As President Trump predicted, under Biden we’d be paying $7 for a gallon of gas.

Sure dumbass.
Trump walked away from an agreement with his daddy.

No other president before him did.
So, why didn't anyone give up on "peace" in the middle east?

"Russia admitted to building a new missile system but wouldn’t let NATO inspect it".

You're FOS.

So far, 2019 is definitely not the best year for arms control, with the INF Treaty dead, the New START treaty extension in limbo and the Open Skies Treaty under increasing pressure.

However, a glimmer of hope appeared late last month when Russia’s Defense Ministry showed its new Avangard hypersonic missile system to U.S. inspectors under the provisions of the New START treaty.

Avangard — reportedly labeled the SS-19 Mod 4 by the U.S. — is one of Russia’s newest and most advanced weapons systems. President Vladimir Putin first announced its development in a March 2018 speech — along with a slew of other new weapons.

By all accounts, it must have been quite tricky for Russia to have followed each letter of the treaty when it allowed the recent U.S. inspection, as the Avangard likely uses both a new payload type as well as some modernization of the booster as well. It remains to be seen how satisfied the U.S. side will be.

It was you dear leader who walked away just like his daddy wanted him to.
NOW, who knows WTF they have, thanks Trump.

The U.S. said last month it would withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty in six months unless Moscow ends what Washington says are violations of the 1987 pact. Russia, which denies flouting the accord and has accused Washington of breaking it itself, announced it was suspending the treaty.

“We can’t destroy the 9M729 [missile] complexes, which Washington had declared in violation of the treaty without any reason,” Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement on its website.

The missile, the Novator 9M729, is known as the SSC-8 by NATO.

By all accounts, it must have been quite tricky for Russia to have followed each letter of the treaty when it allowed the recent U.S. inspection, as the Avangard likely uses both a new payload type as well as some modernization of the booster as well. It remains to be seen how satisfied the U.S. side will be.

It was you dear leader who walked away just like his daddy wanted him to.
NOW, who knows WTF they have, thanks Trump.
TDS and LIES................Russia violated the INF TREATY. Got called on it.

And you would have us HONOR IT as they put new missile systems in direct violation of the Treaty.

Screw you.
Because Biden and Dem SCUM campaigned on attacking the USA oil industry and started attacking them only hours after Biden was sworn in. Dems can run but they can't hide from their anti oil policies and angry voters, they will pay dearly this Nov.
There will be blood.

President Trump told NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg during a meeting in 2018 that the Western alliance, particularly Germany, is "totally controlled" by Russia through oil and gas deals.

"We're supposed to protect you against Russia but they're paying billions of dollars to Russia?" Trump asked. "I think that's very inappropriate."

"And the former Chancellor of Germany is the head of the pipeline company that is supplying the gas. Ultimately, Germany will have almost 70% of their country controlled by Russia with natural gas. So you tell me, is that appropriate? I've been complaining about this from the time I got in."

Trump called on Germany to "step it up" on their contribution to NATO immediately, "not 10 years from now."

"Germany as far as I am concerned is captive to Russia ... we're supposed to protect Germany while they are getting their energy from Russia, explain that," Trump asked the NATO Secretary-General.

Trump called it "very unfair" to the United States and its taxpayers.

"The gas pipeline from Russia to Germany is one issue where allies disagree," NATO Secretary-General Stoltenburg replied to Trump.

Since you people are INFECTED WITH TDS.........GO GET THE JAB.........There is Trump in his own words saying STOP BUYING PUTIN'S OIL...........AND ARM THE FUCK UP.
The left are PROFESSIONAL LIARS...............It's all they are.............They only care about power and control.......They don't care who they screw or get killed in the process.

Then these clowns on this board TRY VIRTUE SIGNALING on how it is our PATRIOTIC DUTY TO GET SCREWED BY THEM..........As they PARROT THE LIES.
Sure, retard.

The head of the biggest U.S. oil lobby groups said the Biden administration is “misusing facts” when it claims the industry has more than 9,000 federal drilling permits on which it can drill to boost supply and ease soaring energy prices.

Lobby group?

Mike Sommers, the chief executive officer of the American Petroleum Institute, who was in Houston Monday for CERAWeek by S&P Global, said the industry is using a higher percentage of federal onshore and offshore leases than at any time in the past, and it’s continuing to increase production to meet surging demand.

“Just because you have a lease doesn’t mean there’s actually oil and gas in that lease, and there has to be a lot of development that occurs between the leasing and then ultimately permitting for that acreage to be productive,” he said. “I think that they’re purposefully misusing the facts here to advantage their position.”

Then why did you lease it?

"This represents a fundamental misunderstanding as to how this process works," American Petroleum Institute (API) president and CEO Mike Sommers told FOX Business when asked about Psaki's comments. "Once you lease land there is a whole process that you have to go through. First you have to actually discover whether actually there is oil and gas in that land. Second of all, you have to get a permit to actually develop that land."

So, why are republitards whining when it takes this long?

It's Biden's fault oil companies are NOT drilling?
The head of the biggest U.S. oil lobby groups said the Biden administration is “misusing facts” when it claims the industry has more than 9,000 federal drilling permits on which it can drill to boost supply and ease soaring energy prices.
Another stinking LIE..........You are a professional......The EPA ISN'T GIVING OUT DRILLING PERMITS DUMBASS........ass.......fitting symbol of the DNC.

Mike Sommers, the chief executive officer of the American Petroleum Institute, who was in Houston Monday for CERAWeek by S&P Global, said the industry is using a higher percentage of federal onshore and offshore leases than at any time in the past, and it’s continuing to increase production to meet surging demand.
Last I heard the main area of Leases needing Permits are NOT OIL RIGS ............Now please tell me how the fuck you float an OIL RIG ONTO LAND............HMMM

Bottom line MOONBAT...........Biden from DAY ONE ATTACKED OIL...........Want 700,000 oil from Canada to Texas.........Then also approve the Keystone Pipeline deal. Would you rather buy oil from Canada or your BUDDIES IN RUSSIA COMRAD?

Biden has been PUTIN'S BEST FRIEND..........Jacking up oil prices is the best dang thing that could happen for PUTIN.


It's Biden's fault oil companies are NOT drilling?
Damn straight it's his fault. No permits........NO DRILLING.

Your party are LYING SACKS.

The U.S. said last month it would withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty in six months unless Moscow ends what Washington says are violations of the 1987 pact. Russia, which denies flouting the accord and has accused Washington of breaking it itself, announced it was suspending the treaty.

“We can’t destroy the 9M729 [missile] complexes, which Washington had declared in violation of the treaty without any reason,” Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement on its website.

The missile, the Novator 9M729, is known as the SSC-8 by NATO.

The U.S. said last month it would withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty in six months unless Moscow ends what Washington says are violations of the 1987 pact. Russia, which denies flouting the accord and has accused Washington of breaking it itself, announced it was suspending the treaty.

“We can’t destroy the 9M729 [missile] complexes, which Washington had declared in violation of the treaty without any reason,” Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement on its website.

The missile, the Novator 9M729, is known as the SSC-8 by NATO.

March 19 2019?

November 26 2019
Russia said it has showed its new hypersonic nuclear missile system to U.S. inspectors as part of a bilateral arms control treaty ahead of the missile’s deployment, Interfax reported Tuesday.

President Vladimir Putin said late last year that Russia would be ready to deploy the Avangard missile system in one year’s time. One of several new weapons announced in 2018, the Avangard was touted as a highly maneuverable weapon able to evade the United States’ missile defense systems.

The Biden Administration has delayed or stopped work on federal oil and gas leases and permits following a court ruling that struck down the Administration’s “social cost of carbon” metric to account for climate risk when holding lease sales or issuing permits.

Earlier this month, Judge James D. Cain, JR of a Louisiana district court granted a preliminary injunction sought by major fossil fuel-producing states in a lawsuit against the Biden Administration challenging the so-called “social cost of carbon” in rule-making and decision-making regarding lease sales.

As a result of this court ruling, the Administration has stopped or delayed work on leases, grants, permits, and rules so that agencies can assess whether and how they can proceed, the U.S. Justice Department said in a court filing on Saturday. In it, the Administration filed a motion for a stay pending appeal.


Sure, retard.

The head of the biggest U.S. oil lobby groups said the Biden administration is “misusing facts” when it claims the industry has more than 9,000 federal drilling permits on which it can drill to boost supply and ease soaring energy prices.

Lobby group?

Mike Sommers, the chief executive officer of the American Petroleum Institute, who was in Houston Monday for CERAWeek by S&P Global, said the industry is using a higher percentage of federal onshore and offshore leases than at any time in the past, and it’s continuing to increase production to meet surging demand.

“Just because you have a lease doesn’t mean there’s actually oil and gas in that lease, and there has to be a lot of development that occurs between the leasing and then ultimately permitting for that acreage to be productive,” he said. “I think that they’re purposefully misusing the facts here to advantage their position.”

Then why did you lease it?

"This represents a fundamental misunderstanding as to how this process works," American Petroleum Institute (API) president and CEO Mike Sommers told FOX Business when asked about Psaki's comments. "Once you lease land there is a whole process that you have to go through. First you have to actually discover whether actually there is oil and gas in that land. Second of all, you have to get a permit to actually develop that land."

So, why are republitards whining when it takes this long?

It's Biden's fault oil companies are NOT drilling?
So, now you’re smarter than the professionals eh?
March 19 2019?

November 26 2019
Russia said it has showed its new hypersonic nuclear missile system to U.S. inspectors as part of a bilateral arms control treaty ahead of the missile’s deployment, Interfax reported Tuesday.

President Vladimir Putin said late last year that Russia would be ready to deploy the Avangard missile system in one year’s time. One of several new weapons announced in 2018, the Avangard was touted as a highly maneuverable weapon able to evade the United States’ missile defense systems.
And your MOONBAT ASS thinks they developed a Hypersonic missile overnight.........They are constantly upgrading their systems.............JUST LIKE WE DO........They were going to build them no matter the INF treaty or not.

You are desperate to BLAME TRUMP on EVERYTHING........That is your purpose..........Russia violated the Treaty.......Why should we honor it when they don't. SPLAIN THAT.

And then you explain why Germany pushed for more oil from Russia as they invaded Ukraine? hmm.......

Trump policy tried to end that pipeline...........Biden was OK for it until the new Invasion........


For Trump to make this "prediction", he must have known about Putin's invasion plans.

Which, of course, doesn't surprise in the least.
Another dumbass who thinks Trump is still in power.

Why is your boy getting his collective ass kicked by Putin again?
Republicans and Democrats in Congress are united against buying oil from Russia. Why is it on Biden?
Everyone is United on no importing of Russian oil. What is on Biden is that he needs to take any and all steps to lower gas prices. If he continues to cater to the environmental extremists who don’t give a flying fuck about the US economy and American worker, then the backlash is necessarily on Biden and his handlers.

Thirteen states sued the Biden administration Wednesday to end a suspension of new oil and gas leases on federal land and water and to reschedule canceled sales of leases in the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska waters and western states.
The Republican-leaning states, led by Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, seek a court order ending the moratorium imposed after Democratic President Joe Biden signed executive orders on climate change on Jan. 27.

The suit specifically seeks an order that the government go ahead with a sale of oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico that had been scheduled for March 17 until it was canceled; and a lease sale that had been planned for this year in Alaska's Cook Inlet.
And it calls for other suspended lease sales to go forward. Sales also have been postponed for federal lands in Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Montana, Oklahoma, Nevada and New Mexico.
Biden and multiple federal agencies bypassed comment periods and other bureaucratic steps required before such delays can be undertaken, the states claim in the lawsuit, which was filed Wednesday in the federal court's Western District of Louisiana.
The Department of the Interior declined immediate comment.

The nation's top oil and gas trade group, the American Petroleum Institute, issued a statement urging the administration "to move expeditiously to follow the court's order and lift the federal leasing pause."

The Center for Biological Diversity environmental group said in a statement the order "turns a blind eye to runaway climate pollution that's devastating our planet."

The judge's decision, which applies to onshore and offshore leasing nationwide, will remain in effect pending the final resolution of the case or orders from higher courts, according to a court document.

In the ruling, Judge Terry Doughty of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana said the states had met the requirements to establish that they would suffer injury from the pause on new oil and gas leases.

"Millions and possibly billions of dollars are at stake," Doughty wrote.
Another stinking LIE..........You are a professional......The EPA ISN'T GIVING OUT DRILLING PERMITS DUMBASS........ass.......fitting symbol of the DNC.
You're right, RETARD.
Do you know why?

The EPA doesn't issue drilling permits, "genius".

January 27 2022
After years of federal lease sales to oil, gas and coal companies, environmentalists had hopes that President Joe Biden would end the fossil fuel bonanza.

But one year after announcing a halt to any new federal oil and gas leasing, Biden has outpaced Donald Trump in issuing drilling permits on public lands. After setting a record for the largest offshore lease sale last year in the Gulf of Mexico, the Interior Department plans to auction off oil and gas drilling rights on more than 200,000 acres across Western states by the end of March, followed by 1 million acres in the Cook Inlet, off the coast of Alaska.
Last I heard the main area of Leases needing Permits are NOT OIL RIGS ............Now please tell me how the fuck you float an OIL RIG ONTO LAND............HMMM

Permits only allow the oil companies to explore for oil, dumbass.
The companies are the ones who put in requests for permits, not politicians.
Bottom line MOONBAT...........Biden from DAY ONE ATTACKED OIL...........Want 700,000 oil from Canada to Texas.........Then also approve the Keystone Pipeline deal. Would you rather buy oil from Canada or your BUDDIES IN RUSSIA COMRAD?
Sure you fucking moron.
Shutting down a pipeline that hasn't transported ONE DROP of oil is creating a catastrophe in the market?
OIL that was destined to be exported, anyway.
Biden has been PUTIN'S BEST FRIEND..........Jacking up oil prices is the best dang thing that could happen for PUTIN.

Sure, idiot.
Republicans sure enjoyed Moscow.

July 5 2018
A group of GOP lawmakers spent July 4 in Moscow after several days of meetings with Russian officials, according to NPR.

The group, which included seven Republican senators and one House member, was the first congressional delegation to visit Russia since the country’s annexation of Crimea in 2014.

The GOP lawmakers, Sen. Richard Shelby (Ala.), Steve Daines (Mont.), John Thune (S.D.), John Kennedy (La.), Jerry Moran (Kan.) and John Hoeven (N.D.), and Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas), spent July 4 in Moscow’s U.S. Embass.

Damn straight it's his fault. No permits........NO DRILLING.

Your party are LYING SACKS.
You're FOS, as usual.
Oil companies have over 9000 oil drilling permit on federal land, let alone all the others.

So, you want the government out of your lives but want them to force companies to drill?

Thirteen states sued the Biden administration Wednesday to end a suspension of new oil and gas leases on federal land and water and to reschedule canceled sales of leases in the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska waters and western states.
The Republican-leaning states, led by Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, seek a court order ending the moratorium imposed after Democratic President Joe Biden signed executive orders on climate change on Jan. 27.

The suit specifically seeks an order that the government go ahead with a sale of oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico that had been scheduled for March 17 until it was canceled; and a lease sale that had been planned for this year in Alaska's Cook Inlet.
And it calls for other suspended lease sales to go forward. Sales also have been postponed for federal lands in Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Montana, Oklahoma, Nevada and New Mexico.
Biden and multiple federal agencies bypassed comment periods and other bureaucratic steps required before such delays can be undertaken, the states claim in the lawsuit, which was filed Wednesday in the federal court's Western District of Louisiana.
The Department of the Interior declined immediate comment.
MARCH of 2021, you fucking IDIOT.

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