything with. They have not even re-opened the oil rigs that were closed due to the drop in demand during the pandemic.

Biden did not cancel the deal with the UAE. He suspended it for review but approved it in April. The UAE decided to postpone the deal. If the Houthis are such a threat then why did Trump wait until Jan 11 , which was 8 days before he left office, to make the designation? Yemen desperately needs aid as the country faces massive starvation.
You obviously have no clue how oil leases work.

And try to blame Trump? Pathetic.
reality is from those who were around Trump while he was president.

and its Trump who likes the taliban

Biden was just following thru on the Doha agreement that Trump signed onto.
Quote the part of Trumps deal that Surrender Joe followed.

Not a single one of you lying sacks of shit have been able to do this.
reality is from those who were around Trump while he was president.

and its Trump who likes the taliban

Biden was just following thru on the Doha agreement that Trump signed onto.
No one held a gun to his head and forced him to do that.

The claim that Trump likes the Taliban is pure prog fantasy. There is simply no limit to the idiocy of the claims progs make.
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No one held a gun to his head and forced him to do that.

The claim that Trump likes the Taliban is pure prog fantasy. There is simply no limit to the idiocy of the claims progs make.
its from Trump himself.
Russia was already violating that treaty and had missiles pointing at Europe.
You're a moron.
Russia had missiles pointed at Europe and US/Europe had missiles pointed at Russia since the 80's.
It was the amount and type as to why they made the treaty in the first place.
You dont Honor an agreement when one has already broken the deal.
So, you just give up, like Trump did?
Reagan didn't.
Bush didn't.
Clinton didn't,
Jr. didn't.
Obama didn't.

Trump did, just like his daddy wanted.
Doesnt matter. One SSBN from either side can destroy the other side.

MAD theory you Moonbat
You must be a "genius" like Trump.

August 3 2016
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump asked a foreign policy adviser multiple times in an hourlong briefing why the U.S. can’t use its nuclear weapons.

“Several months ago, a foreign policy expert went to advise Donald Trump." “And three times he asked about the use of nuclear weapons — three times he asked. At one point, ‘If we have them, why can’t we use them?’”

He has openly suggested that major powers such as Japan, South Korea and Saudi Arabia obtain nuclear weapons, in what experts say could lead to a dramatic proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Trump later appeared to walk the statement back, though his position has been hard to pin down.

Separately, the GOP nominee has refused to rule out using nuclear weapons in Europe or against extremists such as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

"I don't want to take cards off the table; I'd never do that,” Trump said in March.
LOL, the INF treaty had already been violated by Russia during the Obama years. If President Trump would had kept us in it, then we would be bound by its restrictions and Russia wasn’t. NATO allies agreed we should pull out if Russia did not comply. Russia admitted to building a new missile system but wouldn’t let NATO inspect it. Only a pro-Russian stooge would had kept us bound to a treaty that was already being violated by Russia. Which is EXACTLY what your beloved Hussein did.

Nice try though.
Sure dumbass.
Trump walked away from an agreement with his daddy.

No other president before him did.
So, why didn't anyone give up on "peace" in the middle east?

"Russia admitted to building a new missile system but wouldn’t let NATO inspect it".

You're FOS.

So far, 2019 is definitely not the best year for arms control, with the INF Treaty dead, the New START treaty extension in limbo and the Open Skies Treaty under increasing pressure.

However, a glimmer of hope appeared late last month when Russia’s Defense Ministry showed its new Avangard hypersonic missile system to U.S. inspectors under the provisions of the New START treaty.

Avangard — reportedly labeled the SS-19 Mod 4 by the U.S. — is one of Russia’s newest and most advanced weapons systems. President Vladimir Putin first announced its development in a March 2018 speech — along with a slew of other new weapons.

By all accounts, it must have been quite tricky for Russia to have followed each letter of the treaty when it allowed the recent U.S. inspection, as the Avangard likely uses both a new payload type as well as some modernization of the booster as well. It remains to be seen how satisfied the U.S. side will be.

It was you dear leader who walked away just like his daddy wanted him to.
NOW, who knows WTF they have, thanks Trump.

So, there you have it folks. The “9,000 leases” malarkey is just that. A lie, and further Biden pressured banks just two weeks ago to not invest in oil projects….
The left are PROFESSIONAL LIARS...............It's all they are.............They only care about power and control.......They don't care who they screw or get killed in the process.

Then these clowns on this board TRY VIRTUE SIGNALING on how it is our PATRIOTIC DUTY TO GET SCREWED BY THEM..........As they PARROT THE LIES.

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