As President Trump predicted, under Biden we’d be paying $7 for a gallon of gas.

Did you sleep through Economics 101? The price of anything is invariably higher when the supply of that commodity is low. And conversely, prices invariably drop when there is an abundance. We are at a point where oil prices are the highest ever, which means there's a short supply of oil and gas.

Now ask yourself this: Why would there be a shortage of oil and gas? because we ran out? Nope. Because the oil and gas companies are not producing? Correct.

Now why are they not producing under this President, when they were going balls to the wall under Trump? What possible reason would they have to restrain their production under Biden, a President who ran on a policy of shutting down American oil and gas industries, and is looking to Iran and Venezuela to make up the difference?

Let me know when you figure it out.
Biden belongs to The Satanic Earth Worshiping Cult known as The Church of The Holy Global Warming Shit Show.

Shit don't have to make sense when Senile Lunatics are in charge.

Thus sayeth The EmperorShitzHizPantz

Hell Shitler!
Yes, he was right! :up: In everything he was right!

Stupid tards kill me. You post a video of Trump saying something that has unequivocally come true with gas prices now being what they undeniably are, and they STILL cannot admit their folly!

TRUMP WAS RIGHT. I've never seen a president MORE right on so many things.

That makes Never-Trumpers and Trump-bashers either the dumbest fucks on the planet or all evil plants paid by China or Russia to come here trying to spread lies and propaganda.

BTW, look at this:

Screen Shot 2022-03-08 at 2.34.06 PM.png

The spell-checker doesn't know the word THAT:

Screen Shot 2022-03-08 at 2.34.24 PM.png

But it knows how to spell: Never-Trumpets, Never-Trampers, Never-Trumpery, and Never-Trumpeter(s).

Screen Shot 2022-03-08 at 2.34.41 PM.png

Obviously, a Left Coast crowd behind this.
Putin takes what he wants only when dems who wear mom jeans or dementia riddled fools, both weak, are in charge. Take Crimea and Ukraine for example.
Bolton says otherwise

That is your comeback that they are now arming up............You are a troll.
If you don't agree with the Republicans who support the President's ban on Russian oil imports, so be it.

Their agreeing with Biden's policy won't prevent them from whining about him.

Under Biden, U.S. companies are nearing record levels of oil and gas production, even though oil and gas companies now have millions of acres leased and 9,000 approved permits not being used to drill for oil.

The number of active oil rigs as of December, 2021 was up by 67% over the previous year. Natural gas production from fracking grew 6.8% in 2021 from the previous year.

As the President has made clear, defending democracy will mean a rise in fuel costs.
If you don't agree with the Republicans who support the President's ban on Russian oil imports, so be it.

Their agreeing with Biden's policy won't prevent them from whining about him.

Under Biden, U.S. companies are nearing record levels of oil and gas production, even though oil and gas companies now have millions of acres leased and 9,000 approved permits not being used to drill for oil.

The number of active oil rigs as of December, 2021 was up by 67% over the previous year. Natural gas production from fracking grew 6.8% in 2021 from the previous year.

As the President has made clear, defending democracy will mean a rise in fuel costs.
I didn't say not to ban Russia...........I said START FUCKING DRILLING AGAIN HERE MOONBAT..........He attacked oil from DAY ONE. Biden can go FUCK HIMSELF.........and so can you.
Worst damned inflation ......WORSE THAN CARTER

Your party are locusts............and had he had a set of balls and not owned Putin wouldn't have invaded.
I didn't say not to ban Russia...........I said START FUCKING DRILLING AGAIN HERE MOONBAT
If you are upset, Sunshine, with the oil and gas companies who now have millions of acres of the U.S. leased, and 9,000 approved permits not being used to drill for oil, that is a disparate matter, of course.
If you are upset, Sunshine, with the oil and gas companies who now have millions of acres of the U.S. leased, and 9,000 approved permits not being used to drill for oil, that is a disparate matter, of course.
Where are the fucking drilling permits MOONBAT? Heard you need to change your daddy's depends again.......Brandon needs you.
Where are the fucking drilling permits MOONBAT? Heard you need to change your daddy's depends again.......Brandon needs you.
Your impression of a Marjorie Taylor Green tantrum is a hoot!

U.S. oil companies have been reluctant to pump more, preferring to steer cash flows back to investors instead of spending it on new drilling that could flood the world with cheap crude.

In a coordinated policy to punish the "savvy genius", U.S. and other major economies have agreed to a coordinated release of 60 million barrels from stockpiles around the world, the International Energy Agency announced Tuesday.

If you can convince U.S. oil companies to accelerate exploration and drilling, how soon do you expect a significant amount of refined oil will come to market?
Your impression of a Marjorie Taylor Green tantrum is a hoot!

U.S. oil companies have been reluctant to pump more, preferring to steer cash flows back to investors instead of spending it on new drilling that could flood the world with cheap crude.

In a coordinated policy to punish the "savvy genius", U.S. and other major economies have agreed to a coordinated release of 60 million barrels from stockpiles around the world, the International Energy Agency announced Tuesday.

If you can convince U.S. oil companies to accelerate exploration and drilling, how soon do you expect a significant amount of refined oil will come to market?
More these prices the small boys will be back........Tell BRANDON TO APPROVE THE FUCKING DRILLING PERMITS.
More excuses............
If you can't answer the pertinent question, "How soon would increased exploration and drilling result in a significant increase in refined oil coming to market?", it is probably because you have no idea.

It may surprise you to learn that, after the lull under the previous administration, there has been an increase in activity for the past nine months. Please don't be upset. That's just the way it i

July 17, 2020
Oil companies are starting to increase their drilling again, after months where they shut off wells or postponed projects, new data shows. Their decisions in the months ahead, along with the path of Covid-19 could determine the longer-term trajectory of oil stocks...
Other countries are starting to pump more oil, too. OPEC said this week that it planned to gradually increase production.
In June, the number of permits to drill wells in the U.S. rose by 15% on a month-over-month basis off a “brutal” May bottom, noted Evercore ISI analyst James West in a note. In total, federal authorities approved 1,238 permits — 126 more oil permits and 40 more gas permits than the prior month.
We are one of the largest producers, with a strong domestic oil and gas industry. We have actually produced more oil. It is at record numbers, and we will continue to produce more oil. There are 9,000 approved drilling permits that are not being used. So, the suggestion that we are not allowing companies to drill is inaccurate. The suggestion that that is what is hindering or preventing gas prices to come down is inaccurate. Why aren't oil companies using their permits? Why is Biden to blame? Is it politics? Is it greed? You tell us?
You people are morons. Permits have to be issued before exploration can begin. Just because there’s a permit doesn’t mean there’s anything to get.

I wouldn’t expect anyone so shit ass stupid as you to understand how all of this works.
Dude, Take the Putin Dildo out of your Ass.

Trump is not president. This is all Biden's doing.

Did Biden launch cruise missiles at Putin's War Jets in Syria? Trump did, and Putin got the message. Putin did not mess with a single sovereign nation in Trump's term.

But Biden and his son took millions in bribes from Xi and Putin.

Did Biden open The XL pipeline while closing down Russia's Nordstream2?

Nope Biden did the opposite.

Did Trump tell Putin he could have a minor incursion in to Ukraine and he would do nothing about it?

Nope, Biden did that.

Did Trump shut down the Chinese Anti-Espionage program?

Nope Biden did that.

Did Trump make a deal to allow Iran to have Nukes in exchange for their oil?

Nope Biden is doing that.

Did Trump lobby to take Iran off of the Terrorist watch list?

Nope but Biden is doing that.

Go play in traffic, Troll.

This is Trump's doing.

Trump did not launch any missiles at Russian assets. Putin used mercenaries to attack US troops in Syria. Nikki Haley promised tough action against Putin. Trump overruled this. Trump also withdrew from Syria, leaving Russia in control and a air base that the US was using.

Biden took nothing from Russia or China. Another piece of bullshit by you.

The XL pipeline has been opposed by native Americans, local businesses and ranchers. It is environmentally dangerous as the oil is extremely corrosive and leaks are certain and hard to find.

Biden did not tell Putin he could go into Ukraine. Trump has lied about the country and praised Putin.

Biden did not shut down the China anti-espionage program. He just re-branded it as the threats come from various countries not just China.

The agreement with Iran was supported by the rest of the world. Biden is trying to broker a new deal.

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