As the Coup Against Trump Fails, the Threat Against His Life Rises

Until the swamp is completely drained, The Donald is smart to insist on private security playing a large role in his protection. He is well aware of what happened in the 60's to those who thought government agents would protect them.
Trump will quite handily finish his 8 year term. What will happen is that the democrats will completely blow up their party. It will exist clinging to a fringe along the coastlines. The younger democrats may make a viable third party for the rest of the country.
You think a man with the temperament of a 3 year old who ALWAYS has to have his way OR ELSE!!!! who is clearly obese and red in the face at age 70 is going to last through 8 years of being told "no" as often as the world's most stressful job?

You ARE an optimist! :clap2:

One of the most unfortunate things about this year's election was we all had a choice between Old and Older. I personally was paying more attention to the VPs than I was the POTUS candidates. Why anyone beyond the age of 55 yearns to be president has always been a mystery. They obsess over power that much that they become suicidal. The campaign nearly killed Hillary a couple of times near as I could tell. But that's how women go...they often get a second or third chance after a "warning". Men that age and shape like ole' Tubby-Trump is usually fall like a sack of potatoes hard with no chance to recover.

Like I said, there needs to be a branch of the Secret Service dedicated to Trump's diet and lack of exercise. After all, they are charged with protecting the life of our US presidents and ALL threats to that life..
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Until the swamp is completely drained, The Donald is smart to insist on private security playing a large role in his protection. He is well aware of what happened in the 60's to those who thought government agents would protect them.
Trump will quite handily finish his 8 year term. What will happen is that the democrats will completely blow up their party. It will exist clinging to a fringe along the coastlines. The younger democrats may make a viable third party for the rest of the country.
You think a man with the temperament of a 3 year old who ALWAYS has to have his way OR ELSE!!!! who is clearly obese and red in the face at age 70 is going to last through 8 years of being told "no" as often as the world's most stressful job?

You ARE an optimist! :clap2:

One of the most unfortunate things about this year's election was we all had a choice between Old and Older. I personally was paying more attention to the VPs than I was the POTUS candidates. Why anyone beyond the age of 55 yearns to be president has always been a mystery. They obsess over power that much that they become suicidal. The campaign nearly killed Hillary a couple of times near as I could tell. But that's how women go...they often get a second or third chance after a "warning". Men that age and shape like ole' Tubby-Trump is usually fall like a sack of potatoes hard with no chance to recover.

Like I said, there needs to be a branch of the Secret Service dedicated to Trump's diet and lack of exercise. After all, they are charged with protecting the life of our US presidents and ALL threats to that life..
See. I don't believe a thing you just made up. You have no idea what Trump's health is like. You aren't a doctor. You are not his doctor. Your observations occupy the same imaginary level as your assertions that children have a legal and vested interest in marriage. That, of course, came from your imaginary legal education.
Fake news again.

The left doesn't want civil war and we'd rather see Trump impeached than shot.

Shooting him makes Pence president instantly.

The impeachment process slows the government down, so they can do less damage.

You are just a useful idiot. You probably don't want a war.

But the people who use you and count on you to support them when they agitate for war....they are real.

Fake news again.

The left doesn't want civil war and we'd rather see Trump impeached than shot.

Shooting him makes Pence president instantly.

The impeachment process slows the government down, so they can do less damage.

You are just a useful idiot. You probably don't want a war.

But the people who use you and count on you to support them when they agitate for war....they are real.

These people are insane and indeed desire a war.
Yeah, but which part of the Secret Service is in charge of old tubby's arteries? He's his own assassin if he keeps his habits up.
More of your hysterical Trump hating bullshit, I see Sillywet.

Trump is far more active at 70 than you will be at 50, dude.
Trump will quite handily finish his 8 year term. What will happen is that the democrats will completely blow up their party. It will exist clinging to a fringe along the coastlines. The younger democrats may make a viable third party for the rest of the country.
They are blowing it up as we speak.

Just look at the collossal failure that is the Obama legacy.

Look at what he did the the Middle East.

Look at what an anemic economy we have had, far below most recession recoveries.

Look at the empowerment of the Presidency, something the Dims will live to regret, methinks.

Look at their emasculation of Congress; more coming regret.

Look at their demonstration to end all debate of the harm their ecological policies would bring.

Look at their abandonment of the core of their own party; lower middle class white workers.

The Democrats apparently will have to get beaten to shit in 2018 before they stand a chance of pulling their heads out of their collective asses and get competitive again.
Most of civil wars in the last 100 years were caused by lefts.

Yep, and the neo-Commies/Marxists give lip service to freedom and democracy only as long, as they can dupe the Normies, consolidate their destructive power and promote their totalitarian agenda.

When they see that this does not work out for them, they push for soviet-style censorship and engage in open violence.

Do not forget, that Commies killed more civilians in the past century, than any other totalitarian regimes, they are absolute masters in eliminating their perceived enemies.

If Trump is not a fool, he will take measures to strengthen the freedom of speech and secure law and order.

Given trump's tweets one must conclude freedom of speech does not apply to anyone who questions him, and, if you're old enough to remember, Nixon and Agnew were law and order advocates; both resigned from office under the threat of criminal indictment.

"Less than a year before Richard M. Nixon’s resignation as president of the United States, Spiro Agnew becomes the first U.S. vice president to resign in disgrace. The same day, he pleaded no contest to a charge of federal income tax evasion in exchange for the dropping of charges of political corruption. He was subsequently fined $10,000, sentenced to three years probation, and disbarred by the Maryland court of appeals."
Vice President Agnew resigns - Oct 10, 1973 -
Fake news again.

The left doesn't want civil war and we'd rather see Trump impeached than shot.

Shooting him makes Pence president instantly.

The impeachment process slows the government down, so they can do less damage.

You are just a useful idiot. You probably don't want a war.

But the people who use you and count on you to support them when they agitate for war....they are real.

These people are insane and indeed desire a war.

No, they don't desire war.

But they certainly will defend themselves. And speak out against corruption, lies, and commie subversion tactics.

Thank goodness all the whack jobs huddle close together. They'll be easier to contain and control that way.
Fake news again.

The left doesn't want civil war and we'd rather see Trump impeached than shot.

Shooting him makes Pence president instantly.

The impeachment process slows the government down, so they can do less damage.

Just what the hell is fake about this?

You intolerant Lefturds refuse to accept the truth and will do anything to get your way - despite the will of the people.
Fake news again.

The left doesn't want civil war and we'd rather see Trump impeached than shot.

Shooting him makes Pence president instantly.

The impeachment process slows the government down, so they can do less damage.
Your one hell of an indoctrinated Coot you know nothing about that man he's probably ten PHD's ahead of you . HE knows his stuff and has been doing it for decades


The Wall Street Journal and columnist for Business Week and the Scripps Howard News Service. He was a nationally syndicated columnist for Creators Syndicate in Los Angeles. In 1992 he received the Warren Brookes Award for Excellence in Journalism. In 1993 the Forbes Media Guide ranked him as one of the top seven journalists in the United States.


Dr. Roberts was awarded the Treasury Department’s Meritorious Service Award for “his outstanding contributions to the formulation of United States economic policy.”

In 1987 the French government recognized him as “the artisan of a renewal in economic science and policy after half a century of state interventionism” and inducted him into the Legion of Honor.

He is listed in Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in the World.

About | Paul Craig Roberts -
Ever notice how heavy his coats and jackets are? Someone would have to get very close or be an outstanding long distance shot to kill him. He's no fool.

You can't even get them to listen to one of their former NEWS caster trying to tell them what is going on this is how stupid these m................. r are omg. sry it's just they are that sickening when one of their own try telling them. WTH is wrong with the way these jackasses brains work. Can't tell them anything, can't show them anything......................

Even an expert investigating Obama's birth certificate the courts, the papers on it all and still can't tell them nothing. There logic doesn't work because 1. if it were so gawd damn fake the none of it would have ended up in a court room, investigate on by experts not some journalist sitting on a couch... Oh the stupidity.
Fake news again.

The left doesn't want civil war and we'd rather see Trump impeached than shot.

Shooting him makes Pence president instantly.

The impeachment process slows the government down, so they can do less damage.

You are just a useful idiot. You probably don't want a war.

But the people who use you and count on you to support them when they agitate for war....they are real.

this is what they know as their truth because their indoctrination process worked, Obama taught them well they all graduated too.

Fake news again.

The left doesn't want civil war and we'd rather see Trump impeached than shot.

Shooting him makes Pence president instantly.

The impeachment process slows the government down, so they can do less damage.

You are just a useful idiot. You probably don't want a war.

But the people who use you and count on you to support them when they agitate for war....they are real.

this is what they know as their truth because their indoctrination process worked, Obama taught them well they all graduated too.

View attachment 103503

So freaking creepy.

Prisons and mental institutes. We need them in every town, so we can throw the crazies and the criminals that we have been allowing to hijack this country, in.

After about 10 years, we can shut some of them down. Turn them into apartment buildings or something.


Looks cozy!
Fake news again.

The left doesn't want civil war and we'd rather see Trump impeached than shot.

Shooting him makes Pence president instantly.

The impeachment process slows the government down, so they can do less damage.
Impeached for what? Jesus Christ that man is not even in office yet.
Fake news again.

The left doesn't want civil war and we'd rather see Trump impeached than shot.

Shooting him makes Pence president instantly.

The impeachment process slows the government down, so they can do less damage.
Impeached for what? Jesus Christ that man is not even in office yet.
They'll make something up.

It's time to disenfranchise the nutwads.

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