As the rest of Europe lives under lockdown, Sweden keeps calm and carries on

Trump made nearly everything wrong what he was able to do wrong in context Corona-2 virus and pandemic and what is he doing now? He attacks China and the WHO. Who has still not enough trouble worldwide, needs just simple more trouble worldwide, isn't it? Is anyone or anything existing in this world, who or which Trump did not attack in the last few years - except the Corona-virus and the criminal in the third generation of criminals Kim Jong-Un?

If, as you allege, President Trump did everything wrong, why then does Sweden have 20% more deaths per million people?

As I quickly skimmed this senseless thread, I noticed no one provided FACTS and actually supported them with a working link.


I don't have any idea why US-Americans discuss about Sweden, discuss about to punish China, discuss about to destroy Europe and the UNO and specially the WHO - but do not discuss about the disaster Trump made in in the USA - for example with his wrong politics in context Corona - including his call for a civil war with his "liberate" propaganda.

May I remember: Daily are suffering and dying US-Americans because of things, which went terribly wrong in the past. For them "moral" is unimportant - they had needed help: yesterday and the days before. And the people, who could die tomorrow need help today - and perhaps some days longer, until they will be save.

I realize that English is not your first language. So forgive me if I do not understand your post.

I did not start the discussion on Sweden, I provided facts proving the original claim that Sweden had so many fewer deaths was false by showing the deaths per million.

No one has discussed destroying Europe. I have no clue as to who or what is UNO.

The WHO helped conceal the fact that COVID-19 was highly contagious between humans.

What "disaster" did President Trump make in America?

Your second paragraph makes no sense.
Trump made nearly everything wrong what he was able to do wrong in context Corona-2 virus and pandemic and what is he doing now? He attacks China and the WHO. Who has still not enough trouble worldwide, needs just simple more trouble worldwide, isn't it? Is anyone or anything existing in this world, who or which Trump did not attack in the last few years - except the Corona-virus and the criminal in the third generation of criminals Kim Jong-Un?

If, as you allege, President Trump did everything wrong, why then does Sweden have 20% more deaths per million people?

As I quickly skimmed this senseless thread, I noticed no one provided FACTS and actually supported them with a working link.


I don't have any idea why US-Americans discuss about Sweden, discuss about to punish China, discuss about to destroy Europe and the UNO and specially the WHO - but do not discuss about the disaster Trump made in in the USA - for example with his wrong politics in context Corona - including his call for a civil war with his "liberate" propaganda.

May I remember: Daily are suffering and dying US-Americans because of things, which went terribly wrong in the past. For them "moral" is unimportant - they had needed help: yesterday and the days before. And the people, who could die tomorrow need help today - and perhaps some days longer, until they will be save.

I realize that English is not your first language.

You are not an idiot.

So forgive me if I do not understand your post.

You are an idiot.

I did not start the discussion on Sweden, I provided facts proving the original claim that Sweden had so many fewer deaths was false by showing the deaths per million.

The death rate in Sweden in context Corona is a disaster.

No one has discussed destroying Europe.

Anti-Europeanism is perhaps meanwhile more a kind of second nature of US-Americans and Brits.

I have no clue as to who or what is UNO.

Take a look here: United Nations - Wikipedia

The WHO helped conceal the fact that COVID-19 was highly contagious between humans.

What "disaster" did President Trump make in America?

Counterquestion: What kind of disaster did he still not provoke? This man says more nonsense and lies faster than others are able to count his nonsense and lies. And it will need much more than only one US-president after him to repair his damages in many institutions of the USA and in all international affairs of the USA.

Your second paragraph makes no sense.

I don't doubt that you don't understand what I said there.
Last edited:
Trump made nearly everything wrong what he was able to do wrong in context Corona-2 virus and pandemic and what is he doing now? He attacks China and the WHO. Who has still not enough trouble worldwide, needs just simple more trouble worldwide, isn't it? Is anyone or anything existing in this world, who or which Trump did not attack in the last few years - except the Corona-virus and the criminal in the third generation of criminals Kim Jong-Un?

If, as you allege, President Trump did everything wrong, why then does Sweden have 20% more deaths per million people?

As I quickly skimmed this senseless thread, I noticed no one provided FACTS and actually supported them with a working link.


I don't have any idea why US-Americans discuss about Sweden, discuss about to punish China, discuss about to destroy Europe and the UNO and specially the WHO - but do not discuss about the disaster Trump made in in the USA - for example with his wrong politics in context Corona - including his call for a civil war with his "liberate" propaganda.

May I remember: Daily are suffering and dying US-Americans because of things, which went terribly wrong in the past. For them "moral" is unimportant - they had needed help: yesterday and the days before. And the people, who could die tomorrow need help today - and perhaps some days longer until they will be save.
Your post reads just like the instructions in a Chinese-made porch swing I purchased at Walmart.

I don't know what Walmart is - I guess this is a kind of warehouse with sale. I don't know what a porch swing is - I guess it is this what we call in Germany "Hollywoodschaukel". And what I also don't know is why you say this to me ... nor do I understand about what Markle is laughing. I do not see any amusement in my words here.
It’s a sentence structure thing.

So what? Unimportant. I don't need English in my daily life. What did you not understand?
You defend WHO, rag on trump and write like a China man. Do the math. That transcends language and dialect.

You show here the typical US-American attitude to try to see in everything and everyone an enemy and the typcical form of a selective perception like "right or wrong, my president."

By the way: Economy should always only be the servant of human beings. Donald Trump seems not to be able to solve the problem "Corona" - that's why he likes now to win the theme "economy". And he likes to control the selective perception of all US-Americans not to see the problem "health" and "health care" any longer. He seems to think everyone is ready to sell the own grandma to the devil and will vote for him.
I disagree.

What's unimportant for me. As well as to agree with me is unimportant for me. The problem is to understand problems and to solve a dangerous situation a long time before this causes man made catatstrophes. In case of a pandemic for exampke we all know since a very long time what's the best to do ... but we did not care in mpost cases. We don't do the right things at the right ime - before a disaster starts and everyeon celebrates heroes, who never liked to be heroes.

And because I disagree it doesn’t mean I’m looking for an enemy.

As far as I can see all US-Americans use continously a bipolar analytic logic of enemyship.

You seem to be the one painting with the broad brush.

Hmm ... in 2016 39.8% of the US-American did not vote. And from the other 60.2% 46.09% voted for the republicans and 48.18 voted for the democrats. So 39.8 + .602*46.09 + .602*48.18 = 39.80% + 27,75% + 29.00% = 96.55%. 100-96.55 =3.45. So perhaps I will meet one day someone under this 3.45% of US-Americans, who will astonish me.

In the moment I think the best for the citizens of the USA is to fire Donald Trump. This could help to avoid probelms. I think Donald Trump is a dangerous idiot, who destroys the western world.
You rag on what you call ‘bipolar analytic‘ and then make a totally polarized assessment.
How do you say ‘hypocrite’ in your dialect? Zaangalewa?

hypocrite = "scheinheilig" or "Heuchler"

It is by the way Trump, who is a hypocrite. He tells the people what they like to hear. So what he says is not only Trumps certificate of intellectual poverty - it's the certficate of poverty of the whole USA. Trump made the USA little, unimportant and narrow minded. And he calls this "great".
Cite examples.

The reputation of the USA in Germany reached with Trump the lowest level since 1776. No wonder: He seems to be from the year 1740.

If he’s from 1740 you’re from 870.

I said he's from the year 1740 because in the British song "rule the waves" is written "Birtannia first" which Trump uses in the formula "USA first". The declaration of independence speaks another "language".

What do you refer with the year 870? In our history for example the previous cathedral of the cathedeal in Cologne was consecrated in 870. About 1000 years later will be the Cathedral of Cologne the greatest building of the world.

870 is half of 1740.
Trump made nearly everything wrong what he was able to do wrong in context Corona-2 virus and pandemic and what is he doing now? He attacks China and the WHO. Who has still not enough trouble worldwide, needs just simple more trouble worldwide, isn't it? Is anyone or anything existing in this world, who or which Trump did not attack in the last few years - except the Corona-virus and the criminal in the third generation of criminals Kim Jong-Un?

If, as you allege, President Trump did everything wrong, why then does Sweden have 20% more deaths per million people?

As I quickly skimmed this senseless thread, I noticed no one provided FACTS and actually supported them with a working link.


I don't have any idea why US-Americans discuss about Sweden, discuss about to punish China, discuss about to destroy Europe and the UNO and specially the WHO - but do not discuss about the disaster Trump made in in the USA - for example with his wrong politics in context Corona - including his call for a civil war with his "liberate" propaganda.

May I remember: Daily are suffering and dying US-Americans because of things, which went terribly wrong in the past. For them "moral" is unimportant - they had needed help: yesterday and the days before. And the people, who could die tomorrow need help today - and perhaps some days longer until they will be save.
Your post reads just like the instructions in a Chinese-made porch swing I purchased at Walmart.

I don't know what Walmart is - I guess this is a kind of warehouse with sale. I don't know what a porch swing is - I guess it is this what we call in Germany "Hollywoodschaukel". And what I also don't know is why you say this to me ... nor do I understand about what Markle is laughing. I do not see any amusement in my words here.
It’s a sentence structure thing.

So what? Unimportant. I don't need English in my daily life. What did you not understand?
You defend WHO, rag on trump and write like a China man. Do the math. That transcends language and dialect.

You show here the typical US-American attitude to try to see in everything and everyone an enemy and the typcical form of a selective perception like "right or wrong, my president."

By the way: Economy should always only be the servant of human beings. Donald Trump seems not to be able to solve the problem "Corona" - that's why he likes now to win the theme "economy". And he likes to control the selective perception of all US-Americans not to see the problem "health" and "health care" any longer. He seems to think everyone is ready to sell the own grandma to the devil and will vote for him.
I disagree.

What's unimportant for me. As well as to agree with me is unimportant for me. The problem is to understand problems and to solve a dangerous situation a long time before this causes man made catatstrophes. In case of a pandemic for exampke we all know since a very long time what's the best to do ... but we did not care in mpost cases. We don't do the right things at the right ime - before a disaster starts and everyeon celebrates heroes, who never liked to be heroes.

And because I disagree it doesn’t mean I’m looking for an enemy.

As far as I can see all US-Americans use continously a bipolar analytic logic of enemyship.

You seem to be the one painting with the broad brush.

Hmm ... in 2016 39.8% of the US-American did not vote. And from the other 60.2% 46.09% voted for the republicans and 48.18 voted for the democrats. So 39.8 + .602*46.09 + .602*48.18 = 39.80% + 27,75% + 29.00% = 96.55%. 100-96.55 =3.45. So perhaps I will meet one day someone under this 3.45% of US-Americans, who will astonish me.

In the moment I think the best for the citizens of the USA is to fire Donald Trump. This could help to avoid probelms. I think Donald Trump is a dangerous idiot, who destroys the western world.
You rag on what you call ‘bipolar analytic‘ and then make a totally polarized assessment.
How do you say ‘hypocrite’ in your dialect? Zaangalewa?

hypocrite = "scheinheilig" or "Heuchler"

It is by the way Trump, who is a hypocrite. He tells the people what they like to hear. So what he says is not only Trumps certificate of intellectual poverty - it's the certficate of poverty of the whole USA. Trump made the USA little, unimportant and narrow minded. And he calls this "great".
Cite examples.

The reputation of the USA in Germany reached with Trump the lowest level since 1776. No wonder: He seems to be from the year 1740.

If he’s from 1740 you’re from 870.

I said he's from the year 1740 because in the British song "rule the waves" is written "Birtannia first" which Trump uses in the formula "USA first". The declaration of independence speaks another "language".

What do you refer with the year 870? In our history for example the previous cathedral of the cathedeal in Cologne was consecrated in 870. About 1000 years later will be the Cathedral of Cologne the greatest building of the world.

870 is half of 1740.

Cheap attitude. I knew this - but sometimes I have the hope people think something before they "argue". In my daily ways I often pass for example a little church from the year 800. This was the year when the German Charlesmagne had founded the holy empire (France, North-Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria). After world war 2 your soldiers showed their contempt for this part of history by playing like little children with the imperial insignia of the holy Roman empire of German nation. The reason to do so was to show to everyone their contempt for Germans and the will to humiliate their helpless unarmed enemies. I guess no one of this ignorants knew that they had played contemptfully with their own past. Not they had won a war against the holy empire - it had been Napoleon Bonaparte, who indirectly had forced the house of Habsburg (Austria) to liquidate this empire in 1806.

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Sweden is at 2 deaths today.

See if it holds up.

Holland at 77

Belgium at 168

How's that lockdown working out for them ?

I do not count single days - this makes not a big sense.

Sweden 22 deaths per 100k
Netherlands 26 deaths per 100k
Belgium 61 deaths per 100k

Norway 3.6 deaths per 100k
Finland 3.4 deaths per 100k
Iceland 2.8 deaths per 100k
Denmark 7.2 deaths per 100k
Germany 6.8 deaths per 100k

The state Hesse in Germany reported a short time ago that they don't see an excess mortality in the death data compared with the year before Corona came. In such an information see some people for example a reason to do nothing (=alibi argument: "herd immunity"). But such a conclusion is wrong! Because of the fight against Corona also other infections cause less victims. In Germany died for example 5640 + x people because of Corona (data from 4/26/2020 0:00 o'clock, Robert Koch Institute) and no one knows how many did not die because of other infections.

In theory - it makes not a big sense to try to verify this now, because the fight against Corona is a priority ... again: In theory it is possible that in 2020 will die less people in Germany because of infections in total, although many people die on covid-19. The reason: What we do to prevent Corona helps also to prevent other viruses. In a worst case scenario in Sweden will not only die more people on Corona but also more people on other infections than in Germany. So the data of Sweden compared with Germany means under comparable conditions: while less than one German dies will die more than 3 Swedes. The reason for is only a difference in philosophy - and for only some thoughts it is a relativelly high price, which Sweden pays in the moment.

And Sun Devil 92, I doubt about that you take yourselve serios. You lie - and you know that you lie. You take only a look at the data which support your own ideas, about this, what others should do for you - even if this means others have to die for you and your ideas. From my point of view you try to block the will of the citizens of the USA to defend the country against Corona. That's not good.

You are full of shit.

ts ts ts ts ts

Your accusation is a base projection of your own desires.

Nevertheless I'm sure you lie and you know this.

Your conclusion isn't rooted in anything more than a bulk statistic.

Exactly. I compared the numbers of most countries around Sweden (except GB).

And while others are want to use those same statistics to prove their point, they'll make all kinds of excuses for the fact that if 3 Swedes die for every German, than 9 Belgiums will die for every German.

"For" means "in relation". And I am by the way not satisfied with Germany, when I take a look at the data of Norway. We could be better.

That is from the data you listed above.

I have only recently stated that I like what Sweden did and is doing.

I do not think you know a lot about Sweden. Do you know Carl Michael Bellmann for example? Don't worry: He did not die on covid-19 - he died on tubercolosis in 1795 AD. If I would be a Swede, then Carl Michael would be a reason for me not to be satisfied with the current situation in Sweden.

Anyway: What you like is something else. You fight for the idea "herd immunity" - or with other words a careless politics of many autocrats in the world - including Trump (USA) and Johnson (UK). This darwinistic idea ("do nothing - nature will select"!) is fascinating for lots of people in the world because it is the most easy way ...(indeed it is no way at all but only a result) ... as long as they are not a member of a risk group on their own. But Sweden is not a good example for the success of this "method" (="do nothing") - specially because they do not use this method. It's more complex what Sweden is doing. But herd immunity is part of this concept and as far as I can see in the moment it is an astonishing sad concept. Could be much more better.

By the way: Yesterday died a German on covid-19 after weeks of intensive care. 26 years old with not any pre-existing disease. A tragedy ... and this was not the only tragedy yesterday. I remember in this context also the death of a 97 years old man - he died long years ago on cancer, but was not ready to die. It makes no difference: Who is not ready to die, is not ready to die. Not with 26 years and not with 97 years. Death is bullshit.

Up until then, it was simply looking at the data.

As for your final statement, I have only pointed out from the start that people have not been following the lockdown (including the people of New York) therefor any conclusions drawn from the idea that the lockdown is doing something is somewhat suspect. Whole sections of the country are going about business (not as ususal), with many of the same day to day routines.

Get a grip.

I have the feeling you try to say to me with this words, because the USA is helpless and has not any chance to win a war against this virus, it's better to surrender. Perhaps you are right. Who fights will often be wounded. But I am a German with Jewish roots. I do not live now because anyone gave up. One day I will give up - better to say I will go home - but this day is not today.

Much of the USA is fine and is winning.

Optimism is a nice thing - if optimism is correlated to reality and not to senseless empty phrases.

Sooner or later, the virus will come into contact with all of us.

The virus will under no circumstances come in contact with all of us. The solvable problem is only not to let it come in contact with people, who will die on covid-19. Soon (best case in a few month - worst case in some years) will exist one or more good vaccines and one or more special medicaments against the Corona-2 virus. But you prefer to surrender? Why? And what's your price in this game? 30 silver coins?

Surrender ?

Who are you ? And what are you talking about ?

Unless you can make a case that makes any sense, I'll start bypassing your blathering bullshit.

I have always advocated for protection of the vulnerable. The lockdown did nothing to focus on them.

We know who they are. The rest of us will be exposed in the course of time. And the lockdown strategy acknowldeges was an effort to keep from overwhelming medical facilities.

Try Siegfried’s Death March next.
Trump made nearly everything wrong what he was able to do wrong in context Corona-2 virus and pandemic and what is he doing now? He attacks China and the WHO. Who has still not enough trouble worldwide, needs just simple more trouble worldwide, isn't it? Is anyone or anything existing in this world, who or which Trump did not attack in the last few years - except the Corona-virus and the criminal in the third generation of criminals Kim Jong-Un?

If, as you allege, President Trump did everything wrong, why then does Sweden have 20% more deaths per million people?

As I quickly skimmed this senseless thread, I noticed no one provided FACTS and actually supported them with a working link.


I don't have any idea why US-Americans discuss about Sweden, discuss about to punish China, discuss about to destroy Europe and the UNO and specially the WHO - but do not discuss about the disaster Trump made in in the USA - for example with his wrong politics in context Corona - including his call for a civil war with his "liberate" propaganda.

May I remember: Daily are suffering and dying US-Americans because of things, which went terribly wrong in the past. For them "moral" is unimportant - they had needed help: yesterday and the days before. And the people, who could die tomorrow need help today - and perhaps some days longer until they will be save.
Your post reads just like the instructions in a Chinese-made porch swing I purchased at Walmart.

I don't know what Walmart is - I guess this is a kind of warehouse with sale. I don't know what a porch swing is - I guess it is this what we call in Germany "Hollywoodschaukel". And what I also don't know is why you say this to me ... nor do I understand about what Markle is laughing. I do not see any amusement in my words here.
It’s a sentence structure thing.

So what? Unimportant. I don't need English in my daily life. What did you not understand?
You defend WHO, rag on trump and write like a China man. Do the math. That transcends language and dialect.

You show here the typical US-American attitude to try to see in everything and everyone an enemy and the typcical form of a selective perception like "right or wrong, my president."

By the way: Economy should always only be the servant of human beings. Donald Trump seems not to be able to solve the problem "Corona" - that's why he likes now to win the theme "economy". And he likes to control the selective perception of all US-Americans not to see the problem "health" and "health care" any longer. He seems to think everyone is ready to sell the own grandma to the devil and will vote for him.
I disagree.

What's unimportant for me. As well as to agree with me is unimportant for me. The problem is to understand problems and to solve a dangerous situation a long time before this causes man made catatstrophes. In case of a pandemic for exampke we all know since a very long time what's the best to do ... but we did not care in mpost cases. We don't do the right things at the right ime - before a disaster starts and everyeon celebrates heroes, who never liked to be heroes.

And because I disagree it doesn’t mean I’m looking for an enemy.

As far as I can see all US-Americans use continously a bipolar analytic logic of enemyship.

You seem to be the one painting with the broad brush.

Hmm ... in 2016 39.8% of the US-American did not vote. And from the other 60.2% 46.09% voted for the republicans and 48.18 voted for the democrats. So 39.8 + .602*46.09 + .602*48.18 = 39.80% + 27,75% + 29.00% = 96.55%. 100-96.55 =3.45. So perhaps I will meet one day someone under this 3.45% of US-Americans, who will astonish me.

In the moment I think the best for the citizens of the USA is to fire Donald Trump. This could help to avoid probelms. I think Donald Trump is a dangerous idiot, who destroys the western world.
You rag on what you call ‘bipolar analytic‘ and then make a totally polarized assessment.
How do you say ‘hypocrite’ in your dialect? Zaangalewa?

hypocrite = "scheinheilig" or "Heuchler"

It is by the way Trump, who is a hypocrite. He tells the people what they like to hear. So what he says is not only Trumps certificate of intellectual poverty - it's the certficate of poverty of the whole USA. Trump made the USA little, unimportant and narrow minded. And he calls this "great".
Cite examples.

The reputation of the USA in Germany reached with Trump the lowest level since 1776. No wonder: He seems to be from the year 1740.


I'd bet that our reputation with Germany hit lows in WWII as our fathers smoked your asses........

Germany started 2 World Wars.................LOST THEM BOTH.....put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Over 3,000 dead from covid-19 in Sweden
More than 3,000 people have died as a result of corona in Sweden. After 99 new deaths had been registered on May 7 the total death toll in the country is 3,040. 1,645 people receive or have received intensive care as a result of covid-19. 24,623 people have been confirmed to be infected with the virus. "An increasing proportion of the cases we find come from healthcare professionals as we begin to test more," says state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.

Compared to others Sweden is doing fine.......and more of their people have already had the virus and not know it..................

The other Nations are not done with this ..........They have more rounds to Sweden will be over this virus first.................
Sweden is at 2 deaths today.

See if it holds up.

Holland at 77

Belgium at 168

How's that lockdown working out for them ?

I do not count single days - this makes not a big sense.

Sweden 22 deaths per 100k
Netherlands 26 deaths per 100k
Belgium 61 deaths per 100k

Norway 3.6 deaths per 100k
Finland 3.4 deaths per 100k
Iceland 2.8 deaths per 100k
Denmark 7.2 deaths per 100k
Germany 6.8 deaths per 100k

The state Hesse in Germany reported a short time ago that they don't see an excess mortality in the death data compared with the year before Corona came. In such an information see some people for example a reason to do nothing (=alibi argument: "herd immunity"). But such a conclusion is wrong! Because of the fight against Corona also other infections cause less victims. In Germany died for example 5640 + x people because of Corona (data from 4/26/2020 0:00 o'clock, Robert Koch Institute) and no one knows how many did not die because of other infections.

In theory - it makes not a big sense to try to verify this now, because the fight against Corona is a priority ... again: In theory it is possible that in 2020 will die less people in Germany because of infections in total, although many people die on covid-19. The reason: What we do to prevent Corona helps also to prevent other viruses. In a worst case scenario in Sweden will not only die more people on Corona but also more people on other infections than in Germany. So the data of Sweden compared with Germany means under comparable conditions: while less than one German dies will die more than 3 Swedes. The reason for is only a difference in philosophy - and for only some thoughts it is a relativelly high price, which Sweden pays in the moment.

And Sun Devil 92, I doubt about that you take yourselve serios. You lie - and you know that you lie. You take only a look at the data which support your own ideas, about this, what others should do for you - even if this means others have to die for you and your ideas. From my point of view you try to block the will of the citizens of the USA to defend the country against Corona. That's not good.

You are full of shit.

ts ts ts ts ts

Your accusation is a base projection of your own desires.

Nevertheless I'm sure you lie and you know this.

Your conclusion isn't rooted in anything more than a bulk statistic.

Exactly. I compared the numbers of most countries around Sweden (except GB).

And while others are want to use those same statistics to prove their point, they'll make all kinds of excuses for the fact that if 3 Swedes die for every German, than 9 Belgiums will die for every German.

"For" means "in relation". And I am by the way not satisfied with Germany, when I take a look at the data of Norway. We could be better.

That is from the data you listed above.

I have only recently stated that I like what Sweden did and is doing.

I do not think you know a lot about Sweden. Do you know Carl Michael Bellmann for example? Don't worry: He did not die on covid-19 - he died on tubercolosis in 1795 AD. If I would be a Swede, then Carl Michael would be a reason for me not to be satisfied with the current situation in Sweden.

Anyway: What you like is something else. You fight for the idea "herd immunity" - or with other words a careless politics of many autocrats in the world - including Trump (USA) and Johnson (UK). This darwinistic idea ("do nothing - nature will select"!) is fascinating for lots of people in the world because it is the most easy way ...(indeed it is no way at all but only a result) ... as long as they are not a member of a risk group on their own. But Sweden is not a good example for the success of this "method" (="do nothing") - specially because they do not use this method. It's more complex what Sweden is doing. But herd immunity is part of this concept and as far as I can see in the moment it is an astonishing sad concept. Could be much more better.

By the way: Yesterday died a German on covid-19 after weeks of intensive care. 26 years old with not any pre-existing disease. A tragedy ... and this was not the only tragedy yesterday. I remember in this context also the death of a 97 years old man - he died long years ago on cancer, but was not ready to die. It makes no difference: Who is not ready to die, is not ready to die. Not with 26 years and not with 97 years. Death is bullshit.

Up until then, it was simply looking at the data.

As for your final statement, I have only pointed out from the start that people have not been following the lockdown (including the people of New York) therefor any conclusions drawn from the idea that the lockdown is doing something is somewhat suspect. Whole sections of the country are going about business (not as ususal), with many of the same day to day routines.

Get a grip.

I have the feeling you try to say to me with this words, because the USA is helpless and has not any chance to win a war against this virus, it's better to surrender. Perhaps you are right. Who fights will often be wounded. But I am a German with Jewish roots. I do not live now because anyone gave up. One day I will give up - better to say I will go home - but this day is not today.

Much of the USA is fine and is winning.

Optimism is a nice thing - if optimism is correlated to reality and not to senseless empty phrases.

Sooner or later, the virus will come into contact with all of us.

The virus will under no circumstances come in contact with all of us. The solvable problem is only not to let it come in contact with people, who will die on covid-19. Soon (best case in a few month - worst case in some years) will exist one or more good vaccines and one or more special medicaments against the Corona-2 virus. But you prefer to surrender? Why? And what's your price in this game? 30 silver coins?

Surrender ?

Who are you ? And what are you talking about ?

Unless you can make a case that makes any sense, I'll start bypassing your blathering bullshit.

I have always advocated for protection of the vulnerable. The lockdown did nothing to focus on them.

We know who they are. The rest of us will be exposed in the course of time. And the lockdown strategy acknowldeges was an effort to keep from overwhelming medical facilities.

Try Siegfried’s Death March next.

Siegfrieds funeral march? Why? Because you like to be Hagen von Tronje?

For all veterans of all nations who did not die in world war 2 - but had to die now - old aged and often alone - because of covid-19. God be with them.
Last edited:
Sweden is at 2 deaths today.

See if it holds up.

Holland at 77

Belgium at 168

How's that lockdown working out for them ?

I do not count single days - this makes not a big sense.

Sweden 22 deaths per 100k
Netherlands 26 deaths per 100k
Belgium 61 deaths per 100k

Norway 3.6 deaths per 100k
Finland 3.4 deaths per 100k
Iceland 2.8 deaths per 100k
Denmark 7.2 deaths per 100k
Germany 6.8 deaths per 100k

The state Hesse in Germany reported a short time ago that they don't see an excess mortality in the death data compared with the year before Corona came. In such an information see some people for example a reason to do nothing (=alibi argument: "herd immunity"). But such a conclusion is wrong! Because of the fight against Corona also other infections cause less victims. In Germany died for example 5640 + x people because of Corona (data from 4/26/2020 0:00 o'clock, Robert Koch Institute) and no one knows how many did not die because of other infections.

In theory - it makes not a big sense to try to verify this now, because the fight against Corona is a priority ... again: In theory it is possible that in 2020 will die less people in Germany because of infections in total, although many people die on covid-19. The reason: What we do to prevent Corona helps also to prevent other viruses. In a worst case scenario in Sweden will not only die more people on Corona but also more people on other infections than in Germany. So the data of Sweden compared with Germany means under comparable conditions: while less than one German dies will die more than 3 Swedes. The reason for is only a difference in philosophy - and for only some thoughts it is a relativelly high price, which Sweden pays in the moment.

And Sun Devil 92, I doubt about that you take yourselve serios. You lie - and you know that you lie. You take only a look at the data which support your own ideas, about this, what others should do for you - even if this means others have to die for you and your ideas. From my point of view you try to block the will of the citizens of the USA to defend the country against Corona. That's not good.

You are full of shit.

ts ts ts ts ts

Your accusation is a base projection of your own desires.

Nevertheless I'm sure you lie and you know this.

Your conclusion isn't rooted in anything more than a bulk statistic.

Exactly. I compared the numbers of most countries around Sweden (except GB).

And while others are want to use those same statistics to prove their point, they'll make all kinds of excuses for the fact that if 3 Swedes die for every German, than 9 Belgiums will die for every German.

"For" means "in relation". And I am by the way not satisfied with Germany, when I take a look at the data of Norway. We could be better.

That is from the data you listed above.

I have only recently stated that I like what Sweden did and is doing.

I do not think you know a lot about Sweden. Do you know Carl Michael Bellmann for example? Don't worry: He did not die on covid-19 - he died on tubercolosis in 1795 AD. If I would be a Swede, then Carl Michael would be a reason for me not to be satisfied with the current situation in Sweden.

Anyway: What you like is something else. You fight for the idea "herd immunity" - or with other words a careless politics of many autocrats in the world - including Trump (USA) and Johnson (UK). This darwinistic idea ("do nothing - nature will select"!) is fascinating for lots of people in the world because it is the most easy way ...(indeed it is no way at all but only a result) ... as long as they are not a member of a risk group on their own. But Sweden is not a good example for the success of this "method" (="do nothing") - specially because they do not use this method. It's more complex what Sweden is doing. But herd immunity is part of this concept and as far as I can see in the moment it is an astonishing sad concept. Could be much more better.

By the way: Yesterday died a German on covid-19 after weeks of intensive care. 26 years old with not any pre-existing disease. A tragedy ... and this was not the only tragedy yesterday. I remember in this context also the death of a 97 years old man - he died long years ago on cancer, but was not ready to die. It makes no difference: Who is not ready to die, is not ready to die. Not with 26 years and not with 97 years. Death is bullshit.

Up until then, it was simply looking at the data.

As for your final statement, I have only pointed out from the start that people have not been following the lockdown (including the people of New York) therefor any conclusions drawn from the idea that the lockdown is doing something is somewhat suspect. Whole sections of the country are going about business (not as ususal), with many of the same day to day routines.

Get a grip.

I have the feeling you try to say to me with this words, because the USA is helpless and has not any chance to win a war against this virus, it's better to surrender. Perhaps you are right. Who fights will often be wounded. But I am a German with Jewish roots. I do not live now because anyone gave up. One day I will give up - better to say I will go home - but this day is not today.

Much of the USA is fine and is winning.

Optimism is a nice thing - if optimism is correlated to reality and not to senseless empty phrases.

Sooner or later, the virus will come into contact with all of us.

The virus will under no circumstances come in contact with all of us. The solvable problem is only not to let it come in contact with people, who will die on covid-19. Soon (best case in a few month - worst case in some years) will exist one or more good vaccines and one or more special medicaments against the Corona-2 virus. But you prefer to surrender? Why? And what's your price in this game? 30 silver coins?

Surrender ?

Who are you ? And what are you talking about ?

Unless you can make a case that makes any sense, I'll start bypassing your blathering bullshit.

I have always advocated for protection of the vulnerable. The lockdown did nothing to focus on them.

We know who they are. The rest of us will be exposed in the course of time. And the lockdown strategy acknowldeges was an effort to keep from overwhelming medical facilities.

Try Siegfried’s Death March next.

Siegfrieds funeral march? Why? Because you like to be Hagen von Tronje?

There’s no ‘because’.

It’s just a nice tune.

Over 3,000 dead from covid-19 in Sweden
More than 3,000 people have died as a result of corona in Sweden. After 99 new deaths had been registered on May 7 the total death toll in the country is 3,040. 1,645 people receive or have received intensive care as a result of covid-19. 24,623 people have been confirmed to be infected with the virus. "An increasing proportion of the cases we find come from healthcare professionals as we begin to test more," says state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.

Compared to others Sweden is doing fine.......and more of their people have already had the virus and not know it..................

The other Nations are not done with this ..........They have more rounds to Sweden will be over this virus first.................
we do not know if those who have contracted the virus are immune to getting it a second time... there are over 100 cases worldwide that have had it, been allegedly cured, with 2 consecutive negative tests, then show up a few weeks later, with the virus again, testing positive..... the USA's first 2 cases of those allegedly cured, showing up with the virus again....showed up last week

it is possible, that there is no natural herd immuity and Sweden is just unnecessarily killing their elderly at a rapid pace!

and if it turns out there is a herd immunity to be had by the previously infected, it takes 70% of the population being immune, to control this novel corona what the scientists are saying....
and Sweden is just hitting 15% of their population is what I've read

there's a long long way to go, many more deaths to come....
Trump made nearly everything wrong what he was able to do wrong in context Corona-2 virus and pandemic and what is he doing now? He attacks China and the WHO. Who has still not enough trouble worldwide, needs just simple more trouble worldwide, isn't it? Is anyone or anything existing in this world, who or which Trump did not attack in the last few years - except the Corona-virus and the criminal in the third generation of criminals Kim Jong-Un?

If, as you allege, President Trump did everything wrong, why then does Sweden have 20% more deaths per million people?

As I quickly skimmed this senseless thread, I noticed no one provided FACTS and actually supported them with a working link.


I don't have any idea why US-Americans discuss about Sweden, discuss about to punish China, discuss about to destroy Europe and the UNO and specially the WHO - but do not discuss about the disaster Trump made in in the USA - for example with his wrong politics in context Corona - including his call for a civil war with his "liberate" propaganda.

May I remember: Daily are suffering and dying US-Americans because of things, which went terribly wrong in the past. For them "moral" is unimportant - they had needed help: yesterday and the days before. And the people, who could die tomorrow need help today - and perhaps some days longer until they will be save.
Your post reads just like the instructions in a Chinese-made porch swing I purchased at Walmart.

I don't know what Walmart is - I guess this is a kind of warehouse with sale. I don't know what a porch swing is - I guess it is this what we call in Germany "Hollywoodschaukel". And what I also don't know is why you say this to me ... nor do I understand about what Markle is laughing. I do not see any amusement in my words here.
It’s a sentence structure thing.

So what? Unimportant. I don't need English in my daily life. What did you not understand?
You defend WHO, rag on trump and write like a China man. Do the math. That transcends language and dialect.

You show here the typical US-American attitude to try to see in everything and everyone an enemy and the typcical form of a selective perception like "right or wrong, my president."

By the way: Economy should always only be the servant of human beings. Donald Trump seems not to be able to solve the problem "Corona" - that's why he likes now to win the theme "economy". And he likes to control the selective perception of all US-Americans not to see the problem "health" and "health care" any longer. He seems to think everyone is ready to sell the own grandma to the devil and will vote for him.
I disagree.

What's unimportant for me. As well as to agree with me is unimportant for me. The problem is to understand problems and to solve a dangerous situation a long time before this causes man made catatstrophes. In case of a pandemic for exampke we all know since a very long time what's the best to do ... but we did not care in mpost cases. We don't do the right things at the right ime - before a disaster starts and everyeon celebrates heroes, who never liked to be heroes.

And because I disagree it doesn’t mean I’m looking for an enemy.

As far as I can see all US-Americans use continously a bipolar analytic logic of enemyship.

You seem to be the one painting with the broad brush.

Hmm ... in 2016 39.8% of the US-American did not vote. And from the other 60.2% 46.09% voted for the republicans and 48.18 voted for the democrats. So 39.8 + .602*46.09 + .602*48.18 = 39.80% + 27,75% + 29.00% = 96.55%. 100-96.55 =3.45. So perhaps I will meet one day someone under this 3.45% of US-Americans, who will astonish me.

In the moment I think the best for the citizens of the USA is to fire Donald Trump. This could help to avoid probelms. I think Donald Trump is a dangerous idiot, who destroys the western world.
You rag on what you call ‘bipolar analytic‘ and then make a totally polarized assessment.
How do you say ‘hypocrite’ in your dialect? Zaangalewa?

hypocrite = "scheinheilig" or "Heuchler"

It is by the way Trump, who is a hypocrite. He tells the people what they like to hear. So what he says is not only Trumps certificate of intellectual poverty - it's the certficate of poverty of the whole USA. Trump made the USA little, unimportant and narrow minded. And he calls this "great".
Cite examples.

The reputation of the USA in Germany reached with Trump the lowest level since 1776. No wonder: He seems to be from the year 1740.


I'd bet that our reputation with Germany hit lows in WWII as our fathers smoked your asses........

Germany started 2 World Wars

What's wrong.

.................LOST THEM BOTH.....put that in your pipe and smoke it.

I don't smoke. And Trump has by the way less than absolutelly not any light idea about military stuctures nor about this what soldiers normaly call "honorful behavior", if they live in the traditions of the western world. His annihilation of the hero John McCain and the destruction of the reputation of Senator McCain was as well impressive as diabolic. Trump demotivated all US-American soldiers - only because the upright man John McCain, who was suffering from cancer, was not ready to make more worse for the USA, what was worse enough.

Last edited:

Over 3,000 dead from covid-19 in Sweden
More than 3,000 people have died as a result of corona in Sweden. After 99 new deaths had been registered on May 7 the total death toll in the country is 3,040. 1,645 people receive or have received intensive care as a result of covid-19. 24,623 people have been confirmed to be infected with the virus. "An increasing proportion of the cases we find come from healthcare professionals as we begin to test more," says state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.

Compared to others Sweden is doing fine.......and more of their people have already had the virus and not know it..................

The other Nations are not done with this ..........They have more rounds to Sweden will be over this virus first.................
we do not know if those who have contracted the virus are immune to getting it a second time... there are over 100 cases worldwide that have had it, been allegedly cured, with 2 consecutive negative tests, then show up a few weeks later, with the virus again, testing positive..... the USA's first 2 cases of those allegedly cured, showing up with the virus again....showed up last week

it is possible, that there is no natural herd immuity and Sweden is just unnecessarily killing their elderly at a rapid pace!

and if it turns out there is a herd immunity to be had by the previously infected, it takes 70% of the population being immune, to control this novel corona what the scientists are saying....
and Sweden is just hitting 15% of their population is what I've read

there's a long long way to go, many more deaths to come....
Get back to me when you can stop the common cold or the Flu....................You can't........

And you can't stop this either.....the longer it stays in circulation the more it mutates.........we've only made this crap worse.............and the RATES are WAY LOWER than the PANIC RATES shown early.

We have done nothing to but screwed ourselves economically for a virus..........those effects are here and will be devastating to many

Very interesting.

It has only been in the past couple of days that the death toll has started to increase significantly, rising by a third in a single day on Thursday and Friday, with 92 people now dead and 209 in intensive care. As he announced the tighter restrictions on Friday, the prime minister, Stefan Löfven, warned that the coming weeks and months would be tough.

But he defended the decision not to implement the tighter restrictions seen in Denmark, France and the UK. “We all, as individuals, have to take responsibility. We can’t legislate and ban everything,” he said. “It is also a question of commonsense behaviour.”

Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s state epidemiologist, believes it is counterproductive to bring in the tightest restrictions at too early a stage. “As long as the Swedish epidemic development stays at this level,” he tells the Observer, “I don’t see any big reason to take measures that you can only keep up for a very limited amount of time.”


It's always good to see another take on the experiment.

I think Italy, France, Spain are in lockdown and their cases are going way way up.....If they turn soon...great.

We'll know something.

But unless Sweden gets really sick...we'll know something else.
/———/ Libtards love Woodstock:
What's wrong.
Your typical German Arrogance is wrong..............or Fathers stood by you against the USSR.......guess your arrogance forgets that.

I don't smoke. And Trump has by the way less than absolutelly not any light idea about military stuctures nor about this what soldiers call "honorful behavior". His annihilation of the upright hero John McCain and his reputation was as well impressive as diabolic. Trump demotivated all US-American soldiers only because John McCain was not ready to make more worse what was worse enough.
McCain...............was a danged Rino..........Globalist to the hilt.......and lined his pockets with Lobbyist...........he wasn't a hero.......

I served ..............many served............old saying......Salute the Rank and not necessarily the person wearing the Uniform.............

I will salute the UNIFORM ONLY WITH McCAIN.

Over 3,000 dead from covid-19 in Sweden
More than 3,000 people have died as a result of corona in Sweden. After 99 new deaths had been registered on May 7 the total death toll in the country is 3,040. 1,645 people receive or have received intensive care as a result of covid-19. 24,623 people have been confirmed to be infected with the virus. "An increasing proportion of the cases we find come from healthcare professionals as we begin to test more," says state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.

Compared to others Sweden is doing fine.......and more of their people have already had the virus and not know it..................

The other Nations are not done with this ..........They have more rounds to Sweden will be over this virus first.................

Sweden is doing fine? Who knew? Now at 311 deaths per million, the United States at 240 deaths per million.

If I'm not mistaken, that's about 30% more per million than the US.



Over 3,000 dead from covid-19 in Sweden
More than 3,000 people have died as a result of corona in Sweden. After 99 new deaths had been registered on May 7 the total death toll in the country is 3,040. 1,645 people receive or have received intensive care as a result of covid-19. 24,623 people have been confirmed to be infected with the virus. "An increasing proportion of the cases we find come from healthcare professionals as we begin to test more," says state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.

Compared to others Sweden is doing fine.......and more of their people have already had the virus and not know it..................

The other Nations are not done with this ..........They have more rounds to Sweden will be over this virus first.................
we do not know if those who have contracted the virus are immune to getting it a second time... there are over 100 cases worldwide that have had it, been allegedly cured, with 2 consecutive negative tests, then show up a few weeks later, with the virus again, testing positive..... the USA's first 2 cases of those allegedly cured, showing up with the virus again....showed up last week

it is possible, that there is no natural herd immuity and Sweden is just unnecessarily killing their elderly at a rapid pace!

and if it turns out there is a herd immunity to be had by the previously infected, it takes 70% of the population being immune, to control this novel corona what the scientists are saying....
and Sweden is just hitting 15% of their population is what I've read

there's a long long way to go, many more deaths to come....
Get back to me when you can stop the common cold or the Flu....................You can't........

And you can't stop this either.....the longer it stays in circulation the more it mutates.........we've only made this crap worse.............and the RATES are WAY LOWER than the PANIC RATES shown early.

We have done nothing to but screwed ourselves economically for a virus..........those effects are here and will be devastating to many
the economy was doomed from this deadly pandemic, with or without states with stay safe at home orders.... one immediately saves lives, saves unnecessary deaths....

poor planning and poor handling of the virus by our govt, CAUSED the devastating economic condition we are in now, and we need to learn from it....!!!

these new deadly viruses are here to come and go, for a while..... the next one, is waiting in the wings, we can learn to handle them better....

Over 3,000 dead from covid-19 in Sweden
More than 3,000 people have died as a result of corona in Sweden. After 99 new deaths had been registered on May 7 the total death toll in the country is 3,040. 1,645 people receive or have received intensive care as a result of covid-19. 24,623 people have been confirmed to be infected with the virus. "An increasing proportion of the cases we find come from healthcare professionals as we begin to test more," says state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.

Compared to others Sweden is doing fine.......and more of their people have already had the virus and not know it..................

The other Nations are not done with this ..........They have more rounds to Sweden will be over this virus first.................
we do not know if those who have contracted the virus are immune to getting it a second time... there are over 100 cases worldwide that have had it, been allegedly cured, with 2 consecutive negative tests, then show up a few weeks later, with the virus again, testing positive..... the USA's first 2 cases of those allegedly cured, showing up with the virus again....showed up last week

it is possible, that there is no natural herd immuity and Sweden is just unnecessarily killing their elderly at a rapid pace!

and if it turns out there is a herd immunity to be had by the previously infected, it takes 70% of the population being immune, to control this novel corona what the scientists are saying....
and Sweden is just hitting 15% of their population is what I've read

there's a long long way to go, many more deaths to come....
Get back to me when you can stop the common cold or the Flu....................You can't........

And you can't stop this either.....the longer it stays in circulation the more it mutates.........we've only made this crap worse.............and the RATES are WAY LOWER than the PANIC RATES shown early.

We have done nothing to but screwed ourselves economically for a virus..........those effects are here and will be devastating to many
the economy was doomed from this deadly pandemic, with or without states with stay safe at home orders.... one immediately saves lives, saves unnecessary deaths....

poor planning and poor handling of the virus by our govt, CAUSED the devastating economic condition we are in now, and we need to learn from it....!!!

these new deadly viruses are here to come and go, for a while..... the next one, is waiting in the wings, we can learn to handle them better....
This one was blown out of proportion..........and in 1957 and 1968 we had this and the world did not stop turning..................Life went on and we didn't destroy ourselves from it........................

Most VERY DEADLY VIRUSES..........EBOLA...........don't spread so rapidly.......because it kills everything in it's path...........the dead cannot spread it.......and why they don't usually go like the Flu.

We have destroyed this economy and the cure will be worse than the Kung Flu..........We haven't lost this many jobs since the Depression..............and for a death rate of 0.2% as they find new data.

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