As soon as ONE major MSM outlet says Biden has one...Biden will start setting up his Presidency.

MSM is going to go all out to try to claim Creepy Joe is the true winner, no matter what the election results say. There are numerous reasons why they are actual fake news.
James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) Tweeted:
Because CNN should determine the Presidency? Solid liberal logic here...

I think Quid Pro Joe has been setting up his Presidency for a few years now ... cabinet positions should already be set in stone ... though may need adjusted depending on who wins the Senate ... the First 100 Days is scripted ...

If he wins, he'll be getting more than just one ... figure half the female staff there at the White House Presidential Mansion ...
As heard on Rush Limbaugh a few minutes ago with Donald Trump Jr.

As soon as ONE major MSM outlet says Biden has one...Biden will start setting up his Presidency / Cabinet immediately.

I don't doubt the people who will actually run the government behind the figurehead of Biden already have all that mapped out.

On the bright side, maybe we'll finally get to hear the answer to all those questions he answered, "You've got to elect me to find out the reasons to elect me."
As heard on Rush Limbaugh a few minutes ago with Donald Trump Jr.

As soon as ONE major MSM outlet says Biden has one...Biden will start setting up his Presidency / Cabinet immediately.

They are planning on doing what happens in Banana Republics, the MSM in bed with Biden, they are filthy snakes.

James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) Tweeted:
Because CNN should determine the Presidency? Solid liberal logic here...

So, that is the real plan. Fake declare Biden the winner then act like jackasses until an all-out civil war starts?

Is that considered insurrection?

That would be insurrection, they are traitors and think nothing of turning this country into a Banana Republic.
As heard on Rush Limbaugh a few minutes ago with Donald Trump Jr.

As soon as ONE major MSM outlet says Biden has one...Biden will start setting up his Presidency / Cabinet immediately.

You gotta be careful around here. The grammar police will descend upon you like the hounds of hell if you miss one comma or misspell a word.
Ewe our two reliant on spellcheck software
Did Joe Scarborough say this morning that if Trump wins, MSNBC will not show his victory speech? What the ph uk are we living in? To many movies of death and destruction made with caricatures of white supremacists of all types as the evil people. No one else is evil. No one in those riots who are progs. Not one of them.
Did Joe Scarborough say this morning that if Trump wins, MSNBC will not show his victory speech? What the ph uk are we living in? To many movies of death and destruction made with caricatures of white supremacists of all types as the evil people. No one else is evil. No one in those riots who are progs. Not one of them.

As if anyone watches MSNBC anyway. They wish they were important enough for this to matter.

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