As we move toward “show me your papers” for Vax proof shouldn’t we do the same thing to identify and weed out illegals?

Let them? Fortunately, you personally have nothing to say about it. You are powerless. And collectively, your desperation is reaching screaming levels of intensity.
These people walk among us in U.S. society, knowing that they are willfully spreading a contagious and often fatal disease, all for no discernable purpose. Should we all carry guns and shoot them if they get too close?

WTF is their motive? To annihilate the population? Jump to the next thread and they're "pro-life"? Come on. Be serious.
These people walk among us in U.S. society, knowing that they are willfully spreading a contagious and often fatal disease, all for no discernable purpose. Should we all carry guns and shoot them if they get too close?

WTF is their motive? To annihilate the population? Jump to the next thread and they're "pro-life"? Come on. Be serious.
Screaming desperation.
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These people walk among us in U.S. society, knowing that they are willfully spreading a contagious and often fatal disease, all for no discernable purpose. Should we all carry guns and shoot them if they get too close?

WTF is their motive? To annihilate the population? Jump to the next thread and they're "pro-life"? Come on. Be serious.
It’s time….FL and TX should implement stop and identity immediately.

How very fascist of you. Jews were required to show their papers in NAZI Germany so the government could abuse them at will.

Here's the difference since you're clearly too stupid to understand. Racism makes you stupid so its understandable:

The only time you're required to show proof of vaccination is to access spaces where you can infect other members of the public. And as a member of the public, I don't want to be around people who aren't vaxxed, because I've kept myself healthy through this whole pandemic, and I'd like to maintain that record.

While you've been screaming "You're not the boss of ME!!!!", I got two shots of Pfizer and I'm now getting my flu shot, so that I'll be ready in February for my booster. Since being fully vaxxed, I've made my first trip to Toronto since January of 2020, rode public transit, attended a Blue Jays game with friends I hadn't seen since the lockdown started, and last week went to a euchre game at my favourite hangout cafe.

Canada is approaching 90% vaxxed. We're over 80% fully vaxxed. Cases are way down, hospitalizations almost non-existent, and we had 2 deaths yesterday. Those being hospitalized and dying are all unvaxxinated.
The only time you're required to show proof of vaccination is to access spaces where you can infect other members of the public.
Identifying and removing unvetted illegal aliens isn’t a matter of public safety?
as a member of the public, I don't want to be around people who aren't vaxxed, because I've kept myself healthy through this whole pandemic, and I'd like to maintain that record.

Remeber when Democrats HATED the idea of “show me your papers”?
Now that they support such a measure as a matter of “public safety” can anyone think of a reason we shouldn’t use their brilliant idea to stop and identify illegal aliens?

Undocumented immigrants don't represent a clear and present danger to the community. Unmasked and unvaxxed individuals do represent a public health danger.
Undocumented immigrants don't represent a clear and present danger to the community. Unmasked and unvaxxed individuals do represent a public health danger.
We will be the ones not you to decide who is or isnt a danger
White people who contribute and dont cause problems are the only ones required to prove ID. To enter here or vote here or drive a car, ID is just a racist hassle.

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