As someone who does not live in New York City, I support Alvin Bragg’s decision not to prosecute theft

I support Alvin Bragg’s decision not to prosecute theft as well. Once a "person" gets into the "system" it is too hard to get out.
Keep giving them chances. Eventually they will stop. Either they get bored of doing crimes or unfortunately, killed while committing a crime.
Eventually, anyone can become a productive member of society.
But...they have to pay some sort of price or they will likely commit the same crime again.

If they do community service or pay restitution, then I can see the possibility of charges being dropped.
Easy, just have a large Congressional delegation and get your money out of the Federal coffers, like California does. There is a reason why California is going to continue to count criminal illegal aliens and their babies as 'citizens' in their Census; it keeps around 20 of their 52 seats in Congress warm for them.

Over 36% of New York City's population is foreign born. they account for 5 of NY state's seats.

'Diversity' means demanding America becomes the same shitholes these 'refugees' turned their own countries into, so they feel 'included' here. We need to start opening Congressional sessions by sacrificing chickens and doing voodoo dances.
/——/ I understand the drmocRAT base is concerned their dear leaders in the party will have to cut back on their lifestyle. Rest assure Libtards, the leaders will not only maintain their luxuries, they will add to them. It’s the socialist way. You, on the other hand will be finding your lunch in a dumpster.
I respectfully disagree with you
1. I have never committed a crime. I am not part of any problem.
2. The studies do not lie.
In summary,
Both sides of the political fence in the U.S. agree that mass incarceration isn’t working. It is expensive, discriminatory and has serious societal consequences. Crime has, in general, been trending down for decades (even in 2020, despite public perception) while prisons just keep filling up. The partisans may disagree on the best way to lower the prison population, but the good news is they agree it has to happen. The present system is unsustainable.
Studies can lie

All it takes is dishonest academics with an agenda

When the authorities do not enforce the laws citizens stop reporting crimes unless someone dies

If libs do not want to incarcerate criminals then garnish their wages

But since few criminals have jobs then put them to work picking up trash and other forms of menial labor

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