As We Suspected- Seems Obama Was Not The Boss

The POTUS is the boss of the executive branch of the federal government. Period.

Michelle Obama is almost certainly the boss in the Obama household. In the WH and federal government, she was not the boss in any way, shape or form outside of the East Wing of the WH.

FWIW, Mostromonaco said, "If he was mad at you for any reason, you'd be, like, 'OK.' If she was mad at you . . . if you thought for some reason she might be, you were, like, 'I'm in so much trouble."' Well, guess what? If one of my staff managed to irk my wife, mistress, children, parent, friend, cousin, or any other individual who's only connection to my job role, thus to a member of my staff, is their relationship with me, my staffer would indeed be in much more "hot water" than were they to displease or disappoint solely me (and/or other principals in the firm).
I mean, really. How does one pluck a principal's spouse other than by being personally disrespectful to them? With regard to the people who but have a personal role in the lives of one's coworkers, one simply does not traduce protocol by, having neither something nice to say nor polite gesture to make, saying or doing anything.
Lets be honest Michelle Obama was one of the lowest profile first ladies in decades, for the most part she kept her nose out of the oval office.
Lets be honest Michelle Obama was one of the lowest profile first ladies in decades, for the most part she kept her nose out of the oval office.
Taking fried chicken off Marine Corp bases is not low profile.
Michelle Obama was a good 1st Lady. I didn't like her husband's politics, but she did a nice job. I don't care for bashing of any 1st Lady or family.
Valarie Jarrett, an Iranian Communist Muslim, probably had the most influence of anybody in our government.

Obama was an affirmative action extreme Left Wing "community organizer" nobody that didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground about anything who was elected because of his race.

The Moon Bats were absolute idiots electing that piece of shit back in 2008.

Because of that stupidity and greed in the anticipation of getting more welfare we got increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity, dismal economic growth and a foreign policy that was weak and kissing the ass of the Muslims and Communists.
Michelle Obama was a good 1st Lady. I didn't like her husband's politics, but she did a nice job. I don't care for bashing of any 1st Lady or family.
Agreed though she harmed race relations with her constant baiting, but nowhere near as bad as her criminal husband.
Lets be honest Michelle Obama was one of the lowest profile first ladies in decades, for the most part she kept her nose out of the oval office.
Taking fried chicken off Marine Corp bases is not low profile.
I wished they sold fried chicken on military bases when I was in, there wasn't anything to eat after the chow halls closed and reopened..
Read the article.

When read in context, the statement really makes it sound no different than any household with a married couple...

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