As we move toward “show me your papers” for Vax proof shouldn’t we do the same thing to identify and weed out illegals?

These two issues have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Moreover, the non-vaxed people are choosing the route of murder and suicide. If proof of being vaccinated is not required, how do we protect ourselves from them when we are out and about in society? You tell me. The non-vaxed people want to kill others. Should we let them?

So whats the vax for?
I have done these things, dipshit. The un-vaxed, unmasked people are murderers circulating among us. Answer how we are supposed to protect ourselves from these people? Do we have to pepper-spray them? What if they come into close proximity to, or approach a young child who cannot be vaccinated? How do we get this vermin to stay away?
Answer how we are supposed to protect ourselves from these people?

Just told you, Dipshit. Get the vaccine and wear a mask............or a whole box of mask depending on Fraudci's story of the day. If that isn't enough protection for you, stay in your mom's basement, Cupcake.

The fact you are a scared little wimp isn't my problem.
Remeber when Democrats HATED the idea of “show me your papers”?
Now that they support such a measure as a matter of “public safety” can anyone think of a reason we shouldn’t use their brilliant idea to stop and identify illegal aliens?
They should also be getting vaccinated before leaving federal custody.
I have done these things, dipshit. The un-vaxed, unmasked people are murderers circulating among us. Answer how we are supposed to protect ourselves from these people? Do we have to pepper-spray them? What if they come into close proximity to, or approach a young child who cannot be vaccinated? How do we get this vermin to stay away?
The un-vaxed, unmasked people are murderers circulating among us

You talking about the tens of thousands of China flu infested illegals Pedo Joe is releasing in to the USA, or do you give them a pass cuz Biden is doing it?
Responsible people who have been already well established and identified for decades have to jump through a drama hoop of Real ID and provide birth certificates, social security cards, and two forms of mail with name on it Yet deadbeats and illegals can’t be troubled to get their First ID.
Another instance where this country is in trouble
And dont forget marriage certificates and proof of divorce.
Remeber when Democrats HATED the idea of “show me your papers”?
Now that they support such a measure as a matter of “public safety” can anyone think of a reason we shouldn’t use their brilliant idea to stop and identify illegal aliens?
Illegals don't have or spread covid BIGOTS !

Nah...just a fastrack deportation for know, like ALL legitimate countries with legitimate leaders whom are commited to protecting their citizenry.

“Other countries” don’t have illegal immigration problems because we arrest and seriously fine anyone hiring them. We don’t have fast track deportations either.

We nail your ass to the wall for hiring illegals. Republicans NEVER arrest employers. That’s why you have an illegal immigration problem and always will.

You keep voting for Republicans and Republicans keep letting them stay.
“Other countries” don’t have illegal immigration problems because we arrest and seriously fine anyone hiring them. We don’t have fast track deportations either.

We nail your ass to the wall for hiring illegals. Republicans NEVER arrest employers. That’s why you have an illegal immigration problem and always will.

You keep voting for Republicans and Republicans keep letting them stay.
Dems are firmly against mandatory e-verify....why do you think that may be?
Are you against mandatory e-verify?

Congressman Mo Brooks Introduces Mandatory E-Verify Bill to Eliminate Illegal Alien Jobs Magnet

Washington, DC— Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) introduced the “Accountability Through Electronic Verification Act.” The bill would permanently reauthorize the E-Verify program and make its use mandatory. Background: The E-Verify system is a quick and effective way for employers to confirm they...
Why am I not surprised that you’re defending the perverts and sex offenders. You’re just that kind of an asshole.
That’s the thing...people aren’t what you say they are just because you say they are.
You twisted tards never learn.
These two issues have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Moreover, the non-vaxed people are choosing the route of murder and suicide. If proof of being vaccinated is not required, how do we protect ourselves from them when we are out and about in society? You tell me. The non-vaxed people want to kill others. Should we let them?
Remeber when Democrats HATED the idea of “show me your papers”?
Now that they support such a measure as a matter of “public safety” can anyone think of a reason we shouldn’t use their brilliant idea to stop and identify illegal aliens?

They won't ever do anything against illegals, especially ones from mexico and South America.

Look at California. For decades it was a red state, hardcore. Then in the late 80s and early 90s they let in a lot of Mexicans and allowed them to vote and the state turned blue and stayed that way ever since.

No democrats want to let in illegals, give them shit, and buy their praise at American citizens cost and then allow them to vote and they just got a shit load of votes.
It’s just more crazy bizzaro shit from Democrats….they’re totally comfortable with shitting on HIPAA laws and forcing real Americans to prove their medical history if they want to fully participate in American society but not okay with forcing foreign invaders to prove their status to participate in American society….WTF?
These two issues have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Moreover, the non-vaxed people are choosing the route of murder and suicide. If proof of being vaccinated is not required, how do we protect ourselves from them when we are out and about in society? You tell me. The non-vaxed people want to kill others. Should we let them?
Let them? Fortunately, you personally have nothing to say about it. You are powerless. And collectively, your desperation is reaching screaming levels of intensity.

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