As the Frankenstorm Arrives Romney/ Ryan Go Silent on Their Plan to Cut FEMA + relief


INDEPENDENTly ruthless
May 18, 2011
As the Frankenstorm Arrives Romney/ Ryan Go Silent on Their Plan to Cut FEMA and Disaster Relief

As the East Coast braces for a massive storm, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are trying to cover up the fact that if elected they intend to cut funding for both FEMA and disaster relief.

Here is something to think about while we watch Hurricane Sandy morph into a perfect storm, what if there was no federal disaster relief? What if states were left to fend for themselves?

These questions may sound absurd right now, but they won’t be if Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are elected next Tuesday. In June 2011, Romney went on the record as opposing federal disaster relief, “Every time you have an occasion to take something from the federal government and send it back to the states, that’s the right direction. And if you can go even further and send it back to the private sector, that’s even better. [...] We cannot — we cannot afford to do those things without jeopardizing the future for our kids. It is simply immoral, in my view, for us to continue to rack up larger and larger debts and pass them on to our kids, knowing full well that we’ll all be dead and gone before it’s paid off. It makes no sense at all.” Romney also wants to privatize the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

However, Romney is the picture of moderation compared to his running mate Paul Ryan. Ryan’s budget calls for every cent in disaster relief to be offset by cuts in discretionary spending. The programs that are considered discretionary spending include things like veterans’ benefits and the VA, federal aid to local school districts, the FBI, the DEA, the entire federal prison system, the FDA, the National Institute of Health, and the Coast Guard. (If Republicans have their way, veterans will go without, our food could be less safe, and the National Institute of Health would less prepared for a health emergency because a natural disaster struck, and any federal spending must be offset. Thus, a severe natural disaster could have a long term impact on the nation beyond cleaning up and rebuilding.)

Romney believes that the money for disaster relief should be given to the states in the form of block grants. The thing about a block grant is that it comes with no mandates, or strings attached. The federal government would give each state a lump sum for disaster relief, and it would be up to the individual states to determine how it would be spent. They don’t have to spend it on disaster relief. They could use the money to balance their budgets or cut taxes for the wealthy. The quality of a state’s disaster relief would be completely dependent on the priorities of the governor and the legislature.

According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the difference between now and under Romney would be stark, “States and local areas hit by natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, wildfires, and tornadoes often seek help from the federal government. In the immediate aftermath of a disaster, at a governor’s request, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) helps people affected by the disaster get food, water, and shelter, and can help with search-and-rescue missions and providing electric power. FEMA also helps states and local governments repair or replace public facilities and infrastructure, which often is not insured. This form of discretionary federal aid would be subject to cuts under the Ryan budget. If it were scaled back substantially, states and localities would need to bear a larger share of the costs of disaster response and recovery, or attempt to make do with less during difficult times. Federal discretionary funds also help states, cities, and other local governments hire police officers. Big cuts in funds to hire police officers would shift more of the cost of hiring these officers to state and local budgets.”

Even before a natural disaster strikes, Romney and Ryan plan to slash federal disaster relief funding by 80%. This means that states will get a block grant for 20% of the federal aid that they are used to counting on for disaster relief.

The real world consequence of this type of policy decision will mean that your ability to survive or recover from a natural disaster will be based on where you live, the severity of the event, and whether or not your state decided to budget for disaster relief. The federal government won’t be there to help, because FEMA will have been privatized. Thus the private companies handling disaster relief will be afraid of cutting into their profit margin, so they will avoid disasters that are too expensive, and will generally do disaster relief on the cheap. If the federal government does step in, the cost of federal aid will have to be offset by cutting things like veterans’ benefits and the VA.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan don’t believe in federal disaster relief. Even though the states are already lining up for federal aid because they don’t have the resources to handle disaster relief, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are planning on letting them fend for themselves.

Romney and Ryan will probably have a lot to say about this week’s storm, but don’t expect any of it to include how if elected they intend to gut disaster relief and privatize FEMA.
We've had storms forever, FEMA has only been around since 1978, what ever did we do without it. Can you say we survived just fine. BTW how many times are you commiescrats going to post this shit?
[ame=]Romney: Federal Disaster Relief Spending Is 'Immoral' - YouTube[/ame]
We've had storms forever, FEMA has only been around since 1978, what ever did we do without it. Can you say we survived just fine. BTW how many times are you commiescrats going to post this shit?

Storms like this used to kill tens of thousands. Now...a few dozen. We progressed as a people. You should too.

You know...there was once a time when a person could suffer a serious flu, nasty cut, brain injury, or any number of other ailments, and likely died. Now they probably wont.

We can turn the clock back to the 1700-1800's if you want. I personally like the progress we've made as a species. these disasters, FEMA compensates the local cops/firemen who work huge overtime. Without FEMA, they wouldnt get paid. Which means legally, they wouldn't be able to force them to work the overtime. Unless....the local govt spent deficit money, or raised taxes, or used credit. All bad right?

Right wingers.....shouldn't we tell the Northeast to piss off, you're on your own?


To be on message, Romney/Ryan really need to tell people living in harm's way that they're on their own, essentially up shit creek without a paddle, and to pull themselves up by their rubber bootstraps.

Don't be victims!

what do u mean victims in these times people come together and do great things, and u wnat us to be held by the government cause of fear, well i got news for you, we will survive this, we will rebuild and we can do it without hand outs, ull see us raise money other ways and take care of those that need it.

WE DONT NEED MOMMY AND DADDY WE ARE SURVIVORS. these disasters, FEMA compensates the local cops/firemen who work huge overtime. Without FEMA, they wouldnt get paid. Which means legally, they wouldn't be able to force them to work the overtime. Unless....the local govt spent deficit money, or raised taxes, or used credit. All bad right?

Right wingers.....shouldn't we tell the Northeast to piss off, you're on your own?

and we have volunteers, HOW DARE WE

i cant believe how u people sound, tether us to the goverment baby, we cant do it.
We've had storms forever, FEMA has only been around since 1978, what ever did we do without it. Can you say we survived just fine. BTW how many times are you commiescrats going to post this shit?

Storms like this used to kill tens of thousands. Now...a few dozen. We progressed as a people. You should too.

You know...there was once a time when a person could suffer a serious flu, nasty cut, brain injury, or any number of other ailments, and likely died. Now they probably wont.

We can turn the clock back to the 1700-1800's if you want. I personally like the progress we've made as a species.

The fact that there is a smaller danger to lives because of the advanced warnings justifies less federal involvmenet not more. I'v been through 4 hurricanes, have gotten no assistance from anyone and didn't ask for it. I took steps to protect myself and my property and have insurance had my preparations been ineffective. Government pushes the propaganda that they are a necessity to make people dependent, I think people should be responsible for themselves.
We've had storms forever, FEMA has only been around since 1978, what ever did we do without it. Can you say we survived just fine. BTW how many times are you commiescrats going to post this shit?

Storms like this used to kill tens of thousands. Now...a few dozen. We progressed as a people. You should too.

You know...there was once a time when a person could suffer a serious flu, nasty cut, brain injury, or any number of other ailments, and likely died. Now they probably wont.

We can turn the clock back to the 1700-1800's if you want. I personally like the progress we've made as a species.

The fact that there is a smaller danger to lives because of the advanced warnings justifies less federal involvmenet not more. I'v been through 4 hurricanes, have gotten no assistance from anyone and didn't ask for it. I took steps to protect myself and my property and have insurance had my preparations been ineffective. Government pushes the propaganda that they are a necessity to make people dependent, I think people should be responsible for themselves.

BREAKING NEWS: Many people are not as responsible as you. And they may panic. And some will become violent, and maybe come for what you have. And what other peaceful people have. And some people, while responsible, are disabled, elderly, or may have caretakers killed in this storm.

Thats why the cops work overtime in these things.

Im sure you just shined your "Most Responsible Person in the World" plaque, but, the list of candidates for that award was short. Until we get our species to that point, this is the best way to do it. these disasters, FEMA compensates the local cops/firemen who work huge overtime. Without FEMA, they wouldnt get paid. Which means legally, they wouldn't be able to force them to work the overtime. Unless....the local govt spent deficit money, or raised taxes, or used credit. All bad right?

Right wingers.....shouldn't we tell the Northeast to piss off, you're on your own?

and we have volunteers, HOW DARE WE

i cant believe how u people sound, tether us to the goverment baby, we cant do it.

Thats right. I forgot.

Ok, tell all the cops and firemen in the Northeast to leave work, be with THEIR families and homes, and not worry, because volunteers will fix it all when it's over.

BTW, I'm sure no looters will come for what you have in the aftermath.
Storms like this used to kill tens of thousands. Now...a few dozen. We progressed as a people. You should too.

You know...there was once a time when a person could suffer a serious flu, nasty cut, brain injury, or any number of other ailments, and likely died. Now they probably wont.

We can turn the clock back to the 1700-1800's if you want. I personally like the progress we've made as a species.

The fact that there is a smaller danger to lives because of the advanced warnings justifies less federal involvmenet not more. I'v been through 4 hurricanes, have gotten no assistance from anyone and didn't ask for it. I took steps to protect myself and my property and have insurance had my preparations been ineffective. Government pushes the propaganda that they are a necessity to make people dependent, I think people should be responsible for themselves.

BREAKING NEWS: Many people are not as responsible as you. And they may panic. And some will become violent, and maybe come for what you have. And what other peaceful people have. And some people, while responsible, are disabled, elderly, or may have caretakers killed in this storm.

Thats why the cops work overtime in these things.

Im sure you just shined your "Most Responsible Person in the World" plaque, but, the list of candidates for that award was short. Until we get our species to that point, this is the best way to do it.

Of course enabling irresponsible people is the best solution, right. Choices have consequences, the sooner people learn that lesson the better. Folks like you are part of the problem, not the solution.

PS I am also prepared to protect what's mine, I don't need a cop for that either.
Last edited: these disasters, FEMA compensates the local cops/firemen who work huge overtime. Without FEMA, they wouldnt get paid. Which means legally, they wouldn't be able to force them to work the overtime. Unless....the local govt spent deficit money, or raised taxes, or used credit. All bad right?

Right wingers.....shouldn't we tell the Northeast to piss off, you're on your own?

Maybe people should pitch in and help out sometimes, rather than worry about what's in it for them every time a disaster happens.
The fact that there is a smaller danger to lives because of the advanced warnings justifies less federal involvmenet not more. I'v been through 4 hurricanes, have gotten no assistance from anyone and didn't ask for it. I took steps to protect myself and my property and have insurance had my preparations been ineffective. Government pushes the propaganda that they are a necessity to make people dependent, I think people should be responsible for themselves.

BREAKING NEWS: Many people are not as responsible as you. And they may panic. And some will become violent, and maybe come for what you have. And what other peaceful people have. And some people, while responsible, are disabled, elderly, or may have caretakers killed in this storm.

Thats why the cops work overtime in these things.

Im sure you just shined your "Most Responsible Person in the World" plaque, but, the list of candidates for that award was short. Until we get our species to that point, this is the best way to do it.

Of course enabling irresponsible people is the best solution, right. Choices have consequences, the sooner people learn that lesson the better. Folks like you are part of the problem, not the solution.

PS I am also prepared to protect what's mine, I don't need a cop for that either.

Good for you. Im a former cop, and applaud you for taking those steps. But has your daughter? And wife? And neighbor? Grandmother? Are you prepared to take on 3 people? 3 armed people? You got enough water saved up to put out a fire on your own home? Or on your street if the neighbors aren't prepared and it spreads?

"Folks like you are part of the problem" not solution huh? Funny, considering my past career. You have no clue what people inside the United States are capable of when desperate. Our population is spoiled. We dont know how to act towards hunger, pain, etc.

Govt may not always be pretty, or efficient, or correct. But it has a purpose. Events like this are one of those purposes. When a collective effort to maintain civility is BETTER than just hoping each individual is as responsible as you.
Romney should stick to it. He's not saying end emergency relief, he's saying put it into more responsible hands, the States.
Romney should stick to it. He's not saying end emergency relief, he's saying put it into more responsible hands, the States.

What if that particular state gets devastated by something, and can't help itself??? Should we just hope all the other states are generous enough to bail them out? Or....go ahead and put into place ahead of time a structure to respond to it when it does?

I pick preparation over just plain hoping.
Romney should stick to it. He's not saying end emergency relief, he's saying put it into more responsible hands, the States.

What if that particular state gets devastated by something, and can't help itself??? Should we just hope all the other states are generous enough to bail them out? Or....go ahead and put into place ahead of time a structure to respond to it when it does?

I pick preparation over just plain hoping.

what if a state goes spend happy, puts up lots of expensive buildings, they fall down and wnat the government to pay out? would u do it knowing your taxes would go up because a state was stupid?

wht is the payout? what are the laws? how will they be misused? DO ypu honestly think the US Government has an endless amount of money?
Romney should stick to it. He's not saying end emergency relief, he's saying put it into more responsible hands, the States.

What if that particular state gets devastated by something, and can't help itself??? Should we just hope all the other states are generous enough to bail them out? Or....go ahead and put into place ahead of time a structure to respond to it when it does?

I pick preparation over just plain hoping.

what if a state goes spend happy, puts up lots of expensive buildings, they fall down and wnat the government to pay out? would u do it knowing your taxes would go up because a state was stupid?

wht is the payout? what are the laws? how will they be misused? DO ypu honestly think the US Government has an endless amount of money?

You're right. Rather than attempt to form an efficient government structure to maintain civility and public safety, lets just say fuck it, wing it, and hope it all works itself out since there is a chance that an organization could overspend or have fraud occur (which never happens in the private sector).

Its so hard sometimes to get people to understand that there are crucial roles of the government: Military, police, fire, roads. And those MUST be funded adequately, and attract good qualified people. Yes, even if it means we have to pay our precious, sacred, blessed by God tax dollar on it.
What if that particular state gets devastated by something, and can't help itself??? Should we just hope all the other states are generous enough to bail them out? Or....go ahead and put into place ahead of time a structure to respond to it when it does?

I pick preparation over just plain hoping.

what if a state goes spend happy, puts up lots of expensive buildings, they fall down and wnat the government to pay out? would u do it knowing your taxes would go up because a state was stupid?

wht is the payout? what are the laws? how will they be misused? DO ypu honestly think the US Government has an endless amount of money?

You're right. Rather than attempt to form an efficient government structure to maintain civility and public safety, lets just say fuck it, wing it, and hope it all works itself out since there is a chance that an organization could overspend or have fraud occur (which never happens in the private sector).

Its so hard sometimes to get people to understand that there are crucial roles of the government: Military, police, fire, roads. And those MUST be funded adequately, and attract good qualified people. Yes, even if it means we have to pay our precious, sacred, blessed by God tax dollar on it.

Yes, at the STATE and LOCAL level. Not the Federal level.

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