As the Coup Against Trump Fails, the Threat Against His Life Rises


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
If liberals want a civil war in USA they can go mad and try to kill Trump.It is difficult to believe that they can survive it.

As the Coup Against Trump Fails, the Threat Against His Life Rises

Paul Craig Roberts

The use of the presstitute media to deny Trump the Republican presidential nomination failed.

The use of the presstitute media to deny Trump victory in the presidential election failed.

The vote recount failed.

The effort to sway the Electoral College failed.

But the effort continues.

The CIA report on Russia’s alleged interference in the US presidential election ordered by Obama is in process. Faked evidence is a hallmark of CIA operations.

In their determination to seal Trump’s ears against environmental concerns, a group of environmentalists plan to disrupt the inauguration. This in itself is of little consequence, but chaos presents opportunity for assassination.

Trump himself seems to think he is in danger. According to MSNBC, Trump intends to supplement his Secret Service protection with private security. As there is evidence of CIA complicity in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (film shows Secret Service agents ordered away from JFK’s limo immediately prior to his assassination), Trump, who is clearly seen as a threat by the military/security complex, is not being paranoid. MSNBC implies that Trump’s private security is to suppress protesters, as if government security forces have shown any compunction about suppressing protesters

As the Coup Against Trump Fails, the Threat Against His Life Rises -- Paul Craig Roberts -
Fake news again.

The left doesn't want civil war and we'd rather see Trump impeached than shot.

Shooting him makes Pence president instantly.

The impeachment process slows the government down, so they can do less damage.
Most of civil wars in the last 100 years were caused by lefts.

Yep, and the neo-Commies/Marxists give lip service to freedom and democracy only as long, as they can dupe the Normies, consolidate their destructive power and promote their totalitarian agenda.

When they see that this does not work out for them, they push for soviet-style censorship and engage in open violence.

Do not forget, that Commies killed more civilians in the past century, than any other totalitarian regimes, they are absolute masters in eliminating their perceived enemies.

If Trump is not a fool, he will take measures to strengthen the freedom of speech and secure law and order.
If Trump is not a fool, he will take measures to strengthen the freedom of speech and secure law and order.
And minimize the voting power of these lunatics over the next 2 to 4 years by making wise Supreme Court nominations, enforcing the border, deporting those here illegally and creating an environment friendly to job creation.
Ah come on, no one wants to hurt draft dodger Donnie, a coward and narcissistic blowhard, he does that to himself. If Trump spends a trillion on infrastructure he'll do something republicans have fought President Obama on these eight years. Should be interesting.

And why do you wingnuts use words that have no function outside conspiratorial nonsense world. There's no monster under you bed, and there are no commies in America, ask mommy if you are still afraid. Oh and law and order for Trump? You gotta be kidding me, how many suits are in the process and didn't he just acknowledge guilt in his fake university. You people are like trained puppies. Do you bark when he talks?

And for the holiday or Christmas:

'The 2016 Made in America Holiday Gift Guide' The 2016 Made in America Holiday Gift Guide
Most of civil wars in the last 100 years were caused by lefts.

Yep, and the neo-Commies/Marxists give lip service to freedom and democracy only as long, as they can dupe the Normies, consolidate their destructive power and promote their totalitarian agenda.

When they see that this does not work out for them, they push for soviet-style censorship and engage in open violence.

Do not forget, that Commies killed more civilians in the past century, than any other totalitarian regimes, they are absolute masters in eliminating their perceived enemies.

If Trump is not a fool, he will take measures to strengthen the freedom of speech and secure law and order.

Trump shall prohibit Marxism of any kind.

Fake news again.

The left doesn't want civil war and we'd rather see Trump impeached than shot.

Shooting him makes Pence president instantly.

The impeachment process slows the government down, so they can do less damage.

It's not the mainstream or even radical left you have to worry about. It's that one nutter who has bought your side's kool-aid and decides to take it to the next level.

Or even worse, 2-3 nutters. (after 2-3 it gets easier for police to get info on the conspiracy).
Ah come on, no one wants to hurt draft dodger Donnie, a coward and narcissistic blowhard, he does that to himself. If Trump spends a trillion on infrastructure he'll do something republicans have fought President Obama on these eight years. Should be interesting.

And why do you wingnuts use words that have no function outside conspiratorial nonsense world. There's no monster under you bed, and there are no commies in America, ask mommy if you are still afraid. Oh and law and order for Trump? You gotta be kidding me, how many suits are in the process and didn't he just acknowledge guilt in his fake university. You people are like trained puppies. Do you bark when he talks?

And for the holiday or Christmas:

'The 2016 Made in America Holiday Gift Guide' The 2016 Made in America Holiday Gift Guide

Something else instead of non-stop insults?

You libs will never run this great country again!
You're failed!

I expect Trump will take himself out. A man his age, in the level of denial he's in, is probably also hiding health issues common for men his age in the high-rolling category. He himself said that venereal disease was his own personal Vietnam. Some of those critters don't disappear and instead worsen as time goes on in an aging body; taking their toll eventually.

Trump is overweight and overwhelmed easily when he doesn't get his way. We've seen his blood pressure rising right before our eyes on national TV as, time and again, when enraged at slights real or imagined, he becomes bright red in the face; his eyes bulging out and fury steaming out of every pore in his old, sagging skin.

This is a terrible prognosis for him as POTUS. I don't look for him to curb his unhealthy behaviors and habits anytime soon. It's hard for a doctor to tell...someone like Trump..."You have to stop doing what you like because it's bad for you". That's like telling a fish it can't swim in water anymore. Healthwise, putting Trump in the Oval Office is like feeding nothing but salt and saturated fats to a man who has just a quadruple bypass.
I expect Trump will take himself out. A man his age, in the level of denial he's in, is probably also hiding health issues common for men his age in the high-rolling category. He himself said that venereal disease was his own personal Vietnam. Some of those critters don't disappear and instead worsen as time goes on in an aging body; taking their toll eventually.

Trump is overweight and overwhelmed easily when he doesn't get his way. This is a terrible prognosis for him as POTUS. I don't look for him to curb his unhealthy behaviors and habits anytime soon. It's hard for a doctor to tell...someone like Trump..."You have to stop doing what you like because it's bad for you". That's like telling a fish it can't swim in water anymore.

Why do you people always want the worst?
Ah come on, no one wants to hurt draft dodger Donnie

Don't you just love it. Libs call deferments draft dodging while saying it didn't matter when their man left the country to actually dodge the draft. They stand behind their man when he lies to the American public, but want to impeach someone not even in office yet. Hypocritical doesn't even begin to describe the loony left. I suppose they just can't bring themselves to give Donnie the same leeway they demanded for Billy.
If anything happened to Trump there may to be a list of a few thousand radical LIB Trump haters, many employed by CNN?MSNBC/W.P./NYTs which will appear via SM.
These scum have been creating Fake News and blatant lies about Trump since he announced.
They deserve the retribution they will receive.
This list would be called the 'execute on site' list.
Until the swamp is completely drained, The Donald is smart to insist on private security playing a large role in his protection. He is well aware of what happened in the 60's to those who thought government agents would protect them.
I expect Trump will take himself out. A man his age, in the level of denial he's in, is probably also hiding health issues common for men his age in the high-rolling category. He himself said that venereal disease was his own personal Vietnam. Some of those critters don't disappear and instead worsen as time goes on in an aging body; taking their toll eventually.

Trump is overweight and overwhelmed easily when he doesn't get his way. This is a terrible prognosis for him as POTUS. I don't look for him to curb his unhealthy behaviors and habits anytime soon. It's hard for a doctor to tell...someone like Trump..."You have to stop doing what you like because it's bad for you". That's like telling a fish it can't swim in water anymore.

Why do you people always want the worst?
It's not that I want the worst, just that I can see the obvious. If the guy doesn't start pounding salads, with the stress that inevitably will come to him, not always getting his way, endemic in the Office of POTUS, the guy's a walking heart attack.

My prescription for Trump is 1. Drink tons of water. 2. Eat tons of fresh greens 3. Start an aerobic exercise program like yesterday.

Until the swamp is completely drained, The Donald is smart to insist on private security playing a large role in his protection. He is well aware of what happened in the 60's to those who thought government agents would protect them.

Yeah, but which part of the Secret Service is in charge of old tubby's arteries? He's his own assassin if he keeps his habits up.
Trump will quite handily finish his 8 year term. What will happen is that the democrats will completely blow up their party. It will exist clinging to a fringe along the coastlines. The younger democrats may make a viable third party for the rest of the country.
I expect Trump will take himself out. A man his age, in the level of denial he's in, is probably also hiding health issues common for men his age in the high-rolling category. He himself said that venereal disease was his own personal Vietnam. Some of those critters don't disappear and instead worsen as time goes on in an aging body; taking their toll eventually.

Trump is overweight and overwhelmed easily when he doesn't get his way. This is a terrible prognosis for him as POTUS. I don't look for him to curb his unhealthy behaviors and habits anytime soon. It's hard for a doctor to tell...someone like Trump..."You have to stop doing what you like because it's bad for you". That's like telling a fish it can't swim in water anymore.

Why do you people always want the worst?
It's not that I want the worst, just that I can see the obvious. If the guy doesn't start pounding salads, with the stress that inevitably will come to him, not always getting his way, endemic in the Office of POTUS, the guy's a walking heart attack.

My prescription for Trump is 1. Drink tons of water. 2. Eat tons of fresh greens 3. Start an aerobic exercise program like yesterday.

Until the swamp is completely drained, The Donald is smart to insist on private security playing a large role in his protection. He is well aware of what happened in the 60's to those who thought government agents would protect them.

Yeah, but which part of the Secret Service is in charge of old tubby's arteries? He's his own assassin if he keeps his habits up.
NO, you want the worst. All you lib devils do.
If anything happened to Trump there may to be a list of a few thousand radical LIB Trump haters, many employed by CNN?MSNBC/W.P./NYTs which will appear via SM.
These scum have been creating Fake News and blatant lies about Trump since he announced.
They deserve the retribution they will receive.
This list would be called the 'execute on site' list.

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