As the left becomes the minority, they awaken to what the Tea Party has wrought

teabagger... blah, blah, blah... teabagger, teabagger, blah, blah... teabagger, blah, blah, blah... teabagger, teabagger, teabagger... blah, blah...

You realize what kind of a fucking BALL SACK IN YOUR MOUTH FETISH FANATIC MORON HOMO you sound like? Well of course not... you're to self entertained listening to your own BULL SHIT to realize that. Good God what a mother fucking IDIOT!

Why is that those on the right always immediately associate that term with homsexual acts?

the New American Tea Bag Party: Tax Protest for Busy People

Because the left is using the term.
Own it. It's yours. You 'coined it' when referring to Tea Party members. Embrace it. Don't run from it.

Now, when the right starts using:
"liberty-sucking liberals"...YOU will, in turn, have something to complain about, ay? :lol:

The concept is good, but I prefer "Scum Sucking Weasels"
Those buses and commercials on TV just magically appeared!! Honest!

It's called "grass-roots".
Something you lefty's love to claim as your own.

And yet...What "movement" would be considered the "mother" of all grass-roots movements? The citizens who took up arms in our nation's Revolution. On their own. Without any prompting from a fat movie producer, a media-whoring mother monopolizing on her lost son's memory, or a jew-hating loud mouth who's movie career was over ages ago.

The left's hatred of the Tea Party movement, and all within, is based upon nothing more than jealousy. How dare anyone else but the left launch a movement?! How dare that movement be successful?! How dare they do it without being led around by the nose by Peter Fonda or Saul Alinsky?! Who do they think they are!? They can't do that!? If the left isn't involved than it isn't any kind of movement at all!

Yes...the UGLY head of jealousy. :lol:

Oh how does that song go...."don't know much about History.

This is the Tea Party roots and what they represents, not the libertarians ideals they claim as their own.


Cute, but it won't work.
You're not that stupid. Your dog tells me so.

Wanna see the truth? I know the answer is no, but, look here:

This is the "Father of the Tea Party movement".
It all started with his rant:


Then you have this young man, rapping about the Tea Party:

(Take note of the people in this one. All colors, shapes and sizes)

Ahh yes, and then we have this:


Liberals, in all their glory, protesting, with warm-fuzzy signs....all over the place, and NOT being kicked out by responsible liberals. Why is that?

Whenever some dumbshit shows up at a Tea Party rally, they are kicked to the curb.
When they show up at a liberal rally...They are handed a bong, and a blanket from Woodstock and told to have a seat.

How about this one. Mr Holder likes this guy:


Did you see this one? The Tea Party is color-blind:


And this guy?


Any questions?
Don't forget these either! :)


As the left becomes the minority, they awaken to what the Tea Party has wrought

First off....the left is not the minority, the right is still the minority

Teatards will have to learn to live with it
As the left becomes the minority, they awaken to what the Tea Party has wrought

First off....the left is not the minority, the right is still the minority

Teatards will have to learn to live with it

Someone cannot do congressional math.

Oh and....JEALOUS! JEALOUS AGAIN! LMAO!!!! :lol:
Why infiltrate a movement that is going no where?

LMAO!!!! Scared, that's why! And...oh yes....JEALOUS! JEALOUS AGAIN!

Infiltration is the highest form of flattery! BWAHAHAHA!!! :D

As the left becomes the minority, they awaken to what the Tea Party has wrought

First off....the left is not the minority, the right is still the minority

Teatards will have to learn to live with it

Someone cannot do congressional math.

Oh and....JEALOUS! JEALOUS AGAIN! LMAO!!!! :lol:

Someone doesn't understand basic Civics
And now, a message from your local infiltrators. You know, those same people who think the Tea Party is a "nothing" movement:

I've said it before, but it's worth repeating:

The "Tea Party" movement arose from decades-old mistrust of and frustration with our elected officials (on both sides) who refused to listen to our grievances.

They ignored us, betrayed us, and abused our good graces.
And although the result was as predictable as the sunrise, it apparently remains quite unbelievable to many left-of-center.

Granted, We The People are partially to blame. We did not live up to our duties as citizens of this nation.
Our system of government was designed for a citizenry that remains actively engaged and involved in the goings-on of government, at all levels. We are charged with holding our elected officials accountable. But for far too long, far too many of us shrunk from those responsibilities. "Sorry, I have 2.3 kids I have to get to soccer practice, I've no time". "No can do, I'm heading to the bar to watch the game". "What? Pay attention to politics? No, I don't care about that crap! I just got a new iPod and have to get my tunes transferred!" We became self-absorbed little brats.

And, as with most things, we got what we deserved.

But, as the Tea Party movement grew (and still grows), a political 'awakening' began. One that harkens back to our nation's Revolution, when ordinary citizens, tired of government's mandates and tyrannical grasp, finally had enough. Back then, pitch-forks and torches were the norm. Today, we don't have to go that far, thankfully. But however far away we are distanced from those days, an alert citizenry must remain on alert, and must always remember that the pitch-forks and torches should always remain an option...The very LAST option...But an option, none the less. Why?


"...But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Over the past year, the Tea Party movement, and those who identify with it, has become a political force to be reckoned with. Its basis for existence is not a hot-button issue or 'flavor of the month' cause. It is the very Constitution itself, and the fact that our system of government has wandered far away from the simplicity and intent contained within.

And as the left continues its predictable soros-funded, union-thug enforced attacks against those who would dare claim the moniker of "Tea Party member", it is clear that a very raw and exposed nerve has been stomped on by citizen patriots all across the country.

Those opposed to the Tea Party movement wring their hands in frustration at the very notion that We The People are finally paying attention and can clearly see right through their spoken intent, down into the political abyss of their true intent: Maintaining governmental power over the people. Keeping down a section of society, lying to their faces, and telling them that government should always be their savior, while at the same time constantly harassing, bullying and stealing from the rest of us, because we might have a few honest dollars to spend and a warm & safe home in which to live, all WITHOUT the need or want of a governmental 'nanny' to provide anything for us, beyond the bounds of the Constitution.

Over at Townhall today, Carol Platt Liebau has a great little piece titled:

"[They] Can't Defeat What They Can't Understand"

In part, it reads:

Read the whole thing, and access embedded links, at the link above....

Carol, of course, is on-point with this.

Those opposed to the Tea Party movement are continually aghast at what it has wrought.
They cannot believe that We The People would do such a thing to our governmental 'nanny' who supposedly only wants what's best for us.

Fair warning: We The People know what's best for us. We are the ones taking care of our lives, our families and our communties. Without any help from government thugs or chicanery.

"How dare they live our own lives", they say. "How dare they take care of themselves!", they cry.

We dare just fine...Thank you.

Read: That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; "

Light and transient causes? Like losing a election?

Consent of the governed? Remember that vote back in 2008 when President Obama beat Senator McCain 365 to 172?

The Tea Party was hijacked early on by the pseudo-conservatives in order to regain the power they lost because of President Bushes terms. They hoodwinked people in to believing they were based on libertarian ideals, when in fact they are the same old, same old.

More hand wringing and jealousy.
I seem to remember you "social justice" people running rampant around the country threatening all manner of violence if Al Gore wasn't "restored" to his rightful post.


As the Blackcrowes once said: "...JEALOUS...JEALOUS AGAIN!"

Hand wringing? By pointing out that the tea people have been hoodwinked? Or by pointing out the true nature of the entire quote you provided from the declaration of Independence? Then to blindly accuse me of being a part of the "social justice" people (whatever that was) threatening violence?

Jealous? Hahahahahahaha, that's a good one.
Why infiltrate a movement that is going no where?
Why infiltrate a movement that is meaningless?
Why infiltrate a movement that will "sucker" everyone who follows it?
Why infiltrate a movement that will not harm the left at all?
Why call attention to the movement at all?

LMAO!!!! Scared, that's why! And...oh yes....JEALOUS! JEALOUS AGAIN!

Why infiltrate a movement that is going no where?
Why infiltrate a movement that is meaningless?
Why infiltrate a movement that will "sucker" everyone who follows it?
Why infiltrate a movement that will not harm the left at all?
Why call attention to the movement at all?

LMAO!!!! Scared, that's why! And...oh yes....JEALOUS! JEALOUS AGAIN!



Obviously more rightwing plants from Breitbart and O'Keefe

I think you have overdosed yourself sangha, did you take your pills and then forget that you took them and did a dose again?

You wingnuts think that 4 months = half a year. You can't get dumber than that :lol:
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I'm guessing from within his/her own little mind.
From the area where baseless agenda is formed and pushed out into the public.


I see you STILL don't want to talk about how the teabaggers are running away from their promise to cut spending by $100B :lol::lol::lol:

Wingnuts will talk about anything but how their teatards are being used by the GOP. They will talk about Obama, taxes, FREEDOM, socialism, and on and one, just so they can avoid talking about how the teabaggers are being used over and over.

They're the only teabags that can be used over and over again :lol::lol:

The Teatards knew the Government fiscal year structure when they made the $100 billion promise. They also knew they would take office in January 2011.

Why don't they just admit they were lying and had no idea what spending they could cut?

Well, we are talking about a group of teatards that think Sep-Dec (ie 4 months) equal half a year. It's not like they had any idea what they were talking about when they made the promise
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I see the dems want to concentrate on numbers today.
Ok...let's talk THESE numbers:

As of the close of the polls on 11/04/08:

Unemployment was 6.5%
Oil was $60 a barrel.

Your thoughts?

I think anyone who thinks that Sep through Dec equals half a year is too stupid (and too scared) to discuss how the teabaggers are backing away from their promise to cut spending. The only reason the teatards think it's half a year is because a republican LIED to them, and suckers that they are, the teabaggers believe it. And like good little monkeys, teabaggers repeat the lie without any thought.

Monkey see, monkey do

but monkey will never talk about how the teabaggers lied to the monkey. monkey will never talk about how the teatards are running away from their promise to cut spending. Instead, monkey will pretend that 3 months equals half a year :lol::lol:
What part of all social programs are going broke is the left not getting or wanting to talk about.
If the Repubs don't get the budget under control then 3rd patry reps will be elected and they know this.

Social programs are not going broke. Social Security and Medicare are idividually funded and are currently solvent. Long term adjustments in age and benefits will have to be made

The budget needs to be evaluated as a whole, without sacred cows exempted by the right

You're responding to a wingnut so stupid, she thinks Sep-Jan is half a year :cuckoo:

There's no possibility that she'll understand that SS has reduced the deficit by trillions over the years.
Because the left is using the term.
Own it. It's yours. You 'coined it' when referring to Tea Party members. Embrace it. Don't run from it.

Now, when the right starts using:
"liberty-sucking liberals"...YOU will, in turn, have something to complain about, ay? :lol:

YOU obviously didn't check out the TEA BAG party link.....they coined it.

You're dodging. It was coined by the liberal media.
OWN IT!!! Embrace the leftist bullshit you spew! LMAO!!!! :lol:

And, really, one link? One link to prove that "they coined it"????
Do you know how many Tea Party links I could post making your claim look foolish?


I have already posted numerous pictures of teabaggers wearing teabags at teabagger rallies. Do you think the liberal media forced them to wear those teabags?
Re-read my post and tell me again who is dumb. Where did I mention the federal budget?:ahole-1:

You won't mention the fed budget because you don't know much about it. For one thing, you think it works like a paycheck :cuckoo:

But then, I shouldn't expect more from a group of people who don't know that the Fed budget starts in September, and not January :lol:

No, shit for brains. It works like a budget. If you remove a 100 billion dollar item from a budget half way through the fiscal year, 50 billion has already been spent, so you only save the remaining 50 billion. WHAT IS SO FUCKING HARD TO UNDERSTAND?


How does Sept through Dec add up to half a year? I count four months. Last time I looked, four months equals 1/3 of a year, but a moron like you thinks that it's half a year because some republican LIED to you. Like a good little dupe, you believed it without any thought, and like a good little monkey, you repeat the lie. Monkey see, monkey do. No thought required from a monkey like you who's too stupid to look at a calendar. No thought required from a monkey like you who's too stupid to wonder how those teabaggers didn't know the fiscal year started in Sept. And No thought required from a monkey like you who's too stupid to realize you're being lied to, and spending wont be cut because republicans have NEVER cut spending in our lifetime.

And you do all this to excuse the teabaggers for NOT CUTTING spending.
As the left becomes the minority, they awaken to what the Tea Party has wrought

First off....the left is not the minority, the right is still the minority

Teatards will have to learn to live with it

Someone cannot do congressional math.

Oh and....JEALOUS! JEALOUS AGAIN! LMAO!!!! :lol:

Someone doesn't understand basic Civics

He doesn't know how to count either. The Tea Party has fewer members in congress than the left does.:lol::lol::lol:

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