As Texas deep freeze subsides, some households now face electricity bills as high as $10,000

If I lived in TX and got an electricity bill for ten grand, I would forward it to Governor Abbott and copy to Ted Cruz with a note instructing them to shove my bill and their "small government" up their ass.


Unacceptable! What kind of country are we, that we toss our citizens to the wolves? Why do we suck so bad? Cold snap? Tough , go bankrupt, that's your problem.

Broke your leg and got an infection? Tough, go bankrupt.

Homeless? Tough. Just, ya know, go somewhere we can't SEE you. K, thx

Mentally ill? Tough luck! If you really crash, we have prisons where we can keep you. Again, mostly for the purposes of not having to see you.
Unfortunately, it’s impossible to respond to your post without making it political…

But is indeed about politics.

It’s about failed, wrongheaded political, social, and economic conservative dogma; the idiotic, baseless notion that to ensure Americans have a place to live, are able to adequately heat their homes, and have access to affordable healthcare without going bankrupt acts as a ‘disincentive’; conservativism is fundamentally Social Darwinism.

An example of this is Republicans’ unwarranted opposition to the stimulus package currently making its way through Congress, the right’s groundless claim that increased benefits for unemployed Americans would “discourage people from looking for work,” an ‘argument’ as ridiculous as it is false.
The company I work for made the decision that anyone who was afraid of getting the virus could stay at home and collect unemployment. When some of those people realized they made the same staying at home, guess what they did ?

I don't believe you unless they are working from home and making the same amount, or if they were making peanuts to begin with. You REALLY believe 200 to 500 a week pays the bills for most families? I do not.
This was when the Fed was giving out 600 a week unemployment so.....
I asked, "Why do we suck so bad?"

Thank you to the many right wing posters who chimed in to demonstrate the answer to that question.
ERCOT is the one to blame seeing they are in charge of the grid...
Corporations are going to do whatever they can get away with. They are not guided by morality or ethics or doing the right thing. That's what elected officials are responsible for - holding corporations accountable, and regulating their actions.

Texas Republicans run the state. They are responsible.
I'm right down here in the middle of it all, just like I was during Harvey, and we're doing just fine. Those of us who are used to taking care of ourselves are doing so, and the ones who always want someone else to care for them, are crying. The folks that are whining and bitching now, are the folks that are always whining and bitching about something or other, it's just that unless there's some sort of newsworthy event, no one pays these losers any mind.
The rest of us are just taking care of ourselves and our neighbors and it's all good.... we got this.
We have plans for when shit goes bad, and we have the skills and the tools to execute those plans, which is why you won't see news stories about any of us crying like a bunch of little bitches and demanding the government swoop in and fix everything for us.
From the OP link:

As the Texas power grid collapsed under a historic winter storm, Jose Del Rio of Haltom City, in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, saw the electricity bill on a vacant two-bedroom home he is trying to sell slowly creep up over the past two weeks. Typically, the bill is around $125 to $150 a month, he said. But his account has already been charged about $630 this month — and he still owes another $2,600.
“If worse comes to worst, I have the ability to put it on a credit card or figure something out," Del Rio said. ”There is no one living in that house. All the lights are off. But I have the air at 60 because I don’t want the pipes to freeze.”
When he contacted Griddy, his electric company, they advised him to switch providers, Del Rio said.
I'm right down here in the middle of it all, just like I was during Harvey, and we're doing just fine.
Ah, true right wing groupthink, summed up nicely. Thank you for the accidental moment of clarity.
Speaking of the differences in how folks think.....
For some people, (and these tend to be leftists and progressives mostly), every little issue is a crisis, and every crisis is a disaster, and every disaster is an emergency, and every emergency is the end of the freaking world and damn it, everyone else better get just as fucking hysterical about it as these fucking drama queen attention whores do, or else they're horrible people who deserve to suffer and die.

To all the rest of us, we just know that life is hard, and shit happens sometimes, so quit sniveling you pussies, and suck it the fuck up and get to work fixing things. This is why you plan ahead and learn how to do shit for yourself.
ERCOT is the one to blame seeing they are in charge of the grid...
Corporations are going to do whatever they can get away with. They are not guided by morality or ethics or doing the right thing. That's what elected officials are responsible for - holding corporations accountable, and regulating their actions.

Texas Republicans run the state. They are responsible.

This has been an issue most likely longer than you have been alive and I promise you it would not matter if Democrats or Republicans were in charge down here because money buys them all!
How do you end up with 10k electric bills when you have no power?
Our E bill in the hottest part of the year runs $1400 hundred. Thats with three central air units and power to run the pool pump.
I call bullshit.
Somebody's gotta pay for all.that maintenance they haven't been doing for the last decade or two

Prove it.
Prove what? That maintenance wasn't done? Look at last week. That somebody's gotta pay for it? That shit don't happen for free.

No one is getting a bill for 10 grand ya numbskull.
What about $17,000 Dollars?
Well, that's adding insult to injury. The electric companies can't possibly expect people to pay that.

Oh they do and will demand it to be paid!

I am with Reliant and I locked in my price to make sure I did not get hit but many with smaller companies will see their bill rise because they went over their cap limit...
Bruce, be real. People can't afford that. It's insane the companies would even consider billing them like that. Our electric can't go up no matter what happens. Our oil prices for our furnaces is another matter. When it was over 4.00 a gallon, filling the tank was no fun. You could lock in a rate over the summer and gamble oil prices wouldn't go down for a year, so I guess I understand the concept, but there would never be a spike like that. People need electricity. It's not a luxury like cable. It's an essential service and the people should be protected. Texas is insane. I don't blame you for going to Tennessee.

As I wrote they will demand it and courts will side with the companies... You are correct about that is one of the main reasons why I am done with Texas...
ERCOT is the one to blame seeing they are in charge of the grid...
Corporations are going to do whatever they can get away with. They are not guided by morality or ethics or doing the right thing. That's what elected officials are responsible for - holding corporations accountable, and regulating their actions.

Texas Republicans run the state. They are responsible.

This has been an issue most likely longer than you have been alive and I promise you it would not matter if Democrats or Republicans were in charge down here because money buys them all!
You can shove your whatabout up your ass. Republicans are responsible for this catastrophe. no one else, despite your fever dreams.
I'm right down here in the middle of it all, just like I was during Harvey, and we're doing just fine.
Ah, true right wing groupthink, summed up nicely. Thank you for the accidental moment of clarity.
Speaking of the differences in how folks think.....
For some people, (and these tend to be leftists and progressives mostly), every little issue is a crisis, and every crisis is a disaster, and every disaster is an emergency, and every emergency is the end of the freaking world and damn it, everyone else better get just as fucking hysterical about it as these fucking drama queen attention whores do, or else they're horrible people who deserve to suffer and die.

To all the rest of us, we just know that life is hard, and shit happens sometimes, so quit sniveling you pussies, and suck it the fuck up and get to work fixing things. This is why you plan ahead and learn how to do shit for yourself.
And then you are the first ones blaming the whole world and demanding help, when you need it. Rinse, repeat.
I'm right down here in the middle of it all, just like I was during Harvey, and we're doing just fine.
Ah, true right wing groupthink, summed up nicely. Thank you for the accidental moment of clarity.
Speaking of the differences in how folks think.....
For some people, (and these tend to be leftists and progressives mostly), every little issue is a crisis, and every crisis is a disaster, and every disaster is an emergency, and every emergency is the end of the freaking world and damn it, everyone else better get just as fucking hysterical about it as these fucking drama queen attention whores do, or else they're horrible people who deserve to suffer and die.

To all the rest of us, we just know that life is hard, and shit happens sometimes, so quit sniveling you pussies, and suck it the fuck up and get to work fixing things. This is why you plan ahead and learn how to do shit for yourself.
And then you are the first ones blaming the whole world and demanding help, when you need it. Rinse, repeat.
No, you're getting us actual adults confused with the perpetual children who are always demanding someone do for them, and the lying political grifters who always have their hands out for money, given any tiny excuse.
Those of us who actually hold shit together, are usually too busy being productive to do more than shake our heads and spit on the ground in disgust at their antics, and at the way people like you are always claiming those losers, are a true representation of the people of this state.

You're as pathetic and dishonest as they are. (SMH)
How do you end up with 10k electric bills when you have no power?
Our E bill in the hottest part of the year runs $1400 hundred. Thats with three central air units and power to run the pool pump.
I call bullshit.
It's the people who have power that are getting bills for power.

I lost power for 12 hours.
So whats my bill going to be.
I don't know.

Tell ya what,I'll let ya know when my bill comes in at the end of the month.
How do you end up with 10k electric bills when you have no power?
Our E bill in the hottest part of the year runs $1400 hundred. Thats with three central air units and power to run the pool pump.
I call bullshit.
It's the people who have power that are getting bills for power.

I lost power for 12 hours.
So whats my bill going to be.
I don't know.

Tell ya what,I'll let ya know when my bill comes in at the end of the month.
Uh.. okay!
ERCOT is the one to blame seeing they are in charge of the grid...
Corporations are going to do whatever they can get away with. They are not guided by morality or ethics or doing the right thing. That's what elected officials are responsible for - holding corporations accountable, and regulating their actions.

Texas Republicans run the state. They are responsible.

This has been an issue most likely longer than you have been alive and I promise you it would not matter if Democrats or Republicans were in charge down here because money buys them all!
You can shove your whatabout up your ass. Republicans are responsible for this catastrophe. no one else, despite your fever dreams.
An Insider Explains Why Texans Lost Their Power - American Thinker

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